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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I hate to see this guy bite the dust. That wouldn't be nice to witness or would it?
  2. Help rebuild Somalia, urges new president [ KT EXCLUSIVE BY AFKAR ABDULLA ] Well, congratulations to the new self declared President. On another count, what is wrong with Arab journalists, do they ever make some background checks of their stories? I've seen countless obvious mistakes in many articles they wrote about the Somali politics.
  3. SmithNwestern What are the shortfalls of Abdilaahi Yusuf, if I might ask?
  4. sida kursiga loogu fadhiyo ayaan ku qosley... raaxo ayaa laga dhergay.
  5. LST Very nice pictures and nice designed website too. Were you the one who did it?
  6. are you muslim, horta Nayruush If you didn't read the article by Hassan Said properly, let me break it down for you. Hassan Said is accusing The Rayaale and his UDUB-Party, that you labeled as "BUNCH OF TERRORISTS", for being too soft on Somaliland stance on future talks with Somalia.
  7. Cajiib!! Kowneyn the aim of Muslims is to form a united Muslim ummah. Now if the ummah is a store, how would a person get to it? By walking steadily to it, and "Somaliland" is crippling one of those legs that we would use to walk there. For neither man nor angel can discern Hypocrisy, the only evil that walks Invisible, except to God alone! John Milton, Paradise Lost. HornAfrik, brother, before you preach, "unity" begins at home.
  8. OG_Girl Isn't this a classical: Isla-yaab, isla-diid!! I am astonished by your shear ignorancy or lack of knowledge which ever way it is... but you think otherwise too. I've seen some people who to some extent I assumed they either deliberately miss-use certain words or they just lack its understanding at all. In fact, there are lots of words SOL users do not know the meaning of. Lets just say that the word "sovereignty" is in that list of abused words too. Nevertheless, me or you or we, can do nothing about certain subjects, it is sometimes better to leave somethings in the hands of Allah, surely he is all knowing and all mighty.
  9. Daahir Riyaal reminds people what the real meaning is of dictator it is good to learn from other people's mistakes, shouldn't you say? you mean Somaliland fears Abdullahi Yusuf right lugna baqo ugu joog, lugna dirir that is not of any concern to us, as far as Somaliland goes. But, if the Southern people wanted a dictator, I wonder why they overthrew Siad Barreh, surely if you compare the two Siad Barreh would become a saint.
  10. Candlelight and Havayoco, two Local NGOs that are registered in Hargeisa, distributed the third round of relief aide donated by WFP... Mucaawino La Geeyey Degmada Taleex Oo Muran Ka Dhashay Mudaharaad balaaran ayaa maanta waxa uu ka dhacay degmada Taleex ee gobolka Sool, mudaharaadkaas ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in uu ka dhashay kadib markii hay’ada WFP ay halkaas geysay raashin mucaawino ah oo loogu tala galay dadka ay abaaruhu dhibaatada ka soo gaartay. Nabadoon Ismaaciil Jaamac ayaa mar uu u warramayay shalay idaacadda Midnimo ee magaalada Boosaaso u sheegay in si khaldan loo isticmaalay gargaarkii la gaarsiin lahaa dadka dhibaateysan. Nabadoonku wuxuu kaloo intaas ku daray in degmada Taleex ay ka mid aheyd meelihii abaaraha ugu darani ay ka dhaceen aysana wax taakuleyn ah ka helin maamulka Puntland, wuxuu kaloo sheegay in Saddex goor oo hore ay mucaawinooyin deegaankaas soo gaarsiiyeen Urur Wadani ah oo lagu magacaabo HAVAYOKO oo ka diiwaan gashan maamulka Somaliland. Mudaharaadkan ayaa dadweynuhu waxay uga soo horjeedeen Maamulka Gobolka Sool oo ay ku eedeynayaan in maamulku uu si khaldan wax u maamulayo.
  11. Out of these men, the Somali people should fear Abdilaahi Yusuf, he gives the word "dictator" a new meaning.
  12. To the outsiders, I am Somali (that is what I say to them). But to other Somalis from other Somali regions, I am a Somalilander (a shorter way to say, a Somali from Somaliland)
  13. These people don't understand what nation is!, they think clan can be a nation Somalia ( the sovereign NATION ] consists of Somali CLANS .. i.e ... the 4.5 formula is applied Speaking of sovereignty, according to the good old dictionary, it says: 1. Self-governing; independent: a sovereign state. 2. A territory existing as an independent state. now, can you apply that to Somalia? certainly Somaliland is self-governing, functioning as an independent state, hence sovereign state. :cool:
  14. These people don't understand what nation is!, they think clan can be a nation This is not to say Somaliland is clan, but I thought your 4.5 formula was based on clans...
  15. This is the problem! They aren't equal! "Somaliland" holds atleast 25% of the Somali population and 1/4 the land (the most overblown pro-"Somaliland statistic"!) How could they be equal? This is not about size or population, that is the rule of the jungle, the civilised world measures equality in other terms. You should see why they have that term in the UN, AU and EU charters. Besides, for to be equal partners, you need to catch-up, you need to hold democratic elections and elect a president from the minority clans, elect your local government officials through the ballets, have security and governance for a decade.
  16. Republic of Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Release 23/08/04 The Government of Somaliland urges the leaders in Somalia; the Member States of IGAD; the African Union; the United Nations; and other donor countries, to abstain from any unfriendly declaration or acts against Somaliland that could bring about further complications, conflict and instability to the region of the Horn of Africa. In the event that any person or persons claim to be representing the Government of Somaliland and /or its people, in the ongoing Somalia Peace Conference; and in the event that such person or persons are accorded such status; the Government of Somaliland hereby officially states that this will hinder any possible future dialogue between Somaliland and any future legitimate government of Somalia (former Italian Somalia ) that emanates from the current peace process in Nairobi. The Government of Somaliland is ready to take part in a dialogue with Somalia as equal partners , when and if a legitimate, democratically elected government is established in Somalia ( former Italian Somalia ) with the full support and mandate of the people of Somalia. This dialogue will be between two legitimate and fully sovereign Governments and their two States , Somalia and Somaliland, without entertaining the concept that Somaliland will be part of the Federal system that is being contemplated for Somalia in the 14th Peace Conference that is currently taking place in Nairobi.
  17. Consider me as one of them... now which part of being a Somalilander you failed to understand, I shall help you overcome it?
  18. From Winston Tubman, special envoy of the US Secretary General :confused:
  19. few more photos... [the flag, why so small? perhaps the eyeglasses does the job... :eek: ] [there is no seperate catering area? ]
  20. I got a video of the Guurti having a session under a big tree, probably it was recorded early 1990s. But look at what they have now... [looks like mvps are seated infront (frontbenchers??)]
  21. [Are they blocking a road or just looking at the trees?] [they seem to be very laid back...] [The women feel cheated b/c their supposedly allocated 31 seats were taken by men]
  22. Koob Shalay la Gudoonsiyay Madaxweynaha Hargaysa (Halganews)Waxa shalay munaasibada ka dhacday Qasriga Madaxtooyada somaliland lagu gudoonsiyay Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin Koob, koobkaas oo madaxweynaha ay gudoonsiiyeen ciyaartoo ka ciyaari jiray magalada London ee Ingiriiska, Waxana gudoonsiyay Madaxweynah koobkaa, Xasan Waraabe Cade iyo C/fataax Siciid Axmed. Xafladaas waxana ka soo qayb galay Wasiirka Ciyaaraha iyo dhalinyarada Maxamuud Siciid iyo mudanayaal kale, madaxweynuhu waxa uu isaga oo ugu mahadnaqaya dhalinyarad koobka gudoonsiyay waxa uu yidhi “Aad baad u mahadsan tihiin koobka aad igu igudoonsiiseen dedaalka aad samayseen ee aad ku guulaysateen in magaca dalkiina aad ugu soo haysaan koob halkaa ka sii wada, waxaan u malaynayaa in yaryarkani ay ka mid yihiin dadkii dhaxanta taagnaa ee berigii aan hogaaminayey ee berigii dhaweyd safarka anau ka soo faa’iidnay waxa ugu weynaa jiil aad u yaryar oo qaarkood halkaas ku dhashay kuwona iyagu oo yar yar ay dalka ka tageen ayaa ogaaday in ay dal dhisan oo jira ay leeyihiin, waxaan idinkula dardaarmayaa in aad iska ilaalisaan cabitaanka sigaarka iyo wixii xun xun, waayo horumar kama gadhaysaan dhinaca ciyaaraha, caafimaad ahaan idiiinma fiicna haddii aad sigaarka iyo balwada kale barataan†ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne Rayaale. Isago madaxweyne Rayaale hadalkiisa sii wada waxa uu yidhi “wakhtigii aan dhalinyaro aan ahaa kubada waan ciyaari jiray oo baaskitka ayaan aad u ciyaari jiray, nasiib wanaag maanta adduunka ciyaaraha lacag baa lagu helaa aad u farabadan, marka qofku houmarkeeda la yimaado, in ay wasaarada ciyaaruhu fiicnaato aniga sharaf bay ii tahay aad baana u dhiiri gelinayaa ciyaaraha†Waxa kale oo isna ka hadlay Wakiilka xidhiidhka jaalliyada dibeda iyo xukuumada Somaliland C/fataax siciid Axmed, wuxuuna yidhi “Madaxweyne aad baanu kuugu mahadinaynaa sida wanaagsan ee noloogu soo dhaweeyey dalka, dhalinyaradan aad bay uga heleen nabadgelyada iyo horumarka taala dalka aad bayna ugu farxeen hawlaha badan ee xukumadu ay wado, waxaanu idiin rajeynaynaa in aad halkaa ka sii wadaan xoogana aad saartaan dhinaca dhalinyarada wax qabadkiina†Waxa kale oo isna halkaa ka hadlay Xasan Waraabe Cade ooka xog waramay dhilinyarada iyo wakhtiga koobkan ay ku guulaysteen, wuxuuna yidhi “Aad baan ugu faraxsanahay in yar yarkii aad u yar yaraa iyagoo ka tegay dalka ama halkaasba ku dhashay ay koob u soo hooyaan dalkooda, iyagaoo ku ciyaaraya magaca dalkooda, gudoonsiiyaan madaxweynahooda, koobkan waxay qaadeen 28/12/2003 ciyaar ka dhcday waqooyiga London, aad bayna ugu mahadsan yihiin inay ku maamuusaan oo gudoonsiiyaan koobka madaxweynahooda, waxaan isaguna u mahdnaqayaa wasiirka ciyaaraha Maxamuud siciid oo muujiyey wax qabad dhab ah oola taaban karo dhinaca ciyaaraha iyo horumarka†Waxa kale oo isna hadal ka yidhi goobtaa Axmed C/laahi Maxmed (Kanu) oo ah kabtanka kooxda kobka ku guulaystay, wuxuuna yidhi “Aad baanu guu faraxsanahay nabadgelyada taala dalka xukuumada iyo shacbigaba aad baanu ugu boorinaynaa in ay dedaalka halkaa ka sii waaan iyo horumarka dalka
  23. NW Artha Faction vs Abdilaahi Yusuf Part 2... Abdilaahi Yusuf seems cornered by a strong and organised Artha Faction.
  25. What a beauty... a dream come true indeed. Ilaahay ha ka yeelo intii diintooda, dalkooda iyo dadkoodaba anfaca. Aamin.