Gordon Gekko

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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko

  1. But where the hell are the paved roads man!? Jacaylbaro, do you have a tuk-tuk service company that can take me from point A to one of these houses cause I don't want to dirt down my macawiis?
  2. Here are some pics of completed houses. The only one's I could find: Although I do have to say I liked these ones better, don't know if there part of WSV, built by Lstar
  3. This conflict has come to an end at a high price and it's very saddening that so many lives was sacrificed but I'd rather wait for -09 and the chance to vote for a government under peaceful and more stable manners than usual. After arms has been collected and cities been cleaned of roadside mines and left-over bombs. Thats with its all about for me.
  4. ^^ loool. This info looks valid saw it on Universal TV last night.
  5. ^^ Interesting. Intaad wax kale aad ku hadashid wayday ayaa meesha la timid waa lagu dilaa miyaa hadana? So who exactly is going to kill me? I could always PM you my exact adress here in Stockholm so you could come by you know (of course youll have to give me your adress in the "Bermuda" in exchange).
  6. Alright lets clear up this mess: Mr.nuune: Yes sir, your very much off-topic and you obviously dont understand the meaning itself since your coining your own definitions so go back to the dictionary and hopefully youll stay on-topic next time or just not comment here Mr. Wisdoom-seeker, Castro, Dabshid: You guys are very cool trying to compete in being politically incorrect and off-topic. Kudos. Mr. Off-topic Geeljire: Interesting point I'll count as On-topic. What your saying is that you don't need any government in order to do business and investments in Somalia i.e. you must be the famous "taxes are annoying" dude. Personally I've invested in Somalia since a couple of years back myself so I'm not "dependent" on governmental authorities either and I'm not an enthusiastic Iraqi. However, I'm well aware that a sound economic development that can benefit not only individuals but hole populations often demand some form of governmental overseeing and involvement. What exactly is it that your waiting for, the ICU to takeover? Interesting to note that the posters (all anti-TFG members) so far havent managed to bring one on-topic point to the table. My conclusion is that you guys simply cant think/imagine of a normally functioning Somalia (without foreign military presence) and with an ordinary government. Just what I thought.
  7. Hey I gotta say these houses and development are nice but someone needs to do something against the arid desert sand that is in between the houses.
  8. Were gonna try to stay on-topic this time so if one cant come up with anything but hatered for Yey & Geedi you may leave the thread.
  9. This thread is solely for discussions around the rebuilding and development of the Somali republic; post-TFG era, after elections 2009, with a non-transitional government in place. - What would you personally do to improve your motherland? (company startup, NGO-work, political lobbying for Somaliweyn etc.) - As an entrepreneur: how would you capitalize on the great amount of returning wealthy diaspora somalis? - Which possible sectors of industry could the Somali republic excel at internationally: i.e export of camel meat and dairy/fish products/ tropical fruits. - How would you like our relationship to foreign powers and our overall foreign politics to look like? - How about your input on the domestic front, what should the government focus on there? - What actions can be taken to meet future hikes in energy demand? - How should our environmental ecological policy look like? If your sitting on other questions, on-topic, that you would like to share with the rest of us on this thread, be sure to present them.
  10. ^^ Or one could view it as a smart tactical strategy. It's following the age old adage: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Besides this is just a transitional government. The important thing is that its building a base for a real national government. Throw your vote in -09.
  11. Nice work. I'm running a project in which I'll invest $2-5 MUSD in Hargeisa the coming year, although it would constitute a great FDI, I hardly believe it would be looked at as investing in a "country". Rather it would be like investing in a state like Puntland (state of Somalia). Anyways it's good progress since the roads & infrastructure over there aren't up to par of the population increase.
  12. ^^ You've already made a fool of yourself and hit rock-bottom so no worries there dear. To answer the topic of discussion; I'm staunchly against any flag changing and it's also my firm belief that this wont ever happen.
  13. ^^ No, I think people take a guy who thought that a footage from the black hawk down movie was a IRL pic of the Mog fightings more seriously. You obviously couldnt face the hypocrisy in your previous statement. Not a surprise.
  14. ^^ First of all, name-calling won't make your posts more accurate and is against SOL rules. Secondly, to "answer" your question; you've already been told before that the ethiopian troops are due to leave after a solid peacekeeping force is in place. Furthermore the government is recruiting and training more locals into the army and police forces, all of these actions will make sure that the groups you call "xaq-u-dirrirs" gets to be dealt with if they attempt to shatter the currently improving peace and order. Don't be fooled and think that your crew is still alive and intact just because no POW & KIA pics havent been shown; government forces don't fight for show-offs merely so you can only expect road dragging and burning of corpses from the savages that you support. You happy with this response or would you like to hear that "I'm going to be killed when the ethio troops leave"? Finally, I'd like to make some baafin after the so called "xaq-u-dirrir forces". Last time I checked their main shooters i.e a certain sub-clan was holding meetings with A/Y himself. When will this fat lady that you speak of ever sing? Looks to me she had a heartattack after eating too much halwo.
  15. Mr. Juje You can cut and paste things as you wish but the presence of the TFG forces will always remain in the equation. Having said that it's a known fact that all the factions involved in the military conflict werent fighting solo; every camp had it's own comrade in arms be it ICU fighting alongside anarchists or TFG forces and its allies. Whatever the case might be you have every right to continue your period of mourning over the lost period of anarchy and dowlad-la'aan. I also got a nice illustration to accompany your continued warmongering and "call for jihad":
  16. ^^ I agree with the both of you. Time to head back and build up the place.
  17. From "Ciidamada xaq-u-dirirka are praying cisha in Villa Somalia" to "Yey sidii Taylor camal ayaa jidka lagu jiidaa" to this. Thanks Waagacusub.com! We loved Bagdad Bob and we love you! (laughing out load).
  18. Ciidamada Dowladaha Soomaaliya, Itoobiya iyo Uganda oo socod roondo ah ku sameeyay Waddooyinka Magaalada Muqdisho Axad, May 06, 2007(HOL): Ciidamo ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Dowladaha Itoobiya iyo Uganda ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta socod roondo ah waxay ku sameeyeen qaar ka mid ah waddooyinka Magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidamadan oo ku hubeysnaa dhowr iyo labaatan gaari oo isugu jiray kuwa dagaalka iyo kuwa lagu raaxeysto ayaa waxay socdaallo ku soo mareen waddooyinka Wadnaha, Sodonka, Balcad iyo kuwo kale oo magaalada Muqdisho ku yaala, waxaana ujeedada socdaalkooda lagu sheegay mid indho indheyn ah. Ciidamadan ayaa intii ay ku guda jireen socodkooda indha-indheynta ah waxaa u gacan haatinayay oo soo dhaweyn u muujinayay dadweyne isugu soo baxay hareeraha waddooyinka, iyadoo markaasi kadibna la arkayay ciidamada Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa Uganda oo iyagana u gacan haatinayay dadka hareeraha waddooyinka isugu soo baxay ee soo dhaweynta u muujinayay. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo ay Ciidamadan socod roondo ah ku maraan waddooyinka Magaalada Muqdisho, waxayna ciidamadan bilaabeen socodkooda roondada ah, kadib markii ay Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka oo kaashanayay Ciidamada Itoobiya ay ku adkaadeen Dagaalkii dhawaan ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho. Magaalada Muqdisho haatan waxaa ka talisa oo gacan ku heynteeda la wareegtay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo muddo 2 sano ku dhow ku soo qaadatay magaalooyin aanan ahayn caasimadda Soomaaliya, tiiyoo ay xusid mudan tahay in la wareegitaanka gacan ku heynta magaalada Muqdisho ay Dowladda Federaalka ku caawisay Dowladda Itoobiya oo iyadu ciidamadeeda ay la dagaalameen maxkamadihii Islaamka ee ka soo horjeeday Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa haatan looga fadhiyaa in ay sharcigii iyo kala dambeyntii soo celiso, bacdamaa ay la wareegtay taladii dalka, sidoo kalena looga baahan yahay in ay xakameyso ciidamo maleeshiyooyin ahaan jiray oo dadka si aan wanaagsaneyn ula macaamila, kuwaasi oo lagu arko waddooyinka Muqdisho qaarkood. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  19. ^^ Irony at it's finest. A secessionist (with his own trademark flag) putting on the cape of a somali nationalist.
  20. Well, you guys seem to be getting hurt by the fact that your small and beautiful area never will be recognized as a country so let's just wait and see what the future brings. Just don't bet the ranch on Mr. Riyale Kaahins (or any other future S-land "presidents") statements as their really quite worthless.
  21. ^^ For you old man, the idea of Somaliweyn might be dead, but for many of the somali youths in the diaspora and the more rational nationalistic somalis in the diaspora and Somalia, the implementation and development of Somaliweyn has just started. You can keep your "Somaliweyn is dead" to yourself buddy
  22. ^^ Well the thing is Jacaylbaro that "President Rayale" doesnt have much of a say in the future of Somaliland or Somaliweyn. His finished for now.