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Everything posted by Som@li

  1. Sanaag is a huge area, but secessionists will run away like before, and now going to their death march!
  2. Taleexi;733856 wrote: One would hope the content of the books have subjectivity and substance in order the populace benefits the most - unlike the useless ones of which recent history revisionists have been distorting facts, fabricating lies and misleading the latter generations. Great point Taleexi, As much as this is to benefit the public , and give them access to books, one has to question ,what these books contain?
  3. Great stuff, keep up the good work. In today age, It would have been much easier, and cheaper, to implement E-readers Club, and load all the materials online, I reckon every tuulo has internet connection,that would have reached wider audience.
  4. The article is rubbish with no factual basis. Poor secessionists, Did this gave you a little hope? 20 years of lockdown, hadba kidaar bay kaa tuuri!
  5. ^I agree, SH Sharif, AU or UN is irrelevant ,if Western powers wanted SL to be recognized, they would facilitate as in SOUTH SUDAN,Kosovo,East Timor.. BUT how about when the BIG players like USA, who could give the recognition, keep telling you have to go through AU? Read between the lines!
  6. ^lol, Bidaar iyo Cirro hadii ay isku kaa biirto, Hawl gabnimino baa ku dartid, kolay waa la socota..Allow naga hay!
  7. Good move, the only concern is Saado is FAT while the refugees are starving!, atleast,Angelina Jolie had same shape as refugees! GOD help SOMALIA
  8. Thanks for sharing, but I didn't find anything fresh or new. It is time for action.
  9. Very interesting, Che, there is a way to bypass, Google on how to watch BBC iPlayer outside UK,
  10. Jacaylbaro;733221 wrote: I like siduu kan warfaafinta Bugland ugu celcelinayo "Dadka deegaanka maaha ee waa anaga kuwa rasaasta ku riday" They are trying to take credit for this incident, attention seekers!
  11. Jacaylbaro;733022 wrote: Last time I checked, you've been migrating to the queen's territory ,, lol,
  12. Jacaylbaro;733020 wrote: Hmmm ,, So u think to be recognized you have to be different ??? .... You must have a strong case to be recognized and considered a nation, to be considered as a country, else every Faarah can say, I want my own country!
  13. ^Saalax, my 4 year son can tell that is fake, can you do better than this? and Salva Kiir is not Obama, I am sure he would happily meet and take photos with Silaanyo. Oodweyne, South Sudan had a pretty strong case, that set for the creation of the new country , and when did "budding relationship" between Somaliland and South Sudan start? TFG can claim that, so is Puntland. And do you expect miracles from new poor country , when the 54 other countries in the continent did nothing for you? It is time to rethink, and learn from South Sudan....No bogus referendum, No claiming of independence without consent from SH Sharif and Mogadishu? and more
  14. "Somalia is pleased to be one of the first states to recognize the new state of South Sudan as member of an independent and sovereign states of Africa," State radio Mogadishu reported quoting Somalia's acting minister of information. Good job by TFG. The secessionists must be biting their tongue, but they should take one or two lessons from SOUTH SUDAN.
  15. ^I reckon what he meant is the appositive, Many of the colonel borders which forge many African countries has no bases. and Yes, I agree South Sudan is new precedence ,which may create a lot of new problems in Africa. And while Somaliland is trying to forge its existence thru the colonial borders, South Sudan is different, where the people there are not only marginalized, killed, and victimized but are ethnically, culturally, religiously, totally different from the people in North Sudan, and have been forced to be part of Sudan, like many other minorities in Africa. Also, many secessionists try to sell the bogus claim of that they are different from other Somalis, but who will buy that?
  16. I know many of you guys have been longing for the queen to comeback, but this 2011.
  17. Watched a live feed of the function with SOUTH SUDANESE friends who were celebrating here, only President Sharif could be seen among the world leaders, No Faroole nor Silaanyo, I am guessing they were with SOUTH SUDANESE crowd. Congrats SOUTH SUDAN.
  18. Jacaylbaro;732608 wrote: No ,, it was apparently a rift between him and another singer in Hargeisa. It has been resolved and all is good. He showed a talent last night ,,, I thing 50% of Hargeisa was at his concert last night. Tickets were sold $15 each. It is good that this is resolved.... Maybe cuz of the arrest,he got a good Publicy..
  19. World's Happiest Countries by Forbes Ahead of many countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia, Who knew khat would do wonders!