
The re-union of Abi Ahmed and Jawari the Oromo supremacists- ''A picture is worth a thousand words''.....Dark days ahead for the Somali regions

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Jawaar is an oromo nationalist who hates amhara and tigrais equally. This guy is from hararghe and arsi mix . To understand the  historic past of feudal Ethiopia  the Abyssinians attacked arsi  gallas in the 1800s and conquered them. And they became part of menelik of shewan kingdom. So he has allot of resentment for amharas.I think Somalis in the kilil  5  region needs to come together and come to some understanding and make some deals. Since the president prime minister and foreign minister of Ethiopia are all gallas now.

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I never met or spoken to Jawsr , but I know people in Minnesota who know him and they told me that he is close to Somalis in so many ways .The puppet who is using the Oromo name while he is technically Amhara is Mr. Abiyot,, as Amhara call him.

Why we Somalis are carrying the water for others like Tigray, who will not lose one single person in any conflict in the Oromo -Somali neighbourhood. 

Everyone is saying “Oromo ayaa na soo weerartay “. 

It is Somalis who are burning Oromo business in Jijiga. Hundreds of thousands of Oromo had been displaced and left the Somali region for fear of retaliation. The  Oromo doesn’t not believe in a centralized Ethiopia, it is the Amhara  inside Abiy that want to crush Somalia and  remake Ethiopia. Despite losing power, the TPLF has a unique geography that can’t be be dominated or subdued. They are using us. 

Jawar Migamed want a separate Oromo Zone. Rather than oppose the Ethiopian power that want to dominate us we are constantly bombard with Oromo. 




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Somalis need to be smart here. The Oromo are united. They just wake up and realized their strength. They have high hopes for this guy. And no cam stop them now. 50 million + people. Oromo ate going to crash with somebody. It is like USC taking power in Moqdisho 1990. They either will desttoy the Ethiopia we know or change the whole region for better. Things are now fluent and could go either way. The oromos ate not looking to get the Somalis. Let them fight others

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Ahmed abiye is an Abyssinian it's true his wife is an amhara he is a Christian pente.  The deputy of abiye is an amhara from the andm camp and ginbot7 want to recreate Ethiopia to the 14 regions of king haile selassie .

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Xaaji Ciyaalkan aad nagu soo dayseen ee cay  iyo afxumo  nala daba taagan miyaad naga qabatid .

If we want to separate in the future The Oromo should be our alliance. There is no reason to fight them.

As soon as the change came , I said that Somalis should get a new leader and mend fences with the Oromo, instead Illey went to Addis and they tricked him and told him to confess your crimes and ask for forgiveness. As soon as he did , they said “you can’t rule since you have blood in your hands “

The battle in Jijiga is  that Mr.Illey want a have a save passage like every other leader no matter what he did , but the Amhara are acting like their usual colonial way and want to keep the emergency situation they created in the Somali Galbeed since 1954. It was prime ministers Bevin of Britain who said that Somalis can’t be allowed to control that vast land and he gave the example of the Darwish and others.

just like us Oromo want freedom and we must take advantage of that freedom as much as we kind. We can’t depict our future as an struggle against Oromo, but we must see it as a chance to throw out the Abyssinian colonial yoke.

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Galbeedi  Somali struggle is different than galla struggle the Somali struggle  was always separation autonomy and not to much mixing with the habasha highlanders. 

Shewan galla and wollo gallas are amharas by culture both these subgroups and they took part and are.part of Ethiopia political culture our struggles are not the same.  The gallas were opressed people   but  not any more they are now in a position of strength and they are testing that  strength   on Somalis 

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32 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

Xaaji Ciyaalkan aad nagu soo dayseen ee cay  iyo afxumo  nala daba taagan miyaad naga qabatid .

If we want to separate in the future The Oromo should be our alliance. There is no reason to fight them.

As soon as the change came , I said that Somalis should get a new leader and mend fences with the Oromo, instead Illey went to Addis and they tricked him and told him to confess your crimes and ask for forgiveness. As soon as he did , they said “you can’t rule since you have blood in your hands “

The battle in Jijiga is  that Mr.Illey want a have a save passage like every other leader no matter what he did , but the Amhara are acting like their usual colonial way and want to keep the emergency situation they created in the Somali Galbeed since 1954. It was prime ministers Bevin of Britain who said that Somalis can’t be allowed to control that vast land and he gave the example of the Darwish and others.

just like us Oromo want freedom and we must take advantage of that freedom as much as we kind. We can’t depict our future as an struggle against Oromo, but we must see it as a chance to throw out the Abyssinian colonial yoke.

Galbeedi, niyoow why does it have to be only Somalis that are accountable. Cabeey was sending his Gurage friend Desalgn to Zimbabwe to see Mingistu a man who committed unspeakable atrocities, but we Somali people are fixated on Illey and want the Oromo galla to humiliate our Somali name by removing him from office and forever making us water boys for Oromo when other Kilils can't be touched. there are way to do things niyoow. Illey will go and must go,  but we don't want galla oromo to remove him by force to destroy somali credibility. sorry brother. I agree with you on the goal, but disagree with you on the method. that is all. the Oromo overstretched their hand niyoow by completely insulting the Somali people. 


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Despite my antipathy to Illey I said he must finish his term or transfer power to his deputy for the sake of continuity. Regardless of his crimes , it is Somali issue and people were willing to stick with him, but he want out of his way and said “ it was TPLF who orchestrated the Oromo—Somali conflict and I was carrying orders”

In order to maintain the Unity of the Somali people and avoid a long civil war between Somalia and the Oromo, a change of guard was logical . He could no longer defend Somalis 20 miles from east of Jijiga like Tulli Guuleed where Oromo is clashing with the Geri community. He became a great liability for the Somalis. I for one want him to retire like any other dictator in Ethiopia.


Xaaji , I agree . The Shawa Gala were always the backbone of king Haile Salasie. Most of the generals and pilots were Ahmarized Oromo, they believe in Ethiopia more than the Amara..

The Sourhern and the Southeast Oromo are the masses that who have rebelled. There were no mass protests in  Wellega or Jima where Abiyot is from, the epicentre of the Oromo revolution wee between Dire Dawa and Addis corridor that blocked traffic and movements . No army or security can crush the 20 million Muslims of that region

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Forget Tigray, Oromo or anyone else. What is the main issue between Ethiopia and kililka.

Its the fact that kililka has the most autonomy of any region of Ethiopia including Tigray or Oromo.

Culturally its was insulated by this autonomy, the education system and even the little economy was developing semi-independent.

That is the main question. Maybe the Amhara could be no.1 in opposition to this, but the Oromo are not far behind.

No body will allow Iley to resign and transfer smoothly and the Liyu, ESTV, Assembly to stay the way they are. The only issue for Abiy, Amhara or Oromo is that:

They cannot replace him through assembly

They cannot replace him through SPDP the governing party

They cannot replace him using Liyu, Police or any instirution in kililka.

That is why they are trying to find outside means, but Somali persons. The main thing is the kilil institutions need to be cut down.


I am sure you heard the news that in kililka a church was burned and priests killed. Guess what of all the Amhara, Oromo, Gurage..etc in kililka they had to find one lone Tigray priest and kill him. This is pure false flag most Ethiopians are not even dou bting it was not a work of Somali to burn a church, kill a priest and search specifically for Tigray priest.

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Look , the Liyu Police is the target of many people, but on the issue of media, it is just a Tv that praises Illey 24/7, there  are no independent media in the Kilil. 

It remained separate because most of Somalis do not belong to the Abssynian project. In fact 40 years ago there were no Amhara other than the government workers and few Oromo in Jijiga.

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4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

By the way, Ahmed Shide , former member of Illey cabinet and confidentl from Moyale could be the next leader.

You were not saying anything positive about him when he signed the Berbera agreement, but now since he is Jawar's choice you came around so fast. I think you have a big problem with Iley side.

I think they have done the best that can be done with all the tretchery and even a whole group becoming Oromo one day, becoming half Somali another day...Its a struggle to keep everybody on target. Some groups have no shame to jump from side to side.

BTW please do not repeat that it was Somalis that burned churches or businesses. The Somali and Afar are only Islam Ethnics that have never had done anything remotely  close to what has been done. For the Oromo they have done it in many places through the years as recent as 3 weeks ago.

The Somali actually even helped and protected Christians at all times even when fighting war for independence from Ethiopia.

As for businesses there is pictures that will show you even time line when the first hooligans start and when the army arives.

As for your friend Jawar (whom you never met) he was very disappointed. He was prepared to visit Illey in chains or dead body to show on burrial.

Within few weeks or few months depending the leadership of kililka the agreement for oil sharing details can be signed and the trade route made federal responsibility, Liyu removed from any activity if not disbanded or included in army so it cannot be a unit.


I hope they will not succeed in any of this. A lot of blood sweat life limb has been paid to get this level of autonomy.

Nobody will give you autonomy even when written on paper. You have to be strong enough to take it.

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Maybe jawar Mohammed will hold even a position in oromia kilil. They are planning something   mooge  deselegn  is wolayte not  gurage.  The situation will change but Somalis need to adapt and act fast. Because the gallas are planning and plotting how to to contain the situation 

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