Deeq A.

Somaliland Pardons former Somali Deputy Prime Minister

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Deeq A.   


HARGEISA– The incumbent Somaliland President, HE Musa Bihi Abdi has granted a pardon to former Somali Prime Minister, Hon. Ridwadn Mohamed Hersi who is currently staying in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland.

A circular issued by the minister of interior, Hon. Mohamed Kahin has said that the Somaliland politician who served in Somalia under Hasan Sheikh Mohamoud’s presidency  has been pardoned thorough a presidential amnesty.

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Ridwaan asked forgiveness for his grave and his treasonous mistake .he asked the Somaliland govt and peoples to  forgiven him he has been forgiven by muse biixi.  He is now allowed to be re United with his family and people in Somaliland. 

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xaaji, my old friend, niyoow what is important is these men go to work in Mogadishu are given symbolic "pardon" to make jeegaanta admin look as if they are fighting for a separate country. niyoow you and I know it is all fake stunt designed to mislead and fool the good people of Somaliland who are tired of the games. 

go to work niyoow and come back to receive the pre-printed pardon letter. it even has biixi's signature ahead of time. in the meantime, the gullible people in Hargeisa think Somaliland is a separate country. haha. comedy niyoow. 



  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 2

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Mooge any ethnic Somalilandish person can work for any governments in east Africa or Africa.  Except in Somalia.  Somaliland laws are very clear.  If you go to Mogadishu you are traitor. It's simple you need to ask for  forgiveness to the Somaliland govt. Somaliland does not tolerate traitors. The kulmiye governments of Somaliland is the most nationalistic party of Somaliland You are talking about president siilaanyo president biixi Wasiir ina kahin and selebaan gaal. These are are all old school SNM fighters  they are very serious about the goals and aspirations of Somaliland it's independence its recogntion and it's  prosperity. 

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Markiisii hore yuusan qadiyad iyo iimaan la tegin koonfurta wuxaana muuqata dhawrkaa sano inuu u dabranaa danihiisa maadigaa ama jeebkiisa.

Hadduu qadiyad leeyahay mucaarad fiican oo wax dhisa oo la dhagaysto yuu noqon lahaa mustaqbal qarrana wuu yeelan lahaa iyo "han" hogaamiye aragti fog.

Balse qof mansibkaa gaaray inuu isla markiiba aamino in somaali kala tagto cafisna waydiisto jufo yar oo meel ku oodan.

Runtii waa magac aad u hooseeya waxaana qudhoo u furan markii la cafiyo ka dib inuu shacabka ku dhex dhuunto, caruurtuna uusan dib danbe u dayicin.

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Most traitors that betray Somaliland  And go work and submit to koonfurians In Mogadishu. Eventually come back to their senses and see that koonfurians are hopeless many go there to steal aid money like maxammad cumar carte qaalib fawziya. Buuba sincerly believed in unity between Somalia and Somaliland.  But eventually he saw that he can't be forever be a foreigner in Mogadishu.  The same with axmed samatar who was discrminated against by unuka clan in Mogadishu. That he is a laangaab from borama. Prof samatar really believed in a honest union. But koonfurians didn't and now he has rejected them. Galaydh to an opportunist after he lost to jawaari. He build khaatuumo and eventually deliver khatumo to siilaanyo on a plate. Carabtu waxay tidha kulu jerjici ila aaslihi. Only kaluun is left in xamar. Eventually all landers will come back to the promise land  And give up on southies it's  always like that.

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Buubaa waxaan ku xusuusta kalmadiisii hal hayska u ahayd (hadiilmeeyo) wuxuu ahaa siyaasi waayo arag ah waxaan ku xasuustaa barnaamijkii aan ku bartay oo ka baxay Tv jazira luuqadda carabiga beri hore degenaan iyo waayo aragnimadiisana aad iisoo jiidatay iyo sida qadiyada soomaaliya ugu weynayd.

Hadda markuu hargaysa tegay 180 degree yuu hoos u dhacay ciyaalka facebook yaa gidaarada ku waraysta inuu is dhexyaacayna waan ka baqaya asagoo leh itoobiya halala midoobo xataa waan maqlay.

layskuma hayo in siyaasadda koonfurtu aad u murugsantahay oo wajiyo iyo noocyo badan tahay, balse nin weyn waakii qadiyad iyo sabur dheer yeesha una dul qaata caqabad kasta oo soo wajahda taasaa macno samanaysa aragtidayda

Haddiise ay beel iska dhiibaan magac ahaan iyo maskax ahaanba hoos bay u dhacayaan.

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6 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Majority of Slers in Mogadishu are like this, lost.

No such thing ol’ boy.

These gents are In Xamar to serve the interests of Somaliland, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

The hypocrisy is that Muuse Ooyaye pretends that they committed some sort of treason and offers to give them a so-called “pardon” once they done serving Somaliland in Xamar and return home to Hargaysa.

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