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Venezuela: Israel's ambassador Expelled

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ME u make no sense at all dude. Somali and Palestine are seperate issues.

If your point is concentrate on Somalia and help others when u get your own house in order then u may have a point but does not stop us from discussing Palestine. Its Enemy is far greater than that of Somalia ( we are our own enemies ) and one could say sort the Palestine problem and the the whole Muslim v West issue is sorted.

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Please "ME" Don't follow me around hijacking threads about Palestine and turning them into debates about Somalia and the Somali problem. I do often post about Somalia and the struggles that people are going through back home, however in the light of current events I have shifted my priorities. IF Somalia is still your number one priority, then by all means open up separate threads and people will happily comment. However it is quite childish and unfair to peep up every time with "What about Somalia" in a thread about Palestine. There is no competition in suffering and there is no comparison on the level of atrocities, the extent, the concentration of violence and the scale of violence or even the cause.


Adam, like somalis Palestine has its worse enemies within, people who have sold their soul and their grandmothers to the Isrealis for few dollars. But I like your take on things.

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A&T - Sure there civilian population might fear death but it's not them i'm referring to in my post! They have the most motivated army in the WORLD, when they fight conventional wars they fight with the mentality that losing is 'extinction'


Losing is not an option for them! If you enter in a war with them you better be going with the frame of mind that your probably going to die or you might as well stay put cause that's the mentality there soldiers have in conventional wars.


I don't get your analogy of a person that's highly motivated but unarmed is inferior to you because you have a rifle? Is this a reference to the balance of military technology between the Arab States and Israel? If so then your analogy is wrong cause the Egyptians,Syrians, Jordanians and Iraqies all had state of the art military hardware





Egypt: 240,000

Syria, Jordan, and Iraq:307,000

957 combat aircraft

2,504 tanks


Israel: 264,000 (incl. 214,000 reserve troops)

300 combat aircraft

800 tanks


Six Day War


Multiple armies with superior military technology and numbers are defeated by a single army who actually goes after the retreating armies and conquers more territory from them


You need a Palestinian army who's soldiers have actual relatives in Palestine not soldiers who's families are safely tucked away in foreign countries!

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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

A&T - Sure there civilian population might fear death but it's not them i'm referring to in my post! They have the most motivated army in the WORLD, when they fight conventional wars they fight with the mentality that losing is 'extinction'


Losing is not an option for them! If you enter in a war with them you better be going with the frame of mind that your probably going to die or you might as well stay put cause that's the mentality there soldiers have in conventional wars.


Where did you get this from? from the myth's created by Leon Uris's "Exodus" and Ken Follet's novels " Our man in Damsacus". All this hyperthropic sense of superiority is created to frighten Arabs and others. They are just ordinary human beings, with the frailities of a human. They have a brave and a coward one. They have a dedicated and not dedicated one. That they won wars doesn't mean they are superior to anybody. Get your facts right.


Xayaysiiska western media ha ku mashquulin. Or are you one of those people who actually believe the MOSAD is now looking at my little self as I insult Isreal?


Isreal is mighty? My foot!

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Originally posted by Ayatollah Mulugetta:

ME is wrong today. Unsually he says good things. Why behave as if Palestine isn't a priority to us, somali's??????/

At this instance I am not saying that what happens there is not sad and that we shouldnt sympathize with teh victims of brutal occupation.


What I am saying is if SOL member showed as much sympathy for Somalia then we would be on the right path.


So why no outpour of sympathy for the Somali victims that fall everyday? Am I the only one that see the inequality in emotions here?

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'me' - That's not fair, yes our people suffer the same atrocities as the Palestinians (one could argue 'even worse') but it's us that in 1991 after chasing out the dictator turned our country into a scene from War of the Worlds. We allowed Ethiopia - a poor country - to have the upperhand in our affairs. There current dominance is not a testimony to their strength but simply a clear sign of our 'weakness'. It's at this point that we differ from the Palestinians. They never had a country as strong as Israel comparable to the Somalia/Ethiopia struggle for regional dominance they were at a disadventage from the start because they had no state to speak off.


Ibti - I agree they have their hidden demons too and have paid the price for that much the same way as we are suffering from the actions of our hidden demons. To stay on topic: The symbolic gestures such as re-calling/expelling ambassadors might look nice but they will have little effect on Israel itself cause they have the US backing them. The demonstrations also are really pointless in my opinion but they do show that people 'like and want to protest' about certain horrible situations more then they do about others that might equal or surpass the one their demonstrating about. It's like a trend, nobody is really bothered anymore about Iraq that has lost 1 million of it's sons and daughters and continues to lose hundreds every month, Palestine is IN now not Iraq, not Congo, not Chechnya and not Somalia! i think that's what's bothering 'me'.


A&T - You are simply agreeing with my point without even realizing it! The Israelis are human but they are more motivated then their enemies and have shown that in the wars with their neighbours for the last 6 decades which were considered by them 'wars of survival', if you cannot acknowlegde this then you haven't paid attention to the conflict in the Levant.


If we played a game of football either one of our teams could win the game but if i took the relatives of your team hostage and told you losing the game would mean they would be executed, the chance of me and my team now winning the game becomes much, much smaller, but if you for some reason got a hold of my family and the families of my team and told us the same then the odds become even, it's not rocket science sxb


Would Ahmed and Rashid from Tikrit fight as hard as Najeeb from Bethlehem? Would Sarah from Cairo fight as hard as Zainab from Jerusalem? never mind answering brother for i have allready processed the most logical answer myself!

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Of all this drama and what is going on, we all forgot one thing, just remembered by Adam's remark of dat Israel is fighting for tis survival.


That thing is:


Israel nabadu waa u darantahay, sabab, it destroys their existance, it is simple logic to understand, with peace, Israel is no more!

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Originally posted by Resistance:

Adam-Zayla , nicely put but who do think needs to start the wheel rolling ( cauase whoever does it will pay the hihgest price )

The West is not the 'world' as Iranians have shown, so cutting ties with them is not the end of the 'world'. Problem with the Arab world is that they have a rich corrupt elite consisting of dynastic families and generals who bend over backwards to please the West. Their populations however are different mentally wise but it's their lack of will that keeps their corrupt elite in power unlike Somalia where revolution after revolution takes down governments for good or bad, eliminates warlords and crooks and this continues till this day (for good or bad). Maybe it's time the Arab populations did something about their unrepresentative governments and put in place real governments with policies and a state of mind resembling their own.


Why is it that the Arabs have to do something, how about the rest of so-called Muslims nations ( Pakistan, Indonesia ) is it not their responsibilty as well.

The Arabs have a trillion $ in savings, neither Pakistan or Indonesia have that kind of money hence they don't have the incredible potential the Arab world has. Pakistan itself is dealing with a neighbouring Juggernaut over Kashmir but they too have the same problem as the Arab world with their corrupt elite of generals and political families


And have the Palestines really helped themselves, they can't even unite themselves.

Know this: a sinister billionaire could enter the life of a random happy loving couple and turn their marriage of equality,compromise and love into one of hatred, paranoia and mistrust through calculated schemes. You can't really hold it against them for feeling this way about eachother when a whole team of saboteurs played tricks on them.

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Meel kalaad ka heesaysaa walaal. I am not disputing that the Palestinians will be more motivated than the other Arabs who are not directly affected. That is all too obvious. I am dispiuting that the Isreal's are somehow unique now. If they were determined then, they are not anymore. That is my assesment. I bet the Palestinians will beat them with ease if they have a technology even remotely close to APache and Abrahams tanks. I watch the TV and see the fear in the Isreali Soldiers.

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A&T - Currently the Israelis are unique in the region when compared to neighbouring armies who have the same military technology or with their wealth could upgrade themselves to the Israeli level(including Nukes see my Twenty countries theory'). There is no Palestinian army at the moment facing them, the armies there facing are undisciplined Arab armies with generals and officers picked by hand through family favors not meritocracy. I'm very confident a Palestinian army with the same military technology of Egypt or Syria would do more damage to the IDF then the armies of the next 15 arab countries combined, much the same way the IDF devoured the same Arab armies in the past.

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Now we seem to agree. Motivation comes as an issue when the two sides match one another on the technical side. And when it comes to motivation, I think someone who is willing to blow himself up is more motivated than someone who ducks under a Tank for hours before he crosses a street in Gaza.

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^^ It's actually Egypt and Syria. By the way, in both Arab wars the Isrealis got help from 'other' places. As for their motivation, where was it in 2006 when they could not defeat Hezbollah?

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Hezbollah, Hamas those conflicts are skirmishes not conventional wars! It's here where the Arabs are the underdogs. The real wars against actual armies is where the Israelis were fighting for their survival and repulsed their enemies. Sure they received help but so did the Arabs from 'other places'(remember the superpower called the Soviet Union?). Please don't create the impression that without the US the Arab armies would simply walk all over the Israelis cause that's just laughable. Even moreso today now that they have an advanced tradition of military technology that even the Chinese are trying to purchase. Shame on the Arab governments for allowing the Israelis to surpass them in terms of technology. When Richard the Lionheart hit the muslims with Trebuchets Salah ad din and his military officers replied in kind.

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