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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. redface.gif was there a point to all of this?? so there is a trend,how does it effect u or me?? none wat so ever, there are plenty of , smart,educated, woman loving (none of them haters),and respectable somali fishes in the sea..right??


    ps. what's written is written caasha back home wont change nothing. right on flamboyant, good riddance indeed!

  2. a cousin of mine had a similar problem, she and her husband were married for ten years, loved each other very much, but god didn't bless them with any children. After some test it turned out that he was the problem, they did plenty of different things, spent tons of money but in the end it just didn't work.

    seeing how his wife really wanted children he let her go, and told her to find happiness and children elsewhere....very sweet yet sad **sniff sniff**...she's remarried and so has he and they both have children!...shocked us all!...but yea god will reward him in heaven.


    ps..wat about adoption?? thats an option too

  3. Getting Off This Subject ...


    since its a thread for all sorts of questions... here is a couple i'd like some answers to ...plz and thank you...


    somali magazine...:


    1) if you were to pick up a Somali teen magazine...what sort of articles would u expect to see? What topics would u be interested in reading about? Religion? Gossip? History...etc?


    2) Should there be a section for Somali traditional clothing? Fashion kind of thing? Or should that not be included?


    3)any ideas on how to get the magazine to appeal to both sexes? not too girly...and not too masculine...


    questions cant be answered with a question...(ex...why do you ask? ...whats with the somali magazine idea?...)


    thanks again...

  4. correct me if i'm wrong but was it not the somali reading/writing folks that asked for this af-somali section? the same ppl that are "disappointed" with this "division"? :rolleyes:

  5. speaking somali and being able to read and write it are two completely DIFFERENT things...and i absolutely think not knowing how to read or write in somali does not make one any less somali than the one who does know how to read and write in it.

    the new af-somali section is great!...saves me the trouble of taking words apart trying to make sense of things, now i know where not to go (af-somali, not my area), though i do sometimes browse through "that" area for practice ofcourse.

    its also less complaints, though there is still somali being used in every section ...even with this whole section for af-somali speakers!

  6. ______________________________________________

    I dont think its important for a woman live independenlty before she gets married.


    why isn't it important?

  7. How important is it for one to live on their own before marriage and is it different between both genders?


    does a person who's lived on their own (totally alone) make better choices when choosing a "life partner"?

    are they more able to understand and take on family responsibilities after marriage?


    more questions...

  8. How many of you considered or have already moved out of your parent’s home?


    For hundreds of teens moving out of their parent’s home is a natural step, a step they must take to prove their independence, to become responsible, to be an adult, etc. however after doing a couple of questionnaires I’ve noticed that almost all of Somali teens live with their parent’s till they get married.


    Other teens that I’d questioned such as Jamaican, Italian, French, etc all planned on moving out as soon as they were done high school, I found that these teens were more independent and had a mind set of their own. They didn’t have a parent holding on to them, supporting them financially and therefore were totally reliant on themselves.


    Now I asked myself, would Somali teens be more mature, had they been expected to move out and fend for themselves? Somali teens(boys) today aren’t what doing so well academically, most drop out of school and some stay in school but hardly attend any of their classes (why bother?). hmm…would this change if suddenly hoyoo said “ wara pack up and adios…get an apartment, a job, and start paying them bills�


    Had parents back home sent their teens to work? Would sending these boys off to work/live on their own perhaps change them? Make them more independent, more responsible, and more mature?


    After doing many workshops trying to better my Somali community I’ve noticed that the somali youth that attend and take part in these workshops listen to what I say yet don’t implement them, while the black kids who occasionally show up are well on their way to colleges or going back to high school to finish and go into post secondary.


    I’ve come to the point where I think helping these young boys better themselves is almost impossible. How does one help one who doesn’t want help???


    I’ve asked many questions, so if I’ve confused you all, sorry!! I just had all these questions floating around in my head and just had to write them down.


    But …plz if you have any suggestions or comments feel free to reply…thanks!!

  9. ENGLISH!!!!

    really, respecting the wishes of those who want to learn(namely, moi!) something from the question and answers posted here isn't all that hard.

  10. Be Gentle....


    Be gentle with one another....

    The cry comes out of the

    Hurting heart of humanity,

    It comes from the lives of those battered

    With thoughtless words and brutal deeds;

    It comes from the lips of

    those who speak them,

    Be gentle with one another....


    Who of us can look inside

    Another and know what is there,

    Of hope and hurt, or promise and pain?

    Who can know from what

    Far places each has come,

    Or to what far places each may hope to go?


    Our lives are like fragile eggs....

    They are brittle....

    They crack and the substance escapes....

    Handle with care!


    Handle with exceeding, tender care for

    There are human beings there, within

    Human beings vulnerable as we are vulnerable;

    Who feel as we feel,

    Who hurt as we hurt.


    Life is to transient to be cruel with one another,

    It is too short for thoughtlessness,

    Too brief for hurting.

    Life is long enough for caring,

    It is lasting enough for sharing,

    Precious enough for love.

    Be gentle with one another.


    -Rev. Richard S. Gilbert

  11. after being raped, one(the girl) feels dirty, empty, scared..etc its a traumatizing incident that i hope none of you will ever face. you can not image the life that person lives after being raped

    i personally would perfer to be dead then raped any day, call it selfish, but it beats having to look over my shoulder constently in fear or having to live with the emotional problems that it comes with.

  12. a simple yet elegant out-door wedding with only close cousins and friends present...it'll be both males and females, and the less money spent on the wedding cermony the more there'll be for a honeymoon and a nice cozy apartment, i'd rather spend more on where i'll live and decorating it rather than spend it all on a one night event.

  13. ^^who do u expect to to teach them?

    i think its every mother's duty to educate her daughter on this topic, would u send her off to her wedding night not knowing what to expect?? thats kinda harsh...but oh well


    and why is this so ceeb? how in god's name were you created?? u certainly didnt appear from the sky, and ur child will ask "mommy, daddy, where did i come from,how did i get here?" "you came from mommy's stomach" only works for so long...

  14. where did you get ur info bout sex?

    half of you are probably not gonna say ur parents and thats probably cuz u dont have a tight bound with ur parents where u can talk about anything without having to feel "yax yax".

    if your parents talked to you about sex, then you're most likely gonna talk to your kids about it too...if not then you'll think of it as "ceeb"


    hmm...didn't the prophet say nothing in our religion should be put aside simply because it was ceeb and that we should educate one another no matter how "icky" it might be?