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Shamis’s 'set-piece' former husband

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When sheikh Abdirahman told us the tales he says he heard from Shamis, we were all puzzled. Can it be true? What more is the Sheikh hiding from us? That level of trust between him and the woman who allegedly told him the story was cemented on the basis of what? Was he actually trying to marry her and he didn’t want to tell us that?


Anyway, here is what he says Shamis told him about her past marriage. Shamis has four kids and divorced her man long ago. She is a successful businesswoman, one who also can rely on the fortunes of her families elsewhere. Sheikh Abdirahaman is kind of related to a relative of the lady. So, he usually visists and chats with her. In one of their discussions, Shamis confronted him.


“War Sheikh Abdirahman, why don’t you look for a good husband for me? Adigu iima socotid waan ku arkaaye!” his words. The sheikh, then asked her about her past marraiage when she hinted that she is almost a virgin.


Sheikh Abdirahman: “Why do you talk as if a man is new thing for you? You have four kids, from a marriage that lasted ten years.”


Shamis: “ waa runtaa. But did you know my former husband, Allah Yarxam now?”


Sheikh Abirahaman: “Yes, he was a good man.”


Shamis: “Do you watch football? My kids like it and I pass time with them. In football parlance, He was a set-piece man too. All the kids you see are from set-pieces and corner kicks.”


Sheikh Abdirahman: “What does that mean?”


Shamis: “It means he never built the ball from behind, no neat inter-passes, no midfield artistry, no creative through –balls, no dribbling. But he managed to score at critical times, usually stoppage time.”


Sheikh Abdirahman: “He can be lucky one time. But how can he get the goals (children in this case) if he is not consistently crossing the ball to the penalty box? It looks implausible.”


Shamis: “His timing was good. He knew when to attack; otherwise, he sits back for most of the time. some days, he got the goal when I thought the eggs were bored and were going back."


Sheikh Abdirahman: “ That doesn’t work.”


Shamis: “It works. Do you know Sam Allardyce?”


Sheikh Abdirahamn: “Who is he?”


Shamis: “iskadaa. It is not relevant. But anyway, I tell you my man always waited for the ball to be put somewhere in the 18m area to attempt a shot at goal. Allah yarxam, he was a dead-ball specialist.”


Sheikh Abdiraham: “ so, that is why you think you never had a man, just because he didn’t do over-elaborate passings in the part of the field where it doesn’t matter.”


Shamis: “It matters to the spectators and to the fans. I was a fan of him. Like the Argentines, who told Carlos Bilardo to take back the Cup he brought and bring to them the art he stole from their football, I was tempted to ask him to send his goals to the orphanages. “


Sheikh Abirahman: “you are a cruel women. Don’t talk ill of children.”


Shamis: “I am also a child, who will die soon, without becoming an adult ever!”


Sheikh Abdirahaman: “ Istaaqfurullah. Ok what is the issue now.”


Shamis: “ The issue is go get me a good husband. You are a good man, you should know other good men. “


Sheikh Abdirahman: “ I don’t know what kind of man you want? You have to tell me what you want in a man. Age, status, looks etc, etc.”


Shamis: “Those are bonuses brother. If I am not afraid I will anger my God, I will have asked for a screening session with the would-be husband. Now, you know what I mean. Kac, idinkaa rag ah oo is yaqaane, use your head and anyone you think is good enough, hook me up .”


Sheikh Abdirhaman: “Men know nothing about each other in the areas you are talking about. The good thing about it is all are content with what they do and feel they are the best at it. There is no relatively in that subject. And that is the beauty of it.”


Shamis: “ Istaaqfurullah. Waar waan kugu ciyaarayee, kac iska sii soco. Was a good time-passing though.”


The Sheikh says Shamis was a very religious woman, and that is why he was amazed by her openness on some subjects. We, those on the lunch table last week, were amazed by the details the sheik recalled from a conversation he says took place long time ago.

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This horny Shiekh must be Abtigiis oo lunch tableka ku falanqeynaya some kinky dirty juice of a dead husband and his window of four children.

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Abtiyow if this story has a grain of truth to it.


there is something very wrong with shamso for discussing her previous sex life with the wadaad


something wrong with the wadaad for indulging the conversation and repeating to you and your friends


and finally for you sharing it with us.

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Sheikhu meeshan aan joogo ayuu ku raagay oo business uu u yimid ka socon waayey. Reerkiina in muddo ah ismay arag. Sheekadiisu waayahan waa dhinaca haweenka.


Weekend'ga ayaan balansanahay. I am sure inuu halkii ka sii wadayo. Aniga laftigaya waa la iga maqan yahay oo aad ayaan u dhagaystaa sheekadiisa. :D:D

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^ waxaad i xasuusiya nin sxbkay ah intay lacag u goysay roodhi qalalan lasoo ag istaaga maqaaxida dheriga banaanka maraq ku karsadaan


intuu ursado maraqa caraftiisa ayuu goosta bahasha qalalan si kale iigama dagayso ayuu yidhaa :D

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looooooooool :D that is the situation saaxiib.


Dhinaca kale, axmaardu has the same story. This guy walks to a restaurant and asks "how much is a kilo of meat?" He was told " 5 Birr". "For what" he asked, "for eating". "what about for inaan ursado?"

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

Abtiyow if this story has a grain of truth to it.


there is something very wrong with shamso for discussing her previous sex life with the wadaad


something wrong with the wadaad for indulging the conversation and repeating to you and your friends


and finally for you sharing it with us.

She did it in similies and metaphors. The wadaad also did it the same way. She was looking for a husband. The wadaad told a story to a table full of men. Adigu lakin waliga wax ma fahmaysid. Maxa Geel Jire kubbad baray... :D

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