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Everything posted by 3zma1L

  1. I remmember of a guy who always wanted to prove something I did not knew much about in an abstract form. Oh.... Where was I? This world is so compalicated that you need sometimes to sit and ponder solutions over... but, for me...each time I want to concentrate, my mind drifts away.. hovering around the old good days or the recent (bad) days. That was why I lost the....
  2. It is Un acceptalbe.. NEXT TIME. Dont post about lesbain... because it too, is unacceptable in our Religion or Calture'...
  3. It is Un acceptalbe.. NEXT TIME. Dont post about lesbain... because it too, is unacceptable in our Religion or Calture'...
  4. It is Un acceptalbe.. NEXT TIME. Dont post about lesbain... because it too, is unacceptable in our Religion or Calture'...
  5. It is Un acceptalbe.. NEXT TIME. Dont post about lesbain... because it too, is unacceptable in our Religion or Calture'...
  6. Good Guy trying to tell to bush that, The North Korea has a nuclear now GoodGuy: "Hey, The North Korea has now a nuclear and a more dangerous weapon" Bush: "Sadam Hussen... I want to catch him" GoodGuy: "The North Korea has a nuclear!!" Bush: "Sadam Hussein is a dictator.. I mean, he is a very dangerous to the whole world" GoodGuy: "Sadam Hussein.. forget about him.. There is the other 'axis of evil' guy who has a nuclear and a more dangerous weapon NOW.." " Bush: "Sadam Hussein?" This Bush can never show signs of intellegence.. as long as Sadam is alive.
  7. Jihad against the Tatars NEXT episode? This man is better to be left alone in his own grave.
  8. I thought that Robbert Ludlum was in the Forum... I was just getting ready for the NEXT Mind boggling epesode, but THANKS to Allmighty, it is over!
  9. Maybe, your last girlfriend was an evil who always needed your MONEY...! (This formula does not work with the rest of the GURLS)
  10. (Everyone of us is a RACIST in some how. Better we hide our feelings so as not to hurt.) Most of the whites that are living around my place are having no kids. Very few of them are having one or two. I am not surprised if they lecture on us having few but productive kids. They believe that having many kids is a burden to the family.. Maybe, Inteey dhabarkeyga ku jiri lahaayeen, jidadka ha daadsanaadeen is not effective in Europe or elsewhere in the West.
  11. If a girl I am dating does not call me, WHY should I? If she is interested in me, She has to show, or leave me alone.
  12. I wunder... if I could give you more than 5 mnts NEXT time. Or was this tragically the end of it? :confused:
  13. To me, understanding is a big issue. I might be understanding a foriegn Moslim gurl now, but maybe, things would not be the same later. What if we marry each other and then, things get messed up.. and I will not be able to know the where abouts of my kids?
  14. Hotmail is a hell. Too many unwanted ads and less than 2MB Space! Any poor companies can pomp you adds, and... who knows when they make your limit up... YOU receive no MAIL from IMPORTANT Friends!! TIME TO THINK OF CHANGES?? Where would you go then? YAHOO?
  15. Hotmail is a hell. Too many unwanted ads and less than 2MB Space! Any poor companies can pomp you adds, and... who knows when they make your limit up... YOU receive no MAIL from IMPORTANT Friends!! TIME TO THINK OF CHANGES?? Where would you go then? YAHOO?
  16. Hotmail is a real headache, yet I was addicted to it. But, NOW things have changed!!! I already shifted to Yahoo, hoping that They would not dissappoint me. So far, so good. There are not much of Hotmails magic left in me... I will kick the rest out of my eLife anytime soon. Hope you guys do the same.
  17. Hotmail is a real headache, yet I was addicted to it. But, NOW things have changed!!! I already shifted to Yahoo, hoping that They would not dissappoint me. So far, so good. There are not much of Hotmails magic left in me... I will kick the rest out of my eLife anytime soon. Hope you guys do the same.
  18. One good example: What do you do most of your time? Reading text Books most of the time? or having a fun around.. entertaining your self with music or something? If you listen a music or watch a movie, You just help entertainers get rich. If you don't want them to be rich, Stop buying thier product or using it.
  19. If you make CNN your favo TV, you think like CNN. And You act like CNN. I just hope that people would use thier brains and not that of CNN. If you turn off this TV and go out to search the reality, you will find it. Act like a Nomad... No like a confused Cowboy!!
  20. If it Works, (I mean beating) It would have worked with my Madrasa Teacher. I have been to his school for more than 11 years, and guess what, I have learned nothing from him. He was an Old fashioned guy who saw evil in football which I was addicted to it. He did every sort of beating to stop me playing football. At last, which was too late, he came up with one Idea.. "Hey, You can play football, but promise that you come to my school everyday" I never had any problem with my father or mother. Maybe, I was a polite kid or they gave me the freedom to be who I am. I believe that kids can be good and responsible if you be the same to them. There are times that kids do weird things.. when this happens, kiss them with an honest face and tell them that you dont like this to happen again. BUT if you beat them, they will be doing this somewhere away from you...
  21. 3zma1L


    Thanks to Allah... That it is not a compulsory to marry more than one. I can't even find the one, let alone thinking of two or more.