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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. Dagaalo u dhaxeeya labo Urur Diimeed oo goordhow ka bilowday Degaanka Wabxo ee gobolka Galgaduud. Posted: 5/15/2009 8:48:00 PM Shabelle: CEELBUUR Dagaalo u dhaxeeya labo Urur Diimeed ayaa goordhow waxaa uu ka bilowday Degaanka Wabxo degmada Ceelbuur ee gobolka Galgaduud. Dagaalka ayaa waxaa uu u dhaxeeya xoogaga Al Shabaab iyo Ciidamo tabacsan Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca kuwaaasi oo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay isku hayay gacan ku heeynta qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Galgaduud ee bartamaha Soomaaliya. Lama oga sababta rasmiga ee keentay in uu dagaalku bilowdo hase ahaatee deegaanka Wabxo ayaa Bilo ka hor waxaa isku farasaaray Ciidamada Al Shabaab iyo kuwa Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca tasoo dhalisay qasaare farabadan oo soo gaaray dhinacyadii dagaalamay iyo dad rayid ah. Lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalka,waxaana deegaanka Wabxa ee gobolka Hiiraan haatan si toos ah looga maqlayaa dhawaqa rasaasta ay isku weydaarsanayaan labada dhinac. Dagaalkani ayaa ku soo aadaya xili dagaalo kale ay ka socdaan Degmada Maxaas ee gobolka Hiiraan kuwaasi oo u dhaxeeya Al Shabaab iyo dhalinyaro deegaanka ah oo taabacsan ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga. Wixii warar ah ee ku soo kordhaa kala Soco Shabelle.net Hadii uu Illaah Inoo saamxo. Aqriso oo la soco Shabelle.net Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya. Dhageeyso Wararka 1:30-duhurnimo Maalin waliba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka.
  2. Mohamed Dheere is a former warlord who is not part of this government and has no role in it, so how is he gona fight for it, unless aysan clanish ahayn... Shariif-ka at least waa inuu wax umagacaabaa otherwise Sheekadu waxay noqonaysaa wuxuu kuugu dagaalamay warold-kaas waa isku qabiil baa tihiin, haduu M Dheere jago iskugu magacaabona waa shido horleh ayuu kunoqon lool, Sheikh hotel walle balaayaa haysata
  3. Before Yusuf Yey, for almost two decades, battles raged and morters rained on Mogadishu, and they still rain and civilians flee after he left... It was purely an excuse to pass the blame on him simply because he was there, Mogadishu... If he was the problem, then we have no problem now!
  4. A wonderful news, it seems President Faroole is doing a great job, the world bank delegations in Garoowe.... The government must use this opportunity to create jobs, improve and construct economical structure of the state...
  5. The pictures are from governmet supporters website, they are claiming that the marines are getting ready to fight while a fight is already raging on, and why marines when bullets fly on the ground, on the streets of Mogadishu and outside the Villa of the state...
  6. AMISOM: Are they packing up and preparing to leave, or unloading and getting ready for war
  7. This guy seems to be fighting for the government from the look of his face, lack of cimaamad and beard, but if you pay close attention and look at the background of the picture, you will see another guy with cumaamad who seems to be fighting for Alshabaab and with what looks like an AK47, he's apparently heading the other direction opposite to the man lying down, ma is arkaan miyaa mase way iska qaleeyeen?
  8. Lool @ nationalities, if that's the case then we have so many refugees from Hargeisa in Bosaaso and Mogadishu. Actually, the most powerful man in the south today, Mr. Godane, is a refugee from Hargeisa Loool, let's call him a Super refugee
  9. ^What do you mean by refugees, do you mean those that fled from the war currently raging or those that live and engage business in there...
  10. Please update, but please do not add any graphic or distasteful images.
  11. I don't see anything wrong with this report, we always knew brothers in north will jump at every opportunity to score a goal and push for their dear case... NG the two issues are connected, you will realise that if you don't want to turn blind eye, only and carefully read the title, the two is mentioned, and that should be enough...
  12. Ciidanka AMISOM gaar ahaan kuwa Burundi oo ay go,deensheen Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-Shabab Posted to the Web May 14, 09:18 Muqdisho:-War uu goordhow na soo gaarsiiyey wariyaha Halgan.net ayaa sheegaya in ciidanka Burundi uu yahay mid go,doon ah oo dhinacyada ay ka joogaan ciidanka Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-Shabaab. Ciidanka Burundi ayaa ku sugan Kuliyadii Hore ee Jaale Siyaad waxaana xaafadaha ku dhaw oo dhan gacanta ku haya Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-Shabaab. Ciidanka Al-Shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam ayaa doonaya in ay kala gooyaan ciidanka AMISOM balse saaka ayaa waxaa laga dareemayaa ciidanka Ugandha kuwa dagaal u diyaar garoobey si ay ay ugu gurmadaan kuwa Burundi. Ciidanka Al-Shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam ayaa la ag fadhiya Hoobiyaal iyo miinada dhulka lagu aaso ciidanka Burundi Waxaa la wada dhowrayaa xaalka meesha uu ku danbeeyo waxaana ay noqonaysaa guulweyn hadii ay ciidanka Al-Shabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam oo helay gurmad badan ay kala gooyaan ciidanka AMISOM. A/Cawale Halgan.net
  13. And when is Musa-Yalaxow going to be invited in the Villa.... Though there is rumour that Hassan Dahir's subclan don't like Mohamed Dheere as the warlord they fear the most from the other subclan...
  14. Muqdisho:"Dagaalka waa joojineynaa hadii uu iska casilo shariifka madaxweynaha uu sheeganayo" Hogaamiyaha xisbul islaam 14. maj 2009 Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Dr:Cumar Iimaan Abubakar gudoomiyaha ururka Xisbul islaam ayaa sheegay in dhinacooda ay dagaalada joojinayaan hadii uu xilka madaxweynanimo iska casilo madaxweyne Shariif Shiikh Axmed. Cumar Iimaan oo ka qeybgalayey barnaamijka “Ma waraa’al Khabar” ee ka baxa TV-ga Al-Jazeera ayaa sheegay in dagaalada ay hakan karaan hadii uu shariif ka tanaasulo madaxweynaninamada u sheeganayo. Waxa uu sheegay in iyaga ay dagaalka kula jiraan dawlada oo uu sheegay in ay tahay mid ka been sheegtay shareecada islaamka balse aanay la dagaalameynin Sharifka shaqsiyadiisa. “shariif hadii aan isaga si gaar ah ula dirireyno waa la arkaa ee haka tago bal xilka loo soo dhoodhoobay ee Mareykanka iyo reer galbedka sameeyeen” ayu yiri Cumar Iiman. Cumar Iiman ayaa hadalkisa waxaa laga dhadhansanaa in ay daneynayaan in ay qabtaan talada dalka oo ay dhisaan dawlad Islaami ah sida uu sheegayo. Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland
  15. ^Backing off now, are we... Good for taking a step back... Adeer what I am highling is that the excuse of Ethiopia and Yusuf Yey are no longer existant, and the city is flattened down by the very same individuals that made these excuses, the root of the problem is Mogadishu and these men iyo Dowladnimo iyo Maamul naceeb.... But why are you backing off and remain silent, all those of you who condemed the shelling of the city before
  16. The news was in all over the Somali web portals, but commonsense says that one doesn't even need to get such news because of the fact that Sheikkh hotel lives in the very same Villa the Shelling and mass bombardment is coming from to the city....
  17. ^I wouldn't ask you that, tell me more of what your ONLF delivered....