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Everything posted by FatB

  1. In a shock election loss fatah, the ruling party for the past decade; founded by the late Yasar Arafat has lost in a land slide election to so called militant group hamas......with the US's "no negotiation with terrorist stance" and Israel's history with hamas the road map for peace looks to be in shatters.... Many are asking what next? What do you nomads think?
  2. FatB

    nabi khadar

    Talking to a few elders at the mosk the other day. we were discussing the history of nabi moose; offcourse being the would be student i sat there passively listening as the decussation moved to the meeting of nabi khadar and moose after moose asked alah wether there were was a more Knowledgeable person in existence than he (moose). now preview to this enlightenment i did not now of the existence of nabi khadar. if any body has or knows more detail about the legendary prophet would you be so welling to teach a ignorant nomad more?1
  3. lex i have never seen or heard a somali couple having a "white" wedding. i have seen Canadians and Americans follow the herd of stampeding sheep and get married with a 5 star Anglo sax-song wedding but hear in Australia must of the weddings have distinct traces of traditionalism about it...........having said that i am nor have i been to ever wedding preformed in Australia but generally most Victorian weddings are some wat modest
  4. pucca obviously you don't work in retail F***ing songs drive you up the wall. at our departemts all we have are britney spears chrismas carals and GOD after 10 hrs a day of every day leading up to xmas (which i might add starts 1st decembmer right thro to the xmas nigh....24days) you would flip......AAAHhhhh I HATE CHRISMAS
  5. aah shit happens get over it Back to reality, sure a lot of mucalims use physical punishment as a tool for teaching and have been doing it for many a generation. And to be perfectly honest physical punishment does yield results. Lets not this "protect the children for harm" attitude we have in the west waiver our rights as parents and teachers (neither of them am I) to discipline our children and to use physical punishment as a tool
  6. no the snow balls would just be protuding out from another part of the atanimy
  7. havn't i head this before...aah yes its was about australia and rudy was the the poster...gotcha
  8. FatB

    Porn to be wild

    PORN to be wild. NGONE don't you mean BORN to be wild???
  9. FatB

    Who ate what?

    lol i am very suprised and some what shocked that his post has gone on for 2 pages :eek: :eek: what next?
  10. The Holocaust should never be forgotten so long as people blame Jews, call them cursed, downplay their blight, and otherwise make being a Jew uniquely difficult I am bemused and find little meaning in your out burst here. Could you elaborate on what you mean by “How the frig do you overplay being targetted for mass murder? Is there a way to take gas chambers philosophically?†I am some what lost in understandings in the contention in this piece are you begging by bluntness… insulting me for my remark about Jews being cures by god? “Jews must have done something to piss off Hitler†yes the Jews did piss of Hitler…I would have assumed being the affluent critic you are you would be well informed for the reason of hitters hatred of the Jews! “I wonder how you would react if 1 in 3 Somalis was wiped off the face of the Earth? Count all your near and dear, then go ahead and imagine a third was murdered for no other reason that that they were Somalis.†My friend now I believe you have some what scratched the surface of the plight of the poor Palestinian people and the predicament they face each and every day. “…Some [people’s] hatred for the victims of the Holocaust clouds…†My friend let as make one thing clear I have no hatred for the “victoms†of the holocaust only for those who constantly bombard children’s minds with one sided subjective recollections of an incident that happed almost 60 years ago… when is enough, enough?
  11. Could I for a moment shift your attentions to the origin of the term "Holocaust" and its affects? The concept of "holocaust" first originated in the struggle of the native South Africans against the Boer (Dutch "invader" of South Africa) and British. The Boer war of 1889 to 1902 As the Jews were tortured and many ultimately killed by the Nazis the poor South African natives suffered equal and in some cases worse treatments by the Boer and the British. Now let us not get carried away with overly sympathetic understanding for the Jewish people’s plight in that 4 year period were according to their (the Jewish authorities) reports 6 million jaws died. I ask you what about all the gypsies and non Arian people who too were burned and gassed alive? I sincerely believe that after being forced to learn and visit Jewish museums for 4 years of my schooling life that these people who have been cursed by Allah are simply milking “it†for all what its worth.
  12. FatB


    1. what has arms but cant hug? 2.what has fingers but cant type? 3. when is a car not a car?
  13. FatB


    sometimes for no or little reason at all don't you desire to slap or shoot someone?. right now i would like nothing more than to slap that son of a b***ch boss of mine....driving me nutts
  14. wait don't you need to understand enlgish inorder to read anyone interested to learn english in an easy way?? ??
  15. and to finish of :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ppl you are all fools. Now please tell me nur what do u hope to conclude form this survey? The fact that we men are all perverts...Hmmm...dosen't sound good does it?
  16. LOOOOOOOOOOL liibaan's reaction is funnier than the joke
  17. Get to work. ^^ "yes sir" she murmurs as she waltz into the kitchen...
  18. looolz i this can go samewere, ISLAM Vs GAY. aah the idea; and a sequal, NATZIs imbrase JEWDISM....
  19. FatB

    Wow Wow Wow

    mud weren't you the one who was looking for a somali sister to start with?