
The Jubbaland opposition had spoken.

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This guys had saved Shariif Ahmed.


If Shariif goes to Kismaayo and empowers the outlaw what would happen. How about if he tries to attacks the opposition and commits massacre.

If he attacks and kills people, President Shariif will be responsible. 

Mudane Shariif dab ha gelin Kismaayo ee dalbo in doorasho xor ahi dhacdo.


I will not say anything to Hassan Sheikh because he is using the tribal card to get some traction. The somali government is not no ones guest. If the locals are not happy about the national capital, then we must take the capital to Baraawe or Garoowe.

Cidna marti loo noqon maayo.

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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

This guys had saved Shariif Ahmed.


If Shariif goes to Kismaayo and empowers the outlaw what would happen. How about if he tries to attacks the opposition and commits massacre.

If he attacks and kills people, President Shariif will be responsible. 

Mudane Shariif dab ha gelin Kismaayo ee dalbo in doorasho xor ahi dhacdo.


I will not say anything to Hassan Sheikh because he is using the tribal card to get some traction. The somali government is not no ones guest. If the locals are not happy about the national capital, then we must take the capital to Baraawe or Garoowe.

Cidna marti loo noqon maayo.

What makes you into this emotional activist against JL? What motivates you this much?

Are the rest of us missing something big or hidden truth?

In principle what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If Abiy is good for Farmaajo then if one is princiled Meles should have been good for Late Yusuf, Mengistu should have been good for late Aidiid.

Ethiopia actually is the only foreign country that has more capability to influence, coheres, malign, hurt..Somalia than any other.

Consistency helps to build strength. See the way Puntland acted? Ethiopia is now back in Puntland more than ever. Abiy and Farmaajo tried children's game including to use Oromos that looked like on their way to Yemen.

Well the Puntland Government rejected the person assigned by Abiy as counsul. Abiy got mad but Farmaajo could not save the day. After few months of useless propaganda, Ethiopia has now consul that is acceptable and welcome to Puntland. Some of the Oromo were also loaded on trucks and sent to Abiy. He got the message. Shared with Afwerki and Afwerki told him, how much he hates Puntland, but has not been able to do anything even using Shabab.


You can be flexible, but your principled stance cannot change.

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For us either Ethiopia or Kenya doesn't make a difference. Our country suffered because of the actions of Meles and Mengistu. If Ethiopia cooperates with our government and stops dividing our country through regional governments, we will welcome. 

Kenya, as a more democratic country could be our friend, but we can't accept them to use Madoobe or anyone else as a proxy to undermine our government. For us Puntland or any region just a regional or local government, they have no business of setting foreign policy or how we have to deal with our neighbors.

Have you seen the the Oromo leader coming to Garoowe or Mogadishu? no.

L have nothing against JUbbaland, but I can't accept a former president trying to put fuel on fire. Jubbaland needs a new inclusive election. It doesn't need outsiders to aggravate.

Also, this will be a lesson for those who want to use foreign power against the national government. 

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9 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

For us either Ethiopia or Kenya doesn't make a difference. Our country suffered because of the actions of Meles and Mengistu. If Ethiopia cooperates with our government and stops dividing our country through regional governments, we will welcome. 

Kenya, as a more democratic country could be our friend, but we can't accept them to use Madoobe or anyone else as a proxy to undermine our government. For us Puntland or any region just a regional or local government, they have no business of setting foreign policy or how we have to deal with our neighbors.

Have you seen the the Oromo leader coming to Garoowe or Mogadishu? no.

L have nothing against JUbbaland, but I can't accept a former president trying to put fuel on fire. Jubbaland needs a new inclusive election. It doesn't need outsiders to aggravate.

Also, this will be a lesson for those who want to use foreign power against the national government. 


When the FGS is itself part of the fructure in the country, it does not make sense to allow it to totally rely on feoreign country like Ethiopia.

Quite the contrary anything Farmaajo does against Moodabe by Ethiopian musle (the only musle he has), it encourages everyone to look for foreign muscle in their next disagreement. They will always find one.

If you are principled as I think you are, STOP farmaajo relying totally on Ethiopia, as if Uganda reliance was not bad, and then its easier to STOP others using freigners in internal issues.

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1 hour ago, Old_Observer said:

What makes you into this emotional activist against JL? What motivates you this much?

He is swimming against the tide. As always. 

Never learns a lesson. He became an orphan when Afwayne was ousted and exiled and now he is on the same path. 

With Cheeseman ever getting closer to getting ousted. As his incomptence and his dictatorial behaviours is unnerving even the most patient of all peoples. 

It is approaching the end of Cheeseman. 


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23 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

He became an orphan when Afwayne was ousted and exiled and now he is on the same path. 

Allah ha u Naxariistee, Siyaad died long ago. In fact, it is you guys who are obsessed with him and the events that took place 30 or more years ago.

This president must be treated like those before him. When he is correct and on the right path , he must be encouraged and when he transgresses he should scolded and criticised. 

actually, for the last two years, I didn't see any real progress like army rebuilding and security issues, and I was leaning of even kicking him out to salvage the last two years.

Yet, this year, we have all seen real progress on many fronts.

* Somali army is not only getting stronger but also confronting the enemy in many regions.

* The presiege of the nation is getter better on the world stage.

*Ethiopia who was the original ground for the weakening of the state is finally cooperating with the national government. 

* Somalia has survived the gulf quagmire unscratched.

* for the first time in twenty years we have seen a president and prime minister finish their term and reverse the revolving door.

* it is fair to give the prime minister with his loyalty and hard work.

They still could do better by tackling the Mogadishu issue. Yet, some had put their hopes for his failure for misguided reasons.

I am supporting openly now " Nabad iyo Nolol" because I see the same gangs who destroyed the nation coming from the woodworks to dismantle this gains. THere is a difference between overthrowing a regime and destroying a nation from coast to coast. I see the old rebels and the religious extremists combine forces to weaken the government.THere is a fear that this man and his team might succeed what many before him had failed. 

The JUbbaland issue is becoming a political window of the failed leaders of yesterday, especially Hassan Sheikh to instigate a campaign. Many including Faysal Waraabe had put their hopes on Hassan Sheikh. 

We have no choice but to defeat Madoobe and company to move forward. 


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Waxaa is waydiin mudan

Maxay tahay sababta labadii madaxweyne ee hore madoobe ugu naf baxayaan? xaaf iyo cosoble aan kalmad looga maqal?

Dawlad goboleed ka sareeya ama ka awood badan federaalka dhexe kee dani ugu jirtaa shacabka soomaaliyeed?

Haday kusoo caano shubaan ustaad madoobe oo kaaraan dib ugusoo noqdaan maxaa soo kordhaya?

Ma dhici kartaa in dawlado shisheeye ku maal galinayaan odoyaashaan inay awoodda qaranka daciifiyaan?

Muxuu imaaraadku labo airport oo caalami ah uga dhisayaa puntland iyo berbera balan qaad midaysan oo isku mara?

Maxaa ciidanka danab markay horumar sameeyaan ayaagoon dhamaystirin shaqadii xoraynta, abaan duulahooda loo dalacsiiyaa kii korana loo tuuraa?

Maxay kenya khadkeeda badda u qaloocisay hadana u dalbatay wada hadal?



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Oday gooni,

Dhawr arrimood baa laga yaabaa in nimankan odayaasha ah ku kaliftay in ay caabo shubka Kismaayo doontaan. Waa aragtidayda.

1-hawlo badan oo la mucaarado kama socdaan Muqdisho. Raiisul wasaare la bedelayo oo hawshiisa lagu jiro ma jiro, baarlamaan la walaaqayo mooshin wada ma joro, iyo qaraxyadii oo naryahan yaraaday.Gawshu sidaan haday ku socoto oo ciidanku guulo keeno, Hassan iyo Shariif hawshu way ku adkaanaysa.

2-Waxa laga yaabaa  Imaaraadku in uu xulafadiisii hawl galiyey Kismaayana noqotay muran wax lagu kiciyo. WAxa afka qalaad lagu yidhaahdo, " wedge issue". Arrin xasaasiyad abuurta oo dadka xulafooyin u kala saarta. Rag badan ayay Kismaayo iske keentay from Hargeisa illa Nairobi.

Mida kale tan Shariif leeyahay Baarlamaankii wuu aamusay, miyaanu ogayn awalba mooshinka iyo wax bedelku baarlamaanka kama imaanayn ee Madaxweynaha ayaa ragiisa ito dumarkiisa soo kicin jiray si ay u tuuraan raiisul wasaaraha madaxweynuhu tuurayo. Baarlamaanku hadaan gadaal laga karbaashin hoteelkiisuu iska jiifi. Jeneral Gabrihii igaadhsan jiray kuwa dawlada diidana imika majoogo. 

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On 9/25/2019 at 11:34 PM, galbeedi said:


*Ethiopia who was the original ground for the weakening of the state is finally cooperating with the national government. 



As the westerners say "if you want to eat a crow, that is not acceptable, just call it a bird"

Now Ethiopia has become strategic best friend all of a sudden. That would be funny if it did not involve human life, lims and treasure.

If you take the last 1000 years, and assume the obvious that when we say Ethiopia we mean Xabeshi, and with Xabeshi its obvious it means Tigray (part of Eritrea and Ethiopia)  then what was the interaction between Somali and Xabeshi?

Somali that interacted with Xabeshi with peace, war and everything in between are today's Djibouti, Kililka, Somaliland and Puntland. It does not matter if it was 1500s or 1900s and all small and big incidents till now.

No matter how much crow one wants to consume, there are some facts of life that cannot be overcome. Canada and USA will always be with friction. Americans have always hated Canada for staying and fighting for British. But the main reason is Canada having all the wealth and north pole. Canada will always have doubts on America since America covets what Canada has.

But they have found formulae to live as good neighbors, but never allowing one to interfere in the other's home. I think that you can agree.


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Waan gartay galbeedi arinta aad sheegtayna waa sax.

Farmaajo labo arimood oo muhiim ah yuu kaga hormaray madaxdii ka horaysay waana mida keentay inay lumiyaan sumacadoodii hadiiba ay xoogaa haysteen.

Tan koowaad wuxuu diiday madax is garab ordaysa waana arin u wanaagsan madaxda mustaqbalka iyo kala dambaynta dawladnimo.

Tan labaad oo muhiimka ah waa kalsoonida uu ku qabo khayre oo ka firfircoon uu u ogaalado inuu shaqadiisa guto barlamaanka iyo dawladana isku ilaaliyo halka kuwii hore ay isku diri jureen.

Hadaba dawladaan waxaa meeshii baarlamaanka u galay maamulka puntland iyo jubaland oo shisheeye ku daaban khatarna ku ah aminiga qowmiyadoo dhan

Madaxdeenii hore waa iska dameeru dhaan raacday wax lakala maacashayo war uma hayaan

Haday siyaasad wax un ka garanayaan farmaajo bay taageeri lahaayeen balse nasiib daro 30 sanoo burbur dhan kastaa yaa nasoo maray.

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