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Posts posted by Xudeedi

  1. Duca Qabe, if you pay close attention to the political dialogue, it was first initiated by Mat Bryden to which Abdalla Hirad, a leading scholar of African and Somali studies responded partially with his paper, "TFG and the Politics of Disintegration.†He is the only Somali, from my experience, who has been consistently responding to foreign experts on the Somali subject, assuming it as rudimentary moral responsibility upon him.


    He later saw the article by Prof. Iqbal carried on Wardheernews, and he immediately responded to it in the indescribably succinct way he did that led to the outburst of secessionist-oriented member clans. He often avoids abstract and misleading positions by laying down the facts and legal implication of dismembering a country like Somalia and by theorizing in the form of an egalitarian, polite framework for all of his works on this dangerous campaign. Evidently, the foreign agents have been an impediment source of our unity and love to paint Somalia's politics of disintegration with such a broad brush.


    It is my firm belief that the U.N its member countries will not violate the territorial integrity of Somalia, a nation-state, in the absence of a central government.

  2. Naxar Nugaaleed has a point and feels the last two writers Ahmed I Hassan and (vide Hiran.com) Aided share something with him.


    I am really displeased with how they critiqued Hirad and his articles, turning the whole scholarly discourse into a chitchat discussion. I am certain that Wardheernews is doing its best to present its readers "opposite viewpoints" but they should have edited some of the nauseating parts and structure problems. [Confusing "its" with it's and etc]


    Ahmed Hassan writes,

    In reading Mr. Hirad’s rebuttal, I was left in doubt whether he had really assimilated Professor Jhazbhay’s piece. He started by misconstruing the origin of the phrase “Africa’s Best Kept Secret.†My understanding is that the phrase is Professor Jhazbhay’s own and not Nuraddin Farah’s, the renowned novelist and son of my sister country, Somalia.



  3. Why oil money at this time?


    The reasons may vary and exceed beyond its known boundaries, such as to gear up for some civil unrest, dispatch fresh clan based bandits called army/police and sometimes the newly discovered travel syndrome among the heads of the TFG, can be covered as well. Many others regard the money issue as a clean alternative fuel that can financially topple many competitors from south, whom are dependant on opium trade, foreign aid and the so called terror tackling operations. This fear and paranoid mingled marathon was immediately inevitable among some Somali, rivals after the collapse of the central government in 1991.


    It is absolutely clear that we have already collided with a time where political and business executives fear the worst of energy shortage, many experts believe that a terrified era of energy crisis may be a lot closer than we have imagined-and the reality of oil issues will not just be highly decorated fictions, but something we will all witness in individual fields, country sources or even on the planet as a whole.


    In a simplified theory it occurs as: if the 20th century was a sign of oil shortage worldwide, drilling will stay not much differ than it was in the last 30 years, however, the significant change will effect the world is that of the number of new arrivals into the globe, including numerous industrial sites that have no other alternative rather than oil consumption .


    In one hundred years man have used 50% of earth’s reserve- a reserve that took billions of years to build up, and as a result of that overwhelming production-one must realize oil is a non-renewable resource once dug out.


    One of the most effective suggestions about the clarity of remaining oil is that of a one trillion barrels-though the world is currently burning 80 million barrels per day, according to this very measurement there would be only enough oil to sustain the world for another 35 years under these most accurate scenarios.


    So, how many years of economic fitness or rival competition is required in Somalia?-this yet to be answered question will remain a permanent guest to the yet to be produced oil, which will be increasingly unaffordable to explore and it will tend to be of poorer quality, necessitating higher refinery costs, than what had already been spent. The only short time survivors of the aftermath of any catastrophic event will be Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, both of which will stick one decade after a universal epidemic of oil is declared. Saudi Arabia contains 25% of the earth’s oil. Iraq contains 11% of all the oil on the planet. At this present time where Somalia, seems to be a premature nation in the cradle - there comes the question: can oil shortages be visible in Somalia? -


    The respond to that is: it all depends on how many modern technical equipments, transportation facilities, and industrial sites we have, it can also be a time where all citizens freeze their internal disputes and search for freedom - the ongoing unilateral dilemma is a clear testimony to the mayhem ahead in the near future, let resolutions and claims be halted-and thanks to the reversed use of technology, which can sometimes be falsified artifact and that is when Somalia, is going to be on the main radar. In fact the current economical growth in Somalia, is attributable to the human activities, not to mining explorations, therefore, any other claim that refers oil as an essential commodity, which can guide Somalia, into self-sufficiency is nothing, but an entitlement to opinion expression.


    The increasing demand, less discoveries and justified acts of aggression can be a real threat to any mining future we may have predicted.


    Meanwhile, for the sake of our broad land it is very important not to shed more blood for oil - but our brave citizens must always retain the full right to seclusion from wretched tyrant.


    Mahammed Arab.





  4. Duke and Boiboi, I have been tolerant of your invective words towards the people of Sanaag.


    I don't endorse the legitimacy of this Building Block as having a jurisdiction over Sanaag. Contrary to how it is portrayed, Sool and Sanaag aren't part of Puntland in legality.

    I think your cyber duty is to foment discontent and sidestep the political reality on the ground.



    Listen, Puntland is a tribal administration that has no legitimacy as a state but only exists as a "building block". Though formulated in 1998 as an alternative to the Anarchy for the regions that qualify for a "state of recovery" status, Puntland is part of the six political units. Part of what you read there have evolved into the current Federal Transitional Goverment, as these issues are incorporated into it.

    Puntland , comprised of three regions, is under the state of recovery. Other regions have yet to improve under the "state of crisis" despite a number of unsuccessful clan conferences of the main tribe in Mogadisho.


    The attendant consequence of how this administrative region (self-declared as an autonomous state) came to involve of Sanaag and Sool's political map was the presidential ambition of Colenel Abdilahi Yusuf in his pursuit of a larger constituency. However, the W clan , in its entire territory, doesn't fall to this 'building block" but since their territory extends to Bari region, (The Main Suldaan confirmed repeatedly of this fact, even on BBC), this particular sub-segment find themselves part of this political settings and agreed to participate, and they, as a result, received the Speaker of Parliament post. (Open your eyes and see who to these two persons, the current and his predecessor, belong to, of what sub-segment of W??).


    Your biggest error seems to rest on the main W segment collectively as though they are supportive of this "building block" system. It will be wise if you don't resort to jibes and poor judgement of this building block.






    Editors' note: According to this Briefing, Puntland and Somaliand are part of the 'building blocks' based on a "Clan family" endorsed By the UN Security Council as part of six political units intended to be an alternative to the Anarchy. It also reveals how particularly Ethiopia supports the idea of regional administration as opposed to centralized structure. The U.N also endorses Punt land as comprised of only three regions..


    Written in 1998, Patrick Gilkes, states of the purpose that justifies the incorporation of Sool and Sanaag into Puntland, a forgone conclusion. "Indications are that Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf has his eyes more on Mogadishu and the leadership of Somalia as a whole, rather than just Puntland. One illustration of this has been Puntland's claim to two of the regions of Somaliland, Sol and Sanaag."


    For simplicity and emphasis, we have assembled the elemental paragraphs that constitutes the most relevant and critical aspect of the Building Block Policy .

  5. It seems the world is coming to know of this problematic deal.



    Range on the run



    April 21, 2006


    In a sign of just how desperate oil companies are becoming to replace reserves, a mystery "oil major" has signed a letter of intent with Range Resources.

    Range has the rights to 50.1 per cent of the oil and minerals in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland in Somalia - a place that oil majors like Houston's Conoco abandoned in the face of civil war 15 years ago.



    The civil war is over in that part of Somalia. But the ******* clan is upset at the Puntland Government's handling of the Range deal and Somali sources report 10 people have died in clashes with the president's militia in the last month.


    On Wednesday, an ex-pat member of the ******* clan told Xchange that at least two other clans and subclans were gearing up for more bloody battles.


    Despite the political difficulties, yesterday's announcement sent day traders into a tizzy, making Range the most-traded stock on the ASX - 101 million.


    The shares rocketed 1.4c to a steepling 5.2c before closing at 5c, after a week-long trading halt was lifted. No oil has yet been found in commercial quantities in Puntland but Range believes a few wells in the right places could rectify the situation. The company promised to reveal the name of the mystery oil major today.



    Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


    [ April 22, 2006, 01:53: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

  6. Things are going well or terribly - it all depends on who you ask. Jamie Freed reports.



    I feel obliged to expose this Jamie Freed who calls himself a journalist but lacks the integrity and profession of journalistic ethics. I surmise he is afterall serving the interest of the company, for he was assigned to this particular task.


    I believe he was the anonymous who wrote to Garoweonline and asked to cease and desist from reporting the conflict for that creates negativity on the situation.



    Abdalla Hirad was very quick to discern of the collaboration and conspiracy of these two entities to suppress the conflict at all cost.


    "Letting people die as a result of greed and the pursuit of self-interested schemes is inhuman; hiring public and media relations companies, not only to promote an unjust action, but to discourage reporting on the matter, is criminal in my opinion. In this spirit, I urge and plead with the Somali media to seriously pursue this issue with a view to silencing the voice of those vicious forces trying to stifle the cries for justice and to discourage the pursuit of the truth."



    Surprisingly, Jamie Freed contacted me by E-mail being very inquisitive and curious of what conflict and asked whether it might subside or remain worse.



    Hello. I am a journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald (and The Age) in Australia who has been covering Range Resources. I saw your posting on Garowe Online and was curious to know if you currently live in Puntland or if you are an expatriate.


    Anything that you could tell me about the current conflict between Puntland and Somaliland and also the type of problems Range Resources has been supposedly causing would be appreciated. Is it true that Range took 25 armed trucks into a disputed area and that nine people have died in clashes as a result of the company's exploration efforts so far?


    Thank you,





    However, what was intended to exploiting at the expense of the people backfired itself and even exposed the information asymmetry within the government, the outcome of which made the so called governor of Puntland and his cronies leeches.


    What was intended to subdue by military means failed miserably. The plan was, in my firm belief, Get in, Get done, and Get out while on vacation to Dubai. Now, he is imploring for a settlement, sending delegation after delegation.



    The upcoming meeting in Badhan on 27th of April will dictate where the fate of the people concerned should head----the main agenda being an administration program.





    Posted to the Web Apr 10, 11:48



    In his latest interview with the BBC, (British Broadcasting Corporation) Mr. Adde Muse, (governor of Puntland) acknowledged his interest in shredding Sanaag, into sectarian villages that each has multi rulers from different self appointed regimes, including his so called administration.


    It is not surprising to gaze upon the territorial disputes within the Somali clans though indeed it will be shocking episode to capture this kind of statement from an elected official.


    Puntland was founded less than a decade ago, with restless efforts brought by decent citizens mostly from Sanaag, although in Puntland a final drawing of a constitutional amendment to the province had not been met, and no bill of protecting the human integrity or limiting the president’s power have been passed since, the fact of the matter is due to those partially imbalanced laws the province is on the edge of auto take off.


    Puntland, nowadays lacks legitimate legislators, adequate intellectuals and simply the presidential nomination is based on random selection among some former opponents of the prior Somali regime, while no one else can be eligible to file for candidacy.


    One of the main reasons to run for presidency in Puntland is enjoying to be an independent guardian of any cash collected as revenues or submitted as donations from NGO’s, also to demonize all other communities and lift up the ethnocentrism spirit of your own tribe.


    Many of the little incentives given to law enforcement personnel are distributed in a tribal form where more often the chiefs or warlords are the “Brinks “(cash carriers) and can give it to any one who obeys and supports their political views, but not to those who oppose them.


    At this time it would be a clear gambling for Puntland leaders to establish a genuine rule of law and maintain a very stabilized system in the country that has a stable economy rather than stunning one, because the capacity of their qualifications won’t fit the category.


    A great example of the fraudulent activities within Adde’s administration is the “Majiyahan,†Subsoil reserves where he is accepting any offer, and without notifying the deal neither to the so called Parliament nor the people.


    The only motive to that deal was to generate as much cash as possible, in order to find cure for various political syndromes including the full purchase of some key southern politicians to strengthen the ties between them and Abdulahi Yussuf, who himself without observing any legal ramifications of doing business with foreign institutions had just cleared the way for many giant corporations to maneuver freely across many parts of Puntland, by conducting Fishing, Mining and most of all to deposit the toxic waste into both land and sea.


    Perhaps, Puntland will remain to enjoy it’s free fall for many years to come.



  8. Paragon, you are very wrong to generalize the region of Sanaag as an underdeveloped and remote. It is remote in fact due to the lack of resource allocation by the former so as many regions.


    From 1981-1989, LaasQorey was an emporium just like Bossaso is today after the closure of Berbera Port. However, gaps in the United Nations Assistance policy have been the main cause of this region and so many other regions' lag behind other regions.


    The Decision of such policy was predicated on the merits of four main port cities as an entry points for relief supplies---Mogadisho and Kismayo in the south, Berbera and Bossaso in the Norht. This arrangment as imposed by the UN, has since its inception, worked to the detriment of the Sanaag community. It has become more as the political and security situation evolved to the better, where emergency relief operations gave way to economic assistance programs aiming at rehabilitation and reconstruction.


    But then, Bossaso and Hargeisa are two main localities where the merchants of Sanaag abound in great number, running Industrials and in search of their motive to maximize their resources.



    Hence, I would like for you to read an adminstration program that had failed to work for politcal reasons just before the establishment of Puntland due to Tolnimo.



    Positive developments in 1994-1995, after the war with SNM came to an end following a number of reconciliation conferences.



    (a) The convening of an Inter-communal Conference (during December 1994-February 1995) in Hadaftimo, bringing together representatives from all districts, where an adminstrative arrangement had been adopted. The arrangement includes district councils for the districts of Badhan,Dhahar, and Laskoreh, a mechanism to coordinate the affairs of the three districts under a Coordinating Committee, as well as police and judiciary mechanisms.


    (b) German Agro Action and the Somali Development and Relief Agency(SDRA have been exploring possibilities for building a jetty in Laskoreh to be used as a seaport, in addition to the rehabilitation of some water wells, and maintaining the road connecting Laskoreh town with the hinterland. Other International NGO's have also been engaged in identifying and implementing projects in support of education, health and veterinary services, among others. However, with the freeze of SDRA activities, German Agro-Action ceased its assistance and so have the other International NGOs.




    Hence, the betrayal known to Somalis is obvious now in Puntland. The Groups that led the adminstration program will reincarnate it in the most forseable future.

  9. Originally posted by Paragon:

    My criticism is not limited to them but to all those elders/men who object to developmental projects of which they fail to misappropriate its funds. Their personal agendas have no concern for what these sort of projects mean for the ordinary people, let alone anything else, or benefits to the infrastructure of their localities.

    developmental projects? Do you really think this is a developmental project? Give me more detail.


    of which they fail to misappropriate its funds.



    Are you saying they should embezzle the funds? Or you meant it they have failed to appropriate its funds for public services. If so, what funds are you talking about?



    I will be able to answer all of your questions on Monday.

  10. Shihaabudiin, Were you unaware of the interviews and documents that have been posted in this forum since the first day of the conflict.


    We are cognizant of the explorations so as many others in the past and the attempt to do it now with force. I personally know few persons from Sanaag who used to trade of these minerals Tin and copper after the collapse of the central government. The area has been surveyed by the English first, Italians and then It was Bulgaria that finally discovered and embarked on the business program to trade the minerals on behalf of the government with share agreements.



    The problem with some of you who post in this site is that they aren't that sophisticated to engage in a gentlemanly discussion and come up with irrefutable evidence of where things are. They are driven by clan loyalty as an instrument of policy for the advancement of what their unthinking warlords do to the detriment of what have been achieved.


    There is no government other than being a clan rule that is mired in clan warfare and adminstrative disarrays.


    Let us see what your tribal militias can do knowing they could muster all the resources and manpower. The conflict has been a sporadic one so far and it hasn't turned into a full scale warfare.

  11. Is The President of Puntland playing with Fire?



    Friday, April 07, 2006


    For quite a while I was following the troubling news about Puntland regarding the conflict surrounding the controversial mining exploration in Majayahan, in the outskirts of Bossasso, Somalia—a conflict in which about 8 to 10 people have already died within the last few weeks, and about a dozen have been injured.


    In the beginning, I have actually been feeling docile about the whole thing—following news items carried in this website or that—not able to make headway as to the nature and the magnitude of the problem. There were rumors after rumors about mineral exploration, at first, then rumors about moneys changing hands between a foreign company and some of the members of the family of Adde Muse and, probably, also government officials and others. All this were rumors to me until there were deaths. Deaths and deaths; and more deaths of real people, with blood and flesh.


    Then this. Some person by the name of Ashley--a man or a woman—probably neither—but, perhaps, some entity using a false name, wrote to GaroweOnline , one of the websites which has been diligently covering the news of the conflict. Ashley, interestingly, complains about the fact that the website has been covering the news of the Majayahan item. And, disgustingly enough, this callous and insensitive something (person or organization) starts their complaint as follows:


    “I am interested in your coverage of the conflicts that are rumored to take place regarding the mining of natural resources in the state of Puntland. Your articles seem to constantly portray negativity towards the course of action the Puntland government has taken."


    I do not probably need to say any more to express my shock to the world. You can click the above link to read the rest of the short article. I am shocked as I begin to wonder who is this person? Who does he or she represent—the government of Puntland, or the Australian mining company (Range Resources) which has allegedly gotten the infamous deal in the area? Whoever it is, the writer does not conceal their position as to which side they have taken or their intention as they say:


    "I have read Range Resources most recent summary and they appear to be following due diligence and protocol with regard to understanding the area, building an experienced geological team, and entering into negotiations that will ultimately bring about the best possible outcome for the people of Somalia."


    Goodness Gracious! Where does this stop? When will it stop? When will Adde Muse (the President of Puntland) and his cronies stop the mayhem? When will Range Resources begin to even think about the poor souls dying in that barren, sun scorched corner of the world, which some call home? When will the government of Ali Geddi, the President of the TFG and/or the Speaker of the Parliament warn General Adde of the fire he is playing with and the consequences of his actions? When will the Australian government begin to even pay attention to the reports of those (from both sides) increasingly dying because of the actions of one of its own national outfits?


    Letting people die as a result of greed and the pursuit of self-interested schemes is inhuman; hiring public and media relations companies, not only to promote an unjust action, but to discourage reporting on the matter, is criminal in my opinion. In this spirit, I urge and plead with the Somali media to seriously pursue this issue with a view to silencing the voice of those vicious forces trying to stifle the cries for justice and to discourage the pursuit of the truth.


    Further more, and by way of solutions:


    *The government of Puntland must pull back its troops besieging the area immediately and allow an opportunity for talks with the leaders of the community. So far he has been steadfastly adamant at defeating the defense forces of the community.


    *The President of Puntland should allow for a third party intervention to move his troops out of the area and to allow for talks to start.


    *The TFG should consider the question more seriously than it has officially done so far. It is actually a shame that President Yusuf has not uttered one word about the matter, at least, since people have started dying—forget the time before that. President Yusuf has, at a minimum, a moral responsibility to address the issue. He cannot ignore it. After all, he is the previous President of the Republic of Puntland, if nothing else.


    *The elders of the community have already released a Communiqué in which they expressed their desire to resolve the conflict through dialogue. The communiqué is already a week old, but the fighting was still going on two days ago as a result of the continuous government attacks.


    *Still, the community should continue to let cooler heads prevail and err on the side of peace in their defense strategy.


    *All entities must cease and desist from actions which might escalate the conflict to avoid further loss of live.



    Abdalla Ahmed Hirad

    A concerned Somali Citizen

  12. Paragon, the link you provided highlights some of the things Awad Ashara said in his interview with SBS. Have you paid a close attention to the Articles 67 and 69, tha a "law should be enacted which defines the manner of exploitation for the common good"? Link


    "However, I have informed the Puntland authority its obligation

    under our Transitional Federal Charter and alerted them not to

    enter into any agreement with any party in relation to the

    national natural resources," states it in reference to the P.M.

  13. Originally posted by art:

    Maakhir, so what is being said is that Range resources presence will precipitate a war....is that correct?

    Yes it has precipitated two armed clashes and that dozens of people have been killed in the first armed clash of the conflict and 5 more in the second clash of the conflict. Reuters reported as well a week ago about the first conflict. But , it is hard to conceive of the current situation in Majihaan currently as both forces are mobilizing their militias and preparing for war, apparently it has to do with the team of experts from Range in the area.


    The governor has been accused of being a corrupt leader who want forcefully to exploit the resources of a country under the customary and legal jurisdiction of the clan that reside there. The Wars***** clan, the clan that reside the area does not object to the exploration and extraction of minerals but they insist everything be done with their approval.


    Puntland was created out of tribal alliances for security arrangement and other social needs.


    Somaliland, which is also a clan entity is playing a role in this political stalemate, making the situation appear as if it has to do with border disputes even though they highlight of the disagreement about the deal.


    Somaliland has no army, adminstration, or police in the region it claims politically so as Puntland and that is an important for these companies to realize by giving a priority to the clans that settle in the area before they make important decisions.

  14. War deg deg ah: Majiyahan oo ay ciidanka Puntland geeyey Madaafiicda Dagaalka



    Posted to the Web Apr 06, 20:38


    Badhan:- Wararka saacadahan naga soo gaarey Xarunta Madaxtoo yada ee Boosaaso ayaa sheegay in goobtaas amar laga soo saarey, amarkaas oo ah in Madaafiicda culus la geeyo Majiyahan. Warkan oo ilo muhiim ah naga soo gaarey ayaa sheegaya in maalmihii uu Cade Muuse ku dhawaaqay ama codsadey in xabad joojin la sameeyo ay caawo 12ka Habeenimo ee waqtiga geeska afrika ay ku ekeyd.



    Warku waxa uu intaa ku darayaa in Madaafiicdaas ay jiidayeen Baabuurta Xamuulka ay Ciidanka Puntland, waxaana la saadaalinayaa in Dagaal dhici doono waqtiyadan inagu soo aadan.



    Warku waxa uu intaa ku darayaa in ciidankii badnaa ee ku qul qulayey Majiyahan ee ka socday dhinaca Puntland halkaas oo ay difaac adag galeen Ciidanka Difaaca kheyraadka ee Sanaag, Galayr, ayaa u eg mid si daba joog ah u dhacaya.



  15. Boiboi thanks for the information. Things will be clear in due course of time. The reason they give false misleading information is to rack up the stock prices since stock prices reflect the future growth of the company. The company has a high debt ratio and it is very possible that it will file bankruptcy like Enron did in its omission of valuable information regarding the solvency of the company as well as inflating its gains.



    SOMALIA: Diaspora community weighs in on Puntland conflict



    DUBAI, UAE– Puntland wants to extract natural resources in Sanaag region as part of its agreement.


    April 5, 2006


    A prominent member of the Sanaag Diaspora community has spoken out about the ongoing conflict in Majiyahan district. In an interview with the Australia-based SBS Radio, Mr. Faisal Ahmed Yusuf said that the bloody conflict between the Puntland administration and armed clan militias “could’ve been avoided.â€



    The Puntland government, which administers northeastern Somali regions, has been locked in an armed struggle with native clans for the past three weeks. Puntland wants to extract natural resources in Sanaag region as part of its agreement with Range Resources, Ltd., a junior exploration company headquartered in Australia. But native clans mobilized their militias in early March after Puntland president Mohamud “Adde†Muse sent his security forces into the mountainous Majiyahan area to protect foreigners conducting research on behalf of Range Resources. The move led open warfare and contributed to the deaths of at least eight people so far.


    Mr. Faisal said that he personally believes that the vast majority of Puntland people were “left in the dark†when President Adde signed a unilateral agreement with Range Resources in August 2005. He added that the Puntland leader failed to use lawful methods for signing and implementing the deal. Furthermore, Mr. Faisal regretted that a legal disagreement had turned into deadly conflict.


    Garowe Online News



    Interview with Faisal Ahmed Hawar

  16. DCFN0050.jpg Dr. Mohamoud Shire








    Saxaafada iyo Odoyaasha qaar ka mid ah



    Shirkaas oo lagu qaadaa dhigayey dhibta ka soo cusboonaatay deegaanada gobol ka Sanaag ee ay leeyihiin beelaha ********* laguna magcaabo Majiyahan iyo Dhalan iyadoo la doonayo in maafiyada aduun ka laga xaraasho, Maamulka Puntland na soo dhoobay ciidamo beeleedyo ayna is hor fadhiyaan ciidanka ilaalinta kheyraad ka dabiiciga ah.






    DCFN0055.jpg Caaqil Cabdi Maxamed Saalax

  17. Clashes between the Natural Resources Defence Forces of Sanaag, NRDFS and Ade Muuse's Militia


    Posted to the Web Mar 29, 23:08


    Boosaaso:- New fighting broke out between the Natural Resources Defence Forces of Sanaag, NRDFS and Ade Muse’s Militia in Majiyahan area which is rich in natural resources and close to the Port city of Boosaaso.



    The fighting that broke out between those forces has killed at least 7 people including a fourteen yearl old girl who is been ran over by the defeated Muse’s militia vehicles in Boosaaso City, the commercial capital of Puntland, a witnessed individuals said on Wednesday.


    The Ade Muse’s militia suffered the most casualties as they were out-manoeuvred by the NRDFS who are familiar with the area, the Ade Muse’s militia lost 5 militia, 2 of them dying in battle ground and 3 more died in hospital bed in Boosaaso city. The skirmish was the result of Ade Muse’s political bad moves when he sent his militias as guides and protection for a team of experts from Range Resources, an Australian company he signed an illicit deal with in 2005. The NRDFS also gained a battle wagon, known locally as the technical while loosing one man and the Ade's Militia capturing another wounded person.



    The Puntland administration, however, has consistently denied that conflict has taken place in Majiyahan at all. Ahmed Habsade, (a puppet of Ade) Puntland’s interior minister, said that unknown armed militias fired upon an armed vehicle owned by his government but that no battle has taken place in Majiyahan district.


    This gun battle wasn't the first one and since Ade Muse sent his militia, last week there were several gun battles that took place in the same area and this conflict over natural resources has sparked a debate within Somalia. Several members of the Somali transitional federal government spoke out last week about the conflict, putting the blame on the shoulders of Ade Muse and few ill-advised of his puppets, for pushing forth the agenda to extract natural resources illegally and without the approval of the War******** Tribe which inhabits the area.


    Outside Somali, to be exact, in Canada where there is a lawsuit brought by Somali Canadians originated from Sanaag Region, and UK which has the largest War******** Community and UAE have all held community discussions about what to do with this situation and how to help the NRDFS


    Also there is been wide consultation of between the elders and local leaders about declaring an Autonomous state within Somalia which is soon to be declared and will be named as the Maakhir State of Somalia, its Capital Being in either Laasqoray or Badhan city.



  18. Mansa Munsa, since you are new comer. Pay a visit to this thread when this all started.






    Second, i have here the document that were handed over to Range Resources LTD and the locations of the minerals, but this contract further details on the terms and the political development of Punt land



    Mineral Potential The mineral potential of Puntland is largely unexplored but work by Bulgarian geologists during the 1970’s has shown occurrences of:


    Lead-Zinc: Some localities of lead-zinc mineralisation occur within Puntland. The number of the known lead-zinc mineral occurrences up to 1977, was close to 35, but no proven ore deposits have been identified;


    Copper : Copper mineralisation has been recorded from the Inda Ad Series in Puntland south and south west of Bossaso;


    Iron Ore: Iron ore deposits of unknown size and grade have been identified in the northeastern sector of Puntland;


    Manganese: Manganese occurrences have been discovered in the north-eastern part of the country;


    Tin: Tin ore deposits occur only in the north-eastern part of the country. Areas of interest include Madjayan and Dalan. Beryl,


    Tantalum and Niobium: These minerals are normally emplaced in pegmatites, associated with the Precambrian structural stage rock formations.



    The known occurrences are observed mainly in the north-eastern sector of the Puntland. 4


