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STD in Somalia

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Ms DD   



When i went to Somalia (by the pics are on its way) 2 months ago, we went to visit some hospitals (as my family were always family of hospital workers). One of the doctors there mentioned how STDs is quite prevalent in the country. It is so taboo that no one talks about it. We were always a society that diseases such as Tuberculosis that are treatable is swept under the carpet, let alone HIV. Things are getting worse. He also mentioned how confidential and anonymous testing for HIV infection are offered at the clinics in Somaliland but i havent heard similar clinics open in other parts of the country.


Anyhow I was discussing this with my dad and him being the practical man that he is, he suggested that awareness of this virus to increase and that condom should be available freely. I was appalled to hear this. This would be like giving permission to screw around. I agree that education is the key but i would have thought that being a conservative society, we would have been safe from this.

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Cambaro, a very interesting topic. Firstly, nobody is immune from anything; STD in Somalia is just as unshocking as child abuse in Saudi Arabia. The point being, wherever there is reduced health service (as in Somalia) things tend to fester and get out of control.


I must agree with your dad, free contraception is the way forward. It’s like banning the use of painkillers just because some people overdose and suicide is the result. Every right and every opportunity in life comes with responsibilities. If it is confidential it would be better. I’m sure people would rather be embarrassed than ill and spread this to their loved ones.


Farax’s having 2, 3, 4 wife’s should also consider sticking to one. Even if STD is from the wife, he is bound to spread it to others. (No apologies to all the Xiins, and Nurs and any other champions of polygamy).


And thumbs up to HIV testing, I wish they would have that all over Somalia.

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Farax’s having 2, 3, 4 wife’s should also consider sticking to one. Even if STD is from the wife, he is bound to spread it to others. (No apologies to all the Xiins, and Nurs and any other champions of polygamy).

Are you telling us men with 1/2/3/4 wives are the ones who are spreading the STDs?



I think the way-out is to first throw-out all these HIV/AIDS infested Ethiopians out of the country.




Educate people on the issue

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Sister in Islaam according to the holy Quraan monogamy is the norm and should be desired as prevalent/practised by so many muslim men around the world!


On the other hand Polygamy should only be desired when there is actually a need for it but not as we practise it!


However back to the topic I think that the 'Qat culture' and the transgressing of Allaahs's laws by committing undue and unlawful actions has undoubtedly got a great deal in the rise of such kind of epedemics! They're bound too get diseased because they drink from the same saliva filled cups and chew from the same ends of the Qat 'leaf' branches!


The Ethiopinas (migrants) have also a great deal in the Epidemic as they roam the streets only to fall prey to sick and wicked men that do not shy away of committing unlawful acts!


I actually fear for many sisters back home and I recommend the same as Sheikh Aadan has, who said that every girl and boy that is going to marry has to undergo a test of some sort otherwise they will not be married to one another!


Both the girl and boy should insist of such a test because it is their right to do so! But I doubt it, that people will listen!


With keeping ones religion intact, not desiring unlawful acts and marrying good and courteous partners, I'm sure the epidemic can be stopped inshallah!


We all know it the biggest cause for that epidemic is the committing of unlawful and undue acts as you don't get it from briefing in the air but it is due to the local muslims together with their politicians and the ministry of health and ministry of religious affairs to come up with a successful strategy of combating that epidemic!


Seminiars, constant reminding, work shops, weekly Khutbas urging people from abstaining from the Haraam and preventing the bad and ordering the good, imprisoning the wicked adulterers and fornicaters and bringing them to justice, banning the unnecessary mixing of genders in combined areas, shaming and naming, exiling, going to schools, colleges and universities and preaching abstinence, making it easy to marry for the young, helping them finding suitable partners, encouraging them to come to the masjid, encouraging them to make siyaam and instilling the fear of Allaah in their hearts is the best way I believe to combat the disease! If we do that then inshallaah the epidemic can be defeated.


Remember if you don't commit unlawful acts you're less likely of capturing that wicked disease that is a punishment from Allaah the great to all the wicked and sick people out there that transgress the rules and laws of Allaah by going over the top of what Allaah has permitted them!


There's a halal way and if you seek anything else than that halal way then you can only blame your stu!pidity and yourself when you get infected with some kind of a nasty disease, maybe you should have thought twice before going on a date with that harmless 'friend' of yours, that you met at work or is a 'fellow' project research partners of yours from college or uni!


I dare say that the disease only befalls wicked people and unfortunately sometimes people that need a blood-transfusion or some poor women that sought the wrong marriage partner but nobody else! So the epidemic will increase and will not stop until this ummah makes tawbah and transforms itself and uphelds the rule of Allaah the exalted but not prior to that!


The prophet peace be upon him alread told us that when the Qiyaam approaches the zinaa will increase and epidemic diseases will surface as a punishment from Allaah the great! So unless one returns to Allaah, the epidemic will not stop, simple there's no cure except the fear of Allaah the exalted and unless that is achieved the disease will never be defeated!


Source from MKA's research center and paper of the prevention and containment of Public diseases and epidemics and devising of successful strategies to combat and fight those!


The undersigned,





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Johnny B, I couldn't resist...


On a serious note, its common sense even if there is no documented proof for this yet.

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Farax’s having 2, 3, 4 wife’s should also consider sticking to one. Even if STD is from the wife, he is bound to spread it to others. (No apologies to all the Xiins, and Nurs and any other champions of polygamy).


Cambara thanks, you are always a good starter. Lily Walaalo, in my opinion, Im pretty much sure, that the spread of this STD does n't come through men marrying 2-3-4 wives. This disease comes through the Zina and fornication, which Allah prohibeted. There is no way, that Allah wrongs any one or thing, that he created. If any thing happens to us, its something that we have to pay the price for. So, the point is. How can we stop this STD spread. And, I would suggest we all men and women particularly Somalis should close their legs to open for any thing but Xalaal. I really dont see nothing wrong if some1 gets married instead of comitting Zina and causing death to his beloved family. I would also suggest, that people should go under a medical test. Which, some scholars suggested. Not only the STD, but there are a number of contageous killing diseases. So, walaalo let us put it in the save way, and be not so impulsive. As for the polygamy, Im sure its a different topic different from the topic and the STD disease.

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Even if STD is from the wife!


Lily sorry! I was not putting on my glasses. LoooL, I did not go through that part of your Text. I apologise. Overall, we are still aiming at one spot. A little difference. Let us discuss more!

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Fully agree with Lily.


The fact remains that the more partners you sleep with, the more you are at risk of catching an STI regardless of whether you are married to those partners or not, therefore a mutually monogamous relationship is key to a safe sex life.


Hiding under the cloak of conservatism or Islam won't prevent or eradicate the spread of STIs, since the only sure way of avoiding them is to completely abstein from sexual intimacy/contact. That, however, isn't a very practical thing to do for most people (esp polygamous ones!), therefore the next best thing is armour up; i.e condom-up.



So say NO! to HIV and STIs by saying YES! to condoms.

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^Thank you for plagiarizing and thus suspsequently ending up with summerising my intensive study and work (reply/post)! :D


BTW, Can I incorporate you into the MKA's research center and paper of the prevention and containment of Public diseases and epidemics and devising of successful strategies to combat and fight those pandemics?


I like you, you make a great deal of sense! Inshallah continue on the path you're pursing right now, I wish you success inshallah! I entrust you from now on to debate on my behalf on this issue at hand, nothing to thank me for as it should be a honour for you, and for me it is my pleasure!


Continue inshallah!

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^I like you Val, so calm down sister! Polygamy is not the norm but it is very practical in one sense especially during special times such as wars, where many men die and many women become widows or simply not enough men are avialable but not as we practise it!


However it is true that there are so many women that cannot find a partner so where do you put them? Don't they have a right to get married? Every women should have a right to get married and bear children if Allaah has willed and intended for her to raise children! But sometimes polygamy is not unavoidable but the desire should be monogamy!


Guess what, I'm going to make an exception to my previous rule of marrying only one wife during my life time inshallah! I'm now considering doing a service to Islaam by marrying all those that are without a husband and have been unsuccessful in finding a caring and suitable husband!


Maybe you're blind, maybe you have got a hunchback, one leg, one arm or you're even a handicapped 'cripple' it doesn't matter to me as I'm going to collect you and marry you until one of you passes away and I will remarry again a sister that has got some sort of impairment, that inshallaah is my charity by marrying those weak and 'left-over' sisters for the sake of giving them a married life and maybe bearing children onto this world!


So if you suffer from any handicapping impairment MKA is all yours, please write to me on:


P.O. Box




MKA Yoonis






Or preferably you can e-mail me on:


It's much appreciated thanks a lot in advance.

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Originally posted by Valenteenah:

So say NO! to HIV and STIs by saying YES! to condoms.

Why are you encouraging illegal sex by saying yes to condoms? Instead, why don't you encourage abstinence?

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Why are you encouraging illegal sex by saying yes to condoms? Instead, why don't you encourage abstinence?

Why do you assume condoms are only used for illegal sex? Assume I'm talking about legal sex. Thank you.



MKA, polygamy is not the issue. You accused me of plagiarism. Such heavy allegations shouldn't be bandied about lightly, ma fahantay? Now apologise to me and take it back.

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Sister I already said to you 'That I liked you' so isn't that enough of a apology!


When I usually apologise to someone, I tell them that 'I like them'! So I like you Val that should be sufficient inshallah!


You should know me, I never apologise to women nor do I tell them that 'I love them', all I say is that 'They're appreciated'!


So calm down, relax and offer me an apology instead!

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