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Everything posted by LANDER

  1. Both served in the military. Bush was an officer in the Air National Guard (a good way to avoid Vietnam combat). Kerry was an officer in the U.S. Navy (usually a safer alternative than the Army in those days). I have to disagree with this insinuation that Kerry was somehow trying to avoid real combat. In his service in the navy it shows that he requested to be transfered from the navy ships along the coast line to the swift boats because he was in his own words seeking more action. The swift boats were often susceptible to suprise attacks from the vietcong and had high casuality rates, I don't see how that could suggest he was trying to duck the real battles. He won a silver star and three purple hearts for a reason, you can judge the man's political career but his military record shouldn't be questioned. By all indications he fought like a true soldier.
  2. It would be unfortunate to lose Arafat, despite his shortcomings in recent times, he has fought long for the palestinian cause and has become the symbol of palestinian resistance. Not to mention the possible chaos that could result from his leaving a power vacum in the Palestinian leadership. PS NGONGE I really wasn't trying to belittle Arafat but was simply pointing out the inconsistent comparison and to some degree your own belittlement of Nelson Mandela, one of the great figures of our century.
  3. Britain will never be part of an agreement?..... so what? I don't see why we have to continually give relevance to every british mp or minister who speaks on Somaliland. The staunch supporters of Somaliand in the british parliment have already done their jobs and yet it is clear the british government is unwilling to bare responsibility for the recognition of Somaliland for now. It's only at the hands of Somalilanders that recognition may come if that be the primary objective our nation. Therefore we need to continually empower ourselves instead of looking like lame ducks waiting for a wink from former colonial powers. The future success or failure of our state can only be attributed to us and since we hold our destiny in our own hands. I just wish the next elections would come sooner, don't wanna wait till 2008
  4. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 lol@femme fatale, I heard this one while I was in london on the BBC, even the anchor lady couldn't hold herself back, she started laughing on the air . originally posted by man of freedom: This kind of mentality is the type of mentality that propels people to think and act in evil ways by nature. Man of freedom, how can one be propelled to act in evil ways if one is already naturally evil?
  5. Although many have already covered this topic, I plan on writing an upcoming essay on the broad subject of Self-Determination with Somaliland being my prime example. I very much look forward to this task as I plan on further indulging myself in concepts of international law, it should be a good learning experience. This was the essay topic given to me by the prof: "With reference to specific examples, discuss the issues arising from the right of self-determination which is claimed by some ethnic/national groups." The only inconvenience is that I have to provide one other example besides Somaliland and I have to limit the entire essay to 2000 words. To my surprise though, being my first time taking a formal poli sci course the professor was familiar with the case of Somaliland and so were few other Canadian students as a matter a fact they use it as an example in other senior political courses as well as international law. I found this amazing given that there are virtually no Somalis on this campus. This thesis by Ms. Sanchez Bermudez will definitely help as it contains many of the aspects I was looking to cover. Thanks Tolstoy and don't hesitate to post any other related documents. If any of you know any great links or sources for researching international law feel free to share.
  6. Originally posted by Man Of Freedom: To: Will quote: Iran will defend themselves from the so called "Milatry Power House" in the world. The U.S government is capable of invading and occupaying Iran with the speed of light without using massive army. We have special forces that are well trained well equiped designed to capture and kill the modern adversaries. So far Iran's survival is a matter of decision and will, but let there be no doubt that the U.S will seriously deal with Iran after the election. Carefull what you ask for, Iran is not Iraq. Ey George, how come you didn't invade Iran first? they seem more of a threat than Iraq does and you speak of these special forces like the green barrets, are these the same ppl who were being dragged through the streets of mogadishu ? nah, that must be a mistake because those poor souls were sent running by a single somali sub-clan. Paltalk good to see you back though, you always manage to provide a good laugh.
  7. OG, I think you'll find enough people to describe A/Yusuf as a savior saint in this forum . Hasna besides the alleged assassinations this man has executed, there are more revelant facts about him that can be presented in a less than bias way. I like to think I can give anybody the benefit of the doubt and can form an opinion on people with regards to their greater deeds. On this website you will find a short summary of the events that took place during the SSDF movement that Yusuf spear headed which I believe is his single biggest contribution to Somali history. Read it for yourself and maybe based on some of the facts you read you can start developing an informed opinion of your own. By no means does this little page give you the "whole picture" but its a start. P.S. I think you will find this website to be factual and not be laced with stories of personal heroics and propaganda.
  8. Originally posted by Farxan: it is a BIG poster hanging from the building, with a a picture of the statue of Liberty!! Ironic ain't it? the statue of liberty hangin from a UAE building. It's an advertisement for emirates airlines for those of you who didn't notice, they are advertising their non-stop flights to New York and hence the statue of liberty.
  9. what is the significance of oct.21?
  10. Ayoub, you have a 3rd viable option, the Liberal-Democrats. I find it odd how somali british citizens were trying to convince me this summer that America is the devil while Great-Britain can do no wrong. For some odd reason they associated me with everything american and I was hearing so much propaganda that I found myself in the unlikely position of actually defending the US. Whenever I would bring up british foreign policy they always seem to come up with excuses like my friend Ayoub did above . So I ask you young brits, why can't you elect the liberal-democrats to power? We have a liberal government here in Canada and that government abstained Canada from the war. Canada does 80% of its trade with the US and has alot more to lose than britain in case of fall out between the two countries. So no excuses for the english muffins .
  11. Northerner, I think its simply due to familiarity. Somalis are alot more familiar with ppl who are geographicaly and culturaly closer to them such as eritreans, ethiopians, sudanese etc... than other africans. Also some aspects of our culture lead to inherent racism towards other Africans. We all have heard the terms “adoon†and other such words used commonly by Somalis to elevate themselves above other black Africans. In all fairness though, I have noticed this racism also to be present in other African cultures. Some west Africans have their own biases when it comes to Somalis as it has become apparent to me. Me and some homeboys ran into some loud mouth Ghanaian guys a few yrs ago, apparently they had the audacity to tell my friend that Somalis are “fake Africans†and should go back to Arabia, they weren’t so eager to run their mouths when the numbers evened up. After that little encounter, they apparently added: “somalis are crazy and short tempered†to their list of stereotypes. Anyway a few of them don’t consider us African very much like the aspects of Somali culture and that won’t allow for some somalis to refer to themselves as “Africanâ€. In the end though, most Africans are not racist towards each other and meeting other Africans is often a friendly occasion and an opportunity to learn from another culture of our continent. I think that is why I refer to my Ghanaian and Nigerian friends as just that and not simply “African†and we are glad to know each other in a Uni with not too many other Africans.
  12. Have you not noticed that Americans don't give two shits what Europeans think of us? Each email someone gets from some arrogant Brit telling us why to NOT vote for George Bush is going to backfire, you ****** , yellow-toothed pansies ... I don't give a rat's *** if our election is going to have an effect on your worthless little life. I really don't. If you want to have a meaningful election in your crappy little island full of shitty food and yellow teeth, then maybe you should try not to sell your sovereignty out to Brussels and Berlin, dipshit. Oh, yeah - and brush your goddamned teeth, you filthy animals. Wading River, NY LOL...this one had me laughing. Americans are not all as dumb as one might think. You also have to admit that its very hypocritical for the Brits to convince americans not to vote for Bush when they can't even get rid of Bush's little handkerchief Blair. If there is one thing I agree with the american on, that's cocky little old Britain often over-estimates its relevance in International relations. You also have to admire the americans for their unrelenting patriotism and anybody who believes this little initiative from the guardian is a good idea has it coming. oh yeah...this one too Consider this: stay out of American electoral politics. Unless you would like a company of US Navy Seals - Republican to a man - to descend upon the offices of the Guardian, bag the lot of you, and transport you to Guantanamo Bay, where you can share quarters with some lonely Taliban shepherd boys. United States
  13. Hargeisa and boring don't belong in the same sentence
  14. Suldaanka, Rumors are just that, rumors sxb. It's one thing to speak of Somaliland internal politics, but nearly impossible scenarios such as this should not be given much attention.
  15. LANDER


    The Scott vs. ? (somebody) case, fill in that blank for me if you know the slave master's name . But I'm pretty sure Scott was the slave and he argued that according to the constitution "All men are created equal" and therefore his owner didn't have the right to inslave him. I'm pretty sure he lost the case because the judge argued that "equality" only applied to the "white man" which is an obviously illogical and unjust argument. In the end, the incredible injustice faced by this man Dred Scott lead to the emancipation of the slaves or at least played a significant role and served as an example for the people that went on to seek abolishment.
  16. Originally posted by HornAfrique: No Lander, I actually did see what you wrote and I very much got the meaning of your "they" and "disappointment" meaning in what happened to Siad Barre and the early nineties. This is not a clan against clan thing anymore, everyone is celebrating the almost-revival of the state. I especially feel disgusted by the attitudes portrayed by our "Somalilanders" brothers, who it seems have taken a selfish and anti-Somali peace stance! The impression I've been given is, oh no matter if the rest get peace and security so long as they don't diminish our chance of getting recognition. Well I've got news for you and that is snap out of it! There is no recognition coming, and either a blind or an idiotic individual is still running after that. I though I should say something, because at this time in our history when we are collectively uniting for the common good, you are bringing back nonsense which was the basis for the predicament we are in as of the moment! Sorry for being very "blunt". Walahi waa cajiib. So you got all this from a deleted post of a few lines? If you must know the contents of that deleted post, it consisted of a clarification for someone that I decided to discuss personaly rather than post on this thread. It had nothing to do with anything you mentioned above being clans, Siad Barre :confused: or Somaliland. I have no intentions of engaging in petty squabbles with you specially during this holy month. Therefore in my future absence, feel free to come up with any fabrications you like.
  17. Originally posted by HornAfrique: ^^Somalis never change. You had to delete your hateful post. :rolleyes: Good, because that was very disgraceful. please tell me what I wrote that was hateful or disgraceful? Maybe the fact that I choose to correct a misunderstanding? I'm almost certain you didn't even see what I wrote on that post, or perhaps your being a bit of an opportunist to put words in my mouth?
  18. Nothing personnal Libaax, Dusty's comment just seemed to sum up a general observation I was making.
  19. I have horrible short term memory, it was so bad in my younger day that I was forced to see a psychologist. If you must know how bad here is a little story for you. I usually take the city bus to my Uni but one night I drove to school and studied until late into the night, than I was so fatigued that I followed my typical routine and jumped on a city bus which was a half hour ride to my house. Once I was near the house I realized that I had driven to school and that the car was still parked at the university and that this was the last bus of the night. So I had to wake up a friend and have him drive me back to the Uni so I can retrieve my car. That is just 2yrs ago, there are many stories where that came from. What is ironic though is that I was told I have extraordinary long term memory such as remembering events that happened when I was barely one and half yrs to two yrs old. But back to the short term memory problem, I started to solve my short term memory by making a routine of everything I do, and I mean every little detail and plus to double check everything before I leave any setting. For example checking where I sat on the bus and if I left anything behind. Sometimes when the routine is broken like in the above example than my short term memory problems become evident. Also what I noticed is that my memory is at its worst when I'm fatigued or when my diet is out of wack which makes my mind wonder off for long periods of time. Sue I suggest you also make a routine out of the times you eat during the day plus most importantly that you have LOTS of fluids. I think that is the biggest key, make sure you carry some water bottles and take in as much fluid as possible. I know its ramadan right now and that might prove difficult, but you probably understand the logic behind it. The brain thrives on Oxygen and water will help the circulation. I found pure 100% Cranberry juice to give the blood a nice boost and keeps the mind alert. Hope some of this can be of some use to you, and Sue don't worry your not alone . P.S forgot to mention physical activity when combined with a good diet is excellent too. You won't feel as tired all the time, maybe you can pick out something you think is fun. A few yrs back, the girls here in north america were really into that Tai Bo stuff . Personnaly, a good hard fought ball game did the trick.
  20. Originally posted by India: Libaxx....good to see you coming out of yor hidding and taking your allegiancze. True Indeed some people’s true colors are beginning to show in this moment of blind euphoria and rational seems to be gone with the wind. I just hope for their sake they're not setting themselves up for a big disappointment. Originally posted by J11: I don't even think the entire Muqdisho population would participate in 'dibadbax' of numbers as high as 400, 000. The day Xamaar welcomes A/Yusuf with open arms is the day TNG part 14 will be taken seriously. Dusty, First off Ramadan Kareem and secondly I notice your in the french Pyrénées is it? perhaps Toulouse? Never been to that region bordering Spain, but always wanted to see it for myself maybe you can fill me in after your trip. You've got to try some of the regional cheese out there it's suppose to be really good
  21. Originally posted by Northerner: I see ppl whom have never set foot in Burco are experts all of a sudden? :confused: :rolleyes: I have an ide, why not land at Burco airport wearing the blue flag of Somalia and see what happens,,,,,,,,, , we'll manage to arange for a free ticket aboard daalo for the brave soul who is willing to do that. Any volunteers? mobb, perhaps you should lead the way ?
  22. Originally posted by Samurai Warrior: How come I see no denunciations coming the Somaliland camp here in SOL. Does one equate their silence be one of aghast and disgust, or one of close your eye and hope it goes away – Condone it! What I'm disgusted at is this pathetic attempt of turning an allegdly horrific story into a propaganda tool. This is how low some people are willing to sink, using other peoples tragedy to score some political points and not to mention the convenience of the timing. An example of the desired affect is the following: originally posted by Nationalist: If this case will not be settled down peacefully, I'm afraid we'll have a war on our hands. People are outraged and who knows some fool will do this to a girl from Hargaysa to settle scores I do wish there where real facts minus the BS to this story of personnal tragedy. I don't think it's a coincidence that all the human rights groups in Hargeisa have yet to make a statement on this alleged crime. We will have to wait and see what they come up with. “ …Of the 100+ Humanitarian Organisations in Hargeisa, not a single one was moved by the maltreatment, rape, sodomy and torture of the 15-year-old young girl. Samurai do me a favor, when the real facts come out inform us and ask us how we feel about it but until than caarur ka cabsiiska iska waado.
  23. Originally posted by Baashi: On the other hand, self-declared republic of Somaliland issued a statement that sums up the new relationship of Somalia and parts of the former territory of British Somaliland. They don’t recognize the new government. The translation: we won’t sit down with Abdullahi Yusuf. Why? Five days ago, he has given speech to MPs in a campaign dinner attended by Bubaa. In that speech, he said that if he wins the election his administration would approach Somaliland and condole them. Under no circumstance will his administration allow secession, he said in Somali. Hargeisa have a dilemma in their hands. The whole world is in favor of stable horn of Africa. The Ethiopians, and EU which Britain is part of are on board. They don’t control all former British territory. The new development in Nairobi means a UN seat, more money, and international acceptance to Somalia. Their whole peace plan rested on the proposition that once that Somalia gets all-inclusive government they will sit down and negotiate with that government. Now they are in position to say that they don’t recognize this government headed by Yusuf. There is no room to maneuver but to defy and lose the diplomatic battle. In balance, Abdullahi Yusuf is a very polarizing figure that often resorts to military solution to solve political problems. He is also an unwavering stubborn like no other politician in Somalia. He has given a hint as how is he going to confront the militia who has no interest to give up their guns. He will force them, he said. That means a new round of violence. However, this time the violence is a means to noble ends: peace. All governments reserve the right to use violence in order to ensure the rule of law. He clearly has the mandate to do so. I don’t know if he has the luxury of buying guns from the militia. In the end though, his success is dependent on the goodwill of personalities who have no interest in seeing him succeed. Let’s see and wait. We ain’t seen nothing yet. I will edit later.... your a joker sxb, as I previously stated you people talk a good game but rarely take any concrete action. If you are to beat the drums of war, might as well beat them as LOUD and CLEAR as possible. Over night we are the militia and suddenly Somalia has an Army?Or perhaps you give the puntland militia too much credit? Or is this fake bravor stemming from the fact that A/yusuf thinks he has the backing of all of Somalia? Maybe you think the international community will drop weapons at the feet of Abdulahi Yusuf and tell him to go to war with Somaliland? Since your are so quick to jump the gun, let’s analyze the situation at the present moment. The puntland militia will be at the frontlines of any conflict with Somaliland, but I know for a fact that Somaliland has superior logistics and artillery capability but more importantly they will be armed with the knowledge that they fight for their freedom, land and the survival of their people. What if the man who lost every major war he fought, runs straight into a conflict with a fearsome enemy and looks back to see that the warlords in Mogadishu are not behind him? What do you predict would be the outcome of such an encounter? The odds have yet to tip in your favor and already you are saber rattling? To make a long story short we are more than ready and able for WAR so If your gonna make threats please skip the formalities. sidaa ragaa uu hadal niiyoo
  24. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Why not Morgan? lol... ey Suldaan why not Barre Hiiraale and Morgan co-vice pres?