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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. sure let him re-marry .......right after he's signed the divorce papers! I know god's made it halal and i aint goin against that cuz its part of the religion.

    what do i believe? i believe in a fast divorce, when a guy starts talkin bout takin up another wife.

  2. Have you ever considered yourself as being the 'perfect' person for somebody? If so, then why are people having problem finding you?


    Well its not like u can go about carrying a sign that says “I’m the “perfect” man/woman for you” that certainly would draw some attention, just not the kind you’d probably want.

    Personally I think that the whole ‘he/she is perfect’ thing is lame, I mean you go around dating different people till you find someone you care a lot about and then fall in love then VOILA that person suddenly became ‘the One’. That person was not perfect to them till they’d gone and fallen in love, so I guess a person is only perfect in your eyes when you love them.


    Dang! I cant believe I actually had something to say bout love and the ‘perfect” person (I'm a non-believer when it comes to love). Well I guess there is a first time for everything.



  3. There were two men – sam and john – who were both mentally-challenged, they were good friends and lived at the same asylum. One day their doctor toke them out for a walk along the river, sam fell into the river and sank to the bottom. John being a good friend rushed into the river and saved his drowning friend. The doctor shocked by what he saw toke them both back into the building, after an hour or so the doctor goes up to john’s room and says to him: “I have both good and bad news”. John asks” what’s the good news”? The doctor says, “upon seeing you save your friend, I have decided to release you and allow you to live outside the asylum”. Then John says “that’s great, what’s the bad news”? The doctor says “ I’m sorry, but your friend –Sam – has hung himself in his bathroom and is now dead”. GUESS WHAT JOHN SAID…









    > “sam did not hang himself, I hung him there to dry!

  4. joke(this aint got nuttin to do with marriage but its funny and that's all that counts)

    Three shaikhs are walking down the street after praying the Friday prayer, along walks a women who is wearing a bikini bottom and top (did I mention its summer??) well anyhow , one shaikh says istagfur Allah cuz the woman was practically naked , the second says mashaa Allah cuz Allah gave her such beauty, the third says inshaa Allah……….so much for the clean, pious shaikh :eek:

  5. The condoms arent just a method of protection against STDs, its used as birth control and lord knows people back home need to cut back on producing so many children. You got one woman producing ten children! then they complain bout how they aint got enough food for their children :confused: