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Everything posted by Polanyi

  1. Originally posted by cynical lady: p.s Ibti- you should open a fallen angels community center.
  2. Well, that is where we have to disagree. Anelka is a very good player. But what he is not is one of the the best strikers in the world and I would say most commentators would agree with me. As for Ashley Young being consistent, have you been watching Villa over the past two years?
  3. Every single year a new crop of British Talent, mainly offensive midfielders, emerges in the premiership. In the past we had players like: Dyer, Bentley, Dunn, Joe Cole, Pennant, Cole and a host of others- whom I can't recall now. Some of these players( Cole, for example) were compared to footballing giants and the media convinced us they were the best thing since Gazza cried. Others were part of the so called " golden generation". Some failed in their careers, whilst others played for top clubs, and the rest of history. What I want to briefly discuss here, though, is the over-hype of a certain mount English wingers and why they are failing. Many of these players had the best attributes to become a successful winger, namely: pace, a certain amount of trickery and good dribbling schools. Here are some of the right sided midfielders who emerged in the recent past: Dyer, Lennon, Pennant, Bentley, , Wright Phillips and most recently Theo Walcott. Again, at first glance, all of these players have the necessary attributes to make great wingers, but they do have one great flaw and this is the major reason they did or will not reach the "heights" which they predicted to clim: they're British. The British scouting system typically relies on pace and strength as the first indicator of a player making it. In a typical youth set up, the likes of wright phillips, walcott, lennon and so forth,will almost habitually burst past the wing backs and go on to pass to the striker or score themselves. If they played up front, as in the example of Theo, then they ball will simply player over the top for him and his pace will allow him score tonnes of goals( which he did). Such a system of play, which doesn't work on generating all rounded midfielders, players who can player anywhere in midfield, up front, player delicate through balls,as well as bursting pass players, is, ultimately, somwewhat deceptive. And this is why many english winger struggle in the top tournaments. They have no footballing brain as Hansen said. Theo Walcott will take several more years to develop into a mature, world class mifielder- than say a Nani or a Ronadlo- because all he was taught to do at youth level was run behind the defence or try to beat the opponent with pace. The same goes for Ashley Young: a winger who can't even produce a decent cross half the time and a player Tujjiye seems to think is one of the best players in the premiership. The truth is the likes of Lennon, WriGHT Phillips and co can't cut in the big boy league. Banoninga Barta, dee, nooh. KP
  4. Tujjiye, Ashley Young wouldn't get into most top clubs on the continent. When I say, I am better than him, I kid. But, truth be told, walahi, he is not that much better than me . He has an occasional good game. I consider him a decent player in an average team. That's as far as it goes. There are many players in that position you could have picked. Bale, for instance? War, i would even take Joe Cole or Walcott ahead off him. Don't even get me started on Anelka being on your list. Banoniga Baro, Abowe, nooh, dee.
  5. Originally posted by Thankful: African, in Awdal the people are protesting their injustices and have made it clear the governments policies are unacceptable. With the SSC and other area's, these made up stories from radical diaspora sites cannot be believed, they always play around with numbers. Just like they said 25,000 people had been kicked out. Atam is a man that has never shown his face, now why is that? Can his Diaspora supporters produce one image of the man? If he is not a terrorist and his cause is just, why is he in hiding....so I and everyone else would like to see one image of the man. But they will NEVER EVER produce it because they know the man is criminal and is too scared to be identified. xUDEEDI posted a video showing the alleged defected soldiers from SSC. What has that go to do with radical diaspora supporters( like you are not one) or ATOM?
  6. Ashley Younh: INALILAH! I am better than him. As for the topic, Chelsea and Manutd have the best players and cover in all positions.
  7. HARGEISA (bladlandpress) – At least 2 heroic Cushitic Somalis were wounded after the police shot live ammunition in the air to disperse crowds of heroic Cushitic demonstrators in Borama city in Awdal Region, the birthplace of Imam AHmad Gurey, rahihumullah. Hundreds of heroic Cushitic people gathered and demonstrated in front of the main police station in Borama. This protest came after unconfirmed news leaked out that the three innocent Cushitic drivers who transported the ONLF linked militia from the coast of Puppetland to the Ethiopian fake Colonial border are being transferred to brutal police authority in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian and Somaliland government have a stooge-like military and security cooperation relationship. In previous incidents, the puppet government handed over innocent members of the Cushitic SOmali Community-who settle across the Horn of Africa . In 2008 Human Rights Watch rightly accused the Ethiopian soldiers of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during a brutal occupation campaign in its Eastern Somali region. The Ethiopian army is notoriously known for indiscriminate violence against minority groups in Eastern parts of the country. The two puppet enclaves in Northern Somalia have increasingly came under scrutiny from halal Cushitic Somalis who oppose the selling of their Islamic-Cushitic brethren to SOmalia. Bladland freedom inc.
  8. It's a good job that the Islamic, Cushitic, Awadalite people of pure origins nobely protested against the terrorist activities of the puppetland regime and their Ethiopian masters. All Somalis should oppose the illegal and barbaric crime of kidnapping Somali subjects and then handing them over to Ethiopia, a cruel pratice routinely used by the two colonial serving puppet entities in Northern SOmalia. Inshallah, the SOmali people are on their way to security, peace, walalnimo and mature relations with the rest of the globe.
  9. I wonder who the next donkey to lead the tfg will be and which SOL donkeys will cheerlead for him like he is the greatest discovery since tobacco.
  10. Puppetland's entire claim to seperating from SOmalia is based on colonial arguments. You didn't answer my question btw???????????????Why the edit?
  11. Xaji, why did you edit the same article JB pasted( wrote) and left out a little excerpt? The Inferiority COmplex suffering and colonial agent, buppetland supporter who wrote the article said this: "Nevertheless, in Hargeisa alcohol is available but not in public places. One has to buy it from the black market and drink it at home, alone". May Allah give victory to the Halganized, Islamic SOmali, cushitic, Anti Colonial, freedom loving, unitarian Malilanders.
  12. So who killed them all? Ethiopia or SOmaliland. Or was it simultaneous shelling?
  13. Originally posted by Freedomfighter007: They are right now wishing they stayed in eritrea. Poor lads facing the shelling on both sides Is it true SOmaliland is using google maps laser vision?
  14. Somaliland should ready her nuclear capacity and give military aid to Ethiopia.
  15. NORF, i gave you an answer those with intellect can understand. If you where not satisfied with it, then let us agree to disagree. this is the correct surah Zack, lying is a sin. But you support gaalamodw forces who occupied and daily cleanse the population of Muqdisho. Bal, weigh up both actions according to the Shariah and tell me which is worser.
  16. Originally posted by N.O.R.F: Simple questions Karl, what is the difference between AS killing civilians (at the airport) and AMISOM killing civilians (in Bakara market)? What gives AS the right to do what they do? Is this Islamically correct? Bal ka soo fakar. Ps I don’t want you to diverge away from these questions. I want you to answer in a clear and concise manner. It was only a few days ago, that General Bahoku, the leader of AMISOM challenged Alshabab to stop being cowards, stop hiding behind civilians and come meet his forces stationed at the airport. They came good. AMISOM later shelled the far away Bakara Market, as they usual do, to collectively punish the population. Sxb, are you too blind to see the difference: a- a non muslim, occupying, african mecenary force- shelling nearly every district in Muqdisho when the people who attacked them are only a few hundred yards away. b= Muslims who accidentally and unintentionally killed civilians who were in the vicinity of AMISOM. This group always urges civilians to steer clear from AMISOM areas. Islamically, supporting the former with their objectives is a an act which can take a person from the fold of Islam. The vast majority of Muslim jurists are agreed upon this. This is an issue of disbelief, hypocrisy or at least major sinning. The latter group are people who commited something tragically unavoidable, which happened even during the time of the prophet and more likely to happen today due to modern warfare. The Ulema say this is an issue of the lesser versus the greater evil( In this case occupation vs. civilians getting caught up). Different answers can be given in different contexts. It is a really a decision for the people on the ground their to decide. The best we can can say that Alshabab are reckless in some of their actions and too often civilians get caught up in their attacks. But to say that they are shelling civilians or purposely targeting them like AMISOM is a great injustice which has no proof. Ironically, when Shariff's ICU were trying to drive the Ethiopians from Muqdisho, sometimes their shells accidentally hit civilians, yet you didn't say there is no difference between ICU fighters and Ethiopian occupation forces, why? Lastly, why was AMISOM criminals when Shariff was not in power and today they are not: AMISOM spokesman has claimed that the troops were defending themselves from the attack of some insurgent group(s)!! But the available evidence regarding the directions and the distance of the shelling does not support this argument. It is obvious that AMISOM had used unnecessary force and targeted heavily populated quarters and markets far away from the fighting area(s) which can only be taken as a deliberate mass killing .Monday, 29 September 2008 . Shaikh Sharif Shaikh Ahmed Chairman, ARS ?
  17. Originally posted by Tuujiye: ^^^ Kaalay naxdin sooma'aha in ee dibada joogaan dad fikradaha al-shabaab raacsan? saaxiibo walaahi waa wax lala yaabo runtii.. Weeba isla quman yihiin oo wey u doodayaan! laaxowla walaa quwata! war ilaahey ka cabsada ama baxa taga somaliya ee Al-shabaab raaca! qashimiin qashiim kala jirin... Wareer Badanaa!!! Fair enough, laakin, WHat about the sub- xoolo who live in the west, but are saying that AMISOM has the right shell Bakara Market when Alshabab attacks them in some far off place? The other day Alshabab attacked the airport, so AMISOM responded by shelling Bakara Market. Are the sub- Xoolo saying that AMISOM can kill SOmali civilians anywhere in Muqdisho everytime they are attacked? Secondly, if they are saying AMISOM is doing the same thing as Alshabab, then why can't they criticise them or even say they killed civilians? On the contrary, we see the sub-xoolo in this thread justifying what AMISOM is doing.
  18. Originally posted by The Zack: Karl AKA Polanyi AKA magac caddaan wate, Don't be too emotional adeer, alshabaab are fighting to free the "world", not Somalia. They are also ****** enough to call alqacida their friend. That, waryaa, ain't doing a favor for the poor maryooley in Xamar. AMISOM, not Ethiopia as u put it, are there with the Somali government's permision. AMISOM wouldn't be there had alshabaab weren't there. Tell Alshabaab to stop attacking the African brothers in Villa Somalia from Xaafadaha rayidka otherwise don't be telling us AMISOM shelled civilian populated areas. self defence is what AMISOM troops are doing! Yea keep blaming America for all your problems. May Allah raise you up with your African brothers like General Bahoku and may the SOmali mother crying in the audio testify against you on the day of judgement.Ameen. ( if you do not repent). Hales, i didn't ask you for any advice.
  19. Originally posted by The Zack: AMISOM haddii RPG lagaga soo rido Xaafadaha rayidka dagan yahiin, they have no option but to fire to the same exact locations they are being attacked from. That is called self defense. Adigu maxaad sameyn laheyd? . The Islamic definition of self defence: defending any inch or square of land which occupied by non muslim/ or oppressive muslims forces. The worldwide definition of self defense: the right to defend onself from any act of aggression against ones property, life and so forth. Animal definition of self defense: SOL sub-xoolo definition of self defense: Ethiopian, Ugandan and Burundi Soldiers occupying Muqdisho at the behest of Uncle Sam and daily shelling the local population. Yacni, if you were Amisom, and you occupied the capital city of SOmalia, commited many massacres and the people resented you; then, for some odd reason some crazy mullahs start to resist you: "Adigu maxaad sameyn laheyd" ? Xoolo answer: self defense, common sense thing to do, as in shell the hell out of Muqdisho. Self defense, go and tell that to this wailing SOmali mother, who is crying from AMISOM mass murderers . Before this time, committing this type of massacre has been limited to the Ethiopian occupation troops and the TFG militias. However, it is now apparent that AMISOM is also adopting this evil practice. The latest carnage is a clear indication that AMISOM is assisting Ethiopia to achieve its objective of occupying Somalia and denying the Somali people their fundamental rights of life, liberty and property. AMISOM spokesman has claimed that the troops were defending themselves from the attack of some insurgent group(s)!! But the available evidence regarding the directions and the distance of the shelling does not support this argument. It is obvious that AMISOM had used unnecessary force and targeted heavily populated quarters and markets far away from the fighting area(s) which can only be taken as a deliberate mass killing .Monday, 29 September 2008 . Shaikh Sharif Shaikh Ahmed Chairman, ARS Yep,You heard it from the horses mouth: deliberate mass killing and, "AMISOM is assisting Ethiopia to achieve its objective of occupying Somalia and denying the Somali people their fundamental rights of life, liberty and property". Woe to the logic of SOmali Sub-Xoolo! They do not see, nor hear, nor understand- what they have uttered from their own mouths and penned with their own hands.
  20. mADDEY, you should apologise to promoshaytan. Maha zindiiq, rather he is an ayan hersiyist, hardcore atheist, anti Islamic fanatic.
  21. After Salafeeyah, Dreams of Sheikh Gilani, and the Path to Sufism http://umarlee.com/2010/07/27/after-salafeeyah-dreams-of-sheikh-gilani-and-the-path-to-sufism/
  22. saxix and verified from sheikh google images.