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Posts posted by Xudeedi

  1. Mansa Munsa, since you are new comer. Pay a visit to this thread when this all started.






    Second, i have here the document that were handed over to Range Resources LTD and the locations of the minerals, but this contract further details on the terms and the political development of Punt land



    Mineral Potential The mineral potential of Puntland is largely unexplored but work by Bulgarian geologists during the 1970’s has shown occurrences of:


    Lead-Zinc: Some localities of lead-zinc mineralisation occur within Puntland. The number of the known lead-zinc mineral occurrences up to 1977, was close to 35, but no proven ore deposits have been identified;


    Copper : Copper mineralisation has been recorded from the Inda Ad Series in Puntland south and south west of Bossaso;


    Iron Ore: Iron ore deposits of unknown size and grade have been identified in the northeastern sector of Puntland;


    Manganese: Manganese occurrences have been discovered in the north-eastern part of the country;


    Tin: Tin ore deposits occur only in the north-eastern part of the country. Areas of interest include Madjayan and Dalan. Beryl,


    Tantalum and Niobium: These minerals are normally emplaced in pegmatites, associated with the Precambrian structural stage rock formations.



    The known occurrences are observed mainly in the north-eastern sector of the Puntland. 4




  2. Hadalka Xasan Daahir ayaa khilaafaya khudbadahii Maxawayne Cade Muse oo ku cadeeyay in Dowladiisu qaadatay lacago horumarin ah oo gaaraya 1500,000 Dollar kuwaas oo la sheegay in howlo loogu qabtey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Bosaso.

    Here we have an information asymmetry within the adminstration itself.


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    Ciidamada Ilaalinta Kheyraadka Dabiiciga ah oo Qabsaday markab sabaynaya duleedka Magaalada Boosaaso. Maxaa loo qabsaday markabka?




    Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Boosaaso ayaa tibaaxaya in ciidanka Ilaalinta Kheyraadka dabiiciga ah ay ka qabsadeen markab duleedka xeebta boosaaso.


    Markabkan ayaa waxay ciidanku heysteen mudo ilaa iyo 6 saacadood ah waxayna ku tuhmayeen inuu sido hub iyo rasaas u socda Ciidanka Cade Muuse.


    Saraakiil ka mid ah saraakiisha Ilaalinta Kheyraadka dabiiciga ee xeebaha ayaa noo xaqiiyey in ay markabkaasi ka waayeen wax hub ah, kadib markii ay sifiican u hubiyeena sii daayeen.


    Liibaan Xassan


  3. Hadalka Xasan Daahir ayaa khilaafaya khudbadahii Maxawayne Cade Muse oo ku cadeeyay in Dowladiisu qaadatay lacago horumarin ah oo gaaraya 1500,000 Dollar kuwaas oo la sheegay in howlo loogu qabtey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Bosaso.

    Here we have an information asymmetry within the adminstration itself.


    More News


    Ciidamada Ilaalinta Kheyraadka Dabiiciga ah oo Qabsaday markab sabaynaya duleedka Magaalada Boosaaso. Maxaa loo qabsaday markabka?




    Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Boosaaso ayaa tibaaxaya in ciidanka Ilaalinta Kheyraadka dabiiciga ah ay ka qabsadeen markab duleedka xeebta boosaaso.


    Markabkan ayaa waxay ciidanku heysteen mudo ilaa iyo 6 saacadood ah waxayna ku tuhmayeen inuu sido hub iyo rasaas u socda Ciidanka Cade Muuse.


    Saraakiil ka mid ah saraakiisha Ilaalinta Kheyraadka dabiiciga ee xeebaha ayaa noo xaqiiyey in ay markabkaasi ka waayeen wax hub ah, kadib markii ay sifiican u hubiyeena sii daayeen.


    Liibaan Xassan


  4. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

    Maakhir, Do please show little more goodwill, virtue and practical wisdom over the crises, I, for one, and you see things eye to eye but sensationalizing the incident will diminish the substance of the message therefore, be easy on brothers. :cool:

    Mansa Munsa, thanks for the advice. All i have been regurgitating is warn the consequences and put a little detail on where the situation is heading but some people have taken that as an attack on their respective clans. I have little control of this conflict except the right to be concerned of the ramifications that giving exploration rights to a foreign company would have on the security of the region and to a large extent the symbiotic relationship amongst brothers.

  5. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

    Maakhir, Do please show little more goodwill, virtue and practical wisdom over the crises, I, for one, and you see things eye to eye but sensationalizing the incident will diminish the substance of the message therefore, be easy on brothers. :cool:

    Mansa Munsa, thanks for the advice. All i have been regurgitating is warn the consequences and put a little detail on where the situation is heading but some people have taken that as an attack on their respective clans. I have little control of this conflict except the right to be concerned of the ramifications that giving exploration rights to a foreign company would have on the security of the region and to a large extent the symbiotic relationship amongst brothers.

  6. Apology accepted but be discreet of the words you use, esp., words like trampled on. So far, the so called Punt land hasnt' even pushed the little sub clan who are holding on to their strategic village, what would you expect if the conflict turns it on a full-scale war--similar to the war that Sanaag people had had againt the naked aggression of SNM and pre-Somaliland from 1989-1993. The clans that make up Puntland, if they unite all and muster all the resources; I can guarantee you that nothing could be solved by force. Now the situation is tractable and Bossasso, which is a diverse city that we have a large stake on its resources is at peace and we will take every effort to dissuade the parties in conflict from extending their conflict to Bossaso--our she-camel.




    To beat down with the feet so as to crush, bruise, or destroy; tramp on.

  7. Apology accepted but be discreet of the words you use, esp., words like trampled on. So far, the so called Punt land hasnt' even pushed the little sub clan who are holding on to their strategic village, what would you expect if the conflict turns it on a full-scale war--similar to the war that Sanaag people had had againt the naked aggression of SNM and pre-Somaliland from 1989-1993. The clans that make up Puntland, if they unite all and muster all the resources; I can guarantee you that nothing could be solved by force. Now the situation is tractable and Bossasso, which is a diverse city that we have a large stake on its resources is at peace and we will take every effort to dissuade the parties in conflict from extending their conflict to Bossaso--our she-camel.




    To beat down with the feet so as to crush, bruise, or destroy; tramp on.

  8. General Duke, I love peace but you can see i am agitated of the naked aggression and clannish innuendos of Puntland's officials. Xaabsade, the interior minister, in an interview, called the local troops protecting their natural resources as "********s" or "Pestilent militia". Puntland is now in mayhem and it won't be a powerful entity if its people disintegrate and oppose it.






    Clashes between rival Somali regions kill six



  9. General Duke, I love peace but you can see i am agitated of the naked aggression and clannish innuendos of Puntland's officials. Xaabsade, the interior minister, in an interview, called the local troops protecting their natural resources as "********s" or "Pestilent militia". Puntland is now in mayhem and it won't be a powerful entity if its people disintegrate and oppose it.






    Clashes between rival Somali regions kill six



  10. ^^

    I have to disagree with you that his going has to do with a clannish agenda. The issue of mineral extraction at the expanse of the people who live in the area is not an issue to play with, albeit many would make the situation appear that way in an attempt to degrade the purpose of his mission.


    Many politicians, former officers, colonels, educated folks and persons who hail from the region have spoken out and condemned the act. At this stage of our troubled country, a country that is rife with intractable divisions, I do not see the benefit of striking a deal with a foreign company which we don’t know of its ulterior motives. The deal that was reached without the knowledge of the owners of the region Is not a transparent but shady one to the best of my everyone’s knowledge. The warlord who claims to be in charge of this clannish state has been bypassing requests both from his parliament and officials from the region to bring the deal before the people concerned to discuss ways to resolve whether it is appropriate for a regional state to propose and even implement a project of mineral exploration or extraction. However, so far he has been prevaricating questions just to proceed with his deal. So it is an urgent situation that calls forth the apt military response for a much-needed protection. Such a development seems unlikely as Awad Ahmed referred to the possibility of dumping chemicals into the area, which is highly believable since a government of national union is still struggling to set its base. An important question to ask yourself and even reflect is why the irresistible proclivity to conclude the whole thing in a very short time.



    You are right IlkaJiir is very respectful person, but his actions are justified as it is justified to protect your own family from a looming predator sitting at your door.

  11. ^^well said.


    Originally posted by codetalker:

    Besides, the PL "administration"
    taking the matter very seriously. So much so that Gen. Cadde's visit to Yemen had the unpublicized agenda to attain a weapons shipment from our neighbor across the Red Sea.


    Puntland already has enough weapons if they are intent on continuing the mayhem, but this little conflict will lead to a full scale war and it is to the detriment of Puntland and Bossaso, to the detriment of the TFG and to the detriment of the whole of Somalia's fragile peace agreement.

  12. ^^well said.


    Originally posted by codetalker:

    Besides, the PL "administration"
    taking the matter very seriously. So much so that Gen. Cadde's visit to Yemen had the unpublicized agenda to attain a weapons shipment from our neighbor across the Red Sea.


    Puntland already has enough weapons if they are intent on continuing the mayhem, but this little conflict will lead to a full scale war and it is to the detriment of Puntland and Bossaso, to the detriment of the TFG and to the detriment of the whole of Somalia's fragile peace agreement.

  13. He doesn't live in Canada. He lives in Virgnina. He flew to the meeting upon the request of the community. Puntland is swayed by irrational crazes, so he is moving there to correct the hard-headed cons of the self-weening overconfident man in charge of Puntland.


    What is surprising still is that no one has yet to condemn the act of waging unprovoked attacks on our land, not even updating their views in light of the new evidence. We shall see the consequences.

  14. Originally posted by Pure blood:

    So he is basically going there to lead the militia in battle

    The man will lead the new adminstration that will be built soon. He is also an erudite from Harvard on top of being a strategist general.


    When he came to Somalia in the early 1990s, let alone Abdilaahi Yusuf, even Siilaanyo and senior officers from as far as Gedo came to pay him an official visit for his agenda of that time. He is the most respected General after Mohammed Ali Samatar.


    Code talker, In no way that this man be comparable to Cade who is not even a general. I thought you were familiar with the top Generals of Somalia. Adde submited himself to Somaliland due to his lack of military skills and stayed there until Sultan Siciid and Boqor Burmadow resolved the differences only to make him appear as though he were an angry, escaped wife.

  15. They would probably come back in full force. How many times had Ali Mahdi lost several strongholds but then recouped his strength and pushed his rival back? They were even driven out of the city in its entirety and then fuoght back with heavy casualties.


    This conflict based on the control of strategic places will never stop until the conflicting parties reach compromises.

  16. P.S

    This is the General who controled Sanaag and Bari regions under the request of the coalition of pre-Puntland, but his plan was to expand his rule up to Sool and and parts of Togdher until power struggle and internal strife took hold in the region. He then acquited himself to rise above the division and leave the country. He was also in charge of the revenue of Bossaso port in the early 1990s as part of his rule there and had his own special unit during the driving of the Islmist out of Bari and Sanaag regions. Best of all, a strategist and the second best trained General of Somalia after Mohammed Ali Samatar. Now he sees an opportunity to gain the support he needs from his people.


    Shir ay isugu yimaadeen dhamaan beesha Reer Sanaag iyo Galbeedka Bari ee Ottawa iyo Jeneral Cabdillahi Ilkajiir oo wadankii u socda:

    Posted to the Web Mar 27, 22:22


    Ottawa:- Shir ay isugu yimaadeen dhamaan jaaliyada Sanaag iyo Galbeedka Bari ee degan magaalada Ottawa ee dalka Canada, ayay waxay kawada hadleen duulaankii ay soo qaadeen ciidama beeleedka dawlad goboleedka Puntland. Dhamaan dadkii ka soo qayb qalay shirkan ayaa waxay isku raaceen qodobada soo socda:


    1-In shuruud la’aan ay ciidamada beeleedka uu soo diray Cade Muuse ay sida ugu dhakhso badan uga baxaan degaamada ay kusoo duuleen ee Dhalan iyo Majiyahan, ayna siidaayaan dhalinyaradii beeralayda ahayd ee ka qafaasheen dhulkooda.


    2-In aan haba yaraatee wax macdan ah lagasoo saarin deegaankaas ilaa iyo inta laga helayo dawlad dhexe oo sharci u samaysa khayraadka wadanka ku jira.


    3-In hadii ay ciidamada beeleedka uu soo diray Cade Muuse ka bixi waayaan degaanadaas kor ku xusan markaa wixii dhib ka timaada uu mas’uul ka yahay Cadde Muuse.


    4-Maadaama uu Cade Muuse haysto dhalashada wadankan Canada, ayaa waxaa laysku raacay in lagu soo oogo dacwad ku saabsan dambiyo dagaal, iyo dhibaatooyinka uu Cade Muuse ka wado degaamadaas kor ku xusan. Arintan ayaa waxaa maalmahan waday gudigii hore beeshu ugu xilsaartay iyo garyaqaanadooda.


    5-In maamulka la baxay Somaliland aanu soo faragelin xiisada ka dhex aloosan beesha Reer Sanaag ee dhulkooda lagu soo duulay iyo ciidama beeleedka uu soo diray Cade Muuse,


    6-In dadka deegaanka u dhashay ay midoobaan oo ka hortagaan kuwa iyaga ka dhashay ee calooshooda u shaqaystayaasha ah ee ka tirsan muumulada Puntland iyo Somaliland ee lugooyada ku haya shacabka.


    7-In odayaasha iyo wax garadka beeshu ay ilaaliyaan danta shacabkooda.


    8-In dadka u dhashay mandaqada ay ka dhabeeyaan samaynta muumul u beesha gaar ah oo ka madaxbanaan maamulada la baxay Somaliland iyo Puntland.



    Hadabda Jeneral Cabdilaahi Axmed Jaamac “Ilka jiir†ayaa wuxuu ka ogolaaday codsigii beesha ay ahaa in uu tago deegaanka si uu wax uga qabto gardarada iyo duulaanka ay soo qaadeen ciidama beeleedka uu soo diray Cade Muuse.


    Ugu danbeyntii waxay beeshu aad u taageertay mowqifkii ay arintan ka qaateen siyaasiyiinta beesha ee ka mid ah dawlada federal-ka ah ee Somalia.



    Samir Balaake

    Gudoomiyaha beesha ee Ottawa

    Ottawa, Canada

  17. Awad Ashara established Puntland and he was appointed by his people as a representive. He is among the main persons who established this ad hoc adminstration you so proud of. And he will be determined to abort any further negotiations that would bring such illicit deals into effect. Any exploration in Sanaag region is subject to locals' approval until we have a working government.



    Who is Adde other than being a corrupt warlord, hateful clannist. I thought he would learn ethical standards from the years he lived in overseas where he is exposed to how the world is governed. He is not even a full general to begin with , but claims that he was given the title while in overseas just few months before the former regime was overthrown.


    Indy, You should listen to the interview very carefully. The orator man Awad illustrates all the facts. These companies are smaller companies who had defaulted on their national tax on several times due to some ethical problems. I wonder why would they invest a project whose NPV would be outright negative if not 0. They are wasting money and the little $ 2 Million they offer to give Warlord Adde is better off keeping it.

  18. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

    Maakhir, give the General enough time for digestion of the unfolding saga.

    Is that so? :D



    Duke will know much about the Land of Punt as time goes on.


    Duke, do you know anything about SOMCAN, the company that is licensed by Puntland to do fishing on the long coast starting from Eyl to Bossaso? Contrary to the fact, the Co. is depicted as a Coast Guard.


    Try to research on the dishonest activities in the region sxb. The adminstration charges extortionate fees on vehicle licenses of about $50 every three month, $800 for imported goods of certain amount, local business taxes and etc, but hardly has the adminstration used the money for public services or maintenance of roads in critical needs of repair.


    Bossaso port is much busier than Berbera port but Berbera pays the salary of 27000 of government employees. Whereas, in Puntland, we have monthly walkouts and disruptions about payment defaults.


    If the adminstration can be held accountable of the income it unfairly extracts from the land and people, there won't have been problems. It is these unthinking officials who are quick to making war and disrupting the peace than anyone else.

  19. General , Listen to your SBC, an interview. This is a complete interview on the issue and it exposes everything. Mudane Awad Ashare condemns the acts and the secret negotiations between Adde and Range Resources Ltd. They don't have the legal means to conduct business on behalf of a land they do not belong. How in the hell can you do that? Only the Federal government is responsible and entitled to conduct such bussiness. Mudane Ashare promised to issue a motion regarding the issue and they will contact the Australian Embassy as well as other International Organizations.



    Ps. Why do i have to repeat myself over and over. If you at least bother yourself and reread my earlier posts, then i will take the time to further explain to you my posts.