Gordon Gekko

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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko

  1. Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea: It's time to think more Somalilandernimo rather than reer hebelnimo. You will not get away from this since essentially, the concept of "Somalilandernimo" is based on hebelnimo.
  2. This is the way governtments works. You try to be cocky and dont get in line with the rules and you'll get sacked. Oil magnate Khodorkovsky was among the richest in the world and the richest in Russia, now his in jail since he was challenging Putin. Now if Amal thinks they control the city just because they control a certain amount of the inflow of money, they made a grave miscalculation. I wouldnt be surprised if the whole company got out of business. There are plenty of money transfer companies that dont trouble the TFG which can replace Amal.
  3. Originally posted by Abwaan: Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa "Habar fadhida legdan la fudud". GG(lol...Magac qalaad xitaa waa lala baxay, toloow horta ninkaan Soomaali ma yahay Bakaaraha igala doodaya intaanan energy iska dhammayn)? Sheekada hada majoogin Usernameka aan isticmaalaayo ee baddaas ka bax duqa. Tan kale markaad iska leedahay "Habar fadhida..." ma waxaad mooday in aan meeshaan bandhigayo qoorshe degsan oo aan ka hadlayo dib-u-dhiska Bakaaraha? Is qabooji xaaji meeshaan fikrado iyo visions kaliya ayaa laga hadlaayaa ee ciyaarta meeshay u socota fahan horta intaadan nala soo boodin hadal aan saldhig lahayn. there is no doubt that the market needs to be developed but how practical is that at this moment? Sheekadaadu ma waxay la mid tahay haddii ay rooti waayeen maa doolshe cunaan? For your information I have been to the market recently and made shopping like I would in any modern market or mole. Bal eeg meeshan kore wuxuu ninkaan ku qoray. Marna wuxuu meesha ka dhigayaa meel dhimatay oo wuxuu leeyahay "sheekadi haddii ay rooti waayen ma doolshe cunnan miyaa" markaasuu ku xijeynayaa inuu isiga naftigiisa uu meesha "shopping like in any market" camal ka sameeyay. Bal qoraalkaas muxuu sheegayaa sidee baa see loo turjumaa? Maandhow waxaan maqli jiray ninka Abwaanka ah isagoo marqaansan kaliya ayuu wax miir leh ku hadlaa ee Abwaanka xooga yar oo qaad ah maan ugu deeqnaa sidii loo fahmo hadaladiisa?
  4. One thing thats clear is that this isnt close to being an invitation held for international dignitaries. The cars a rental (diplomat cars have blue registry), the parliament walk-around is done for tourists and kindergarten kids also on a daily basis and I could only spot one of the MPs as slightly influential, the rest are nobodies who just fills up spots for their resp. party. All in all, this wasnt how I was expecting Somalilands top chiefs to be treated, but then again. As a comparison, A/Y had the diplomat cars, limousine diplomat cars actually and was guarded by the Swedish Security Service during his time and his speech at the City Hall. Although he too didnt get to meet with the top political leaders of Sweden.
  5. Sidii nin Itoobiyaan iyo sidii nin Australiaanba hadii aan uhadli lahaa, fact remains that the place is hazardous and pose a dangerous health threat to the public, not to mention its pretty dysfunctional as a shopping venue because of its structure. I reckon alot of you somali "patriots" living comfortably in the west wouldnt let your kids all alone in Bakaraha Market or buy any food from the open stalls there, but other powers stronger than common sense are forcing you to defend this dear shopping market. What I'd like to see is a place like this: Demolished and reconstructored into something more like this:
  6. Suuqaan baas e Bakaaraha la dhaho gabi ahaanba in la xiro ayaan qabaa. Meel xun oo 4 x 5 mitir ah ayaa dadkaan qaar waxay kaaga dhigayaan New York Stock Exchange lol. I would close the place down for public health reasons.
  7. Long time ago I had a good laugh. I just hope the desperate camp can deliver more eye-opening analysis like this one.
  8. ^^ Is qabooji geelow. You will be able to sell and buy your camels too.
  9. ^^ Its from the italian colonial period. If there arent any foreign christians using them, its free to demolish, but if there is, they do have a right to rebuild it.
  10. The captain has noticed what many of us always have thought. I just hope they don't take over too many businesses before I do
  11. I'm not surprised that ICU supporters (aka, dowladdiids) welcome the likes of Ayan Hirsi Ali copycats like Peacenow. The leader of the ICU himself is dining with a christian dictator in a christian capital while he is talking big about his jihad against another christian country (confusing, but is there anything reasonable that this group ever has presented) I rest my case.
  12. I think we have found ICU SOLs own little Idhacadde
  13. ^^ lol. That is crazy man. I took for granted that he was a muslim. Buufis kii ugu darnaa. He would probably be the first one to be executed in the new ICU administration if they took over again: after they find him advocating for topless beaches or something.
  14. I'm on a loss here, is this guy (peacenow) one of those anarchy loving westerns like gavin who wants to finance private military companies and stuff?
  15. ^^ Well I must have hit a soft spot since you resort to ad hominem replies. All I'm saying is that the views you send out here on SOL and your support of a certain group doesnt make any sense (and this has been noted before). Reply to that matter in a decent way or go take a hike at your local piazza.
  16. Mr. Gavin you have to understand that this security force project of yours is dead at arrival. I say this because I dont believe that you can compete with the incumbent private security firms of Somalia, namely the United States of America. On top of that, you've got Ethiopian and Somali government forces in town. Your idea is very 2002 and times have changed drastically. Also, to further flog this dead horse, I must say that not many locals in Somalia would like to have a government free, "totally libartarian" state. It's only the Starbucks warlords of the west with romanticized views of anarchy that supports those kind of ideas.
  17. ^^ That shouldnt come from an ICU supporter. Surprises me somethimes how your political views sound so diametrically different from the ones you support. Personally, I do support death penalty.
  18. Another suicide bomber blew himself up at Mogadishu University today, their wannabe-tactics to resemble the Iraqi suicide-bombers to the dot is obvious but the question is who their really helping. Cant be the people since they killed mostly civilians in the latest attacks. And targeting the University, even though they were looking for the troops near the area was a real bad move in winning ppls heart. Just a matter of time before this new movement will fade away like the others.
  19. I'm placing my bet on that the US wants the waters off Somalia to remain "dangerous" for a while so as to keep off the chinese oil companies or any other players from exploiting the offshore basins.
  20. The sad part is the suicide bomber himself who thought he would become a shahiid.
  21. ^^ That is..if he remains free for the coming hours or so. Something tells me that wont be the case.
  22. Great news. I wonder if they will be able to contract companies for infrastructure job with these money? Someone could make a killing and build nice roads at the same time.
  23. Axad, June 03, 2007(HOL): Guddiga Dhaqan-gelinta Canshuuraha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta waxaa uu kula shiray Xaruntii Nabad-sugidda mas'uuliyiin ka socday Shirkadaha Isgaarsiinta Magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo ka wada hadlay sidii shirkadaha ganacsiga loogu sameyn lahaa Shatiyo Canshuuro lagu bixiyo Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Dhaqan-gelinta Canshuuraha, ahana Wasiirka Qorsheynta Qaranka Dowladda Federaalka Dr. Cali C/llaahi Cosoble oo shirkaas kadib saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay maanta la shireen Shirkadaha Isgaarsiinta, isla markaana ay isku af-garteen in ay Canshuuro bixiyaan, wuxuuna caddeeyay in canshuuraha laga qaado ganacsatada wax loogu qaban doono Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Wasiirka waxaa uu intaas ku daray in ay arrintaas isla jaan-goyn doonaan Wasaaradda Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta, kadibna ay soo bixi doonaan qorshayaal lagu wada shaqeyn karo, wuxuuna hoosta ka xariiqay in ay ganacsatada soo dhaweeyeen dalabka ugu yimid Dowladda Federaalka ee ku aadan in ay canshuuro bixiyaan. Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa horay u soo saartay go'aan ah in ay bilaabi doonto canshuur qaadis, iyadoo ganacsatadana la faray in ay is-diiwaangeliyaan, iyadoo ciddi is-diiwaangelin weysana la sheegay in tallaabo laga qaadi doono. Ganacsatada ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho oo mudadii 16 sano ahayd ee aynu ka soo gudubnay aan bixin wax canshuur ah, bacdamaa aysan Dalka soo marin Dowlad Canshuur weydiisata ayaa xiligii Maxkamadihii Islaamka waxay qarka u fuuleen in ay canshuur bixiyaan, hayeeshee taasi ma aysan suurtagelin, waxaana maxkamadihii Islaamka Muqdisho laga saaray iyagoo xitaa Goobaha Ganacsiga Nambarro tiro-koob ah ku qortay. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee haatan soo rogtay amarka ah in Ganacsatada Canshuur laga qaado ayaa iyadana looga fadhiyaa in canshuurta ay qaadeyso ay wax uga qabato adeegyada ay bulshada u baahan yihiin oo ay haatan Nabadgelyada ugu horeyso.