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Everything posted by Ex-Xisbiga

  1. Spadez WONDERFUL Pictures. Mashallah. To all the Somaliland Londeners You made us proud!!!!!! GOD BLESS SOMALILAND!
  2. In solidarity with the Maandeeq Nomads GOD BLESS SOMALILAND!
  3. Bye Guraad. You will be missed :rolleyes:
  4. TOGDHEER ONLINE The fact that UK parliament invited the presidential delegation after witnessing the first foot steps of democracy in Somaliland and the hopelessness of the Somalian reconciliation conference in Nairobi says it all – confirmation of UK’s dealing with the popularly elected presidents government, economic support until parliamentary elections are held this year and a full diplomatic recognition follows. The British diplomatic answer to protesting Somalians will be, “We are not to be blamed for Somalian choice not to make peace have a government.” Envying ********* disguising, as Somaliland citizens against recognition of the Republic of Somaliland and some tribal minded individuals with eastern Somaliland background, will be demonstrating against the delegation of the visiting Somaliland presidential delegation in UK. They will be chanting down with Somaliland, long life Somalia unity [somali Republic] -that died a long time ago, to try to hide their backward tribal ambition. This is expected to be a historic war between citizenship and tribalism. Patriotic citizens of Somaliland in the UK should not forget to photograph or record in video cameras those demonstrators to confirm their place in the history of the Somalilander on going war for their country’s annexed independence. That non-Somalilander who is found in the demonstration is by falsifying his identity committing a crime against Somaliland. He should be photographed together with the board he carries to face the consequence of his acts, in the future. Though everyone has a right to demonstration in a democratic and free world, everyone writes his own history as well and has a full right to do so. In my opinion, the non-Somalilander, who disguises, as a Somalilander should be recognized as an enemy of Somaliland, while a Somalilander who participates in it will be confirmed as one against the recovery of his/her country’s annexed independence by Somalia. Those who would like to be the future politician and administrators in Somaliland, who are eager to write their history, should be allowed to do so. It will be amusing to see who is who on the other side of the table in the political or administrative office in Somaliland. And remember, this time there will be no blanket amnesty. This will be a matter of right and responsibility. By: Omar Japan, Toronto, Canada
  5. AWDAL DIASPORA NETWORK We need to make our presence felt for: -Our case for International recognition . -Your country needs your support. -Bring your sirens, drums, flags etc . Somalilanders this is the time and it is now or never. Time: Wednesday 17 March Place: Whitehall LONDON SW1 OPPOSITE NUMBER 10 DOWNING STREET LONDON SW1 ) Transport: District, Jubilee & Circle line: Westminster Underground Station For more info call : Mahamed Aden 07985126361 Transport: District, Jubilee & Circle line: Westminster Underground Station For more info call : Mahamed Aden 07985126361
  6. Sanaag Diaspora United Waxanu salaamaynaa dhamaan Somaliland media, gaar ahaan website-dada ku caan baxay in ay soo gudbiyaan wararka qiimaha leh ee wadankeenii hooyo, waxanu kuwa kale ee aan u fiirsan waxa dadku u soo dirayaan kula talinaynaa in ay aad uga feejignaadaan wax yaabaha ay dadka cadowga u ah wadankeena ku soo qoraan. An u gudubno dulucda qoraalkayaga, waxan ka wada dhereg san nahay in uu maalinta isniinta ee bishan 15-keeda imanayo madax-weynaha J Somaliland iyo wefti aad u balaadhan oo heer qaran ah ,wadanka boqortooyada ingiriiska. Waxaynuna wada og nahay inta aynu sugaynay iyo oonka aynu u wada qabnay in ay arintani suuro gasho. Hadaba waxanu dhamaan dadka reer Somaliland ku boorinaynaa in ay si aad u heer saraysa uga soo qayb galaan dabaal-dega lagu soo dhowaynayo madax-weynaha iyo wafdigiisa uu hogaaminayo. Waa in si adag looga hor tagaa falalka ay dadka cadowga ahi ka wadaan wadankan ingiriiska, kuwaas oo isku deyaya in ay wax yeeleeyaan waqtigan dahabiga ah ee soo maray Somaliland iyo dadkeeda. Waynu ognahay in aanay taag buuran ama awood ay cadowgu ku ururiyaan dad badan oo la caqli ah aanay lahay, laakiin waa in aan la yaraysan falalkooda foosha xun. Ilama aha in qofna loo sheegayo qiimaha ay arintan imaatinka weftigani ugu fadhido wadankeena hooyo hase ahaatee waa in loo arkaa wada hadal iyo xidhiidh fiican oo inoo furmay inaga iyo wadanka boqor-tooyada ingiriiska ee aan loo arag in ay isla marka uu madax-weynu dhameeyo qudbadii layna ictiraafi doono ama layna diidi doono. Dad baa laga yaabaa in ay u arkaan in hadii ay isla maalintaaba ina ictiraafi waayaan in ay ina diideen. Sidaa maaha arintu, sidan laynoo sharfay looma sharfo wadamo aad u badan oo ka haysta ictiraaf aduun waynaha oo dhan, waxaynu ku kasbanay sharaftan waxa weeye sida aynu isu qiimaynay,u ilaalinay xuquuqda bini aadam nimo, sida aynu u doonayno in wadankeenu noqdo meel lagu wada noolaado nabad iyo is afgarad, sida aynu uguna adkaysanay qadiyadeena doonida wadan ahaaneed, Sida aynu u maamulay doorashooyinkii ka dhacay wadankeena. Waynu aragnaa waxa ay inoo dhashay u adkaysigii aynu u adkaysanay noloshii adkayd ee cadawgeenu doonayeen in aynaan marna ka bixin. Waxanu kula talinaynaa in ay dowladeenu si deg-deg ah u diyaariso doorashada baarlamaanka, taas oo dhamays tiraysa diimoqraadiyada ka jirta wadankeena. Waxanuna aaminsan nahay in ay doorashada baarlamaanku inaga xigto ictiraaf aynu ka helno aduun waynaha. Hadii aynu u maamulo si aad uga saraysa sidii aynu u maamulay doorashadii ugu danbaysay waxaynu kasban doonaa ictiraaf si deg-deg ah, laakiin hadii aynu ku fashilano (illaahay baanu ka magan galnay in ayna taasi dhicin) ictiraaf inta cirku inoo joro buu inoo jiraa, waa in ay dhamaan dadka reer Somaliland taas ogaadaan oo ay iska ilaaliyaan waxkasta oo khal khal gelin kara doorashada baarlamaanka iyo dhamaan barnaamij yada lagu dhamays tirayo dimoqraadiyada wadankeena. Wa bilaahi tawfiid Acting Chair Mohamed Ali Gibril Sanaag Diaspora United Contact_sdu@hotmail.com
  7. Somaliland Salvation Council (Somsalco) London U.K. Date 7/3/04 *********** ma ku dhicikaraan inay mudaharaad ku dhigaan madax-weynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, mudane Daahir Rayaale Kahin iyo wafdiga uu hogaaminaayo Haday geesiyiin sidaa u yihiin ha iskeenaan banaanka. *********** ( khaasan *********** ) iyo ********* waa dad ay ka buuxdo xaasidnimo iyo nacayb xad dhaaf ah oy u hayaan shacbiga Somaliland, oo waxa ku kalifayna la garan la yahay ilaa maanta. Bal eega waraaqaha ay qoraan ee nacaybku dusha ka saarsaaranyahay ee ku jira website-yadooda. Takale ee lala yaaban yahay waxay tahay, waa umaad aan ku kalsoonayn kartidooda iyo aqoontooda midna, oo xaasidnimo indha tirtay, oo dadka Somaliland haday qaataan magaca Digirin, ayaguna waxay qaadan Digirino, haday dadka Somaliland u guuraan Saaybeeriya, ayaguna bil dabadeed ayay u soo guuri Saaybeeriya. Dadkan maxaa inna-daba-dhigay ma hadhkeeniibaa? .Waa dad xaasidnimo ku kalifayso arrimahaa oo dhan, oo ilaa magacay ceebeyeen-Somaali aynu iska tuurno innagala-hadhimaayaan,colaad, xaasidnimo iyo magic-xumayn. Dadkan xaasidnimadu iyo nacaybku lafaha jabiyey sida la isaga reebi la haa waa shaqo u taala, oo sugaysa shacbiga Somaliland. Website-ka “ SOMSALCO “ waxaa loogu tala galey in shacbiga Somaliland isku waraystaan, iskuna dhaafsadaan fikradahooda , aqoontoodaba, iyo in shacbiga Somalilandna lagu wacyi-geliyo dhismaha iyo ilaalinta dalkooda. Markaa, waraaqaha iyo maqaalada wax baraaya ,waxna u kordhinaaya shacbiga Somaliland noo soo dira, annaguna waanu qori, si shacbigu u akhristo. SOMSALCO su’aal ayey shacbiga Somaliland waydiinaysaa meel-kasta ha joogaane, su’aashaa oo ah: 1)- a)- Shacbiga Somaliland iyo shacbiga Somaaliya ma af isku af bey ku hadlaan ? b)- Dhaqanka iyo caadada ay leeyihiin shacbiga Somaliland mala midbaa ka shacbiga Somaliya leeyahay? 2)- Magaca Somali ma iska baddalnaa? Hadaynu bedelno maxaynu qaadanaa? Fikradaad ka qabtaan u soo dira email-ka hoos ku qoran. Email: slsalvationcouncil@yahoo.co.uk Eebbaa Mahad Leh Somalilandbaa Guul Leh Ahmed Mohammed
  8. Madaxa Hay'ada NPA Ee Magaalada Laascaanood oo Xabsiga Loo Taxaabay. Laascaanood(Radiolascaanod)10-03-04 Arbaca:-Waxaa saaka la xidhay madaxda Hay'ada NPA Cismaan Saleebaan Yuusuf iyo hawlwadeen kale oo Hay'ada U qaabilsan dhinaca Mashaariicda Biyaha oo lagu magacaabo Khamiis Cabdi Joome una dhashay dalka Kenya. Labadan Sarkaal ee Hay'ada NPA ka tirsan ayaa sheegay mar aanu waraysi kooban la yeelanay iyaga oo ku sugan xabsiga in aanay garanayn sababta lagu soo xidhay, waxayna intaasi ku dareen in saaka Aroornimadii laba gaadhi oo tigniko ah loo keenay , loona sheegay in ay ka qayb galayaan shir ay leeyihiin guddida xaalada deg dega ahi, ka dibna xabsiga loo taxaabay. Cismaan Saleebaan ayaa isagu sheegay in aanan loo sheegin sababaha dhabta ah ee loo soo xidhay ,ilaa iyo hadana aanba waxba la weydiin, wuxuuna sheegay in ay ciidamada boolisku si fiican ula dhaqmeen isaga iyo ninka kale ee Kenyaatiga ah. Taliyaha saldhiga Booliska ee magaalada Laascaanood Cali Ismaaciil Faarax (Cali Qase) ayaa isaguna sheegay in ay waaran ka heleen xeer ilaaliye ku xigeenka guud ee Puntland ahna xeer ilaaliyaha Gobolka , lagu farayo in la soo qabto saraakiisha Hay'ada ,Baadhitaana lagu sameeyo, iyaguna ay arrintaasi fuliyeen, ilaa iyo hadana ay si fiican ula dhaqmayaan laba Sarkaal. Hay'ada NPA ayaa iyadu ah Hay'ada kaliya ee ka Hawlgasha gobolka Sool, tan iyo markii ay bur burtay dawladii dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxayn dalka ka fulisaa mashaariic ay ugu talo gashay horu marinta bulshada , in kastoo baryahan danbe ay soo baxayeen dhaliilo loo soo jeedinayo , Hay'adan oo lagu tilmaamo in aanay dalka wax ugu qaban sida hantidu u soo gasho. shabakada Warbaahinta Sool,Sanaag Iyo Cayn Laascaanod Somaliya
  9. A couple of my friends have gone out of their way and bought tickets to go to London to take part in the demonstrations. Their joining thousands of other Somalilanders who are expected to come out that day and rally and support the President of J.S.L Dahir Riyale Kahin. What I find ironic is that when the unelected warlord Abdillahi Yusuf visits the U.K. no one gives a rats *** if he visits or not. The Somaliland people who make up significant numbers in Britian don't organize demostrations and chant anti-Puntland slogans. But the Puntland supporters are doing whatever they can to make sure Riyaale's visit is disrupted. But why should I be surprized. These are the same people who demonstrated on Cigaal (may god rest his soul) when he visited South Africa for surgery and later celebrated in the streets when word was out that he died. God Bless Somaliland!
  10. MMA Does famine count as genocide? Then I suppose all natural disasters like floods, earthquakes and typhons can be labelled genocide. Please brother save us your anti-Somaliland sentiment and do not use the poor survivors of the 1990s famine in Badioa as a tool to try and belittle the tragedy that happened in 1988. Natural disasters and man-made genocide are completely two opposite things. I wish the 100 000 people in the North who were slaughtered had a chance at life like the people of Bay and Bakool.
  11. The Somali people who welcome this man have gone to the bottom of human decency. Morgan a.k.a "The Butcher of Hargeisa" is waiting trial and I hope the people of Mogadishu will turn over this warcriminal to the authorities in SL. king_450 Sxb Morgan wasn't only a bodyguard....go and get an unbias answer to who this man was and what he did to the Somali people (both North and South)
  12. I have just realized the Puntland crew only concentrate their efforts on the negative things that happen in Somaliland. However, rarely do I see Somalilanders posting incidents like shootings in Garowe or the arrests of hundreds of people in Bossaso. I think Somaliland Nomads should also bring the faults of the Puntland gov't to light....the Abdillahi Yusuf supporters have made it their day-job to give peaceful Somaliland somekind of bad rep.
  13. Abu-Ammar Why did you exclude Maxamed X. Ibrahim Cigaal from the 60s crew. Wasn't he a democratically elected Prime Minister? Or are you just blind by tribal favourtism and pro-Southern ideology.
  14. Aideed, Barre and Cigaal where the ABC's of the Somali game of politics. Like them or hate them, they will definately go down in the history books as the three most remembered men in Somali politics of the 20th century.
  15. Somali politician who will be most remembered
  16. THank you very much sxb for these pics. They are wonderful Mashallah. Also I see those pictures of Hargeysa were from Radio Hargeysa area Suuqa Gobonimo....my neighbourhood!!! Too bad it was night time. Please post more pics if you have any others.
  17. This is the extent the anti-Somaliland elements will go to see the Dream of Mandeeq Nation crushed. Questioning the genocide that took place. Shame on you!
  19. Boqor Buurmadow has been wronged. I hope the government compensates him. But I have heard he hired a very good lawyer, actually ina Micheal Mariano. Lets see if justice is made or if UDUB gov't sends an old man to jail for "abandoning a friend". Bari_Nomad I think sxb you have completely misunderstood the reason the Boqor was arrested. If you didn't know, the Boqor and Riyale were very close friends, in fact, Buurmadow was an active UDUB Secretary. When he had a falling out with Riyale he had a falling out with the entire regime. So now his past deeds are haunting him! Either way, I think the man should be set free....thats if the judicial system has learned anything from saturdays demos.
  20. One minute they are laughing the next minute they are at each others throats....I'm sorry but these Somali Faction leaders have no integrity at all. They are all greedy and have their own self-interests at hand. If they truely believed in reconstructing Somalia they would have made a government 13 years ago in Djibouti. But what can I say....even the warcriminal Morgan is an important warlord in the Nairobi talks!!!!
  21. Wow.....nice pics Puntland!!! That Garowe Comunity College looked especially nice. And Bari Nomad sxb I don't think the Gov. of SL frequents this site....maybe you should write a letter demanding for Buurmadow's release. It would be more effective.
  22. Who would you have voted for in the Somaliland Presidential Elections 2003?