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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Nuune, sida aan filaayo jaamacaddii Gaheyr iyo kuliyaddii Lafoole labadoodaba meelo u qaabilsan cilmibaarista caafimaadka ayee lahayeen, oo qaamuus Afsoomaali ku dhigan ereyadda caafimaadka, jirrooyinka, cuduradda iyo wixii lamid ah yaali jiray, siiba Jaamacadda Gaheyr. Koleey saan filaayo, ayaandarana noo ah, inay dhumeyn ayaan filaa. Haddee wax badbaadeena in kaliya yihiin, oo shaqsi ahaan loo heysto. Soomaali haddaan nahnay kuma dadaalin hormarka afkeena hooyo, inkastoo dowladdii Kacaanka midda kaliya lagu amaani karo tahay hormarka ay afka Soomaali ay hormarisay, aad iyo aad ayee isku taxluujiyeen, oo barfasoore u qaabilsanaa ayaa jiray turjumidda iyo lifaaqyada ereyadda shisheeye. Ayaandaro labaad intaas yar hormarka la sameeye dagaaladdaan dabadheeraaday ayaa wax u dhimay. Maanta kii ama tii la arko oo wax aan soo bartay ku haayo Afcarabi ama Afingiriis ayee ku faantamaan, jaamacyaddaha ku sheega kusoo biiray dalka wixii dagaalladda sokeeye ka dambeeye maanta afkeena inay kor u qaadaan iska dhaafee, waaka yaxyaxaan, oo ka faantamaan, oo afaf shisheeye daba'ordaan. Soomaaliya waxee ahaan jirtay wadanka kaliya Afrika ku jiray markii laga reebo dalalka Carabta ee Waqooyi Afrika, illaa iyo heer jaamacaddeed afkooda hooyo wax lagu dhigto. Taas waxee aad usoo jiidatay dad badan u halgami jiray wixii la dhihi jiray 'pan-Africa' oo waxee la yaabi jireen Afrikaanta kale waxa u diiday wixii lagu dhigan jiray Gaheyr, oo kuli maadooyinka, oo ku jiraan fiisigis, kimistari, cilminafsi, xisaab, kuligooda lagu dhigan jiray afkeena suubban. Maantana? Xataa iskooladda hoose ma u quuraan inay ku dhigaan afkeena, oo manhajyo kale soo deensadeen, ha ahaato mid Keenyaati, mid Khaliijka [iimaaraadka, Sacuudiya] ama mid Bakistaan, oo kaliya lagu wado dhigo Afcarabi mise Afingiriis. Meesha dhan isku dhexyaac ayaa ka socoto. Meel dalkiiba dhisneen waa laga filan karaa waxaan camal.
  2. You folks refused to engage in a decent, respected manner, soo ma'aha? We see. Si walba aan wax la idinku sheego, caay iyo aflagaado ayaa meesha ku heysiin, isku daba bursaneyniin in every thread. Will you for the last time stop engaging in aflagaado? You refused to heed? To listen? Then we have no choice but resort to a mass banning to clean this whole section. Aad iyo aad ayaa la idinku dulqaatay, never dulqaadkaas la appreciate gareeye. This is, again, your last chance to redeem yourselves, who only ku haayo caay iyo qabyaalad meeshaan. Their whole forum purpose day in, day out is about qabyaalad, nothing else do they contribute to the forum. We would never allow you guys to degrade the forum to this low point you want it to be. Stop addressing one another in mocking, insulting, afxumo names and nicks. Each person has a username; you don't want to address in his or her name, fine, don't respond to the person at all, instead of petulantly twisting one's usernames. None can change each person's opinion, it is ridiculous for day in and out to engage same robotic, a la Groundhog Day, so-called 'opinions' on here. Utterly ludicrious.
  3. "Sareedo haday kuwaarto Hadduu silac iyo dhib gaaro Samaanteed iyo xumaanteed Soomaaliya Soomaali baa leh" Hadda kahor ayaan ereyadda hoos ku yaalo oona alifay Yamyam kusoo qoray inta, aan mar labaad ku celiyo maadaama dad qaarkood Soomaalinimo shaki kaga jiro, oo kalsoonidooda ku yartahay. Soomaali waa kuma? Sinnaantaan la magac ahay Sankuneefle ma oggoli Inuu iga sareyn karo Anna garasho sogordahan Sooryo ruux ugama dhigo Soomaali baan ahay! Inkastoon sabool ahay Haddana waan sariigtaa Sacabbada ma hoorsado Saaxiib nimaan nahay Cadowgeyga lama simo Soomaali baan ahay! Nabaddaan u sahanshaa Colaaddaan ka salalaa Sooma jeesto goobaha Ninka nabarka soo sida Gacantiisa kama sugo Soomaali baan ahay! Nin I sigay ma nabad galo Nin isugeyna maba jiro Libta weli ma sii deyn Gardarrada ma saacido Nin xaq lehna cid lama simo Soomaali baan ahay! Ninkaan teydu soli karin Uma yeelo suu rabo Sida dunida qaarkeed Sandulleynta ma oggoli Ninna kabaha uma sido Soomaali baan ahay! Ninka iga sed roonoow Siintaada magaca leh Ogow kaama sugayee Hana oran sasabo badow Dareen seexda ma lihiyoo Soomaali baan ahay! Ninna madax salaaxiyo Kama yeelo seetada Sasabo ma qaayibo Sirta waxaan iraahdaa Saab aan biyaha celin Soomaali baan ahay! Dabayshaan la socod ahay Salfudeydna uma kaco Waabay sunaan tahay Marna samawadaan ahay Samir baan hagoogtaa Soomaali baan ahay! Saan la kala jaraan ahay Summadi ay ku wada taal Rag baa beri I saanyaday Anoo xoolo soofsada Xil midnimo anaa sida! Soomaali baan ahay!
  4. Easy on aflagaadada, baliis. Afxumo looma dulqaadan karo.
  5. Maarso 5, 2007 Markacadeey - Cabdi Shukri oo ka mid ahaa xubnihii ku jirey Isbahaysiga Ladagaalanka Argagixisada ayaa sheegay in habka ay wax ku qado dowlada federaalka uu yahay mid aan shaqeyn karin, waxna ka qaban Karin arrimaha Soomaaliya. "Shirarkii hore ee dib u heshiisiinta ee arrimaha Soomaaliya, waa markasta ka hor imaan jirey beesha C/laahi Yuusuf iyo C/laahi oo dhihi jirey looma dhama, tanina waa looma dhama," ayuu yiri Cabdi Shukri. "Hadii shir dib u heshiisiin ah la qabanayo, waa in aan dadka mudan la jujuubin, doowladana aaney indhaha istirin," ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay Cabdi Shukri. " Hogaamiyeyaashii kooxaha ee dalka jooga midkooda aragtidooda ma soo bandhigi karo, waayo waxaa u hanjabayo Itoobiyaanka ," [ ] ayuu yiri Cabdi Shukri oo sheegay in loo baahan yahay in dowlada ay wadahadal la timaado. "Ciidamada C/laahi uu ka keenayo Puntland, uuna ku tilmaamayo ciidamo Qaran, waxay abuureysaa isku dhac hor leh," ayuu yiri, isaga oo sheegay in loo baahan yahay in ciidamada dalka la dhiso, laguna dhiso habka beelaha wax ku qeybsadaan. Markacadeey.com The poor guy can only talk now because London ayuu joogaa, far, far from Xabashi. Cabdi Shukri oo ku baaqay in Madaxweyne Yuusuf uu iscasilo London - Cabdishukri Cali Xirsi Jiija oo ahaa aasaasihii Isbaheysigii Ladagaalanka Argagaxisada oo ay Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Muqdisho xooga ugu saareen ayaa ka hadlay xaalada cakiran ee Soomaaliya. Cabdishukri oo ku sugan magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska ayaa sheegay in xaalada ammaan daro ee xiligaan Muqdisho ka jirta sabab u yahay Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federaalka Cabdilaahi Yuusuf oo uu ku eedeeyay inuu dalka keenay ciidamo uu ugu yeeray cadowga dalka Somalia. Cabdishukri waxuu ammaanay ammaankii ay Muqdisho ka hirgaliyeen Maxkamadahii Islaamiga, kadib markii ay iyaga iska baxeen. "Maxkamadaha hadii ay nala xaajoon lahaayeen waa hubaa inaan wax badan ammaanka iyo dib u dhiska dalka iska kaashan laheyn isla markana ma dhici laheyn inay dalka soo galaan ciidamada Ethiopian-ka" ayuu yiri Cabdishukri. Cabdishukri ayaa sidoo kale ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federaalka inuu is casilo inta aan la qaban shirka dib u heshiisiinta maadaama uu ku eedeeyay inuu wax ka qaban waayay xaalada Somalia. "Waxaa jira rag fara badan oo Aqoonyahano iyo Siyaasiyiin ah isla markaana u qalma inay qabtaan xilka Madaxweynimada waa inuu Cabdilaahi Yuusuf ragaasi xilka u baneeyaa," ayuu yiri Cabdishukri. Ugu dambeyntii, Cabdishukri Cali Xirsi Jiija ayaa qaadacay shirka dib u heshiisinta isagoo sheegay inaysan jirin beelo Soomaaliyeed oo is dagaalsan, waxuuna ugu baaqay Dowlada inay la heshiiso Maxkamadaha. Xamardaye.com
  6. Of all post-civil war singers, Cabdillaahi Boqol, without a question, is among the top, if not on the top alone. His smoothing voice that revealingly pays homage to Nuur Eebbe, another pre-civil war legend, Eebbe ha u naxariistee. Yet, he is not that successful, being the unfortunate product and a newcomer of after the war. It became a fact, a misfontune, a curse to be a singer after the war. All those singers that got their recognization after the war, none is given respect, regardless how talented and distinguished they are. Some blame lack of originality emitting from the newcomers, always singing the old established, classicial albums and singles. Boqol too succumbed to this, having a few original songs in his albums. Some of his songs are Nuur Eebbe's, another Cabdi Tahliil's Onkod, another third from others. Or perhaps the original fanaaniin themselves were not original themselves, courtesy of having great abwaano advantages at their disposal. Very few of these 'legends' wrote those widely known songs themselves. Most were penned for them by Hadraawi, Sahal, Cabdi Muxumud Amiin, Xarawo, Qarshe and others; yet a great respect is paid to Tubeec, Beerdilaacshe, Xasan Aaden Samatar and Cabdi Tahliil, the singers. Boqol waa u qalmaa fanaan kaligiis taagan, and he should strive to be that, instead of following the footsteps of countless semi-recognized, disrespected fananiinta dibadjooga oo kale. Who else u qalmo a true fanaan, those that come on the scene post-civil war that is?
  7. Soomaaliya, especially Xamar iyo agagarkeeda, markuu dayaxa madoowaado, a special occasion ayee ahaan jirtay those nights, by ciyaalka. Dab ayee shidi jireen ciyaalka. Waa laga kor boodi jiray several times. Markaas ka bacdina intee luubaan iyo xabag ku ridaan bahalka uunsiga lagu daaro ayaa xaafadaha lagu soo wareegi jiray, iyadoo wax lagu qeylin jiray. Waa ilooway waxee qaadi jireen. Waayo waayo.
  8. Will you people stop the name-calling? Everyone has a username, use it. Stop this 'qabiil-ubaahan' and 'dabodhirif.' If you don't want to address the individual, don't then. Don't degrade the forum, baliis. Above mocking and insult names will be edited if seen on here again.
  9. A nice reception. Inay baqtiyaan ayaa fiicneed, though.
  10. North., that was not by me nor Kaastaro. I Soomaalinize Ingiriiska, not the other around -- i.e. 'ay loof yuu' as an example of I love you. You can, however, find the original thread that article talks about on here.
  11. Daa'uud, yes, that is very interesting. I hope this old thread too might interest you -- caaddo.
  12. Nuunoow, shucuurta iyo qiirada waa weyntahay. Xaalkana meel sare uu marayaa. Taas oo jirto dalkeena inaa u dhaafno laba iyo afar Xabasho keensaday xaq miyaa, oo dhab miyaa? Dadkaas afka dheer aad ayee u yaryihiin waxaan Xabashada taageersan iyo dowlad ku sheega ay nuujiso qabyaalad ku wada nool, oo midkiiba shan iska dhigaayo, see isku badiyaan ee ma'aha dad badan. Marka afartaas qof in aan dalka ugu samirno xaq miyaa, runtii? Ma'aha. Afartaas daradooda inaan dhahno dalka hala kala gooyo xaq miyaa, dhab ahaan? Maya. Haddaa kala goyno, sidaa horey usoo sheegay waaye, cadowgeyna ugu weyn Xabasha ku faraxsan, oo abeeso noo dheh, shirqoolka ee noo dhigtayna hirgalaayo. Xabashad anagoo kasoo horjeedno, hadana hawsheeda qarsoon inaan u fulino xaq miyaa? Waa maya, duqa. Iska dhaaf kuwaan dowlad ku sheega Xabashada nuujis, koriso iyo maaweeliso iyo wixii yar taageersan. Kuwaas ka samir. Dalka iyo Soomaalinimo haka samrin. Kuwaas Xabashada wato daljecelnimo [wadanimo] haka sugin. Dantooda ayee wataan. Dal la kala goynaayo kasoo horjeedaan dantooda ayee wataan oo qabyaalad ugu soo horjeedaan, ee mabda' iyo Soomaalinimo uguma soo horjeedaan, damiir Soomaaliyeed maalintee Xabasha kaariyaashooda iyo diyaaradahooda miigga ah dalka ku duqeyeen, hadana kuwaas u sacabtumay, maalintaas ayee ka baxeen wax Soomaalinimo la yiraahdo, hadalkoodana ka muhiimsan kan ifka ugu liito. Badankoodana kuwaas Xabashada meeshaan ku taageero Afsoomaaliga xataa ma yaqanaan, oo qoraal iyagoo qoraayo Afsoomaali waligaa ma aragtay? Taas ayaaba igu kaliftay inaan isa su'aalo inay Soomaali dhab yihiin, oo maba hubno inay Soomaali yihiin iyo in kale xitaa. Waxaas oo dhan oo dhacay hadana Soomaaliya kala goyskeeda waligaa niyadda ha gishan, widaayoow. Taas ka ilaali, si walba xaalka ha u murugeysanaadee, Soomaali kala go'eedaa ha gilin maanka, dal iyo dadba. Dhibaatada, qaxarka iyo ibtilada oo ah tijaabadda jirto maanta waa ka bixi doonaa maalin maalintee ahaato, Eebbe hadduu idmo.
  13. The two gentlemen isdaba'ordaayo at almost every thread, heed this: This is a forum, not a chat room. You two almost seem to troll at each given opportunity at any given thread, and deliberately try hijacking those threads, discussing nothing about the said thread's original post. This is not the first, nor the second, nor the third or fourth or fifth. Wixiina waa ka dareey. For your own convenience, trolling is defined talking [writing] for the sake of talking [writing], salted with annoying tones, which clearly is not debating. In a word, you two seem to chat, which always seem has nothing to do with the original topic. We come here to stimulate and participate debates, particularly and more important this political section, not to read two grown men's endless chat logs. At least that was the intention, and it can get ugly sometimes. However, maanta dhan in la isdababursado and discussing a non-topic, a nothing, ma fiicno, only wasting bandwidth. If you two want to chat, the site has a chatroom -- baliis, use it, instead of deliberately hijacking each random thread. Wax halmar iyo laba waala kasay, laakiin mar walba. Waxaas waa ka dareey iyo nus.
  14. Someone does not even know the pictures he is posting. Apparently. This is Sheekh Abbaa. The Malaaq of Malaaqs of Banaadiriga, a very respected man who still lives in Xamarweyne. Since when did he become a 'Sawaaxili?' He is Banaadiri, a Reer Xamar. Far from Sawaaxili, who you allude to mean Bajuunis. Reer Banaadiri and Bajuunis are not and never were the same. Another Banaadiri. This man lives in my own city of Koronto. You can find him every salaadda jimco at Taariiq [Taric] masaajid. Another misleading. This guy is the son of Sheegoow Bishaaro, a well-known man who u halgamay for Soomaaliya's independence in the old days and a member of SYL, the first of nascent guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka in the trusteeship. Yes, the guy Big Brother, the British version, ayuu ku jiray. All those people's pictures you brought are not Bajuunis. They are Banaadiris, which you obviously cannot even distinguish. Bajuunis do indeed live in Southern Soomaaliya, but they were always limited to fringes of coastal areas, from Baraawe to Raaskambooni, and beyond Soomaaliya to Mombaasa to Sansibaar to Musambiik. Who we, however, shared the southern part of the country in the ancient times were Oromos, particularly Booramaha. They lived the interiors of Jubbooyinka and Shabeellaha. It is widely documented the fierce fights between Soomaalida and Oromada in this region -- Soomaalida who always banded together when the fight involved 'shisheeye' and Soomaali. The Oromo later retreated to the present historical boundary, which was when the colonials arrived uninvited. Bajuunis [or as you call them 'Sawaaxili' people] never lived in the interiors. You are badly mistaking them the later arrivals of what foreigners now call 'Bantus,' who were brought from Tansaaniya, Malaawi and Musambiik by Carabs to work their plantation fields in 18th and 19th centuries.
  15. Daa'uud Waraaqle, read this dated thread. It almost answers your questions.
  16. Nuune, widaayoow, ha quursan. It sure is trying times these days, nonetheless ha quursan. Dalkaaga si sahlan laguma samro. Caloolxumada waa badantahay, laakiin waa in la adkeystaa, dal walba ifkaan ka jiro waa soo wada mareen wax tan ka daran waliba. Dadkaan Xabashada keenay waa last to be consulted about our nation's internal affairs. Soomaalinimo waaka baxeen, oo haka sugin wax kalo. I have no problem as long as Soomaalida isqilaafaan, laakiin Xabash dad dalka u wada qabtay, oo maanta Xabashi Xamar ku xaarxaareyso -- dadkaas saas u horseeday aniga maankeyga waaka saaray Soomaalinimo inaa wadaagno, oo waa Soomaali ku sheeg. Do not believe a word they say about our nation or daljecelnimo ka ah. They never were and never are. Only qabyaalad qurunkeeda u geysay, oo ku raagtay. They are not defending dalkeena la kala gooyo because of daljecelnimo, noo. They are defending because of qabyaalad qurunkeeda oo dano kale ayee leeyihiin. Kuwa goosanaayo iyaga Xabashada keenay ayaa ka daran. Waa virus nagu dhexnoolaa, fortunately banaanka isa soo saaray. I am glad to see what they are, oo awal na isku keen qarin jiray. Nonetheless, lama quursado, oo loogama quursado dalkaaga dadkaas yar aan kor kusoo sheegay; dalkaaga qaali weyn waaye, oo heybada aad ku leedahay kaliya ah. Taas marnaba maskaxda ha iloowsiin. Xataa hadaa dhahdid Soomaaliya hala kala gooyo oo maadaama ay hal dal ku heshiin weysay, ma kula tahay in that supposed solution would bring an everlasting, ultimate solution for and all? Methinks not. It will only prolong dhibaatada jirto maanta, xaalkana sii xumaanaayo. Take for example Waqooyi Galbeed. Waqooyi Galbeed ma'aha hal meel la isku wada raacay inay goosato. Gobolla badan ayee ka koobantahay, oo shan ah. Shantoodana dadka degan ma isku raacin. Haddii taas lagu daayo, dadka meeshaas isku qilaafsan makugu tahay inay dhibaatada loogu baxaayo? Ma u maleeyi; dagaalo aan loo baahneen koow ayaa ka bilaabanaayo xaggaas. Hadda oo aqoonsi jirin ayaa la isku horfadhiyaa safka hore, wacdale mar oo aqoonsi dhaco. Jabhad iyo isbiirsi ayaa imaaneyso. Xaalkana sii xumaanaayo. Xataa haddee Waqooyi Galbeed baxdo, which damiirkeena siin karin, yaa ka reebaayo gobolladda kale kale haddee dhahaan anaga waa goosaneynaa? Gobol, degmo, tuulo iyo buulo walba dhaho waa goosaneynaa yaaka reebi karo? Ma xal ayaa ku jiro taas? This is only one reason of many against kala go'a dalka. Other reasons are sharci ama xeer ayaa dalka lagu dhisay, oo axdi ayaa jiray, axdigaasna leh waligiis dalkaan ma kala go'i karo; axdigaas oo codkooda ka wada dhiibteen dhamaan Soomaalida oo dhan badankooda meel walba ee ka joogeen dalka waagaas. Meesha ma'aha guri banaan ku yaalo qof iska baxaayo, hadana soo galaayo. Xeer ayaa degan oo la isku wada raacay. Teeda kalena mid sadexaad ayaa jirto. Soomaalida gumeysiga ka hor waa isku wada duubnayeen, inkastoo axdi u deganayn, laakiin in a sense, 'nation' ayee ahayeen, oo xuduud kama dhaxeen, xuduudkoodana wuxuu ku ekaa meelaha shisheeyaha deganaa, sida webiga Gaarisa waqooyiga ka maro iyo magaaladda Jabuuti agagaarkeeda ee Canfarta ku kala goyso iyo Xarar banaankeeda dhanka Adisababa markii la aado uu ku taalo Soomaali Galbeed. Intaas xuduudka Soomaalida u dhaxeeyo ayee ahayeen, oo iswada ogaa. Reasonka kale waa Xabashada. Xabashada waa sida ay rabto inay Soomaali kala go'aan, midba meel yar ku shooriso, oo isku dirto. Filinka socdo maanta waa saas. Aad ayaa la isku naceybsiiyey Soomaalida. Intee isbaheysi, iskaashi iyo isbiirsi sameyn lahayeen, iyagii ayaa ishorfadhiyo, oo isnaceb. Godkee noogu tala galeen ayaa ku dhacnay -- almost. Awood ay iska celiyaan ma jiri doonto markaas. Mid walba sidee rabto ayee ka yeeli doontaa. Haddaa taas rabtid waxa hadda socdo ku amarqaado. Waa ogeyd Soomaali markee isla jireen, oo isgarabtaagnayeen inay Xabashi juuq iyo jaaq dhihi jirin. Maanta Xamar ayee ku xaaroyaan. Marka maadaama anagoo Xabashi diidaneen, siday rabeen maa u sameyneynaa. Sheekada waxee noqoneysaa cadowgaaga kasoo horjeed, wuxuu rabana u sameey, maxaa yeelay siriqdee dhigeen ayaan ku dhaceynaa oo ah kala go'a dalka. Yar aan isnaqaano oo ka yimid Xamar bishaan ayaa isaragnay. Wuxuu lasoo sheegeystay nin Reer Waqooyi ah oo Xamar joogay, oo training kusoo qaatay Itoobiya. Wuxuu ninkaas u sheegay saaxiibkeey waa yaabee. Trainingka casharka ugu horeeyaba waa isku dirka Soomaalida, oo laga kala dhigo dad biyo iyo dab isku eh. Walaahi. Marka xal miyaa inaa siriqdaas Xabashada noo dhigtay aan ku dhacno mise aan halgano? Labadaan midood ayaa xaq ah kaliya.
  17. I knew Aforomo was a close cousin of Afsoomaali, particularly closer to Afmaay than Afmaxaatiri. However, I did not knew it was this close. It seems every other word is the same as Afsoomaali, even what the Oromos call their language, 'Afan Oromo,' seemingly they have the same meaning the word af as we do. [Mouth/language.] You will see. [PS, it is heavily edited article for the sake of brevity and some words bolded where illustration and a closer-look demands.] ------------- Consonant and vowel phonemes Oromo has another glottalized phone that is more unusual, an implosive retroflex stop, "dh" [our dha too] in Oromo orthography, a sound that is like an English "d" produced with the tongue curled back slightly and with the air drawn in so that a glottal stop is heard before the following vowel begins. Oromo has the typical Southern Cushitic set of five short and five long vowels, indicated in the orthography by doubling the five vowel letters. The difference in length is contrastive, for example, hara 'lake' [har too in Afsoomaali, same meaning], haaraa 'new'. Gemination is also significant in Oromo. That is, consonant length can distinguish words from one another, for example, badaa 'bad', baddaa 'highland'. Grammar [Gender] Except in some southern dialects, there is nothing in the form of most nouns that indicates their gender. A small number of nouns pairs for people, however, end in -]eessa (m.) and -eettii (f.), as do adjectives when they are used as nouns: obboleessa 'brother' [share same meaning with our aboow, which I already knew], obboleettii 'sister', dureessa 'the rich one (m.)', hiyyeettii 'the poor one (f.)'. Grammatical gender normally agrees with biological gender for people and animals; thus nouns such as abbaa 'father' [our abaa/aabo too], ilma 'son' [in Afsoomaali, ilma means kids, instead of sons only], and sangaa 'ox' are masculine, while nouns such as haadha 'mother' and intala 'girl, daughter' are feminine. However, most names for animals do not specify biological gender. [Number] Oromo has singular and plural number, but nouns that refer to multiple entities are not obligatorily plural. That is, if the context is clear, a formally singular noun may refer to multiple entities: nama 'man' [so is in Soomaali nin (in Soomaali, the letter 'm' changes to 'n' when it is the last letter of a word, so it is 'nim;' for examle niman and nimanka)], nama shan, 'five men' [same in Afsoomaali, shan nin]. Another way of looking at this is to treat the "singular" form as unspecified for number. When it is important to make the plurality of a referent clear, the plural form of a noun is used. Noun plurals are formed through the addition of suffixes. The most common plural suffix is -oota; a final vowel is dropped before the suffix, and in the western dialects, the suffix becomes -ota following a syllable with a long vowel: mana 'house' [so is our minan], manoota 'houses', hiriyaa 'friend', hiriyoota 'friends', barsiisaa 'teacher' [we share the base bar (teach), which Oromo word is based on], barsiiso(o)ta 'teachers'. Among the other common plural suffixes are -(w)wan, -een, and -(a)an; the latter two may cause a preceding consonant to be doubled: waggaa 'year' [yep, corresponds our waaga, which roughly means age], waggaawwan 'years', laga 'river', laggeen 'rivers', ilma 'son' [we have already dealt on this one], ilmaan 'sons'. [Case] An Oromo noun has a citation form or base form that is used when the noun is the object of a verb, the object of a preposition or postposition, or a nominal predicative. mana 'house' [we covered this, same with our minan], mana binne 'we bought a house' hamma 'until', dhuma 'end' [yep, corresponds our dhamaad], hamma dhuma 'until (the) end' The nominative is used for nouns that are the subjects of clauses. Ibsaa, man's name, Ibsaan 'Ibsaa (nom.)', makiinaa, qaba 'he has' [aaheey, same meaning of our qabo. Hebel dhar ayuu qabaa as an example.], Ibsaan makiinaa qaba 'Ibsaa has a car' maqaa 'name' [magac, in Afmaay it is magaa same like Aforomo, which, like Afmaay, do not have the letter 'C' or 'ca'], maqaan 'name' (nom.)' afaan 'mouth, language' [so is our af (mouth/language)] (base form or nom.). Personal pronouns Oromo - English - Soomaali Ana - 'I' ---- ani Ati - 'You' ---- adi [singular of 'you' in Oromo.] Asi - 'He' --- asaga Isii - 'She' --- iyada Isin - 'You' --- idinka, in Afmaay it is more closer, which the plural Maay word of 'you' is isiin. [Plural of 'you' in Oromo.] Verb Conjugation Qabda 'you (sg.) have' [close meaning and spelling to our qabtaa/qabo, 'holding/hold'; e.i, maxaa qabtaa?, 'what are you holding?']. Dhugda 'you (sg.) drink' [in Oromo, 'dhug' means drink, close to our dhuuq, which has a closer meaning, 'slurping']. Barra 'we learn' [bar[/b], 'teach;' baranay, 'we learn' Galla 'we enter' [the base word is 'gal,' same meaning with our gal, 'enter'] Verbs whose stems end in two consonants and whose suffix begins with a consonant must insert a vowel to break up the consonants since the language does not permit sequences of three consonants. There are two ways this can happen: either the vowel i is inserted between the stem and the suffix, or the final stem consonants are switched (an example of metathesis) and the vowel a is inserted between them. For example, arg- 'see' [so is our arag], arga 'he sees' [wuu arkaa], argina or agarna 'we see'[arkeynaa in Soomaali]; kolf- 'laugh' [close to qosol], kolfe 'he laughed', kolfite or kofalte 'you (sg.) laughed'. The third person masculine singular, second person singular, and first person plural present forms are shown for an example verb in each class. Dhaga- 'hear' [close to dhago, 'ears;' however in Afmaay, dheeg means hear, also in Afmaxaa but used less frequently, for example: i dhageyso (hear/listen to me)]: dhaga'a 'he hears', dhageessa 'you (sg.) hear', dhageenya 'we hear' (note that the suffix consonants change) The common verbs fedh- 'want' [in Afmaay, fad means 'want' also] and godh- 'do' deviate from the basic conjugation pattern in that long vowels replace the geminated consonants that would result when suffixes beginning with t or n are added: fedha 'he wants', feeta 'you (sg.) want', feena 'we want', feetu 'you (pl.) want', hin feene 'didn't want', etc. -------------- I see it is still a bit long, wali anigoo soo gaabiye. To read more about Afan Oromo, inta riix.
  18. Horta fanaaniintii Hobaladda Shareero ku jirtay yaa yaqaano? Hal qof kaliya ayaa ka caan ahaa aan xasuusto oo ah Khadiijo Qalanjo iyo heesaheeda heybada lahaa, sida 'diriyam oo hoo diriyam...' Any other singers ku jiray hoboladaas?
  19. Awjimcaale, Kacaan diid waaxid. Gurmadka maku jiri jirin i dheh. Meerijaankiina ku dar. Ciyaalkii Ubaxakacaankana ma ahayn i dheh. LoL. Waligaa safka iskoolka hiraabtii ma galin miyaa, oo gacanta intaa saaratid ardeyga kaa horeeyo, calanka la face gareeyo, wixii la qaadi jirayna la qaado. Maxee ahayeen wixii la qaadi jiray? Guulwadoow, Siyaad Aabihii garashada Geygayagoow Hantiwadaaga waa habka Barwaaqo noo horseedaye Bulaanka baxaaya Nuurka biraamaya Dhawaaqa baaqaya Waa barbaartii shaqaalahoow Isbiirsadoow .... Haa, haa, haa ------------- Nooloow, nooloow Siyaad, nooloow Aabihii dalkoow, Siyaad Aabihii ummadoow, Siyaad Wehelkii ummadoow, Siyaad Nabey nooma talin Maskax nooma roon Nacabkaa ha jaboow -------------- Waabaa baryoo Bilicsan Aroorya baxsan Maalin boqran Kuwii ka beyree Balada raacdee Badbaada diidee Waa baaba'ooda Barbaraarnay Gumeysi baaba' Webiyo badanoo Dhulkii ku falanoo Ku baahi beelnay Haay, haay, waligaa haay! Guulwade MMA reporting. Dubad, are you happy now, duqa?
  20. Originally posted by nuune: ^^^ I was astonished to read that during the 1977 war, Israeli pilots were involved, illeen gaaladu wey isku qeylo dhaansadaan, meesha Cuba iyo Sovietkooda leen moodaayeyba. But the Israelis were fighting along side with the Ethiopian before any Soviet joined, thus proved in aan yahuuda ka adkaaney ayagoo la socda Ethiopianka, and many Israelis who were piloting the MIGs were shot down. Of course, Nuune, there were others, proven too. Read this snippet from Time Magazine: "What has transformed the Ethiopians from losers into almost certain winners has been the arrival since mid-December of the most imposing arsenal of military equipment that the Soviet Union has assembled anywhere outside the Communist world: $900 million worth of tanks, field guns, rockets, radar, artillery, mortars and missiles. To help with the hardware, and otherwise shore up the sagging Marxist military regime of Lieut. Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam, Moscow has also provided Addis Ababa with a polyglot army of soldiers and technicians. According to Western intelligence reports, the roll includes 1,000 Russians, 3,000 Cubans (of whom 2,000 are believed to have been involved in last week's fighting), 1,000 or so troops from the radical Arab state of South Yemen and perhaps 2,000 East Germans, Czechoslovaks, Hungarians, Poles and Bulgarians. In addition, the Ethiopians are still assisted by about 40 Israeli technicians, who help to service military planes and install and operate electronic communication and surveillance equipment." Time magazine, circa Febraayo, 1978. Time as a Western magazine will be generous and biased to when it comes to anything about Isra'iil, so you triple double that and make it possibly more than hundreds of Isra'iilis involved and surely more experts than 'technicians.'
  21. The Master will inevitably be busy the next couple days, weeks or perhaps months to save his regime's credibility in the eyes of Galbeedka since Cafars supposedly kidnapped several Westerners in their region now. What will the minions, in the meantime -- including the Father of Stooge -- do the upcoming days? Where will they get the full instructions from? Will fawning dependants be taken care of by Mesfin, the other Tigrey Xabash foreign minister and business as usual? The Master is unavailable, what should be done, what should be please him, what should be stayed away lest he is offended. Questions, questions, questions. Five Britons including diplomats and embassy staff were among 15 Western tourists being held by kidnappers in a remote corner of Ethiopia dubbed the "land of death" because of its extreme climate. The Britons, who have links to the British embassy in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, were in one of two convoys intercepted on Wednesday in the barren Afar region close to the border with Eritrea, which is roamed by separatist rebels and bandits. Whitehall sources said last night that there was a "national security dimension" to the kidnappings and that the government's emergency committee, Cobra, had met over the incident. The second group, comprising between seven and 12 French citizens, was believed to be being held by the same kidnap gang after both convoys were stopped in the Danakil Depression, a spectacular desert bowl that contains the lowest point in Africa more than 500 metres below sea level. Independent
  22. Another day, another baraf. This time, it not only snowed. First the ground already had too much snow on, then came a real unexpected snow, then came the icy rain, then the heavy snow, then blizard, then mother of all, a winter storm of winds so strong kor ayee kuu qaadayeen. Poor Koronto. This person must be a diehard environmentalist.