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Are you REALLY proud to be Somali?

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Real talk for a moment.


Say you're a black human cigarette living in a random Somali town/city, and you work doing small favors like chopping down trees for charcoal and you call it a living. Say you take a 3-and-a-half legged donkey to work and you call it transportation. Say you send your twelve kids to a straw hut every morning and call it an education. Say you gift a herd of your finest sheep to a fat guy with a fake title and call it tax. Say you pay homage to a warlord and his clan fiefdom and call it patriotism.


Now, get your imagination running wild and outside of its comfort zone in your heated Western-style apartment, and pretend you are a hopeless and helpless 6-foot breathing crayon -- would you feel any sort of pride if you were in his/her position?


Take into consideration that present-day Somalia looks like a badly-written joke turned into reality.

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Soomaaliya is just experiencing what every nation on this earth violently experienced. Some fared worse.


We hope and pray sooner than later this nightmarish reality to end. Some of us are on the verge of being Soomaali version of zombies, the living dead. Dad whose body iska nool, but damiirkii iyo maankii ka dhintay. Waxaa maqli jiray xaafadii la dhihi jiray If iyo Aakhiro, so-named because the xaafad used to be a former xabaalo before the long-buried bodies were relocated. It now seems a cruel, ironic joke.

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What a starter, good topic. Sadly today's Somalia/Somalis can't be proud of any achievement, there is none, although proudness comes in different forms and definitions, certainly one shouldn't lose sight, hope and feel smaller than the rest coz he/she is Somali.



Gorilla Welcome to SOL.

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We have had this topic to be Somalia. Being proud means nothing because you have no choice what ethnicity you are born us. You could have be born as Gypsy, a Dalit of India or any other policital and social outcastes of the world. Would you then ask are you proud to be a Dalit, Gypsy? Perhaps the question should be are you proud of what Somalis have achieved or proud of where Somalis are, because being Somali is something you have no choice over.

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

I used to be proud - it is now on the wane!

lol...I hope inay soo noqoto in Soomaalinnimo lagu faano, wax sahlan ma ahan.

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Sinnaantaan la magac ahay

San-ku-neefle ma oggoli

Inuu iga sarreyn karo

Anna garasho sogordahan

Sooryo ruux ugama dhigo

Soomaali baan ahay!.


Nin I sigay ma nabad galo

Nin isugeyna maba jiro

Libta weli ma sii deyn

Gardarrada ma saacido

Nin xaq lehna cid lama simo

Soomaali baan ahay!


Ninkaan taydu soli karin

Uma yeelo suu rabo

Sida dunida qaarkeed

Sandulleynta ma oggoli

Ninna kabaha uma sido

Soomaali baan ahay


Ninna madax salaaxiyo

Kama yeelo seetada

Sasabo ma qaayibo

Sirta waxaan iraahdaa

Saab aan biyaha celin

Soomaali baan ahay

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Pride is the emotional reward an individual feels after he/she achieves his/her personally chosen values, such as productive work, honesty and integrity. Conversely, ethnicity and race are inborn and therefore outside of one's choices. But I hear you!


So I wear no badge that reads "Proud to be Somali".I'm neither proud nor ashamed,instead am proud to be an individualist and a Muslim /Somali etc and believe our nation would be different if we rediscovered this phylosophy.

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Pride is the emotional reward an individual feels after he/she achieves his/her personally chosen values, such as productive work, honesty and integrity. Conversely, ethnicity and race are inborn and therefore outside of one's choices. But I hear you!


So I wear no badge that reads "Proud to be Somali".I'm neither proud nor ashamed,instead am proud to be an individualist and a Muslim /Somali etc and believe our nation would be different if we rediscovered this phylosophy.

woow i agree with ya that

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Originally posted by Abwaan:

quote:Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

I used to be proud - it is now on the wane!

lol...I hope inay soo noqoto in Soomaalinnimo lagu faano, wax sahlan ma ahan.
I second that .......... for the moment ,,, well, forget it.

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Sinnaantaan la magac ahay

San-ku-neefle ma oggoli

Inuu iga sarreyn karo

Anna garasho sogordahan

Sooryo ruux ugama dhigo

Soomaali baan ahay!.


Nin I sigay ma nabad galo

Nin isugeyna maba jiro

Libta weli ma sii deyn

Gardarrada ma saacido

Nin xaq lehna cid lama simo

Soomaali baan ahay!


Ninkaan taydu soli karin

Uma yeelo suu rabo

Sida dunida qaarkeed

Sandulleynta ma oggoli

Ninna kabaha uma sido

Soomaali baan ahay


Ninna madax salaaxiyo

Kama yeelo seetada

Sasabo ma qaayibo

Sirta waxaan iraahdaa

Saab aan biyaha celin

Soomaali baan ahay

Tat is what I call a proud Somali interms of his cultural value, upbringing and personal life style, Gorilla wat have you against this piece and it's proud composer.

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Salam Aleikum W.W



Allah s.w mentioned pride in the Qur'aan several times...for example...


"I shall turn away from My revelations those who show pride in the world wrongfully" (7.146)



"And in this way Allah does put a seal on every arrogant disdainful heart" (40.35)


"Certainly He does not love the proud ones" (16:23)


There's also a Hadith which the Holy Prophet p.b.u.h said "Whosoever has in his heart even an atom of pride will not enter paradise"



so my dear brother if you want to be proud of something then be proud of being born Muslim and take pride in your religion of Islam instead of your tribe or your nationality.



PS. Welcome To Somaliaonline...I hope you're going to enjoy your stay as much as we do Insha Allah.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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