Gordon Gekko

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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko

  1. Originally posted by peacenow: quote:Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: This is a war and at the end of the day it's all about who's winning what and where. The history of Somalia for the last decades has always been survival of the fittest and the civilian death toll has always been high so in this context, the actual value of civilian deaths is really just marginal. It's certainly sad to hear this but 16 years of carnage has depreciated the value Somalia and the somali man to rock-bottom levels. This is the only chance to raise it again and reconstruct Somalia to it's past glory. Extreme problems ask for extreme solutions Now you might see me as a wretched, inhuman and straight forward dumb TFG supporter, but all I can tell you is that we can Agree to disagree. You have to be really careful on these statements. Because clear as it is. People have died and been killed. The country is under occupation and the killers are not Somali. Now, I have tried to be rational with you, but statements like that have no place in a just democractic state, which is what, I think you are trying to see emerge. You cannot pick and choose, where justice applies, it either applies totally, but certainly not selectiviely. If you choose to disregard it in the shelling of Xamar, then you will have to apply that view, when it is your own family who being killed. Yes, a democratic state is something I'd like to see emerge but this has nothing to do with the current state of affairs which is Anarchy. Anarchy that is being perpetuated by forces that indulge in anarchy and desires, actually fights, kills and spreads mayhem, to uphold it. The TFG and it's military allies are simply hitting back on these elements after having been patient with their hit-and-run attacks that mostly killed civilians. And now it's not only about hitting back but about fully eliminating their presence so the government can start embarking on the road of development and nation building. Let's get real with each other here and skip the propaganda bullshit for a moment, Yes we know the ethios are doing alot of the military offensives but their are being backed with foot-soldiers from the TFG. However, it is evident that the Shabaabs or remnants from ICU aren't doing the bulk of the fighting from the resistence side as it is the before mentioned anarcho-capitalists that are filling that spot. Just today we hear a "spokesman from the beelaha" uttered: "Property worth 500 million dollars has been destroyed. The Ethiopian and government forces will take ultimate responsibility for all this mess," he added. $500 MUSD? Such audacities can only be viewed as authentic by those who profit from it. Every other sober Faarax can sense that it's pure fabrication like the ones from Waagacusub.com. These same ppl, making these insane property valuations, are the ones who is doing most of the fighting and backing the few number of insurgents left inside. And you bet that I support the total eradication of these forces for the benefit of the future prospects of the Somali nation - By All Means Necessary.
  2. ^^ My apologiez if my disgressions hurt your feelings. For the thread viewers I present the pictures from the collected arms:
  3. Originally posted by Abwaan: [QB] What media? Miinadii ay iyaga Itoobiya siisay intay soo aruuriyeen bay dadka tusayaan oo leeyihiin waa qabannay, xaggee ku qabteen? (above: the writings of a desperate moryaan spokesman)
  4. I see your trying to angle it into a "clan thing" already. If you can come up with a nice game plan on how to considerably improve the infrastructure of Garowe and got solutions on extras like finding temporary housing for it's inhabitant, I think you can work something out.
  5. By the way doesn't Mr. Burns from Simpsons remind alot of Aideed Sr. or is it just me?
  6. Excellent analysis Duke. A new dawn is certainly coming to Somalia. It's been over 16 years and cost alot of lives but it's been worth it.
  7. It's the 3-strikes-and-your-out strategy and I welcome it. Press freedom is a great thing that should be upheld and promoted but stirring the pot in a sensitive period like this is more close to foul play and taking advantage of the rights using them as weapons rather than for benefiting the overall society. Thus they need to be dealt with immidiately or the case would be similiar to the one at the overthrow of Siyad Barre when there was "total freedom" i.e. anarchy.
  8. ^^ I'm just playing with the thought. If you think about it, the citys architecture and design is chaotic to say the least, this could be a shortcut solution to reconstruct it back to it's pre-war classical look and with modern buildings, perhaps even a skyscraper.
  9. Theoretically, I dont see why Mogadishu cant be flattened granted that all civilians have been evacuated or fled the scene. Would make things easier for the reconstruction team and city planners. I guess we need to protect the "billion dollar properties" though* *Valuation conducted by: looters.
  10. ^^ Rudy, awoowe arinta meesha ay mareyso waa iska cadahey oo magaalada waa la nabadaynayaa laakin waxaan umalaynayaa in aad markaan xooga khafiiftay oo wax aad ku hadasho iyo wax aad ku heestoba kala garanayn. Xaaladaada caafimaad si kastaba ha ahaate fadhi hama ha fadhiisan waa lagu fadhisiin
  11. lol @ somali spies from Puntland. This is just getting more and more desperate.
  12. As Emperor pointed out, I think you should focus on answering my first question and bringing forth your plan to the table instead of trying to seduce me to become anti-TFG with the compilation of a biased list.
  13. OK well let me ask what your solution to the Somalia case would be then? Let's say you have deported A/Y and Geedi, whats the next step in your game plan?
  14. This is a war and at the end of the day it's all about who's winning what and where. The history of Somalia for the last decades has always been survival of the fittest and the civilian death toll has always been high so in this context, the actual value of civilian deaths is really just marginal. It's certainly sad to hear this but 16 years of carnage has depreciated the value Somalia and the somali man to rock-bottom levels. This is the only chance to raise it again and reconstruct Somalia to it's past glory. Extreme problems ask for extreme solutions Now you might see me as a wretched, inhuman and straight forward dumb TFG supporter, but all I can tell you is that we can Agree to disagree.
  15. Ciidamada Dowladda Oo La Wareegay Fariisimo Horleh Muqdisho(Calanka.com) 21-April-2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan madaxtooyada Somaliya ayaa waxa ey sheegayaan in ciidamada dowladda federalku ey la wareegeen goobo ka mid ah deegaanadi lasku hor fadhiyaya dhawaantan. Goobahan ey dowladdu sheegtay in ey la wareegtay ayaa ka mid ah isgoysga Fagax, xaafadda Jamhuuriya iyo Ex Kontrol oo ey horay u joogi jireen kooxaha kasoo hor jeeda dowladda federalka. Dagaalada ey kula wareegeen ciidamada dowladda goobahan ayaa wali waxa uu ka soconayaan xaafado ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana sida uu sheegay afhayeen u hadlay madaxtooyada ey ku socdaan in ey la wareegaan xaafadaha kale oo ey ka dagaalamayaan kooxahan kasoo horjeeda. Goobahan lala wareegay ayaa timid kadib markii ey si toos ah ugu biireen ciidamada Itobia dagaalada ka socdama magaalada Muqdisho oo u dhexeeyay ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa kasoo horjeeda kaasoo iminka soconayaa maalintii sedexaad. Dagaalada oo ah kuwo goos goos ah marna qaraaraanaya ayaa waxa ey geysteen qasooro isugu jira naf iyo maal, waxaana dadka rayinka ah ey badankood isaga qexeen goobahan lagu dagaalamayo. Horay ayaa waxaa lagala wareegay kooxaha kasoo horjeeda dowladda goobo ey ka mid yihiin Xarunta Xisbiga, Istadio Muqdisho iyo wadooyin muhiin ah kuwaasoo oo ey odayaasha beelaha ****** codsadeen in dib loogu soo celiyo.
  16. As the above linked video shows, the so called "resistance movement" consists of a group of disillusioned ICU-wadaads most probably along with some anti-dowlad militia. Unsheltered little kids are running around their frontlines handing over water to "mujahidoons/fighters" who hide behind large sacks, house buildings and sand walls. If the kids get killed they will most probably be used in the propaganda machine and is an excuse for the insurgents to put on the "humanitarian-worker-face" in case of defeat.
  17. Halgan, Hadii aad faahmin messagekeyga, kan KEYNAN22 lee ka jawaab. Waxba ha is dhibin.
  18. Originally posted by XAAMAR_101: TFG supporters will feel the pain when Galkacyo gets attacked soon time waite and see . Your associates are limited to a certain number of blocks in Mog in which they are digging themselves holes to hide in and your talking about invading Galkacyo? I guess this is what they call megalomania.
  19. Halgan, Supporting anything from empty statistics wasnt my point but rather to clarify the desperation from the dowladdiid camp as their ongoing campaigns to trademark every civilian death with the TFG seal is unmasked as a manipulated and corrupt one (i.e propaganda). A question you should answer though, is the one KEYNAN22 asked. What happened to the bold strategy of the ICU to "evacuate the city so to avoid urban warfare"? I guess that strategy only concerned the top heads eh? Whatever reason they had to leave their militant wing in town armed to their teeth - their gonna be blown out now one way or another.
  20. Ilaa iyo 10 qof ayaa ku dhintey degmada Sanco gaar ahaan duleedka Iskuulkii Maxmuud ahmed Cali ka dib markii madfacaan lala beegsadey Saldhig ay deganaayeen Ciidanka Itoobiya uu ka gudbay. http://www.halgan.net/view_article.php?articleid=5930 Just to shatter the image that the TFG is exclusively causing all the civilian death while the insurgents are there to "protect & serve".
  21. It's not a new video and it's cut down. Here' the original from april 12: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ghzu-3gzk8
  22. On the flip side, it seems that it's all good for sharifka & Co to consult with their christian leader in Asmara.