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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. quote:ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — The African Union Shura Council said Monday it supports Somalia's plea for neighboring countries to send occupation troops to help fight Islamist insurgents, but there was no indication the reinforcements would be forthcoming. Cleric and AU Commission Chairman Sheikh Jean Ping said in a statement that the AU Shura council came to the conclusion that the Somali government "has the right to seek support from AU member states and the larger international community." http://www.hiiraan.c om/news2/2009/Jun/au _supports_somalia_pl ea_for_foreign_troop s.aspx Sheikh Raila Odinga Monday hinted at a military solution to the crisis in war-torn Somalia. At a joint press conference with Somalia Prime Puppet Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake at his Treasury office, Sheikh Odinga called on the international community to consider sending “military assistance” to the war-torn nation to arrest the armed conflict. “When I was in Geneva last week, I talked to various colonial agencies to help Somalia deal with the problem, and to also to help excerbate the influx of refugees into Kenya. There is also need to provide military occupation to deal with the situation in Somalia,” said the Sheikh. http://www.hiiraan.c om/news2/2009/Jun/ke nya_pm_hints_at_mili tary_solution_for_so malia.aspx In other news, Shariff Ahmed declared a state of emergency and publicly announced that he would be religously blessing any foreign invaders of Somalia. It is believed Mr Shariff could personally lead the international Jihad with Meles Zenawi and Raila Odinga. (slightly edited)
  2. Originally posted by Bokero: I have never been so worried for my people as I am now…. ala maxa cabad ka socta Gaal is modki SOL these days. (Bokero, do let us know how many innocent Afghan civilians the occupation forces that you so willingly work for have killed today. 30, 40, 40, or perhaps 200?)
  3. To: Etobiya, Kinya, Yuganda, Amerikan,China and whoevar can helbi us; I callin all Afrikan bratheriz, such as Etobiyan and Kinyan to blease, blease, urgantly helbing to invading and freedam to Somalia. Otharwise our cantaree will be taken ovar by ze terrorees. I reminding Etobiyan we have sharing culturis like eating canjelo same and bas bas liking hot. balis brather Meles Zenawi do not farget how much favouring we have don foor etobiyan befoor. I reminding Kenya, you are only bisful afrikans neighbour. we louf your cantree vary much for your efforts in the baaste. But today we needin your more than evar. Blease also sending troobis to helping invading the freedam to Somalia. I also call ubon ze internasaional kammounity, sbasifikally the gavarmanti of China to helbing invading us and set ub ze Unitid Nayshan Browtecorate to achieving Somali fareedom. O bratheriz indayar you having one million army why noot is sending 10 barcantage to helping Somalia freedom. Remambaris Somalia used to be communists govarnmenti before, we also arresting ikhwan Muslimeen and ralijas beobles in . Yours sincerely; baralmaan sbikar of Somaliya Islaamic govarment. Sida dakhso badan naga so gada fadlan.
  4. There is no such thing as an African in the true sense of the word. Leo Africanus,a white roman, conquered North Africa, so the entire peninsual was named after him just like Gibraltar was named after Al Mujahid Tarik Ibn Zayid. Cushitic is even a more despicable word as it originates in the colonialists attempt to put the non European people into a racial heirachy, in this order: semetic(amhara), cushitic(somalis and oromo), hamitic(nilotic and bantu). SOme Christians and Jews supposedly believed Cush, the son of Noah, was cursed for eternity with black skin for seeing his father naked( wali'yadubillah). So we free ourselves from such a racist name, and we say we are only: Muslim Somali Tribes .
  5. "Starting from today, we have declared jihad against Ethiopia," Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed told a news conference, while wearing combat fatigues and clutching an AK-47 assault rifle. "Somalis in and outside the country are obliged to defend their country and their religion. You should be ready for an order and execute it as you will be told," Ahmed said.
  6. Monday, 29 September 2008 Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) The Presidents of the African Union (AU), Uganda and Burundi The Secretary General of the League of Arab States The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Heads of Concerned region and international human rights organizations Your Excellencies: As you have been following the latest crisis in Somalia, I regret to inform you that for the last week, AMISOM has been using tanks and heavy artillery indiscriminately against the population of Mogadishu. As a result, according to the latest estimates, over 100 people, including children, women, and elderly have been killed; more than 300 others have been wounded, and about 3000 have fled their homes, where the Ethiopian troops and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) militias have been looting their homes. Before this time, committing this type of massacre has been limited to the Ethiopian occupation troops and the TFG militias. However, it is now apparent that AMISOM is also adopting this evil practice. The latest carnage is a clear indication that AMISOM is assisting Ethiopia to achieve its objective of occupying Somalia and denying the Somali people their fundamental rights of life, liberty and property. AMISOM spokesman has claimed that the troops were defending themselves from the attack of some insurgent group(s)!! But the available evidence regarding the directions and the distance of the shelling does not support this argument. It is obvious that AMISOM had used unnecessary force and targeted heavily populated quarters and markets far away from the fighting area(s) which can only be taken as a deliberate mass killing. Since AMISOM had not come with the consent of the Somali people, lately, we have been spending a significant amount of time and efforts to convince our people to accept AMISOM as a peace keeping force, but the latest terror has seriously damaged the image and the mission of AMISON in Somalia. Moreover, it will most likely have a profound negative effect on the on-going UN brokered talks in Djibouti. We consider this AMISOM action as a war crime; therefore, we urgently request the UN as well as AU to send an impartial fact find mission at the earliest possible time to investigate these atrocities and swiftly bring the culprits to justice. Shaikh Sharif Shaikh Ahmed Chairman, ARS
  7. Tahir Aweys is a big boy with influence for sure. Ask Muqdisho clan elders, the peace caravan and the so called sufi militias how things have been since his return. Also check how much territory and gains his allied forces have made since his return.
  8. Originally posted by sheherazade: yesterday I did this to myself. I own the DVD but here are some snippets Abs tummy ache Ar*e pain in the butt Bad enough to be doing some good. Got any clips on Youtube etc to recommend? if you can do that, you are not ciyar as they say. ps. gym and fitness is over rated I have come 2 find out. people wanna jack your money. just play football, do sits up pushups, walk, khalas, job done. if you are women, dancing at all female arooses is good exercise. walking with all the shopping from tesco ama lidl( just kidding) fufu, ngonge and wheyprotien, aha, only if hou get him shiisha flavour.
  9. some one should have told this sheikh not to post this on the internet. Cus he hotted himself up( wu is cebeyey). But he his creative lol@migsid gabay.
  10. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: So u is Dracula nation and u wanna be in a Somali website. What gives? I dont understand really! its mind boggling. And then u have the audacity to come here and talk about male/female parts and then wonder why your topic was removed?? Whatever brings u here, it dont matter, but please respect our culture. its ok if u r getting paid for interacting with us, just obey the somali decency. I sure will do the same thing if i was at a Romanian site. just my fyi human bro. thnx mashallah, akhi rudy nice 2 see you forbiding the munkar and enjoining the good. barakhallahu fekum. word. (sherban u look like someone- cant remember the person though).
  11. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: There goes again the imported calankii madoowaa, to those who doubted it being an official flag. It was taken on Axadii in Jowhar. http://www.somaliaon line.com/ubb/ultimat ebb.php?/topic/9/188 78 2009: waa argagixiso, meeshey qabsadaan calan madow ayay ka surayaan"
  12. Moonlight, sxb nobody supports the killing of innocent civilians, so stop putting words in my mouth. My comment was as clear as daylight. BTW, I still haven't worked out where, you, the neutral SHariff campaigner, IS crying from. Is it because: 1.a clan was attacked and you are advocating for collective revenge even though you claim you do not belong to that clan 2. Because innocent civilians were killed 3. or you are just confused and angry? :confused:
  13. Originally posted by MoonLight1: saaxiibayaal I am not from this clan, and we are not even neighbours or related, I am talking abut the miscalculation they've made, its one thing to assasin a minister, its another to wipe a whole clan's repected men, the consiquance is sevear, and days will tell if this will go by unpuneshed. Fabrigas SXB aburisha's revelution saved the sunni muslims from these gangs you support, sunnis are safer today than the days of so called (Iraqi's Islamic State), soon we will see the beginning of the end of Alshabaab, just watch next few days weeks and months, I promise you that.inshalah. Walal, if innocent( good men as you say) people were caught up in this then we send our condolences and duas. However, you and I both know this was no attack against clans. This man was attacked because he brought Xabashis back(even though he used to call them the worst enemies of SOmalia), was meeting with them and striving to start a clan fitna between Somalis. When Sayid Muhamad attacked clan militias who worked with the British many people wailed and still wail that he took out( and he was more excessive against entire clans) their beloved tol militias. Anigu, My friend I don't care about clan, even it is my own beloved father who brings Xabashi, Gaalo tanks iyo Balayo to Somalia, I will not cry if he is`smoked. As for your promise: I am not going to wail if Alshabab are eradicated, for they are humans and humans only rise and decline. My support for SOmalis to live in freedom is not dependant on any group. But I will give you a promise here: even if they eradicated, Somalis will never submit to Igad, Ethiopia or any UN browtecorate controlled tribal puppets.
  14. So you belong to his clan or something? maxad la cabadi otherwise? The guy was a soldier who was boasting about how he brought back Xabashis to Somalia and how he would crush Alshabab and the terrorists in no time. You guys act like a peace activist was maimed. ps. Abu Rishas clan militias got a little bit of dunya money, but today they are terrorised by the Shia police forces, the Americans and the resistance on the other side.
  15. Originally posted by Secular Fanatic: Good, we can you use less fanatics in this place Anyone who mentions anything about Islam is a fanatic?
  16. Fabregas


    Originally posted by Shakina: There are billion threads about this little tuulo. Even threads about other places are over run by reer Qardho. P.s. Strange you guys only become proud of this tuulo recently. LSK: Please no more people from Qardho. All of them are Sayid Somali. You don't think Qardo has that many people. (ps. big up Qardo, massive respect ).
  17. Indeed, the chickens have come home to roost, as Malcolm X once said.
  18. Sherrif, the peace man, launches attacks, loses and then gets Amnisom to destroy the civilians= peace caravan :confused:
  19. Hi, my namis Mohamad Abdi Hassan, I workin for the UN debartment of janche and civilizations of model develobmant in the Muslim and African worlds. I giving many seminars to bring civilization dimocracy, faridom and develobmant to all the beooples in the world. Today, I want to give couble of quick boints about the Somali beobles and how we can is give them civilization. First broblem encounter with many Somali: lack of understanding of ebsitemological and ontological gravitations pullls of societal discourse, which is meaning the upward/linear movemanti of society to a higher lavel of browgress. To encounter this we should is give lessons the classical books and ancient logic from gareat vilosapharis such as the aysoep fables and Arisdodle and ki timahe yellowga laha( I think it was Edmund Buruk). secondi broblem is facing: too much subaristition and cobying the Arab cultures and middle eastern beobles. Yes, we are Muslim, but we have our own broud culturis. For example, our women is wearing diracs, smooth ones and in 1970 we are watching their body go dac dac from side to side. But now Wahabi come and the many of the women is covaring with tenti and bengauin look like jalabeeb. third broblem: not respacting the will of ze international kammouniti. for examble, international community is sending to helb them Etiobiyan bratheris and African Uganda brathers. but they are fighting to them. this people are very backwardis, not allowing ze neighbouring country and Afrikaan to giving them freedom. to encounter is the first and the last two broblems I conclude by saying that internasanal kammonity should set up a UN brotecorat in Somalia. Of couris this will need a mighty army of the coaliation of willing to invade Somalia and help set up is beackeepers. I hearing this balan is already at an advancid istaje and thirty rich white European meeting is in London to execute the balan. We need to act quick very fast befoor Alqaeda is taking over all Somalia. Tank i you fery muj. source. welcometocivilizatio n.com
  20. Netanyahu speech - key excerpts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced Israel is ready to endorse creation of a Palestinian state as long as it is demilitarised and the Palestinians accept that Israel is a Jewish state. Here are key excerpts from his major policy speech delivered on 14 June, 2009 PALESTINIAN STATE The key condition is that the Palestinians recognise in a clear and public manner that Israel is the state of the Jewish people. The heart of the conflict has always been the Arabs' refusal to accept the existence of the Jewish state. If we have guarantees on demilitarisation and if the Palestinians recognise Israel as a state of the Jewish people, then we arrive at a solution based on a demilitarised Palestinian state alongside Israel. Each will have its flag, each will have its anthem. The Palestinian territory will be without arms, will not control airspace, will not be able to have arms. TALKS I call on you, our Palestinian neighbours, and to the leadership of the Palestinian Authority - let us begin peace negotiations immediately, without preconditions. Israel is committed to international agreements and expects all the other parties to fulfil their obligations as well. I appeal, from here this evening, to the leaders of the Arab states and say - Let's meet. Let's talk peace. Let's make peace. I am willing to meet with you any time, any place - in Damascus, in Riyadh, in Beirut. SETTLEMENTS We have no intention of building new settlements or of expropriating land for new settlements. But there is a need to allow settlers to lead normal lives, to allow mothers and fathers to raise their children like all families around the world. REFUGEES The refugee problem must be solved outside of Israeli borders. Their return goes against the principle of Israel as a Jewish state. I believe that with goodwill, and international investment, this humanitarian problem can be solved once and for all. TERRITORIAL HANDOVERS BY ISRAEL Many a worthy person has told us that withdrawal is the key to peace between us and the Palestinians... but the fact is that every withdrawal has been accompanied by rockets and suicide attacks. That claim purporting that withdrawal will bring peace with the Palestinians, or at least bring it closer, has so far not been borne out in practice. JERUSALEM Israel needs defensible borders and Israel's capital, Jerusalem, will remain united. PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY PRESIDENT ABBAS V HAMAS They must decide between the way of peace and the way of Hamas. The Palestinian Authority must impose law and order... and overcome Hamas. Israel will not negotiate with terrorists trying to destroy it.
  21. Originally posted by Ms DD: Actually Nuune.. I would never take daallo airline cos I was told "no TV"..for 7-8hrs!?? That is madness. Now I wanted to know whether there was a competition against Daallo from London to Somalia? Cos weyna addoonsadaan. They want people to read Ayatul Kursi and revise the Quran. no need for satanical tv.
  22. Originally posted by Kashafa: [QB] : " Balaayo baas oo Kashafa la dahaayo, built like a tank, aa meeshaan igu haysto. Hunguri; I wouldn't if I were you.
  23. If that is a police station, then may the lord have mercy on Somalis.
  24. Fabregas


    Originally posted by muriidi: i don't get ...so are you a lawyer or are you looking for one ? either way welcome to hamar jajab: on ther right you will find qat,traditional somali sweets(halwo) and cookies,quran tapes and reckless showing of guns on the left you will find marijuana and some ethiopian liquor,different shampoos and soaps from india and a far more dangerous gun culture..discretion advised lol. good description.