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Everything posted by RaMpAgE

  1. I heard they kill alot of their agents after they retire, so no information is realsed. If ur muslim then , iam 100% sure they will get rid of u after u serve them.
  2. I heard they kill alot of their agents after they retire, so no information is realsed. If ur muslim then , iam 100% sure they will get rid of u after u serve them.
  3. I heard they kill alot of their agents after they retire, so no information is realsed. If ur muslim then , iam 100% sure they will get rid of u after u serve them.
  4. I heard they kill alot of their agents after they retire, so no information is realsed. If ur muslim then , iam 100% sure they will get rid of u after u serve them.
  5. dating 101: from my grandfather! He told me son dont waste your time on a women. u ce women r like bus, there is always one coming down the street going your way so hop on in and when u get to your destination, get off. so far it seems to work! looool..damn that was a nice advice@rudy.
  6. Rampage asalaama calaykum genetically its possible to have mixed kids with blond hair and blue eyes eventhough the black colour gene is dominant and the percentage to have kids who look like north african is higher you can still get blond kids with blue eyes in a less percentage . brother that happing is one in a million chances. but hey maybe it was that one in million chance.
  7. and the kids i live near a somali lady with white husbond and she has little white, blonde kids that speak somali and with somali names like Xalimo and Warsame, its hilarious sxb..if a somali women and a white man marry their children would be yellow colour like arabs, and certainly they won't be blonde or have blue eyes...black and brown are dominating colours. :rolleyes:
  8. I think the best solution is not too bring up this issue, the reason begin is that it wil creat more dilema, confusion and bad blood. Almost everyone was involved in this genoiced by supporting a warlord. Best solution would be too forgive and forget. even tho i don't mind the internation crimanl court too bring those warlords too justice.
  9. i was really ashamed not coz they drag death person, but they were so ugly . damn ugly dark and ignorents. don't believe evertthing u see in the movies..those people won't somalis, and anways who cares wether the body was draged or not..just some gaalo.
  10. All uk peepz, this doesn't give u the license too eat xaram food.lol
  11. bacerlona wasting their money, i don't think becham will make them any better, the guy is overated just becuz hes british.what load of bs :mad:
  12. I do not see any problem with her post. Let the sister creat a meaningful topic which those who have something to say can reply and contribute and those who are unaware can take notes. Her object is to educate the ill-inform southners. I don't see anything meaningful in this topic. Maybe just few sentencs of mumbo jumbo, but with no meaning or no point too it. :confused:
  13. ^^^^ looool damn that was funny..
  14. this reminds me of that topic created by "modesty"
  15. RaMpAgE

    wishing AIDS

    didn't even bother reading it
  16. Ahmed Mohamed was in the line at a Minneapolis grocery store, when a man behind him tapped him on the shoulder and asked, Are you Somali? Yes. Are you new here in Minnesota? Well, yes. Why haven't I seen you in the mosque? I don't go to the mosque. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't read the whole article but so far this stuff looks like its made up.Since when do a somali u have never seen before ask u such a question"Why haven't i seen you in the mosque? I agree bro, from the few sentencs i reed i knew it was bullshit. anways those who doubt islam are those with lack of iman
  17. 1- get him beaten up bigtime 2-kidnap him, tie him up, blindfold him, take him to a forest, and leave him stranded in the middle of nowhere after humiliating him (get his clothes and shoes off, and leave him cold with only his pants on (u dont wanna c whats under there!) 3- say you gonna go out with him, basbaas kuluul indhaha kaga shuub! 4-say u will give him a chance see his reaction. some Psychopaths just like the chase, and loose intrests soon after 5- if he doesnt loose intrest, well tell him to prove his love, and ask for the most expensive presents, lacaagtaa ka damee (and u dont have to give him nothing in return, coss u just doing him a favour and use the shaaraaftayda line if tries anything) 6- take him on a pik-nik and feed him xaar, with miliix and xawaash (hopefully he will dump u on your 'lack of cooking skills' loooool. i think u been watching too much movies slients.
  18. there are others who in the real life are quite friendly, full of energy and creativity, talkative, slick well clued-up with the current events, But when it comes to Somaliaonline, they become shy, quiet, backward, withdrawn, inhibited, unfriendly, aloof, and disinterested hermits shunning any interaction with any nomad in the SOL forums !! those nomads are unpopular, their replies and topics appear to be nothing but a bland little dramas….. wow u descirbed me well :cool: , just few things i anit shy too post a reply just can't be bothered. and i anit unfriendly nor am i disinterested, just can't be bothered.
  19. lol@slient...i did something like this before. But i gota hand it too u..u nearly freaked me out(ps..i said nearly :cool: )
  20. queen..i think me and u shud have a one one one game. ps bring some dacas for goals and coke iyo xalwo. :cool:
  21. look at yourself walaahi, even the kufaars where apposed to the war. today all that seems to b on british telly is the fact that TONY BLAIR & BUSH had false evidence and the stupid excuse they used to attack IRAQ were false, till this day not a single weopon of massdistruction or biological weapon has been found. abaayo (slient sister) theirs no such thing as evidence in this world, if u have power than u can do anything u want. All trought out history the powerful has preyed on the weak, and today that trend is contuning.But one day insha allah that trend will come too a stop and justice will previle. ps. paltalk= just remeber americas power won't last for ever, and insha allah i will be dere when the white house comes down. :cool:
  22. Yeah, i was thinking of applying for secetary of state, or maybe foreign relations minister.
  23. As for the a somali lady joining the army well i say count me out as a potential future husband. HAHAHA damn that was funny, <---laughing anways too the sister, i think join the army isn't a good idea Because ur fighting for a kafri country.Anways i anit a sheik but its best if u go too a sheik and ask wether its premited.
  24. I have too say >>P.nedved...just look at how juve missed him in the final.