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Is Muslim a Dirty Word in Hollywood?

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Sony won’t release this movie “Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World†until the word Muslim is removed from the title. Is Hollywood playing politics or does the M word sound that bad? I saw this on 20/20 program couple of weeks ago and I could not believe the movie industry's sensitivity of a title that implies Muslims lack humor. Are they telling the whole story? Is it possible they don't want their viewers seeing the other side of the coin; Muslims playing the good guys this time?


Have you seen this film? What do you think?


ABC 20/20: Looking for Comdey in the Muslims World

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This validates my point that this notion of bitterness and ill feeling and enmity toward 1.5 billion people around the globe is not only bred and nurtured and reared in the ghettos and the poor neighborhoods alone, it is not only coming from the disenfranchised, deprived, impoverished masses but it has its brain-power and muscle fed and driven with bigoted and prejudiced images and pictures by the elites in Hollywood and elsewhere…I feel sorry for the throngs of intellectually robbed men and women like me and my neighbor Ashley...under the mercy of ruthless, merciless corporates like Sony and its likes…

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Tom Clancy's best-selling novel, "The Sum of All Fears" is about Palestinian terrorists. But when the movie, starring Ben Affleck, came out, the bad guys became European neo-Nazis.

How do you interpret this, then?


I think the studio is just being cautious. It's the reaction of certain Muslims they fear, and with some justification. Some Muslims might take offense just from reading the title.

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Salamu Calaykum,

Islam is a religion of peace and love. It's the only religion that will be accepted by Allah in the hereafter thus the only true religion on the planet. It's the way of life in both political and social life. So if by any means the infidels in dirtywood want the United States as well as other non christian countries such as Isreal to live peacefully and get respect from the Muslims, then the solutions aren't a simple research about what makes as laugh for we are not fools like them who just laugh over the smallest of things.



However, what would make a Muslim individual happy and satisfied is to be granted his/her right to have say in his country and rule accordingly with their set of law; Islam. It is impossible to say as the west believes that I want to spread the rule of democracy which apperantly is man made and has as you would expect many errors that need to be updated as time passes by. Whereas the Islamic law is set by Allah and stands as the way it was made thousands of years ago and will stand the same until the end of the universe.


Finally, I would say if the western countries as well as other areas want to enjoy peacefull means in their little short life, they must not intervene with Muslims and must not conquer their countries and then expect them to like them and welcome them with kisses, that cannot happen. They haven't done that so as a result, the Muslims have woken up and trying to gain their rights back. So to the infidels, we don't need no bloody comedians, we just need you to get you dirty socks off of our turf.



Salamu Calaykum.

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