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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. if you as a parent arent able to be an adult and talk to your child about a crucial issue facing our society today, then you're lacking something big time.


    If you wont sit down and talk to them about sex, the problems that come with it, the responsibilities, and what islam teaches us about it...your child is bound to get this info from some one else who'll probably only tell them some stuff and leave out the important parts... so its better for you to let them know first.


    better to have said it and gotten it over with then to have never said it and regret it later on....

  2. STEPS:

    1) read quran on your dear sister, perhaps shaitan has taken control of her mind.

    2) if after quran reading she decides she still wants to marry this ex-prisoner then have have her drink some tahleel.

    3) after this if she still insists on marrying the fellow...bless her, pray to Allah that He watch over her and her children.



  3. wat he's done to iraq is beyound words...these little policies on gay marriage and abortion dont effect anyone, individuals choose whether they want it or not, however iraq on the other hand is different.

    lets not paint him to be the good guy here aight, bastarka baas (pardon my somali) is goin to hell for every child that dies.

  4. Who in their right mind voted for bush? were they not watching t.v the last four years? were they not aware of their dropping economy? or their sons dying in iraq and for what?

    whoever voted for bush needs to get checked out..PRONTO!...


    **prays a silent prayer during tonights taraweex...perhaps bush will choke and ....**

  5. names:

    -ali ibn talib

    -Talhah ibn Ubaidillah

    -Mus’ab ibn Umayr

    -Aboo Dujaanah

    -Abu Bakr

    -Al-Zubeir Ibn Al-Awam

    -Abu Jadanah


    -Sa'ad bin Abbi Waqas

  6. the muslims fought against the Byzantine emperor(Heraclius) who ruled many countries one of them; syria, and so when the muslims defeated his army, they got syria. As for persia...the Byzantine emperor Heraclius defeated and permanently ended that great empire not the muslims.

  7. Ahem! This was about AMERICAN Somali citizens working for an AMERICAN company. You expect me to supporting a group of Somalis living in another country who have gone on strike because of some human rights violation? THEIR rights were violated not mine (no that's not being selfish). But one must ask why only their rights were violated? Was it because of their color? If that’s the case, where are the other black people, or are Somalis the only black folks working for that company?


    Whatever the reason was their problems affects me in no way and so I would not involve myself in their affairs. Each one of us is expected to help his or her community anything more is extra…which I have no time for.


    But GT, since your so passionate ‘bout helping these Somali folks, do you plan on going down to MN holding up banners, shouting and walking around with them? If not, your little deceleration to support them means nothing.


    One has the choice whether to support something or not, why some of you are trying to force it is beyond me, this has absolutely nothing to do with “somalinimo", but anywho I’m not going to sit here and explain my reasons to you… Richmond B.C is my place/community, its giving me a lot and I give back to it when ever I can.


    â€My goodness listen to your self childâ€??? child? :rolleyes: I’ll just pretend I read that wrong…


    ta ta

  8. QUOTE


    unlike some other people.



    And the finger pointing continues...


    seriously though why would you support them? i mean if you worked in the company and happened to be a somali then perhaps you'd feel the need to stand along side your fellow somalis. But if you dont work there and you're going to go support them simply because they happen to be from your country...then you sure got a lot of time. The somalis in MY community is all i support...and thats only if they're fighting for a just cause.


    jeez! somalis expect too much.

  9. ^^incorrect


    i see you're all confused here...let me just clear up something for you...this battle wasn't bloody because the muslims were all killed...the opposite happened, a great number of non-believers were killed...and a country was turned over to the muslims. The country still belongs to muslims..

    Now what was the name of this battle?...and i'll just add another question ...what was the name of the country that the muslim army won?


    hope that helps!