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Everything posted by LANDER

  1. Rahima, Glad you took the time to show us the good being done in Mogadishu, so often the negative reports coming from there tend to over shadow a lot of the life that is flourishing in that city. I hope the vision and optimism you carry never dies.
  2. Originally posted by Suldaaanka: Wind So you are implying that they are real gold diggers, right? yes indeed black gold diggas . On the real though, all this talk of oil is somewhat worrisome with the current state of affairs. With the older generation of politicians being in power, it could lead to a situation of state exploitation by these multinationals as is documented in other countries. For some reason I just can't picture Riyalee negotiating terms of contract and bargaining against a conniving profit driven MNC. They could probably show him prune juice and convince him of it being petroleum. Someone mentioned Nigeria, coincidently I had recently read a case study about Shell and Nigerian Oil and the ethical violations and injustices that arose from that case would serve as a blueprint on exactly what to avoid in future similar endeavors. Not only was shell polluting much of the country side with its faulty pipelines that leaked millions of gallons of oil into the ground, contaminating all nearby areas, but a study and comparison of it business practices in other countries revealed that it was using old and outdated equipment in Nigeria that clearly did not meet the standards used in other western countries and yet felt free to use it in Africa and Latin America due to the lack of proper background institutions to enforce any standards or laws (should they exist in the given country). As a matter a fact it turned out that 40% of all Shell’s worldwide oil spills happened in Nigeria alone. Aside from the environmental problems, there is also many other sources of conflict with the Nigerian oil namely the exploitation of land dwelled on by minorities and the ethnic oppression and tension created by the coming of shell. Many of the oilfields could be found around the Niger river in Nigeria where a minority ethnicity called the Ogoni lives, this ethnicity is quite distinct from the others in Nigeria and there population is very small numbering some half million people in country with about 150 million. Yet it is the Ogoni whom have suffered the most from the coming of Shell and who’s lands have been destroyed from the practices of that MNC. They even made a song that translated in English as “The flames of Shell are flames of Hell, We bask below their light, Naught for us to serve the bright, Of cursed neglected and cursed shell.†Can you imagine if significant oil reserves were found and exploited in the inner ravine area of the Juba and Shabelle rivers of Somalia?(similarly inhabited by a minority) Would such a scenario have taken place or could it take place in the futur? For somalis ethnic/tribal association is enough for genocidal wars across barren desert lands, adding a dangerous mix of lucrative oil fields could fuel and already smoldering fire (no pun intended). A spark could easily be created by the disovery of a said field in any given hot spot (i.e. a Kismayo, Galkacyo, lascanood etc...) and of course not mutualy exclusive to such volatile areas. P.S. for further reference to the Nigerian oil case search for Newbury, Gladwin (I think)
  3. lol I had a hispanic friend that use to pronounce yellow like "jellow", don't know why this remind me of him.
  4. If this article interest you folk, I suggest checking out Hegemony or Survival . A good read. Also Manufacturing Consent and Pirates and Emperors as suggested by classique .
  5. Originally posted by Fyr-Kanten: quote: He's not? I thought only Arab presidents could attend the Arab League conferences or meetings. Are you being sarcastic or are you simply just misinformed? That is the peculiar nature of Djibouti and the defunct republic of Somalia's membership in the arab league. The only non-arab speaking countries to officially belong to the arab league seem to be the somali countries. I will not state this out of spite, but any reasonable person will likely come to the same conclusion; The only reason for those countries to have joined the arab league is to receive hand outs from wealthy arab nations. A good job of sucking up they have done in really pretending to be arab nations. (in the case of Djibouti) Introducing arabic as a formal language as well as french but leaving somali OUT, despite the fact that the great majority of the population speaks somali including many affars. To say arabic is useless, is wrong and I personnaly wish I spoke arabic if for no other reasons than it being the language of my prophet (pbuh). Nevertheless, one has to be aware of the systematic attempts in advancing a form of cultural imperialism. Being muslim and being arab or adhering to arabic culture and language should never be mutually exclusive.
  6. Perhaps I spoke too soon when I mentioned enlightment , as I looked through the viewer reaction part of the BBC site, this is what the only non-muslim to respond had to say What a biased, pro-Islamic piece of propaganda. The BBC is simply scared to put on a documentary critical of Islam. Omar even wondered if CHRISTopher Columbus was a Muslim - absurd. Richard Lyon, Cambridge Eventhough this character seems quite anti-islamic given by his likely fake name that closely resembles the historical crusader figure of Richard Lyon Heart, I found his reaction to be quite similar to the ignorance you would expect coming from an evengelical cowboy somewhere in small town texas. So much for my theory on european sophistication .
  7. This great initiative is rather surprising, in that I never expected a mainstream media source to put on such a significant program with respect to Islamic civilization and history, than again the BBC has always managed to surprise me. An Italian professor once thought me the pivotal role played by the Islamic civilization in the European renaissance through not only the interactions that occurred from the crusades, but also as mentioned the reach of Islam to several parts of continental Europe. At that time, I wondered why many westerners were oblivious to these historical truths? And why anyone hadn't made an effort to tell of these events in the media. PBS once did a documentary titled "Islam: An Empire of Faith" but it seemed to me they were trying to condense a large amount of history and information within a 1 hour or 2 hour segment, without necessarily explaining the relevance of certain aspects (i.e. the transfer of Greek philosophical work, which forms the basis of western civilization). Seems someone has finally taken the initiative to create a documentary that might give a glimpse to the average westerner as to the numerous contribution of Islamic civilization to the world. You can bet no American channel will be showing these documentaries, I just hope the CBC brings them to Canada.


    ^^That would be a deadly combination. Only one that can threaten Sheed and Ben. (If Zo can play more than a few minutes a game) I wanna see New Jers v.s. Miami in the first round just to see if what pretty boy Carter is made of when faced with a real challenge. If Miami jumps to an early series lead, I guarantee Carter's knee will start "actin up" .


    Can anybody say repeat? After watchin king james get trashed by Teyshaun with that spin move, only thing that came to mind is REPEAT. Detroit what!
  10. LANDER


    Originally posted by PlayMaker: Watch out for the Nets and 76ers, It looks like they gonna grab the 8th and the 7th seed. Cavs and LJ are sinking fast. All the Vince carter haters, i guess this will be kind of in your face huh! and i will put my money on that they will make the playoffs. Once they are in and get RJ back, now what team wants play them? In our faces nothin. Carter is still a cry baby, he just so happens to be playing on a better team thats all. God forbid Jason kid would get traded, than the Nets would have a tough time getting carter's cryin a** up off the parquet floor, Looking like someone shot him in the leg. Tomorrow's game between Phily and New Jers could decide who goes 8th. Should be a good one.
  11. Originally posted by Maskax Taabte: Waaw Somaliland..I ment Mr lander..tnx man..I Was wrong.. your right they might have it cheeper.. By the way happy Somaliland day..MAY 22......right ..aaaaaaaaaaaalriiiiiiite! Wareer Badanaa!! lol..thats May 18th broa, get it straight! btw harvard mafia I think you ment 60-100$ a barrel right or "tangii" as somalis would say.
  12. ^^Canadians use Litres while americans use gallons, not considering the currency exchange discrepency, Most american spots actually have cheaper gas than us in relative terms. i just hate some saudi camel jockey putting all my hard earned dollars in his khamis and doing god forsaking shyte with my money!! istakhfurullah
  13. The ancient Adal Kingdom and the modern day province of Awdal are not necessarily two of the same as the title of this article might be misleading. Unintentionally perhaps, thought I should point that out.
  14. Originally posted by Maskax Dhuuqe: The high turnout - 78.9% - was the only unpredictable element in the polls. highly unlikely.
  15. Originally posted by Supuu: p.s. r u telling me you wouldnt chase after this guy ( who doesnt have anymore bullets in his gun) after he came up into your house with your girl......for $60, 000? Now who is steering away from the original article? Dude never made it in the house, the struggle happen in the hallway. By this time I have a concussion and this man STILL has a gun. I don't care if the reward was 1 Mil I ain't chasin after him and gambling on the fact that he has no bullets. Damn Supuu! you must have some big kahunas to be willing to die for a mere 60 G's . What is there to prove by playin super-hero? Your goal was to defend your luv one and your home, you accomplished that so no need to get greedy over a few dollars u dig? P.S you on some Laila Ali tip take on 160 pounders?...another 15 pounds and you be man handeling me than...aha
  16. wiil duco, I don't speak qahooti language, can you please explain it in Arabic Originally posted by wiil_duco: qof carab ah aad ka sugeeysay faa iido waa caag kuligood oo meel ka duleela. lol
  17. Originally posted by Supuu: LOL, well this is how I see it! The guy had a gun, and instead of shooting that Warren guy, he pistol whipped him! Common sense shows that he doesnt have any more bullets! So yup!! Ill be chasing a guy with an empty gun, for $ 60,000 bucks! p.s. I live in Atlanta, so I already knew about him not having any bullets in that gun he confiscated that day. [/QB] aha...what can I say supuu, either your some nut case or you're extremely brave, very calm and collected even when your life seems to be on the line. Hey I've even heard some ppl play russian roulette for an adrenaline rush so I guess anything is possible. BTW, May I ask how you planed on aprehending this man with the gun? I don't think beatin him upside the head with your moma's "dacas" would work . Dacas whip if you will.
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: Being a Nomad has become something to be ashamed of, people! I renounce my nomadic heritage! Renounce it I tell you! :mad: [/QB] As you should be Ashamed!
  19. Duke you should go post all these articles on that thread where people are defending the Saudi justice system like somebody had insulted their grand-mother.
  20. Originally posted by Socrates: Dark Ages: Somali Parliament, its members unelected by the people, stand to be the hope of the people. They consist of rich gangsters, unread generals, illiterate bunch and voiceless former intellectuals. dark ages ey? I guess Somaliland would be some type of somali renaissance than.
  21. Originally posted by Supuu: quote:Originally posted by LANDER: [qb] quote: "Keep it locked," he cried to a hysterical Adan. His face bloody from the pistol-whipping, Warren chased after the gunman. But he was gone. I have a hard time believing this part. Its understandable to put your life on the line for someone you care for, but to chase after a man carrying a gun while your empty handed? don't know bout that. Well when you think about the $ 60,000 reward, its sounds a bit more believable.... Are you telling me for 60 G's you would put your life on the line? remember this scenario is reality and not to be confused with reality TV, or another episode of fear factor where you get to skip home if you don't win the money.
  22. Originally posted by Shyhem: I don't know about the morality of this topic, but i certainly think she has a very strong legs. I wonder how many skinny mijo baasto farax's could keep up with her? I think Qorshel should challenge her to a match .
  23. Found this amnesty international report on Saudi Arabia. Following paragraph seem to be evident of the gross injustice many suspect. Scores of prisoners were reported to be on death row. They included five Somali nationals, one of whom, 'Abd al-'Aziz Muhammad Isse, apparently claimed during his trial that the crimes with which he was charged had occurred before his arrival in Saudi Arabia from Somalia. Although this information was available from the airport at which he arrived, it was apparently not taken into account during his trial . Two other Somalis convicted on the same charges were executed in Jeddah on 31 May.
  24. Wow, this is news to me. I seem to be behind these days. Those somalis were criminals lets not forget but the injustice is rather flagrant yet to be expected from Saudi's. As duke alluted to in an another thread, I guarantee if the perpetrators were westerners King Fahd would be on his royal knees *** kissing. I think living in Saudi Arabia alone is a gamble for the poor man, your odds are much better in the west. Yes it's sad but true, the Kufar treat us much better than the bedouins of the holy lands. The craddle of islamic civilization (and all "civilization" for that matter)is being destroyed thanks to these bedouins whom historically did little more than wander the desert and milk camels for ions, yet today have the audacity to consider themselves the "gate keepers" of islamic civilization.
  25. Originally posted by SOO MAAL: I heard Xadraawi was the top poet of SNM, and composed thousands of poems to boost up SNM war efforts!!!!!!!!!! [/QB] ya don't say?