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Everything posted by Kruella

  1. First of all, the implication of 911 will forever resonate in our lives for generations to come. And I’m talking about the Muslims in general. It’s obvious your pea brain can’t comprehend the extent and the damage of this farce. Second, there is no need to curse to emphasize your point. Third, not many people are “fans†of this sort of bullshit coz they’re too busy being spoon fed a more refined, appetizing, appealing bullshit aka the 6’oclock news and mainstream media. Salamz
  2. This video is the golden nugget for conspiracy theorist like me. It raises all the important unanswered questions about the 911 reports and highlights its discrepancies. Make sure you take the time to view it in its entirety. Just food for thought.
  3. Kruella

    MAY 18th

    Consider it a done deal! I must admit I don't know any national anthem, since I'm not politically inclined. Tu dois t'empresser de l'apprendre et je ferai la meme chose avec celle de Sland. Si tu participes aux festives de Sland ce Samedi 14 mai a Toronto laisse nous savoir comment cela c'est deroule. Salamz
  4. Kruella

    MAY 18th

    Lander you're actually right on that one, the fact that it's easier to criticize instead of doing something about it. But I doubt people care about what I have to say or about my initiatives for that matter. All I’m saying is that the show is being run by elders who lack a sense of organization. I would much prefer to see youth initiatives and involvement, but the outlet is not available. Cousin, en ce qui concerne la nationalité Djiboutienne, c’était sûrement une initiative pour te rendre agité. Je suis tout à fait d’accord de ne pas renoncer à notre héritage ou à notre appartenance. A vrai dire ça me fait plaisir de voir une fierté flagrante de ta part. By the way, I’m not an undercover SLander, I have and always been proud of who I am, I just choose not to wave flags or tangle in politics to display my allegiance Salamz
  5. Kruella

    MAY 18th

    Well said Northerner. Most of these types of celebrations are just overcrowded parties rather than a gathering of like-minded people who want to do a good cause. Instead of having guest speakers about important issues facing Somaliland and encouraging youths to participate in the development of the country, they have people whining to the beat and showing off to the cameras. Instead of pondering on the sacrifices of others, they’re too busy trying to get the digits of so and so. It’s sad but true, although I’ve never been to those events, I’ve heard of their shortcomings time and time again, plus I have the tapes to prove it. What happened to the money raised? How come we don’t get a report of the good that it has done. The problem with events like this is that it’s never transparent, for all we know some dude has probably reserved 20 years worth of Qaad in a Silo. With that being said, I wish everyone a happy somaliland day! P.S Lander, what makes a person a somalilander? Je croyais que tu étais un Djiboutien de souche !
  6. May God give you and your family strength to deal with this loss. May Allah shower his mercy on your father. Amin salamz
  7. A_Ladiif I don't understand your point. What does my above statement have to do with your view as western countries as our homes? I stated that religion has no place in western countries because of the separation between church and state. Muslims don't have it easy when they decide to take 10 minutes break to do their prayers at work. But as most people here have expressed, it is possible to do your prayers at work by bending the rules. Not only because their employers are nice, but also because they're committed to their religious duties. By the way it is not a Right according to companies policies it's a Privilege because you're using company's time. In short, My statement was: " Hey even if you're at risk of getting fired, don't compromise your prayers". Look at the above article posted by Bishaaro. Which by the way, illustrates most workplace policies on religious practice. P.S Western countries are not our homes rather a temporary refuge. Salamz
  8. Well, salat and work don't go hand in hand with the western workplace. Most employers won't go out of their way to accomodate your religious duties. That's why from the first day you have to make a stand and let them know that it's not an option for you to miss a prayer. Regardless, if there is a prayer room or not. You can use the stairs, sick rooms, empty offices, cubicles, any space available provided you won't impend office traffic. Be steadfast on this and your employers won't dare question you on it. Salamz
  9. It's unfortunate, not most of us apply those good behaviors nowadays. It's like teaching an old dog new tricks. I find that it's a rarity for our men to treat their women that way, mainly because he will "seem" whipped or weak to other men. It's all that macho crap. Let's all drop that "show no mercy" attitude insh'allah. Salamz
  10. Kruella


    Brother Nur, I appreciate most of the advice you give, but I think you shouldn't incite guys to strive for Jannah because there will be beautiful women waiting for them rather jannah should be sought with the upmost sincerity and purity of the ulterior motives such as nice looking women. I know that your response had many other factors, but I couldn't help myself, I HAD to respond to that part. I just thought that women should be the last thing on his mind, given that the delights and wonders of heaven are Inconceivable. Salamz
  11. WE are the sum of all our actions and choices. Our present state as individuals is due to our previous actions. There is no sense in racking our brains with theoretical abstract thinking that will not result in anything but confusion. When it comes to making choices or acting on something, always remember that it will reflect on you and impact our lives no matter how small a matter it may be. Therefore, when it comes to making a decision always remember to live by our islamic principles of conduct and insh'allah nothing can go wrong. Salamz
  12. Oh Well I already got the tickets after they were raised to 40 bucks. But i'm sure plenty of plp will volunteer now. thanks Salamz
  13. QL I'm far from cruel, my nick as well as my avatar is from 101 Dalmatians hence Cruella deville. But on a serious note. You're right when you say that we air our dirty laundry like nobody's business. What happened to hiding your brother's/sister's faults so Allah can hide yours? Rubbing wounds with salt won't speed up the healing process. Salamz
  14. The "loser dead beat dad" portrayal of fathers isn't exclusive to the somali community. They're also rampant in Western societies. With our community it mainly started after the war and mothers became wards of the welfare state in the diaspora. Most dads, if present at all, were wearing 3 piece suits and debating about politics with a stale 4-hours-old cup of tea in the local coffee shop. I know that not all of them are like that. Some spend countless hours in factories and back breaking work to provide for their families. Having said that, I hope we realize that by demeaning our men/dads/father figures we're also humiliating ourselves (vice versa). It's bound to be a vicious circle of disrespect if your children grow up with that kind of mentality. As for Western societies, the rise of women in the workforce undermined the capabilities of men in the domestic front (he can't fend for himself) as well as the workplace (he can't be a multitasker like women are). I think it's mostly an overrated caricature of Men. But this shouldn't be our concern, because we first have to take care of our own homes before judging others. Let's not be Jacks-of-all-trades and master of none. Let's master in upholding respect for each other. Salamz
  15. X did u say risk taker? I take a bath with Island kiss and last time I took a risk I changed the brand of my ice cream. Free spirit? Naw my spirit is shackled and cautious. Creative? Mos def. I dream of light blue by Dolce Gabbana and blue water for men by Davidoff Salam
  16. Thanks Tamina for the additional info, I think the registration process became a hassle, maybe because they had loads of trouble last time. Can't wait!!! I'm also curious about the singers. Thanks once again! Salamz
  17. Another learning opportunity, another venue, Another gathering. The conference is taking place in the skydome on dec 24-25-26 2004. visit the website: Hope you guys can make it!!! Salamz
  18. A real eye opener!!! Indeed, the truely wise and intelligent among us are those who remember death and prepare for it. Thanks for making us remember it and ponder on it. If you guys have time please make sure to listen to this lecture of Abdur-Raheem Green on death. It illustrates the journey of the soul to hellfire or paradise. Salamz
  19. These kinds of posts are the reason I keep visiting SOL. They are by far the most instructive and awaken us from our deep slumber of monotony. thanks a bunch Salamz
  20. Kruella


    Death is the ultimate freedom for the mumin but for the average joe it sucks to be a passenger in that train. CB what's with this sudden preoccupation with death? Any suicidal/homicidal thoughts lately? Salamz
  21. Why is there a need for these? To some people, it's a matter of aspiring to look like the ideal image, to look "civilized" (apparently you gotta be a whitey to be civilized), and portray a certain stature of wealth. The lighter you look the more well-off people think you are. E.g mulatos in New orleans were more accepted in the white society. When we translate this Michael Jackson Obsession to somali women and men (men are increasingly using skin bleach mind you)we find that they're not different than the slave mentality analogy. Slaves who imitate their masters by forgetting their language and culture, adopting the dominant lifestyle and mentality. In truth, some would say they are coerced to conform, because they think they can't get any attention without "beautifying" themselves. Others want to be distinguished among the crowd and want to look like they just stepped out of a magazine. Who gets more magazine coverage Beyonce or Serena williams? Do you ladies need to look lighter just to conform/fit in to the white culture? Those who conform are subjugating themselves to the whims of society and they mostly do it by choice because they want to fit in. How else can you fit if you look different? Therefore it's not a question of needing to fit in but WANTING to fit in. A case in note, in somali culture people value the light skinned women, saying to the non-lizard look-alike, can't she afford to beautify herself? She looks like she spends her days working outside. So there you have it, complexion transformation is just another evidence of the strong pull of societal ideals. Salamz
  22. Can we agree to take the Revolver out of the Evolution that is the quick, bang bang, the fast and furious change in revolution? Change itself, like most of you already said, starts in a micro-level (heart) and propels to a macro-level (the community, nation). It takes time it takes willpower and most definitely takes a cohesive force to make it happen in a grander scale. Grassroot Islamic revolution is possible, only because in Islam, we’re taught to revolt against base and unjust behavior within yourself or from outside forces. Revolution is against the negative pull of your heart, your base desires, and your unjust ruler and in this case the McWorld. This is the new face of Muslim reawakening, realizing that the western world mirrors Macdonald, it’s cheap, fast and unhealthy. The struggle or revolution has started long ago, but the establishment of the Khilafa is a long way ahead. Salamz
  23. I don't think that the "smart ones" are doctors or dieticians, so if you allow me to say my piece. Thank you**** All I can say is the dude who invented the Atkins diet DIED of a heart attack. That should tell you its efficiency, however most people who swear by the Atkins diet aren't exactly "somali men" type of body. So one shouldn't associate the diet with mali men coz even blubber guys, and out of shape somali women have the same diet as the skinny ones. In everything there is balance, so eating too much meat isn't exactly healthy, check out the average somali man's life expectancy, clogged arteries I tell ya. And last but not least, the reason somali men are skinny is due to the frequent mobility (a.k.a nomad) and the environment they live in. It's most certainly not due to the meat intake. Salamz
  24. I'm seriously appalled by the incessant witch hunt around here and the holier than thou attitudes. It has gotten to a point where no one is permitted to express themselves without being branded or belittled. I gathered that in SOL, we're all adults, fairly informed about our religion and smart enough to know what's haram and what isn't. It isn't necessary to reiterate the 5 pillars of Islam or Any other Islamic conducts whenever someone happens to dislike the topic or comments in various threads. This is the perfect opportunity to adopt SILENCE is golden motto. I think most plp are aware of our religion and its restrictions when it comes to unislamic issues(or at least I hope so). I urge you all to restraint yourselves from being condescending and patronizing to other nomads in here no matter what the topic at hand might be. Islam section will be the ideal place to educate ourselves with useful information and I think we should put it to good use. So next time someone wants to talk about hair-raising subjects or wants to become a crossed eyed astronomer with pink slippers don't go running for bukhari and muslim hadiths to contradict him or her. Salamz
  25. Just a heads up for shopaholics in tdot, there is a huge mother's day sale at the Marriot hotel near the Eaton center on Saturday May 1st 2004 from 11 am to 9 pm. Salamz