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Everything posted by Caano_Geel

  1. Hargeisa 2010
  3. Wasiir ku xigeenka arimaha dibada oo beeniyay warkii sheegaayay in Siilaanyo dalka laga hor istaago Nairobi,(Qarannews)-Wareysi ay shabakadda Qarannews la yeelatay wasiir-ku-xigeenka wasaaradda arrimaha debedda mudane Axmed Aden Ismaaciil (Keyse) oo jooga magaaladda Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, waraysigani ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegnay xili ay warbaahinta mucaaridka Somaliland tagertaa ay buun buuninaysay ama ay qoraysay hadal sheegaayay oo ahaa in wasiir ku xigeenk arimaha dibda Somaliland uu ku dhawaaqay in gudoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye dalka laga celiyo oo aanu soo galin, taasi oo dad badani ay la yaabeen, taasi oo aanu wasiir ku xigeenka ku bilownay waxa ka jira hadaladaasi waraysigan oo kooban waxa uu u dhcay sidani hoos ku xusan. Su'aal. Mudane Wasiir-ku-xigeen maxa ka jira hadalada laga sheegaayo ee ah in aad tidhi Gudoomiye Xisbiga Kulmiye Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud( Siilaanyo) ma soo geli karo dalka? Jawaab. Runtii, waxa nasiib daro ah in maanta dadkeeni u batay in ay rumeystaan ama ay jecel yihiinba in ay dhegeystaan koox yar oo Fidno -wadayaal ah oo inta badan sheega wax aan jirin ama buunbuuniya wax-yar oo jira. Markii aan is-weydiiyay waxa ay ka helayaan ama faa'iidada ugu jirtana waxa aan dhaafin kari waayay in ay yihiin kooxo yar oo cadowga Somaliland ku shaqeysto si ay mar uun u arkaan Somaliland oo burburtay oo xasilooni-daro iyo nabadgelyo la'aan ka jirto. Waxa jirtay bishan January 20-dii Maareeyaha Dekadda Berbera iyo anniga oo Madaarka Caalamiga ee Cigaal ka soo dhoofeyna ayaa weriye ka socday TV-ga qaranka ayaa nala yeeshay wareysi ku saabsan ujeedada safarkayagan shaqo ee aan markaasi ugu soo kicitimaynay Nairobi, Mombasa, iyo Accra . Intaasi markii aan uga waranay ayaa waxa dhacday in su'aal la iga weydiiyay hadalkii ka soo yeedhay gudoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye ee ahaa in xilligii halgankii SNM uu aaminsanaa Nidaamka Federal-ka oo weliba waraaq ka qoray. Waxa aan is leeyahay jawaabtii aad bixisay ceeb iyo turxaantoona may lahayn oo weliba waxa aan aaminsanahay in jawaabtayda ku dheehneyd dareen wadaninimo iyo mid daacadnimo labadaba. Waxa hadaladaydii ku jiray intii geba-gabada ahayd in aan idhi, in kasta oo aanay shaqadeyda ahayn oo arrintani ay tahay arrin u gaar ah wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha iyo ciidanka nabadgelyadda waxa aan ku talin lahaa cidkasta oo aan aamisnayn qadiyada Somaliland markaa ha noqoto gudoomiyahu hadii uuna aaminsanyn ama yahay mid wata oo ku dhawaaqay nidaamkaasi in uu cafis soo qorto inta aanu dalka ku soo laaban sidii muwaadiniintii hore ee aaminsanaa fedaraalka ay u soo qorteen. Annigu magaca iyo afka xukuumada toona kuma hadal mana aha mas'uuliyadayda, awoodayda iyo waajibkayga shaqo intaba in aan idhaahdo Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye ma soo geli karo dalka isaga oo aan cafis soo weydiisan xukuumadda, runtiina waxba kama jiraan in aan anigu idhi gudoomiyahu dalka yaanu imanin ama soo galin Su'aal. Iminka wasiir ma waxa aad leedahay hadalkaasi ma odhan oo waa been abuur mise wax aad leedahay wixii aan idhi ayaa la buunbuuniyay, bal noo kala saar labadaasi ? Jawaab. Annigu kuma lihi ma odhan, balse wixii aan idhi ayaa si kale loo dhigay oo la buunbuuniyay oo weliba been qaawan lagu daray. Anniga la iga ma hayo in aan idhi hadaladda ku jira warka ku saabsan arrintan ee lagu shaaciyay shabakadaha wararka qaarkood oo maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 24/01/2010 aan arkay sida ...xukuumad ahaan ka go'aan ah in Gudoomiye Axmed soo geli ciidamadda nabadgelyadda la socdaan dhaqadhaaqa ciidamadu la socdaan dhaqdhaqaada gudoomiye Axmed ka wado dalka dabadiisa. Adiguba waad raadsan kartaa sida warkaasi wax uga jiraan iyo wixii lagu daray, balse waxa aan kuu sheegayaa in weriyaha warka wax ku day ee soo qoray aanu fahansanayn in wasiir ku-xigeenka wasaaradda arrimaha debeddu aanu ku hadli karin afka xukuumadda, amar siin karin ciidanka nabadgelyadda, waxa shaqo ah aanay ku lahayn ciidanka Boliiska ee Somaliland dhaqdhaqaayadda dalka debadiisa laga wado, iwm. Su'aal. Wasiir maxaad u maleynaysaa ujeedada warkaagan la qaloociyay in laga wado? Jawaab. Horta waxa ay ku haboon tahay su'aashani in la weydiiyo dadkii ama ciddii ka denbeysay buunbuunintan iyo been abuurkaba, balse anniga waxa ay ila tahay:- 1. In jariimad iyo denbi laga galay ummadan reer Somaliland lagu qarinaayo, 2. In dadka lagu dhex abuurayo fidno, qabyaalad, cunfi, iyo tashuush si loo wiiqo wada-jirkooda iyo midnimadooda? 3. In dad rabay in ay xajiimeeyaan ama eedeeyaan xukuumaddu ka faa'iideysteen oo laga dhigay wax xukuumadda ka soo baxday , 4. In weriyaha warkan TV ka qoray ay bas iyo aqoon ka tahay ama cid kale adeegsatay. Turjumidu way badan tahay balse afartaasi ayaan ku dhaafayaa. Su'aal. Wasiir maxaad fikir ah ee aad ka qabtaa In dadka aaminsan Federal-ka ee ka soo jeeda Somaliland laga yeelo? Jawaab. Marka hore waxa aan aaminsanhay in fikirka ma-dhalayska ah ee shakhsi iyo kooxi qabaan ama ay aaminsan yihiin aanay hor istaagi karin waxna u dhimi karin qadiyadda madaxbanaanida Somaliland iyo baadigoobka ay ugu jirto in ay beesha caalamka ka hesho aqoonsi caalami ah. Haddii aan intaasi ka gudbo, waxa aan aaminsanahay in aan dalka loo oglaanin in ay soo galaan cid alle cidii ka hortimaada rabitaanka iyo doonista shacabka iyo ummadda Somaliland. Kuma jiro qofkii cafis loo fidiyo. Balse waxa qabaa in qofka Shiikh iyo Shariif toona loo eegin ee qofkii denbi ka gala dalka la abaal mariyo. Wasiir, Mujaahid, Gudoomiye, Sarkaal, Xildhibaan, Suldaan, iwm sharciga u sinaadaan oo qofkii la soo eedeeyo ama qaranka denbi ka gala sharciga la horgeeyo, adduunkana ma jiro qof sharciga ka sareeyaa. Runtiina waa fikir macquul ah in qofku waxa uu dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa gashado ama u qabto ee wanaag ah ama xumaan ah taariikhda loogu qoro ama loo geliyo. Balse ma qabo in la yidhaahdo hebel wax fiican buu dalka u soo qabtay ama wuu soo halgamey eh haddii uu denbi galo indhaha ha laga qarsado. Taas maya taas maya taas maya.
  4. Waar waa iska faataa bakhla yaal, Bal hadday xiniinyo leeyihiin ha kaga dhabeeyaan oo ha ka celiyaan waddanka markuu yimaado!... ''FAATAA BAKHLE FARI KAMA QODNA''
  5. Aad ayay u wanaagsanaan lahayd haddii Somaliland la aqoonsado. Waayo Somaliland iskama fadhideen waxay u hiilin lahayd dhamaan ummadda ku hadasha Afka Soomaaliga.
  6. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: dhagax udub dhigto manad idinku ka ilbixin ba horta. Xaaji Xunjuf Sxb Soomaaligu miyuu kugu adagyahay! waar Warshadan UDUB iyo Aabaheed toona shaqo kuma leh waxaa dhisanaaya Ganacsato Reer Somaliland ah iyo Ganacsato Malaysian ah, WUDUB wax ay dhagax dhigtay oo ay dhisayaan ma jiraan! Waa warshad Hilibka dhoof gaysa Dawladduna shaqo kuma laha. Aar adiga UDUB haddii mashruucba la dhagax dhigo ma wax UDUB dhisaysaad moodaa! UDUB iyo Dawladda Somaliland wax ay u qabatay Burco haba yaraatee ma jiraan, waddo yarna ku dhahoo haddii wax la dhisaayo waa shacabka reer Burco uun wax ay qabsadeen.
  7. BURCO oo noqotay magaaladii Warshadaha wax soo saarka+SAWiro wasiirka wasaaradaha warshadaha jamhuuriyada Somali land ayaaa manta sirasmiya udhax dhigay dhisma ay yeelan doonto warshda hilibka oo ku soo biirtay warshadaha magaalada burco munaasibad loogu talagalay dhagax dhiga warshdan oo noqon doonto warshadii labaad ee qaliinka xoolaha ee laga hirgaliyo magaalada burco ayaa waxa laga taagay bogcad 7km dinaca waqooyi kaga began magaalda burco taas oo ay dhagax dhigeeda kaqayb galeen wasiiro madaxda maamulka gobalka wakiilka Somaliland uu fadhiya wadanka malysiya ganacsato iyo waliba ganacsato malaysiiyaan ah oo iyagu saami kuleh warshadan wasiirka warshadaha oo kahadlaayeey dhagax dhigan ayaa waxa uu ****olka ka qaaday in ay warshadani tahay fursad u soo hoyatay suuqyada ganacsiga ee xoolaha wasiirkani waxa kale uu cadeeyey in ay wasaarad ahaan gacan siinayaan dadka kuhawlan maalgalinta dalka isla markaana ay ufududay nayaan adeega kaga xidhan wasiirka wasaaradaha ganacsiga Abiib xasan fiilfil ayaa isaguna waxa uu munaasibadan kasheegay inay maalgalinta dabadu ay soo jidanayso nabada ay sameeyeen shacbigu iyo xukumadu Somaliland waxaanu dhirigalin ku sameeyeey In ay ganacsatada qurbaha iyo kuwa dabada ba ay ku daydaan maalgalinta noocan oo kale ah warshadan cusub ee manta laga dhaxdhigay magaalda burco oo ay siwada jir ah ay ugu midoobeen ganacsato kazoo jeeda wadanka malaysiya iyo Somaliland ayaa waxa mulkiilayaashan warshadani ay goob taas kaga dhawaaqeen in ay kubaxayso lacag dhan 6millian oo doolar taas oo ku fadhiisandoonto Beddhan 200m c.risaaq .x. xasan oo ah maamulaha warshadan oo loogu magic daray shirkada kumidoowday energin Eeast African corporation oo faahfaahin kabixiyeey warshdan ayaa waxa uu xusay in ay dhismaheedu socon doono mudo shan Bilood ah taas oo ay qandaraaskeedu kutaami doonaan 14 shirkadood oo wadani ah maamulahan ayaa waxa kale u warkiisa kusheegay in Bishii warshadan lagu qali doono 550.000 oo neef oo adhi ah 9000 lo,ah 3000 oo Geel ah xoolahaasi oo hilbkooda oo farsamaysan lgayndoono wadan ka malaysiya Maamulkan oo u hadlaayeey warshda hilibka oo ayaa waxa kale oo uu cadeeyeey in loogu talagay in ay ka shaqeeyan ilaa 1000 Qof oo shaqaala ah taas oo wadanka sayladiisuna xoolaha ku soo kordhindoonto tacmiir cusub oo ay wakiilo ka hawgali doonaan gobalada Somaliland oo dhan sida oo kalena wasiirka madax tooyada Somaliland xasan axmed ducaale ayaa waxa ganacsatadii ka qaybgashay munaasibadan dhagax dhiga ugu baaqay in ay maalgalinta xoolaha yada oo ladoonayao in lacasrigareeyohabkii hore ee xoolaha loo dhaqan jiray Yada oo wasiiru dawlaha wasaarada arima gudaha Farxaan jama maxamed oo isgu soo bandhigay in lamideeyo nidaamka ganacsiga xorta ah si ay ganacsatadu u samayso horimar buuxda gabagabdiina munaasibadan lugu bilaabayeey warshada hibka ayaa yaguna ka mid ahaa masuuliyiintii kahadashay wakiilka Somaliland u fadhiya malaysiya c.risaaq maxamed maxamuud Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Togdheer mulkiilaha ugu saamiga badan warshdan ASIIS Mustafe Salaadiinta iyo waliba xubna ka mid ah ganacsatada G. Togdheer Hore ayaa waxa magaalada burco loo ga hirgaliyeey warshada qaliinka hilibka oo ay ganacsatada aasaastay in kasto xayiraadii xooluhu saamayn kuyeelatay suuqyadii lagayn jiray waxsoosaar keeda
  8. BURCO oo noqotay magaaladii Warshadaha wax soo saarka+SAWiro wasiirka wasaaradaha warshadaha jamhuuriyada Somali land ayaaa manta sirasmiya udhax dhigay dhisma ay yeelan doonto warshda hilibka oo ku soo biirtay warshadaha magaalada burco munaasibad loogu talagalay dhagax dhiga warshdan oo noqon doonto warshadii labaad ee qaliinka xoolaha ee laga hirgaliyo magaalada burco ayaa waxa laga taagay bogcad 7km dinaca waqooyi kaga began magaalda burco taas oo ay dhagax dhigeeda kaqayb galeen wasiiro madaxda maamulka gobalka wakiilka Somaliland uu fadhiya wadanka malysiya ganacsato iyo waliba ganacsato malaysiiyaan ah oo iyagu saami kuleh warshadan wasiirka warshadaha oo kahadlaayeey dhagax dhigan ayaa waxa uu ****olka ka qaaday in ay warshadani tahay fursad u soo hoyatay suuqyada ganacsiga ee xoolaha wasiirkani waxa kale uu cadeeyey in ay wasaarad ahaan gacan siinayaan dadka kuhawlan maalgalinta dalka isla markaana ay ufududay nayaan adeega kaga xidhan wasiirka wasaaradaha ganacsiga Abiib xasan fiilfil ayaa isaguna waxa uu munaasibadan kasheegay inay maalgalinta dabadu ay soo jidanayso nabada ay sameeyeen shacbigu iyo xukumadu Somaliland waxaanu dhirigalin ku sameeyeey In ay ganacsatada qurbaha iyo kuwa dabada ba ay ku daydaan maalgalinta noocan oo kale ah warshadan cusub ee manta laga dhaxdhigay magaalda burco oo ay siwada jir ah ay ugu midoobeen ganacsato kazoo jeeda wadanka malaysiya iyo Somaliland ayaa waxa mulkiilayaashan warshadani ay goob taas kaga dhawaaqeen in ay kubaxayso lacag dhan 6millian oo doolar taas oo ku fadhiisandoonto Beddhan 200m c.risaaq .x. xasan oo ah maamulaha warshadan oo loogu magic daray shirkada kumidoowday energin Eeast African corporation oo faahfaahin kabixiyeey warshdan ayaa waxa uu xusay in ay dhismaheedu socon doono mudo shan Bilood ah taas oo ay qandaraaskeedu kutaami doonaan 14 shirkadood oo wadani ah maamulahan ayaa waxa kale u warkiisa kusheegay in Bishii warshadan lagu qali doono 550.000 oo neef oo adhi ah 9000 lo,ah 3000 oo Geel ah xoolahaasi oo hilbkooda oo farsamaysan lgayndoono wadan ka malaysiya Maamulkan oo u hadlaayeey warshda hilibka oo ayaa waxa kale oo uu cadeeyeey in loogu talagay in ay ka shaqeeyan ilaa 1000 Qof oo shaqaala ah taas oo wadanka sayladiisuna xoolaha ku soo kordhindoonto tacmiir cusub oo ay wakiilo ka hawgali doonaan gobalada Somaliland oo dhan sida oo kalena wasiirka madax tooyada Somaliland xasan axmed ducaale ayaa waxa ganacsatadii ka qaybgashay munaasibadan dhagax dhiga ugu baaqay in ay maalgalinta xoolaha yada oo ladoonayao in lacasrigareeyohabkii hore ee xoolaha loo dhaqan jiray Yada oo wasiiru dawlaha wasaarada arima gudaha Farxaan jama maxamed oo isgu soo bandhigay in lamideeyo nidaamka ganacsiga xorta ah si ay ganacsatadu u samayso horimar buuxda gabagabdiina munaasibadan lugu bilaabayeey warshada hibka ayaa yaguna ka mid ahaa masuuliyiintii kahadashay wakiilka Somaliland u fadhiya malaysiya c.risaaq maxamed maxamuud Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Togdheer mulkiilaha ugu saamiga badan warshdan ASIIS Mustafe Salaadiinta iyo waliba xubna ka mid ah ganacsatada G. Togdheer Hore ayaa waxa magaalada burco loo ga hirgaliyeey warshada qaliinka hilibka oo ay ganacsatada aasaastay in kasto xayiraadii xooluhu saamayn kuyeelatay suuqyadii lagayn jiray waxsoosaar keeda
  9. Indha deero he is a multi Billionaire let alone million
  10. BURAO (Somalilandpress) — Burao Local Authority has commenced a new project in which new asphalt roads will be implemented inside the city, these two roads will also connect east and west-main roads of the city. It is the first time a project of this magnitude has been implemented in the city since the collapse of the former Somali military regime in 1991. A number of equipments, including bulldozers, dump trucks and shove loaders were moved to north of city up to the newly appointed District of Qoyta, which is about 25km out side the main centre of Burao. Prior to the selection of this location [Qoyta], the mayor of Burao, Mr Mohamud Ahmed Hassan surveyed various suburbs in the city to find a suitable location to house the workers and equipment. While on a visit, I asked the mayor, how he plans begin the project. In which he replied: “I just bought this bulldozer that arrived in pillaged condition from an individual. I searched for it’s spare parts, I found some parts from old scrapes of bulldozers and others I personally ordered them from Addis Ababa. Once we completed building the bulldozer, we were able to clear the land for the roads.” Mr Mohamoud said, his staff have prepaid every thing to make this project possible but he urged the residents, in particular the business community to help and contribute. The people of Burao explicitly appreciated the local authority’s commitment and vision for social and public services. Meanwhile the Mayor has been awarded a local excellence prize at Barqawo Hotel last night. Most of the workers at the mayor’s office are seen as active and energetic staff who have great passion for their city and people. Mr Ahmed, the Director of Finance also said Burao Municipality has expanded and rehabilitated a number of other roads that were either closed or too narrow for modern traffic. It is worth noting that this project means great deal to the people of Burao as well as Somaliland because often this unrecognized republic lacks the financial and equipment to construct fully paved roads and similar infrastructure. In addition to that, the city has progressed in different ways, merging new modern hotels and beautiful buildings which are erected in the heart of it, attraction, beauty and decoration of the city is expanded for example Barqaawo2 is one of fascinating buildings consist 3 upstairs containing Hotel, Restaurant, Meeting Halls and College, and also City Plaza Hotel is located east of Burao and Egal Hotel at North. And so many are employed Finally it is my pleasure, to call upon all citizens, living here and abroad to take a role in this project, which has proved to be difficult to implement by public institutions without the support of it’s people. Similarly such improvement has been presented currently in capital city of Hargeisa, sharing with public and some residential areas, and they contributed imperative role in many roads. The assumptions that Burao city is violent and divided is rather a deception. I have been here now nearly two months and I was proved wrong. There is sense of self-liberty, brotherhood and optimism in Burao. Burao is unique in comparison with other main cities that I had experience. For instance Burao does not exploit donkey cart water carriers, in the word fattened donkeys in the city are less utilized, man-made wheelbarrow comprise of two small wheels pushed and driven by men carrying with at one time least six plastic cans used and gives the water to the city. When I asked one of the district council, why the city doesn’t make use of donkeys, replied me “we don’t drink donkey’s water it farts on” it may be the high engrained with life stocks prompted them to hate single usage of donkey, particularly camels o High hospitality and trustful people, I perceived in the city respect, openness and frankly welcome which roots back ancestral valuable cultures, which means pure Somaliland traditions they still related to unlike any other city I ever go. o It is a city where tribal affiliations in any public operation still visible, it is a place where you can meet yet high rank officials overtly discussing and arguing about share of their lineage tribes or clans even overly published vacant position for national, international institutions despite tough examination must hardly be passed by the applicant. However Burao joined highly decent and strenuous work performances in recent times and has huge potential to become an economic powerhouse. And also explicit and plain words exchanged by from subordinates to heads its strongest terms. Burao like many developing cities is under threat because many skilled youth are migrating else where creating a brain-drain which in tern has created a slow development and progress. The wealth of nations and cities are measured by content of knowledge inherent in that society and Burao will invest greatly on similar projects and the youth.
  11. BURAO (Somalilandpress) — Burao Local Authority has commenced a new project in which new asphalt roads will be implemented inside the city, these two roads will also connect east and west-main roads of the city. It is the first time a project of this magnitude has been implemented in the city since the collapse of the former Somali military regime in 1991. A number of equipments, including bulldozers, dump trucks and shove loaders were moved to north of city up to the newly appointed District of Qoyta, which is about 25km out side the main centre of Burao. Prior to the selection of this location [Qoyta], the mayor of Burao, Mr Mohamud Ahmed Hassan surveyed various suburbs in the city to find a suitable location to house the workers and equipment. While on a visit, I asked the mayor, how he plans begin the project. In which he replied: “I just bought this bulldozer that arrived in pillaged condition from an individual. I searched for it’s spare parts, I found some parts from old scrapes of bulldozers and others I personally ordered them from Addis Ababa. Once we completed building the bulldozer, we were able to clear the land for the roads.” Mr Mohamoud said, his staff have prepaid every thing to make this project possible but he urged the residents, in particular the business community to help and contribute. The people of Burao explicitly appreciated the local authority’s commitment and vision for social and public services. Meanwhile the Mayor has been awarded a local excellence prize at Barqawo Hotel last night. Most of the workers at the mayor’s office are seen as active and energetic staff who have great passion for their city and people. Mr Ahmed, the Director of Finance also said Burao Municipality has expanded and rehabilitated a number of other roads that were either closed or too narrow for modern traffic. It is worth noting that this project means great deal to the people of Burao as well as Somaliland because often this unrecognized republic lacks the financial and equipment to construct fully paved roads and similar infrastructure. In addition to that, the city has progressed in different ways, merging new modern hotels and beautiful buildings which are erected in the heart of it, attraction, beauty and decoration of the city is expanded for example Barqaawo2 is one of fascinating buildings consist 3 upstairs containing Hotel, Restaurant, Meeting Halls and College, and also City Plaza Hotel is located east of Burao and Egal Hotel at North. And so many are employed Finally it is my pleasure, to call upon all citizens, living here and abroad to take a role in this project, which has proved to be difficult to implement by public institutions without the support of it’s people. Similarly such improvement has been presented currently in capital city of Hargeisa, sharing with public and some residential areas, and they contributed imperative role in many roads. The assumptions that Burao city is violent and divided is rather a deception. I have been here now nearly two months and I was proved wrong. There is sense of self-liberty, brotherhood and optimism in Burao. Burao is unique in comparison with other main cities that I had experience. For instance Burao does not exploit donkey cart water carriers, in the word fattened donkeys in the city are less utilized, man-made wheelbarrow comprise of two small wheels pushed and driven by men carrying with at one time least six plastic cans used and gives the water to the city. When I asked one of the district council, why the city doesn’t make use of donkeys, replied me “we don’t drink donkey’s water it farts on” it may be the high engrained with life stocks prompted them to hate single usage of donkey, particularly camels o High hospitality and trustful people, I perceived in the city respect, openness and frankly welcome which roots back ancestral valuable cultures, which means pure Somaliland traditions they still related to unlike any other city I ever go. o It is a city where tribal affiliations in any public operation still visible, it is a place where you can meet yet high rank officials overtly discussing and arguing about share of their lineage tribes or clans even overly published vacant position for national, international institutions despite tough examination must hardly be passed by the applicant. However Burao joined highly decent and strenuous work performances in recent times and has huge potential to become an economic powerhouse. And also explicit and plain words exchanged by from subordinates to heads its strongest terms. Burao like many developing cities is under threat because many skilled youth are migrating else where creating a brain-drain which in tern has created a slow development and progress. The wealth of nations and cities are measured by content of knowledge inherent in that society and Burao will invest greatly on similar projects and the youth.
  12. BURAO (Somalilandpress) — Burao Local Authority has commenced a new project in which new asphalt roads will be implemented inside the city, these two roads will also connect east and west-main roads of the city. It is the first time a project of this magnitude has been implemented in the city since the collapse of the former Somali military regime in 1991. A number of equipments, including bulldozers, dump trucks and shove loaders were moved to north of city up to the newly appointed District of Qoyta, which is about 25km out side the main centre of Burao. Prior to the selection of this location [Qoyta], the mayor of Burao, Mr Mohamud Ahmed Hassan surveyed various suburbs in the city to find a suitable location to house the workers and equipment. While on a visit, I asked the mayor, how he plans begin the project. In which he replied: “I just bought this bulldozer that arrived in pillaged condition from an individual. I searched for it’s spare parts, I found some parts from old scrapes of bulldozers and others I personally ordered them from Addis Ababa. Once we completed building the bulldozer, we were able to clear the land for the roads.” Mr Mohamoud said, his staff have prepaid every thing to make this project possible but he urged the residents, in particular the business community to help and contribute. The people of Burao explicitly appreciated the local authority’s commitment and vision for social and public services. Meanwhile the Mayor has been awarded a local excellence prize at Barqawo Hotel last night. Most of the workers at the mayor’s office are seen as active and energetic staff who have great passion for their city and people. Mr Ahmed, the Director of Finance also said Burao Municipality has expanded and rehabilitated a number of other roads that were either closed or too narrow for modern traffic. It is worth noting that this project means great deal to the people of Burao as well as Somaliland because often this unrecognized republic lacks the financial and equipment to construct fully paved roads and similar infrastructure. In addition to that, the city has progressed in different ways, merging new modern hotels and beautiful buildings which are erected in the heart of it, attraction, beauty and decoration of the city is expanded for example Barqaawo2 is one of fascinating buildings consist 3 upstairs containing Hotel, Restaurant, Meeting Halls and College, and also City Plaza Hotel is located east of Burao and Egal Hotel at North. And so many are employed Finally it is my pleasure, to call upon all citizens, living here and abroad to take a role in this project, which has proved to be difficult to implement by public institutions without the support of it’s people. Similarly such improvement has been presented currently in capital city of Hargeisa, sharing with public and some residential areas, and they contributed imperative role in many roads. The assumptions that Burao city is violent and divided is rather a deception. I have been here now nearly two months and I was proved wrong. There is sense of self-liberty, brotherhood and optimism in Burao. Burao is unique in comparison with other main cities that I had experience. For instance Burao does not exploit donkey cart water carriers, in the word fattened donkeys in the city are less utilized, man-made wheelbarrow comprise of two small wheels pushed and driven by men carrying with at one time least six plastic cans used and gives the water to the city. When I asked one of the district council, why the city doesn’t make use of donkeys, replied me “we don’t drink donkey’s water it farts on” it may be the high engrained with life stocks prompted them to hate single usage of donkey, particularly camels o High hospitality and trustful people, I perceived in the city respect, openness and frankly welcome which roots back ancestral valuable cultures, which means pure Somaliland traditions they still related to unlike any other city I ever go. o It is a city where tribal affiliations in any public operation still visible, it is a place where you can meet yet high rank officials overtly discussing and arguing about share of their lineage tribes or clans even overly published vacant position for national, international institutions despite tough examination must hardly be passed by the applicant. However Burao joined highly decent and strenuous work performances in recent times and has huge potential to become an economic powerhouse. And also explicit and plain words exchanged by from subordinates to heads its strongest terms. Burao like many developing cities is under threat because many skilled youth are migrating else where creating a brain-drain which in tern has created a slow development and progress. The wealth of nations and cities are measured by content of knowledge inherent in that society and Burao will invest greatly on similar projects and the youth.
  13. 1.Hargeisa 2.Mogadishu 3.Burco 4.Kismayo 5. Baydhabo
  14. waryaa hoooy..intee naga soo salaanti abaa...ajakis kuwii maanakoobiyo ku jiray lee u heestiye...kir waraa naga daaaa beenta!