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Strip Club Visits Contradict Contrived Stereotype Of Fort Hood Shooter

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Monday, November 9, 2009


Despite a desperate attempt on behalf of the establishment media to reinforce clichéd stereotypes to prop up the war on terror, by depicting the Fort Hood shooter as a devout Muslim fundamentalist, it turns out that just like the 9/11 pasty hijackers, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had a taste for the very much westernized sins of alcohol and strip clubs.


Ever since last week’s tragedy at Fort Hood, the establishment has been straining at the leash to portray Hasan as a radical jihadist who harbored a hatred for America, a disdain for western culture, and a common ideology with Al-Qaeda, even going so far as to claim that Hasan attempted to contact Al-Qaeda, which wouldn’t be a surprise bearing in mind that Al-Qaeda is little more than the CIA’s Arab legion.


Hasan’s description as a “devout Muslim, and one who had difficulty finding a wife who would wear a head scarf and would pray five times a day,” is contradicted by the revelation that Hasan was a frequent visitor at his local strip club, where he would drink alcohol and pay women to lap dance for him.


“Hasan sat at a table in the back corner of the club, to the left of the stage on which strippers dance around a pole, employees said,” reports Fox News.


“I remembered his face because it was the first lap dance I [gave] to a customer while working here,” said 31-year-old Jennifer Jenner. “When I saw his face [Friday] on TV, I jumped out of bed, I knew it was him.”


“Jenner said Hasan was dressed casually both nights he came to the club – in jeans and a T-shirt the first night and then wearing a baseball cap the next. She recalled that he arrived at about 6:30 p.m. and stayed until 2 a.m,” according to the report.



Strip Club Visits Contradict Contrived Stereotype Of Fort Hood Shooter FOTR 340x1692


Hasan has been characterized as an “Islamic extremist” by all corners of the media since it emerged that he was upset about being deployed to Iraq. He is stereotyped in reports of being “a Muslim first and an American second,” and yet his behavior suggests the opposite.


Hasan’s penchant for strip clubs, which would be seen as complete abomination by fundamentalist Muslims, mirrors exactly the behavior of the 9/11 hijackers in the months before 9/11.


Many of the 9/11 hijackers not only frequented strip clubs and got regularly drunk, but they also purchased pornography, sex toys, gambled, and had sex with prostitutes. This type of behavior is consistent with these men being westernized Arabs who were being paid a lot of money to pose as fundamentalists, when in reality they spent their spare time indulging in activities that real fundamentalists would consider to be sins beyond repentance.


As soon as it became known that the Fort Hood shooter had an “Arab-sounding name,” Hasan’s entire motivation for carrying out the massacre was dutifully “explained” by the media in double-quick time. His characterization as a devout fundamentalist Muslim exacting his own personal jihad was relentlessly pushed by the network news shows.


However, as was also the case with the 7/7 bombing patsies who led westernized lives completely at odds with their portrayal by the media, Hasan’s strip club visits contradict the contrived notion that he was an Islamic fundamentalist seeking to inflict revenge upon the infidels at Fort Hood, since by the nature of his own behavior, Hasan was one of those very infidels.

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Actually, the general rule is: fundamentalist extremists are ALWAYS secretly doing what they condemn publicly.


The louder someone is in condemning loose women, gays, gambling and drugs the more likely it is that they partake in some or all of the above. This has become a stereotype in and of itself.


But I don't think this guy was an extremist who hates America any more than the postal worker who snaps and kills everyone at the office is an extremist who hates zip codes.

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Originally posted by Cara.:

The louder someone is in condemning loose women, gays, gambling and drugs the more likely it is that they partake in some or all of the above. This has become a stereotype in and of itself.

There simply is no greater danger to our moral sensibility than loose women. May Allah protect us from their evil ways.

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The louder someone is in condemning loose women, gays, gambling and drugs the more likely it is that they partake in some or all of the above. This has become a stereotype in and of itself.

I think what you had in mind was the republican party NOT muslims or muslim extremists

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But the guy complained of increased isolation as a result of negative Muslim stereotypes and discrimination. He desperately wanted out and had asked for it several times. His application was turned down because of the service contract he signed. He was also afflicted, according to NY times, with the quandary of fighting against Muslims, a scenerio the Qur'an advises against for severe punishment.


How long will the Afghan and Iraq wars take is still an ongoing debate but as long as the Obama administration treats such incidents as a rare and isolated cases( dispel Muslim generalization), the better America's "New Beginning" will have a positive impact across nations.

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Extremist are people who are so consumed with hate they'll kill and commit horrendous crimes in the name of their chosen cause.

In this case, I personally see someone who didnt want to be part of the group(extremists, or even practicing Moslim)he's been pushed to merely because of his background. This guy was as American as they come(Military career, alcohol,women and despise for the wars going on)but because of his background and religion, they're are labeling him a terrorists, which couldnt be further from the truth. He is no differnt than a student who for whatever circumstances(depression, mental unstability, rage, being bullied, take your pick)snapped and decided to take out as many people with him as he can. Period! But try explaining that this fearful nation!

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