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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ASALAMU CALAYKUM, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Brother Liban that was all I needed brother, thank you and may Allah keep you firm to the straigh path to pradise. I am convinced and I am glad you have shared this great story with us. Note that the only reason that I asked you was simply to know if you were kidding or not. Now you have proven it with those pics. In this website it's hard to believe anything, just take Castro as an example saying that he is a girl. Although there is something fishy in there and Castro could after all be a girl--- could he? Anyways, Liiban, you have a great name and from what I can see and read you are great person. Liban also check out the verse in my signature, it carries a heavy message. Thank you and Assalamu Calaykum.
  2. RedSea


    Assalamu Calaykum, Mr. Tolstoy with all the respect in the world tell me what the benefits of reading such nonsense put forth by an author who was probably drunk at the time? instead you should encourage people to read the books that matter to your life. There are many more important books than War and peace, there is the Quran and the sunnah, have you ever read them? Advice poeple to read the Quran and the Sunah rather some nonsense written by a non believer. Furthermore, Ms. Lilywater, read the Quran for those 30 minutes would you. Assalamu Calaykum.
  3. Assalamu Calaykum, Hey Castro and Kooleey what they heck are you doing hitting me against my brother Liban? it's just that I am so happy for him that I can't almost believe it, but few posts I shall believe him. Ms. Kooleey, I haven't said anything to make the story of Liban a lie, however I just need few more posts from Liban to tell us more and I will believe the story. I am so excited for him and besides I didn't know Somalia online would attract non Somalis. I am truly glad that this site is for all Muslims regardless of their background. But hey Castro and Kooleey come on don't put on the spot light here. Assalamu Calaykum.
  4. assalamu calaykum, Castro please restraint your lips my friend. He is white alright and what is wrong with that other than being good looking Muslim brother. Being a Muslim is the most import aspect in life, however I still can't find this story believable but Liban the Man please give us some sign that this is real story about you and we will believe it. The story is amazing but I think you might be kidding not that you are not a Muslim but we all thought you were Somali at first then when you said you are not Somali, we couldn't believe it and now we can't believe it even more when you said you the person in picture. However, if this story all happens to be true and indeed you are Muslim non Somali then I am truly happy for you. You should have told us this story along time ago brother, once again brother truly congradualations for being a Muslim person, indeed that is the best of all things. One thing I know so far is that you told the truth when you said you are married which is consistent with your profile from along time ago, second one is that you said the Shahadah at Calgary convention Center, because you live in Calgary. I know you live in Calgary because we talked about Hockey in sport section which you continiously supported the NHL's Calgary Flames, which in turn tells me that you are indeed telling the truth on where you said the shahadah was Calgary. Assalamu Calaykum. Assalamu Calaykum.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: culuma'udinka masajidul Mubarak ee ku yaal laanta hawada ee magaalada Bosaso Assalamu Calaykum, So now Bosaso is stealing the names of Hargeysa hey- Hargeysa has a xaafad called Laanta Hawada, because it's top of the hill and long baxarasaaf trees grow there and therefore bringing good air.Does Bosaso has those or they copied the name? What will be next? Bosaso naming one of its areas Dunbuluq. Anyways, this is very sour situation indeed, anytime someone who is working for the sake of Allah gets arrested it's not so good. Again those so called Police don't know what they are doing, they are bunch of worthless Khat chewing animals. I will wait for the development of the story before I comment furthermore. Assalamu calaykum.
  6. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: Eastern, thanksgiving and X-mass are all a big no no? Why didn't someone tell me that before??? Assalamu Calaykum. My sister, believe and trust me they are more than big no no. Especially Christmas to which Christians celebrate because as they say it's the day that Jesus was crusified on the cross, the Son of God; did you read the Son of God! Allahu Akbar. It's great sin calling the Prophet of God his son. Allah doesn't beget nor was he begotten he exalted in might and doesn't have partner. It's great sin for someone to beleive other wise. However,for a Muslim person such as yourself to celebrate with those who say God has a son is greater sin since you are Muslim who has recieved the message from Allah in the Quran. If you don't know the Quran try to learn it sister that is an advice from me. I always celebrate as I take time off for myself and enjoy it, and I even give thanks to myself on thanksgiving, and X-mass I shop for myself loads of stuff and give it to myself, and eastern, I EAT ALOT OF CHOCOLATE. Who knew shopping did any harm during X-mass, and who knew eating chocolate on EASTERN was haram too. Shopping isn't the problem here, it's what you are shopping for, which in this case is Christmas ( the day believed by Christians Jesus was killed) and Easter his birthday. Both of these holidays that Christians celebrate are big sin because neither of them has any bases whatsoever. Prophet Jesus (Cisa) peace be upon him was lifted to the heavens by the almighty Allah and is still alive. Celebrating with those who believe otherwise is wrong and great sin. there ought to be bulletin posted somewhere saying what is haram and what isn't. How V-day is haram is beyond me, but I plan on enjoying my dinner out caawa, again, eating dinner never hurt anyone did it? I guess if V-day celebration is out of the question, everything else is out of the question too. There is already something better than bulletin board that tells you what is Haram and what not; the Quran and Sunnah. All you have to is learn it and practice it. My sister please spit out the rest of valentines chocalate and go repent to Allah at this moment and start thinking about how you would reverse your life towards the straight path. I am saying this because it concerns me having my sister not knowing her own religion and not knowing that celebrating Christmas is Haram. Assalamu Calaykum.
  7. Salamu Calaykum, This kind of reminds me of the old Somali bed time fiction stories that I used to hear from my parents before I go to bed. One of them was the Fox in this case Ahura and the wild animals; Castro, Johny, Zafir and the rest of the pack. In the story each one of the wild animals danced,sung, and showed their talent but none of them impressed the fox, because she the Fox had her eyes on the Squirel whom she finally went along. You would expect the fox to go with the king of the jungle; the Lion in this case MR. Castro, known for his endless jokes and flirtings. The Lion said this to try to win the heart of the Fox: Dayoy hawd sare ayaa kuu gali, Bar qabka ayaan kuu dili, Rimaydaan kuu layn, Dayoy ma idaba galaysaa. The Fox said rejecting the Lion. Hawd sare idif idif tiisi iyo haraadkii makaro. The lion walked away not being used to getting rejected like our good old friend Castro. :confused: The squirel said to the fox: Aqal yar baan kuu qodi Quulahan kuu guri Dayoy (fox) ma idaba galaysaa The Fox said in response: Dabangaale qoor (meaning neck) dheerow adigaan ku qaa yibay ma isdaba galaynaa. Then they went along; the Fox and the Squirel. This translates that Ahura has her eyes on Ngone, so it doesn't matter how much you all try to impress her , she has already made her mind on who she wants and loves. The problem is though , how long she will be able to keep her love for Ngone , because Mr. Ngone hasn't answered the call. We shall see Assalamu Calaykum.
  8. Ah double post, I don't like those.
  9. Originally posted by the-urban-hang-suite: lol dont let the avator fool you, i'll knock you out. :cool: Wow sis is that so, don't make me get involve in this though. I don't want to lock horns with Mr. Zafir over you. You might want to prepare yourself for a good respected man that believes in Allah and respects you more so then some of the cyber love doctors. May Allah increase your beauty and talent. Assalamu Calaykum.
  10. Originally posted by Zafir: Red Sea, Gabadh baanu isku heysanaa, gabadh aan jelecyahay buu iga shukansadey. I would let Urban decide who she wants to make her partner in life. And Zafir I don't think there is much competition in here, you seem to be the only one who is going crazy over the sister. Assalamu Calaykum.
  11. Assalamu Calaykum, Assalamu Calaykum, Brother Soomal great topic as always, it's something that worth typing about. So let me drop my two penies in as to why I think Islam is increasing at exelarating rate. It's because it's the true principle of which we can survive both here and the hereafter. It does the mind a fine rest if fully practiced. They saw the benefit of it and the beauty of its true believers that has led them to accept Islam. It's doesn't matter how much Muslims don't practice their religion or how many muslim critics are out there, it's a faith guided by Allah, exalted is he in might. Allah promised this great religion shall stand until the day of judgement, till then this faith shall live on and increase in numbers. Therefore what we are experiencing is the promise of Allah, the beneficial. Assalamu Calaykum.
  12. Assalamu Calaykum, Urban yaa kuu xalaaleyey and Zafir yaa kugu haysta Urban and is she/he even a female, because that Avater is a bit disturbing? I mean it doesn't have the look of female avater.
  13. Assalamu Calaykum, Brothers and sisters as most of you are aware today is Valentines Day or the day of Love. However, the reason that I have brought this topic is to remind ourselves on what we should do in Valentines Day; the answer is nothing, because it doesn't concern us as Muslims or as Somalis in general. Basically Valentines Day is day that has been cripled together by probably crazy drunk western guy who fell in love with some wild and crazy woman and therefore this marks their anniversary. So it's a shame when some of us ignore our faith and practice and do something that is practiced by the disbelievers such Valentines Day. We are as Muslims are supposed to ask ourselves whether something is allowed or prohibited by our religion in every matter. So you ask what is Islam position on Valentines Day? Assalamu Calaykum.
  14. ASALAMU CALAYKUM, You know Yen, go head and critize whomever you want to, because I don't want to have anything to do with this nonsense. It's totally waste of my time responding to endless cycle of accusations. Assalamu Calaykum.
  15. Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Its time of Unity of all muslims, let alone dividing the small nation of somalia SALAAN SARE SXB. SOOMAAL. You are 100% right of your comments and I fully agree with you. However, if you had read Orgiliqe's comments, they were comments that were directed towards one particular region therefore I used the term Somaliland to address his questions but never in my life do I support or stand behind the seperation of two brotherly Muslim people in any where in the world let alone one on Somali soil. I for once used the term Somaliland to combat the arrogant comments raised by some nomads who are always here to create conflict among the diverse Somalis who came from all regions of Somali occupied regions. They claimed there were no protests in Somaliland meaning in their mind that Somaliland or Northwest region careless when our faith and our beloved prophet were offended which I for one will not tolerate and simply ignore. You know as well as I do that Burco, Borame, Hargeysa, Gabiley, Las Anod regions all protested against the cartoons and those are the only regions that have reported so far. Therefore it's always good to respect one another and give the credit that everyone else deserves instead of trying to discredit one another. Assalamu Calaykum.
  16. ASSALAMU CALAYKUM, It's really funny how anti Somalilanders use every bit oppurunity to write down Somaliland,but once again their accusations are untrue. So Mr. Orgiliqe I can proof it to you that there were protests in Somaliland over the Danish cartoons so will you deny the facts. So guys which part of this report will you deny? Magaalada Burco Oo Lagu Gubay Calankii Denmark Somaliland.Org — Burao, Somaliland — 6 February, 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magaalada Burco Oo Lagu Gubay Calankii Denmark Somaliland.Org, Burao, Somaliland, 06/02/2006 Waxaa saaka Magaala Madaxda Gobalka Togdheer ee Burco ka dhacay isu soo bax aad u balaadhan oo dareenkooda ay ku muujinayaan dad weynaha Magaalada Burco Taasoo ula jeedadiisu ahayd Qoraaladii iyo sawiradii uu suxufuga reer Demark ku caayey kuma soo ban dhigay Saxaafada Denmark Nebegeenii Maxmed ee suubanaa NNKHH taasoo sababtay gebi ahaanba in laga wada cadhoodo dhamaan Caalamka islaamka oo dhan, Hadaba saaka Waxaa isugu soo baxay kumanaan Qof oo aad shucauurtoodu u kacsan tahay kuna dhawaaqaya alaahu akbar waa in aan u hiililnaa diinteena iyo nebigeenii Maxamed NNHH Waxaanay dadkaasoo boodhadh sitay ay ku Canbaaraynayaan arintaas gefka ah ee Saxaafad reer Galbeedu kla kaceen Nebegeena NNKHH iyagoo Halkaas ku Gubay Calanka Denmarka iyo ka Norway Waxaanay Lug dheer ku so Mareen sharaacyada Magaalada, hasayeeshee waxay markii dnabe isugu yimaadeen Fagaaraha Khayriyada Magalaada Burco. Dadweynihii isu soo baxay banaan bixii Burco, Calankii Denmark Oo lagu gubaayo banaanbixii Burco, Halkaasoo ay dadka kala Hadleen Masuuliyiiin uu ka mid yahay Maayar ku xigeenka Magaalada Burco Baashe Muuse Maxamed Culimo u diin.iyaga oo dhamantood canbareyay ariti ay Saxafada Reer galbeedku Qortay.waxayna dadwaynaha isu soo baxay ay kacodsadeen in aanay ku talabsan wax wax u dhima nabadgelyada magaalada iyo guud ahaanba Dalka.waxayna inta ku dareen in aan dadka ajinabiga ah ee ku nool magaalada Burco aan waxa dhibaato ah loo gaysan waxana uu mudaharadkaasi ku dhamaaday si nabadgelyo ah Jaamac Xuseen Yalaxle Wariyaha Gobalka Togdheer ee Burco ALSO THE SOMALILAND GOVERNMENTS SPOKE OUT ABOUT THE CARTOONS. Somaliland "strongly" condemns western newspapers over offensive cartoons Feb 06 2006 The minister of religious affairs and endowment, Shaykh Muhammad Sufi Muhammad, during a press conference held in his office, has strongly condemned the countries in which the newspapers which published the offensive cartoons on our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him, are published. Posted By Mohamed Ghalib Musa. The minister said that it was wrong for some countries to attack the other part of the world on religious grounds. The minister said that the newspapers which published these cartoons have offended our Prophet peace and blessing be upon him, adding that this was a violation against Islam, which is a sacred religion. Many other ulemas [scholars] who spoke during the press conference also strongly condemned these western newspapers, which published offensive cartoons. The Republic of Somaliland has expressed its concern over this ugly act, which was aimed at offending our Prophet peace, blessings be upon him, and sees it as an act of wrong-doing, which the western countries should apologize over it. WWW.SOMALILAND.NET Search the web for releated News News Posted By Mohamed Ghalib Musa. Email Mohamed Ghalib Musa : Gaystay Nabi Maxamed (SCW) CULIMADA HARGEYSA ALSO SPOKE ABOUT THE CARTOONS. Hargeysa(Jam)- Culimada Reer Somaliland ayaa bayaan ay soo saareen waxa ay ku cambaareeyeen aflagaadada ay qaar ka mid ah Warbaahinta dalalka Reer Galbeedku kula kaceen dhawaan Rasuulkeenii Naxariisi korkiisa ha ahaate, oo Caalamka oo dhan Naxariis u ahaa. Bayaanka culimadu waxa uu u dhignaa sidan “Culimada Reer Somaliland iyagoo aad uga xun waxay dhaleecaynayaan aflagaadada foosha xun ee nacaybka iyo karaahiyadu ka muuqato ee ay kula kaceen qaar ka mid ah Warbaahinta reer Galbeedku Ra’suulka suuban oo Caalamka Naxariis u ahaa. Arriintan waxaanu u aragnaa inay tahay mid aan cudur daar lahayn oo khatar ku ah degenaanshaha adduunka iyo wada noolaashaha dadka kala diimaha ah ee Caalamka ku wada nool. Waxay arrintani ugu dambaysay dhacdooyin dhawr ah oo beryahan dambe ka dhacayay dalalka reer Galbeedka, sidii tii lagu nijaaseeyay Kitaabka Quraanka Kariimka ah ee ka dhacay dalka Maraykanku xabsi uu maamulo. Waxay arrintani calool xumo ku beeraysaa dhammaan dadka Muslimiinta ah ee adduunka. Sidaas daraadeed, dadka arrintan ku kacay waxaanu u soo jeedinayaa inay ka waantoobaan falalkan oo kale, iyo inay raali gelin rasmi ah ka bixiyaan wixii dhacay. Dadka Muslimka ahna waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa inay ilaashadaan muqadaskooda iyo inay dulqaad iyo samir muujiyaan xilligan taagan.†Dhinaca Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta Md. Sheekh Maxamuud Suufi Maxamed, ayaa si kulul u cambaareyay aflgaadaaas loo gaystay Rasuulkeenii Suubanaa (NNKHA), waxaanu yidhi, “Aniga oo magacii Wasaaradda ku hadlaya waxaanu Caalamka u sheegaynaa meel ka dhaca Nebiga iyo umaddii Islaamka meel lagaga dhacay sida aanu uga xunahay inaanu cadayno, waxaanan leeyahay Nebigeena(NNKHA) aflagaado ma gayo iyadoo wakhtigii Nebigu yimid ay dhibaato ka jirtay, laakin markii uu Diinteena keenay dhibaatadii way jogsatay markaas meel ka dhac ayaa Nebiga iyo umadda islaamkaba lagu sameeyay. Jamhuuriya Online So hey Orgiliqe and those of you who are Somaliland haters be sure that your accusation are at least credible before exposing your hidious claims on public forums. The matter of the fact is that Somaliland citizens did protest and showed dislike over the cartoons made about our beloved prophet scw. I hope Mr. Orgiliqe that this enlightens, or will you deny that this is a false report like one whose guilt has been exposed would. Just trying to bring the truth about. Assalamu Calaykum.
  17. Originally posted by Caamir: It is a terrible policy in their handling of Somali people considered "Alien" at Hargeisa and Burco. What these so called leaders have done is turn the residents, public officials, security enforcement personnel of these cities against their own brethren through the mass manufacturing of clannish propaganda and the bandwagon of hatred with which to allure the support of Abyssinia and outsiders. Therefore, they couldn’t predict the effect on which deporting and alienating Somalis of Zone Five region would bring about on their economic soil. And what about Puntland, or are you one of those who claims to be a rightous person yet at same time ignores the wrong doings of Puntland. Wasn't Puntland also the one that expelled many Somalis just few months back. To make it worse, many somalis who are trying to get into Yemen go through Bosaso and they never make it, because of the size of the boats that they put on to, yet the so called regional government of Puntland does nothing about it. As a result of this hundreds die or get rescued by American ships on the Red Sea. Bossaso is booming economically because of its lower fee charges on imports and exports and the hospitality that merchants amass from the city administration and residents. Good for Basoso, but not quiet there nor can we measure along the line with the Berbera Port. Berbera Port has twice the business capacity than Bosaso. Bosaso Port only fits two big cargo ships and it's not deep enough while Berbera can fit as many as 6 big cargo ships. I am not saying Somaliland doesn't have problems but you oughta also recognise the problems of your respective region in order to balance it out here. In addition, don't change the subject and all of sudden throw econmics in there. We were talking clan conflicts, so if you are not triblist minded person why did you bring the whole Somaliland region into consideration? save your hatred for some other topic would you. Assalamu Calaykum.
  18. Originally posted by Yeniceri: I think the source of it all - the Hargeisa regime - needs to fix up its policies of animosity against all its Somali neighbors (Djibouti, Kilinka Shanaad, Puntland). Assalamu Calaykum, So Yeniceri, you would sugest that we put all the blame on Somaliland and make Abdullahi Yusuf and his region Puntland the victim as a result of "Somaliland's aggression". I wouldn't put it that way if I were you. If you are going to blame anybody for this then blame all the the politicians from Somaliland and the regional state of Puntland for hitting two brotherly poeple who live and inhabit same region against each other. I am not singling out any politician, because I am merely blaming all of them, but if I did, I would say the actual source of it all is Abdullahi Yusuf for he wants to destablize Somaliland, but only Allah can do that not a tired old man like he. Moreover, since when did Somaliland ever had any problems with DJabuti. They are very closely related Somali people and I don't seem to know any harm that Somaliland has done to its neighbor Jabuti. If you know any share it with us. Yeah Yeah we know they are two brotherly people do you have anything else. Abdullahi Yusuf supplies weapons to ONLF, and Yen, why can't you stress the violence that has been commited by ONLF against Somaliland's business people. The ONLF blew up at least 50 trucks that belonged to Somaliland's business people. Those were unjust actions by the ONLF and I don't see you mentioning that anywhere or are you intentionally ignoring those facts. The bottomline is don't single out a just one for the problems of all other. indeed where there is a problem there is two sides to the story, you only took one small point of view. Assalamu Calaykum.
  19. Assalamu Calaykum, I think never will we see another infidel that dares to insult our religion in our lifetime after experiencing these reactions from the Muslim world. Thanks for the report brother. Assalamu Calaykum.
  20. Originally posted by Say(y)id Qutb: Iranians can say what they want, as they are not muslims ! ASSALAMU CALAYKUM, Brother pardon me but you may not have the right to judge a whole nation that identifies itself as a Muslim nation. By any means though wouldn't you rather support the decision of someone who says I am Muslim than a total non Muslim in this case. I stand 100% behind their decision to not trade with those who insulted our beloved prophet. Assalamu Calaykum.
  21. ASSALAMU CALAYKUM, IPRT installed state-of-the-art conference equipment at the House of Guurti The Institute for Practical Research and Training (IPRT) promotes local initiatives in Health, Education and the institution of good governance in Somaliland and other communities in the Horn of Africa. Among one of its projects is a multi-year capacity building program to help the Somaliland's legislature. The Institute provides Internet access and networking facility, publishes the legislature's monthly gazette and periodic training to staff and legislators. In order to promote transparency, the Institute is working on the establishment of a full Hansard system so that the proceedings of the National Assembly are recorded for current and future use, and on 22 December 2005 installed at the House of Guurti (Somaliland's Upper House) a state-of-the-art conference equipment which will now make it possible to record the proceedings of this House. The installed conference equipment will also make simultaneous interpretation possible so that visiting dignitaries and experts, particularly experts on democracy and human rights who are frequent visitors to this House, can now exchange views with National Assembly members smoothly and appropriately. (see below for the newly installed system). IPRT hopes to soon equip the House of Representatives in a similar way. Bill Ainashe WWW.AINASHE.NET Assalamu Calaykum.
  22. RedSea


    Assalamu Calaykum, My sister Born Friday, I can see that their are many advices to choose from, so I would say-- 1. Read the Ayat Kursi as stated by other sister/brothers. 2. come always prepared of what you are going to say. 3. choose a topic that you are confortable presenting. 4. finally, but not least, don't worry about it, everybody gets nervous including most of the students in the class room. I hope my advice helps you my sis, but the biggest advice one can give you is always remember Allah (swc)and thanks for asking sister. Assalamu Calaykum.
  23. Assalamu Calaykum, Every Somali region has some kind of problems, Somaliland's problems are not as severe as other places but it also can get out of hand sometimes. This is the second time that such thing in which some people lost their lives has taken place in Somaliland's capital of Hargeysa. This time 3 poeple are dead and over 30 are wounded. This has nothing to do with the police shooting the people but some civilians are apperently fighting over a peace of land. The violence has halted yesterday when the sun went down and Somaliland elders stepped in between them. No wonder the end of the world is near and the people are competing over land and property. For complete coverage go to or just read this article. Dagaalkii ka dhashay muranka dhulka xaafada Dunbuluq ee magaalada Hargeysa oo caawa istaagay iyo Madaxweyhana oo ka hadlay arrintaasi.02-04-2006 Caku Dhulku dhib badanaa Hargeysa (HWN)-Saddex qof ayaa ku dhintay 34 in kabadana way ku dhaawacmeen ka dib markii saaka koonfurta magaalada Hargeysa meesha loo yaqaano Inji-dii hore ay dad taageersanaa ninka qaadka ka ganacsada ee la yidhaa Ina-Afdiinle inuu meesha dhisto iyo dad kale oo ka soo horjeeday inaan meesha danta guud ah waxba laga dhisin ay isku maandhaafeen dagaalna dhexmaray. Arrintani ayaa waxay sababtay gacan ka hadal iyo in la isku adeegsado hub oo keentay dhimasho iyo dhaawacba. Waxaana hakad galay marista waddada weyn ee biriijka dul marta ee tagta Total ee Dumbuluq. Waxaana meesha lagu gubay taayiro iyo dhagax oo ilaa duhurkii ay rasaastuna dhex socotay. Waxaana dhexqaaday tuugtii oo bililiqeystay dhammaan meheradihii u dhowaa meesha ay mashaqadu ka dhacday. Si aan waxa uga ogaano dhimashada iyo dhaawaca ayaa weriyahayaga Hargeysa Mustafe Jannaale tegay cisbitaalka weyn isagoo soo tebiyay inay dhacdadaas foosha xun ku dhinteen saddex qof oo laba dumar yihiin midna nin yahay. Magacyadooduna waxay kala kala yihiin sidan: Shuun Maxamed Ismaaciil oo (45 jira) Cali Xusen Xaaji C/laai oo (30 jira ) Sabaad C/laahi Cumar oo (17jir), Sida ay u xaqiijiyeen dhakhaatiirtii ku sugnayd cisbitaalku. Waxana uu dhaawacu kor u dhaafay 34 in kabadan. Galabta markii uu in muddo ah socday dagaalku ayaa waxa soo kala dhexgalay Culimo-udiin, Wasiiro, Waxgarad, iyo xubno ka mida Golaha wakiilada ee Somaliland iyo Boliska gobolka. Inkastoo sidii loo afjari lahaa colaadda ay markii hore waxba ka qaban kari waayeen arrintaasi. Iadoo uu dagaalku istaagay markii ay cadceedu gaabatay ilaa 5:45 daqiiqo ilaa 6:00 fiidnimo. Haddaba waxa markiiba caawa ka hadlay arrintan Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, waxaana ila hada si aanay rabshadi u dhicin amaanka sugayaa ciidanka booliska oo aan xabado adeegsanayn. Inkastoo rabshadaha ka dhasha mashaakilaadka dhulka ay noqdeen qaar soo noqnoqda , hase yeeshee tani waxay ahayd mid ka balaadhan kuwii hore looga bartay. Iyadoo weli aan la soo saarin sharcigii dhulka lagu maamuli lahaa. Kaasoo hadda horyaala Golaha Wakiilada inay ansixiyaana looga fadhiyo. Mustafe Jannaale Hadhwanaagnews, Hargeysa Somaliland Asalamu calaykum.
  24. ASSALAMU CALAKUM, This is a call to all Somalis who come under the name of Somali. This is a call to all Somalis who inhabit and call their home in any region where the culture functions and the language is spoken. This is a call to all those who still in midst of 21st century still arrongantly hold pride in their tribe. This is a call to all the nomads in SOL political/general etc. to realize that we are all brothers and sisters to each other and we should give up the deep hatred and the pity that we direct towards one another. Love someone as you would love to be loved. Here is a true example of how one's mind set should be in terms of dealing with other Somalis. This an article from from Las Anod. The reason I took this article is to make us think again about who we actually are what we mean to each other. I visit all Somali websites and I don't believe what they all say but sometimes I run to an article like this that deserves to be read and read over again by all of us. Yaa D. aheey! Yaa I. aheey! Yaa H. aheey! (Faalo}03.02-06 Allaw Boqorow Allaw Badraan iyo jaahil baa Allaw dunidii ba’shoo Naflii baday weerar iyo Baaruudaha qiiqayoo Buquuq kaga yeedhiyee Adaa Boqorow Alle ah Buruudka adaa iska leh Aduu kuu baaqi yahay. Waxaan filayaa in qof kasta oo Soomaali ahi ka dheregsan yahay khasaaraha ay leedahay qabyaaladdu. Laakiin haddana inta badani kama waantowdo inay ka leexdaan jidka qabyaaladda. Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa “Cunsur carabka lagama dhawro†markaa anigoo maahmaahdaa duugga ah ka dabqaadanayna waa inaynu si aan gabasho lahayn uga hadalno dhibaatooyinka jira. Waxaynu maqalnaa I. iyo D. waa col, H.iyo D. waa col, reer hebel iyo reer hebel waa col iyo waxyaabo la mid ah. Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa “Milil dushii lama dhayo.†Waayo meesha bugta haddaan mililka laga saarin oo laga maydhin ma bugsato. Waxa kale oo Soomaalidu ku maahmaahdaa “Haddaan hadalka runta laga sheegin wax ka xun baa laga sheegaa.†Haddii aynu isku maaweelinno waxyaabo dhalanteed ah oo aynu xaqiiqda diidno inaynu sideeda uga hadalno markaa waa hubaal inaynaan weligeen gudcur ka baxaynin, qodaxduna ay halkeedii oollayso. H. horaan ula hadlay, I. iyo D. maantaan la hadlayaa, Soomaalida inteeda kalena eed buuran uma hayo. Dad badan oo labada qabiil ee D. iyo I. u dhashay ayaa qaba in labadaas reer col yihiin. Ma run baa mise waa been? Intaanan jawaabta su’aashan hoos ugu degin ii saamaxa inaan marka hore in yar ka idhaahdo waxyaabaha labadan qabiil wadaagaan. D. iyo I.waa laba reer oo degaan wadaag leh oo wada nool. Waxay wada degaan dhul aad u ballaadhan, Jigjiga laga bilaabo ilaa calmadawda Sanaag ayey baadka iyo biyaha ka wada quutaan. Waa dad is dhalay oo is dhaqday oo candho iyo caanaheed ah. Hadday abaari dhacdo wey wada taabataa, hadday barwaaqo timaaddana wey wada saamaysaa. Dhulka ay degaan qayb waxa xukunta Itoobiya, qaybna waxa maamusha Soomaaliland, qaybna waxa ka talisa Puntland. Dadkaasi iyagoo sidaa maamul ahaan u kala qaybsan haddana nolol ahaan ma kala qaybsana, horena looma arag dibna waxaan filayaa inaanay suurtogal ahayn. Dhinacba dhinaca kale waa u dugsi iyo wehel. Waa isku noole maaha kala nool. Haddaan u soo laabto jawaabtii su’aasha kor ku xusan, waxaan odhan karaa D. iyo I. col maaha, balse cidda is necebi waa kooxo damiir-laawayaal ah oo magaca labada reer wata. Dhab ahaan waxay ka dhasheen labada dhinac, laakiin waa kuwo damiirka ka qaawan oo mucsur garashada ka ah. Waxay wiilka D. iyo ka Is. ku barbaariyaan nacayb, waxay uga sheekeeyaan xaaraame-cune iyo quufla wixii dhacay iyo awawgaa baa reer hebel dilay. Xaaraame-cune wixii dhacay in raggii waagaa joogay dhibkaa xalliyey oo bogsiiyey kama sheekeeyaan. Wiilka ay ku leeyihiin awawgaa baa la dilay uma sheegaan inta isaga awawgii dilay. Habeen iyo maalin fidnada dhacaysa kuwaas baa ka masuul ah, dadka labada dhinacna waxay ka iibiyaan dacaayado marin habaabin ah. Waxay hulluuqsiiyaan warar xaqiiqda ka fog iyo cuqdado gadhoodh ah. Maalin kasta waxa afkooda ka soo baxa weedho sun ah oo quluubta dadka madoobaynaya. D. iyo I. colka ahi waa kuwaa. Markaan degmo qaboojaa mid kale Dogob ka qiiqaaye Dab markaan baqtiiyaa mid kale Duur ka ololaaye Ayax markaan didshaabaa mid kale Ugax dillaacaaye Hadba wiil darmaanaa wadhida Loo deldelayaaye Waa run in dhulka qabaa’ilkani wada degaan ay ka jiraan shaqaaqooyin badan oo dad iyo maalba lagu waayo. Waxa la yidhi “meyd maxaa ugu danbeeyey iyo kaa la siisido†qayladii ugu danbeysay waata Yoocaale inaga soo gaadhay. Waana aragnaayo dadka maanta jira badan koodu labada dhinacba waxaad mooddaa inay caadifaddu ku badan tahay oo is eeddayn iyo faro-fiiq-fiiq baa arrinkoodu u badan yahay. Waxaana u sabab ah kuwa aynu hore uga soo hadalnay(bukaan-socodka D.iyo I.). Hadba danab la looganayo baan U digleeyahaye Dubashada barbaartaa jidh kani Ila dubaaxshaaye Qalbigaygu wuu diiddan yahay Dirirta ceebeede Damiirkaygu kuma hiili karo Dalabka haybeede. Xaalku maaha mid sidaa lagu eegan karo oo lagu dhegaysan karo oo lagu dhex joogi karo. Ma waxaynu weligeen dhegaysannaa beenta munaafiqiinta ee ah “reer hebel waa inaynu ka biyeynaa oo cag hoosteeda gelinaa.†Weli miyaa aragteen reer Soomali ah oo cagta hoosteeda inta la geliyey ku jira? Waa maya, weligeedna ma dhacayso. Waa huf iyo hadur waxay dadka u sheegayaan. Waa dulmi iyo daaquudnimo waxay macaashka ka dayayaan. Dadweynaha shil baa lagu horiyo Dawgii waalida'e Hadba dhiillo dihin baa mid kale Loogu dedayaaye Hadba nabar daloolaa Cabdow Looga darayaaye Hadba doogo yara raystay baa Laga damqaa hooye Hadba dawan qabiil baa ruxruxa Lagu danseejaaye Hadba kooxo diihaal qabaa Diif ku sii rida'e Hadal nin badiyey ma wada odhan nin yareeyeyna wax kama tegine aan hoos ugu soo dego dulucda qoraalkan. Waa waajib waana igu gar talo iyo tusaale wixii aan hidiyo inaanan ku masuugin. Raqba waa ku raggeede waxa iga talo ah: Waxaynu joognaa waqti ninka sharka wada aan waa hebel la odhan karin, haddii la yidhaahdana belo tii laga hadlayey ka weyni dhacayso, mana jirto cid yeelaysa inay eedda qaybta ay leedahay qaadato. Sidaa darteed ninkii uurka dabba Alle waa arkaa, ninkii isha dabana dadku waa arkaaye in wadajir loo awaadho cidda xumaanta shidaysa ee fidno abuurka ah waa lagama maarmaan. In hoos iyo korba loola hadlaa waa waajib. Nin qabyaalad door moodayaan 'Daa' ku leeyahaye Danaystiyo qof iimaan la' baan Doobir leeyahaye Damacooda xiimaaya baan 'Hooy' ku deyayaaye Didibsiga bar baan leeyihiyo Dabar ceshiimeede Quluub uu xumuhu daashadaan Daawo u rabaaye Siyaasi waan ka quustay rajana kama qabo, waayo talo-hayeenka maanta lagama filo inuu bugto uu geystay bogsiiyo, dadkii hore se nabarka uu geysto waa daawen jiray waana baanan jiray, sidaa darteed waxaan la hadlayaa inta og inay geeriyi jirto. Inta og inaan qabyaaladi wax taraynin. Inta og inaanay jirin D., I. iyo H. col ahi bal se ay jiraan daaquudyo magacyadooda xanbaarsan oo col ahi. Inta cuqdadda, xasadka iyo iimaan la’aanta ka xorowday waxaan leeyahay waa toosan tihiin, cid idinka sadroonina ma jirto’e ku faro adayga wanaagga aad ku sifowdeen, dadkiinana dilka iyo gumaadka loo hor kacayo ka hor joogsada. 3. Inta weli dhegaysata ama rumaysata kuwa uurka timaha ku leh ee D. iyo I. diinta u tahay waxaan ku waaninayaa inay maankooda iyo maskaxdooda ka xoreeyaan xinka iyo xumaanta. Waxaan kula talin lahaa Suldaamada iyo cuqaasha ka madaxa bannaan siyaasadda dhagareysan inay u guntadaan walaalaynta dadkooda la rabo inay is cunaan. Birta la iska aslaayo Boqnaha la iska jaraayo Inta biixi jabaysa Inta maal burburaysa Beled taagan dumaaya Naf Illaahay baxaysa Rabbigeen ma banayne Waa beer-gooyiyo ciile Hadhaageenna badbaadshoo Halla baajiyo dhiigga. Waxaan aqoonyahanka, culimada, dhallinyarada u soo jeedin lahaa inay iska illaawaan wax kasta oo dhaawac u keeni kara wada dhaqankooda iyo nolol wadaagooda dhab ah, isla markaana ay kobciyaan korna u qaadaan walaaltinimada soojireenka ah ee dadkoodu wadaago. Inakoo isku beer ah Boggeenii isku yaallo Boqorkii wada raacnay Haddii aan is birayno Baguugaa iska yeelno Berritaan cadawgeenna La iska baacin karayne Waa beer-gooyiyo ciile Hadhaageenna badbaadsho Halla baajiyo dhiigga Maqaleey warlaay….Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa “waranka ninka kugu dhufta iyo ninka kugu dhaqdhaqaajiya kee daran?†Waxa jirta warbaahin gaas-dhegoole ah oo aad mooddo markay wax dhacaan inay kubad xayeysiinayaan. Waa warbaahin indhaha iyo dhegaha ka xidhan, malaha cid hagta, malaha cid la xisaabtamaysa, malaha dabar iyo xad waabiya. Adduun iyo aakhiraba waxay ka ogyihiin inta bukaan-socodku uga sheego. Waxaan raggaa dhallinyarada ah kula talin lahaa inay ka waantoobaan buunbuuninta mashaakilka iyo af-xumada. Waxaan odhan lahaa madaxa kor u qaada, Maqaleey warlaay. Walafkii qalbiga Qabiil weeradkii In lagu wajaqay Maqaleey warlaay Ma laguu warramay? In waraarigii Waabay suniyo Wiyeer laga kabbaday Maqaleey warlaay Ma laguu warramay? Guud ahaan Soomaalida, gaar ahaanna kuwa colaadda Yoocaale laga dhex shiday waxaan leeyahay: Imisaan isu baannay Isu reero bu’aynay Baaba’eenniyo hoogga Imisaynu bileynay Imisaan is bireynay Imisaan is bog dooxnay Beelo la isugu duulay Bahbah la isu wareemay Imisaynu billaawe Iyo baallacad qaawan Ku baalbaallay jidhkeenna Imisaynu birteenna Boqneheenna ku goynay Bunduqeenna afkiisa Intee Baashe ku hoyday Intee baarcadde mootan Intee baarri wanaagsan Bidhaantiisa la waayey Intee baa bilcan door ah Boqorkeedii la toogtay Bilayaal asay qaadday Intee baa ubad booyey Intee baa la baroortay Intee baa belo qiiqday Intee baynu ku baaqnay Baa’bi’ii nolosheenna Intee baa birmadkeennu Burburkeenna horseeday Waar maxaa ina baabay? Annakaa bokhrantii iyo Annakaa ba’antii iyo Annakaa bilantii iyo Annakaa burji weyniyo Baanisiiba la eedye Bugtadaa kugu taalliyo Cuqdaddaa kugu baahday Ma bogsooto miyaa? Kuwa uurka timaha ku leh ee isku dirka dadka ka shaqeeya waxaan leeyahay filimada la yidhaahdo “yaa reer hebel aheey! Yaa D. aheey! Yaa I.aheey!†daawashadooda qarniyaa noogu dhammaaday, aniga iyo inta ila figradda ahi toona idinka maqlimayso’e shuushka iyo sharka aad la meeraysaan dadka kala fadhiista uurku-booglayaalyahaw. Maxamed Yusuf Cabdi (Kayse) Source:
  25. Assalamu Calaykum. Allah yaa raxah marxuunkii dhintay, samir iyo iiman Allah ha ka siiyo ehelkiisi iyo qaraabadii uu ka geeriyooday. Waleelkeen laba Xiin isna samir iyo iiman Allah ha ka siiyo saxibkii. To my brothers/sister in SOL, please pray that Allah grants his servent the everlasting peace of paradise. For those of you living in England go and participate in protesting this ruthless and unreasonable killing of our dear Somali brother. Show that you care and show them he hailed from large community and great people; Somalis. Stand beside each other and demand answers back from the so the called police officers or law guirdians. I am not in England but I will do whatever in my power in praying for my brother. I will curse and hold deep anger and hatred towards those who have murdered him. While you are there take a message and deliver it for me, that our people; Somalis are not toys that can be wasted but are human beings that need to be respected as other citizens of the country. It's anfortunate for you, the so called police officers to initiate violence and spread hatred in the community. We the Somali community demand an answer to why the police have cold bloodlesly murder innocent person. Tell them to prepare to pay back heavy price from the Somali community in and around England and worldwide. We don't simply except such a brutal act, and tell them also to prepare to pay even heavier price from the owner of the soul they have unrightfully killed in the hereafter and tell them to get ready for the flames of the hellfire whose fuel is men and stones. :mad: May Allah have merycy on him and grant him the everlasting peace in paradise. moreover, to my brother laba Xiin, I feel the pain that you are going through and I am deeply saddened by the death of your dear friend as well as ours and we will stand beside you to defend our rights as a people.