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Polygamy in U.S. | Black Muslims turn to polygamy

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^^ This type of marriage would be more like 'we meet up when and where we can' kinda thing. In other words, there wouldn't be a shared home per se. And there wouldn't be the typical mandate for providing financial support. The expiry date comes into issue because you can get married for any length of time, and then dissolve it. This is appealing to those who don't want to or don't have the means to make the financial commitment marriage requires, yet want to partake in it's benefits.


I know, it sounds dicey, Mut'ah formulated in legalese, which is why most scholars forbid it. Some say it's cool tho...for broke students, stranded travelers, and the like.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ This type of marriage would be more like
'we meet up when and where we can'
kinda thing. In other words,
there wouldn't be a shared home
per se. And
there wouldn't be the typical mandate for providing financial support.
The expiry date comes into issue because you can get married for any length of time, and then dissolve it. This is appealing to
those who don't want to or don't have the means to make the financial commitment marriage requires, yet want to partake in it's benefits.


I know, it sounds dicey, Mut'ah formulated in legalese, which is why most scholars
. Some say it's cool tho...for broke students, stranded travelers, and the like.

Oh wow! A man must have come up with this mumbo jumbo to avoid paying a prositute. Thank goodness, it's forbidden.

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Qofka 4aad eed sheegtay asagga, inuu sooma waaye, intuu ninka noqonaayyo :D .


Waad iga qoslisay with your skull-rattling dillema though! Fast adeer. Doobnimo is a temporary insanity only curable by fasting yaa Kashafa :D !

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Geel-jire, wax yar ii kaadi, i'm still doing the research, we may still have a fighting chance :D



lol@Neph, hey, I didn't come up with it. Some scholars did to address the situation of Muslims who lack the wherewithal to get married, but want to avoid xaraam. Sometimes reality has a rude way of intruding into our finely-held ideals, and then, u gotta get creative, lesser of two evils and all that. The alternatives would be to get a girlfriend, or even easier with a lot less headache, the hook-up culture that is so prevalent.



Xiin, Siyaasi wayn baa tahay. Why should I fast and you get to enjoy the all the barakah and benefits of marriage, weliba mathnaa wa thulaatha wa rubaac ? Like the older Mormon men who would run off the younger guys as soon as they come of age, to keep the flock of females all to themselves, filinkaas camal aa wadaa, lol...kidding, i got you, akh, jazaaks, fasting it is.

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God! this kind of talk makes one feel like a piece of meat! hunting,iyo madax isku tuur iyo what else the old men had been on about..jeez!! poor women :(


Waryareen dareeka iska tirtiraa..bisinka! :D

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^ lol@ dhareerka iska tira


malika you gotta admit this kind of arrangement is worthy of dhareer .. you know i could never understand what ppl meant by 'having ur cake and eating it too !' now i do :D

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^^^Would you stop spreading such madness!.


This is crazy. Although, funny thing, we've seen a different side to Khashafa icon_razz.gif:D lol

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Misyar is described as a form of marriage in which the wife gives up her rights offered under the religion, including the right to have the husband living with her in the same house and providing her with necessary expenses. In short the woman gives up the right to have an independent home. The husband may come to see her at her parent’s home at whatever time he chooses for himself, or at a time agreed by the two.


^^That is neat :D , NG.

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^^ That's one brother fixed. :D


Originally posted by Kashafa:



Ninka saaxiib-kaa, rag'ga waxuu oo kala qaybiyay sadax. Ma xuma. But he forgot the 4th and most critical category: Iskaabulaha oo barkinta qoor-sagaaro ku hayo.


Here's the problem: Marriage is simply not feasible while ur still in school. Maa fee faloos, abti. Financially and logistically, it's daunting(not impossible, but very close).


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