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Everything posted by MAXIMUS POWERS

  1. I was rather hoping you could shower me with answers norf!
  2. Do You Consider Your Life A Failure or Successful? How do you define successful? Does it mean having loads of money or a big house and an expensive car? This to me seems like how most people define being successful and many are working towards achieving their materialist goals. However many of these people are sad and suffer from many abbreviated conditions. On the other side of the spectrum, there are those with modest means but who are very happy and content with whatever they have. My view on this pressing issue is that such important life statements should not be reduced to two binary categories and that as Somalis and Muslims we should read between the lines and not fall for this fallacy. We should have our own parameters to define 'our' life. I would personally consider my life a failure if I didn’t contribute to this world whether in the form of having many little Maxs and Maxettes or reducing my carbon footprint.
  3. ^^could be disastrous for NG. for he is a fossil himself.
  4. if women were paid for all of their social reproduction, they would earn a good income. Not!
  5. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Mr.Paragon: intelligence my cago. dumarka waa indha ku garaadle. I wonder how smart Farxia Kabayare is? Not! Typical american humour. Reminds me of that scene in Borat, where Borat was taught american humour. Not!
  6. I havent seen my qalanjo this week, mind you its only monday. I might see her tomorrow. fingers crossed. Khyr, thats some sound advice sxb. juxa.. what assistance can i offer except to offer her my notes. nothing comes free, if you know what i mean.
  7. Originally posted by Khayr: It is not 'intelligence' that a women finds sexy. Rather is is wit protrayed through confidence - by a man. well put khayr. your a loose canon. if you wasn't the religious type, you could cause havoc on the xalimos.
  8. ^^ Two goldie oldies! I wonder if your wife(s) would approve of your online shenanigans.
  9. Indeed a cowardly act perpetuated by those who hate peace and prosperity and wish to replace it with terror. Our thoughts are with those of the deceased and the people of las anod in this difficult times.


    The Somali peninsula is an oral society. Information is usually spread through the traveling nomads. Consequently Somali society is largely a product of its geographical and climatic environment, the land is very dry and generally does not permit agriculture, and as a result people move around with their herds of livestock, forever in search of good pasture and water. With no possibility of permanent settlement in cities, the nomadic and temporary mobility of Somali people has not been conducive to economic accumulation and the formation of political structure. In settled settled societies, history can be recorded and preserved. In Somaliland there is some semblance of an organised effort to record somaliland history and to have a written record of history and culture etc.


    I was around there. perhaps you caught a glimpse of me. I saw a somali woman with a penguin-style hijab with a brown sandals with white socks.
  12. viagra should come in hand. An Old G for sure!
  13. Saw the most beautiful Somali chick ever yesterday. She is a first year and in my department. Will update progress of the jacayl.
  14. I am Somali, but I am from Somaliland. The expression Somaliland should not be construed as being a particular ethnicity; it’s a unifying term for the inhabitants of Somaliland.
  15. How I missed this gracious act of friendship from my brother and comrade Cawale I don’t quiet know. Cawale is the only person who stood by me in my struggle to vindicate myself against the SOL regime, who have continually put obstacles in my path for a search of identity and sense of belonging at SOL.
  16. This a demonstration of the great strides made by Somalis. Join me in congratulating Dahabshiil for making history in Somaliland.
  17. I wonder how many times xiin has been rejected by a young say-wallaahi thang?
  18. This thread is a reminder to all those who should be married but are not married.
  19. Originally posted by Norfsky: Talk about not seeing the wood for the trees :rolleyes: Oh Nofsky... you never cease to amaze.
  20. full time liverpool 2-0 man. utd thats a good result for liverpool. the only way is up now.
  21. Originally posted by Cara.: I think it's because you use internet explorer. How can they trust you with the responsibility of maintaining a SOL profile when you can't even make the right choice in browsers? Cara, we all know your the admin masquerading as a script. please stop communicating with me and dont respond to this thread anymore.