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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Polanyi


    Juxa, now you made it, remember I was your first supporter.
  2. This sounds like total crap. I doubt Godane would do interviews with any western media. The dude doesn't even do interviews with SOmali media and I doubt time has any reporters in Marka.
  3. I replied because i felt sorry for this thread.
  4. Humans beings are known to thrive on praise and rewards. Too much negativity can effect the vibe of relationships and how people connect. It also proven that too many negativity comments can make a person sub conciously perform to such a stigma. I firmly believe there is a link between khat, piracy, warlordism, high unemployment and the level of praise/rewards recieve from Somali women. If Somali women praise and reward their spouses, children, young brothers, nephews and so forth, we wouldn't not have any more problems. So, please, appreciate bravaz more often. Government of Bladland.
  5. Highly elite scientists belonging to the unrecognised- defacto government of Bladland have claimed to have found a link between elongated foreheads and violence. The scientists studied a number of countries with high levels of elongated foreheads including: SOmalia, Djibouti, ,Eritrea, Rwanda and some parts of Burundi. No Somaliland men with large foreheads took part in the survey. The Government of bladland found that there was a link between levels of violence and elongated foreheads. The only discrepancy in the study was the nation of kenya, but this can be explained by the large number of inhabitants who do not have elongated foreheads. The study was welcomed by SOmali feminists such as Cynical lady, who want to see SOmali women marry more non-SOmali, in order to get rid off the elongated forehead stigma. Islamic Government of Bladland.
  6. Who needs a xalimo newayz. I am gonna a marry a polish girl.
  7. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: At least Shariifka doesn't and didn't say 'idaacadaha baan ka maqlay' as once a so-called Soomaali president said when the country he claimed to govern diyaarado shisheeye duqeeyeen near Dhoobleey. I guess some people forgot that. Well, doesn't that prove that Abdullahi Yusuf was an honest man, whereas Shariff and his cheerleaders are the definition of hypocrisy.
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I'm all set ,,, got the graduation dress and counting the hours. Do update us when you iron your graduation "dress".
  9. lol. Abu Mansur is a lion of East Africa who will swallow you alive.
  10. UNITED NATIONS — The international imperialistic community sought to mobilize both greater and more deadly support for Somalia's beleaguered and colonial serving puppet adminstration and for the occupying African Union house Negroe force there. UN special colonial and imperialistic missionary for Somalia Augustine Mahiga said the meeting on Somalia was an opportunity to hear Somali puppet President Sharif and former fake Sheikh Ahmed report on both progress and challenges carrying out the Djibouti Piece disAgreement. In a final statement, participants said divisions within the Transitional Forced Pigs (TFp) needed to be overcome with less than one year left in the transitional and illusionary period. Transitional Forced disInstitutions also need to agree on post-transicktion arrangements in coordination with their masters, the so called "international community" and "reach out to more opposition groups that accept Colonialism and Islamophobia ," the statement said. The idea is to expand the puppets political base, it said. The high-level talks offered "an opportunity to galvanize international colonial support" for the puppets and to "mobilize resources" for the TFG and the African Union mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to ethincally cleanse Muqdisho people, an action which is supported by many educated, but puppet Somalis of SOL. The leader of the Colonial Serving House Negroes who have accepted colonialism and Islamophobua,Ping- conceded that African occupationkeepers had caused civilian casualties . Meanwhile, the leader of the Islamic Government of Bladland told the media that, so long as the SOmali people are being forced to accept colonialism, Islamophobia and occupation by disgusting African mecenaries, it will lead to certain extreme reactions and problems with the rest of the world. Therefore, the Government of Bladland called upon the International colonial community to a: allow SOmalis to live in unity and under Islamic law. B: Allow SOmalis to admister their own security and put and end all forms of occupation. However, it is believed such wisdom from Sheikh Polanyi will fall on deaf ears and the Horn African will continue to slowly ignite like a scandanavian volcanoe. ( article: edited by the government of bladland and certified with Halal Cushitic Certificate) Originally Colonial friendly article: UN seeks to mobilize support for Somalia http://hiiraan.com/news2/2010/Sept/un_seeks_to_mobilize_support_for_somalia.aspx
  11. I always imagined the stig to be a SOmali bus driver. Now the BBC ruined that image.
  12. Somali Psycho; ASWRB. Somalis in the puntland region have the potential to create their own date-farming-industry and produce dates for the ramadan rathern than importing them. Such an industry could employ hundreds and thousands of SOmalis. There also many other sectors THAT the Somalis can invest in order to create employment and self efficiency. Moreover, if all the SOmali enclaves create a system of zakat, which will happen twice a year, then there will be no need for the AID groups. Inshallah, in the near future, the Islamic Government of Bladland will send a delegation of economists and knowledgeable people to analyse what sectors are the most promising in SOmalia.
  13. Ethiopia will soon join the Islamic Somali Government of Bladland.
  14. Nur, The love of the Beloved must be unconditionally returned. If you claim love yet oppose the Beloved, then your love is but a pretence. You love the enemies of your Beloved and still seek love in return. You fight the beloved of your Beloved. Is this Love or the following of shaytaan? True devotion is nothing but total submission of body and soul to One Love. We have seen humans claim to submit, yet their loyalties are many. They put their trust here, and their hope there, and their love is without consequence. Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah How true this poem is today.
  15. Originally posted by Haatu: Che, because I live in the city, I can't buy a gun. This is the UK man. I have shot from a real gun before though. Besides, I'm a thorough bred geeljire from Garissa . I don't know where you get Xamari from. Karl, yes it does interest me. WOuld you serve in Iraq and Afghanistan- ?
  16. Comparing Hargeysa to Asmara just shows how retarded you are are. I think you're meat is being overcooked, sxb.
  17. ASWRB. Ras Hafun is believed to be the location of the ancient trade center of "Opone". Opone was mentioned by an anonymous merchant in the 1st century CE in his Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. Ancient Egyptian, Roman and Persian Gulf pottery has been recovered from the site by an archaeological team from the University of Michigan. Opone is in the thirteenth entry of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, which in part states: And then, after sailing four hundred stadia along a promontory, toward which place the current ...
  18. Originally posted by Haatu: I've always wanted to join the army. Plus, I'm really good at shooting so maybe... MAybe, what?