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Everything posted by NGONGE

  1. ^^ You should have told me the whole story in PM. Now half the readers want to send you PMs badowyaho. :D
  2. ^^ Xaggan taga dee? I can't stand Somali maqaaxi and since I quit shiisha, I hardly visit my Arab friends in Edgeware road. Marka it's fun to be with the kids.
  3. ^^ Dee Xaaji Nuune is a single man. I have been chained to London.
  4. Though it's a nicely written and in some parts funny story, I am really shocked that my guru would think me vulgar enough to banter with anyone by describing them as senile or inebriated!
  5. I understand that you were sleeping and were not in the mood for such a call. But if this was in the middle of the afternoon, I would have urged you to play along and see what twisted stories you get out of such callers. I remember we used to get lots of such calls back in the 80s and 90s. In your case, at least the woman did speak to you. The old calls used to go something like this: Phone rings and you pick up. You: Hello. Hello. HelloOOOOoooo! Caller: .... You: Is anyone there? Caller:....... You: Ok. Lets play a game. Breath into the phone once if you're female and twice if you're male Caller: Huuh You: You're female then? Ok, breath once if yes and twice if no. Caller: Huuh You: Are you underage? Breath once if yes, twice if no. Caller: Huuh..Huuh The (one sided) conversation goes on in such a way for another half hour. By which time this prank caller is relaxed enough to breath once or twice on the phone until we get into a tricky question where she forgets herself and actually talks. That's when you laugh and hang up!
  6. Saalax;954329 wrote: And those people who need Uganda, Burundi, Sierra Leone , IGAD etc to mediate between them want us to share a country with them? Bunch of clowns. No wonder south Somalia hasn't seen peace for over 22 years, learn to reconcile within yourselves. Salaax, inadeer, whatever way I try to look at it, I keep coming back to the fact that badow baad tahay, saaxib. The topic is now turn into one about Somaliland.
  7. The Zack;954325 wrote: NGONGEYOW, I see no winner here. First of all we need to understand this is a "recommendation" by the delegates. It is not the final word. Second, the report is so vague that we are all confused about it lol. It was always going to be a recommendation, saaxib. Recommendations are usually stamped later. War wax iga maqal oo adkeesyo. There is still plenty of room for manoeuvre for Madoobe & Co. However, in "gesture politics", Hassan Sheikh won this round.
  8. nuune;954278 wrote: Oo Jubbaland ma illaa Addis Ababa ayaaba looga shirayaa oo la isla gaadhey, illeen anagaa wax aragney, oo Puntland iyo Somaliland waligoodba sidan oo kale IGAD ugama aysan mashquulin sida ay Jubbaland IGAD ugu mashquulsantahey, see wax u jiraan, dakad iyo airport hadey Kismaayo leedahay oo important ka dhigayo, puntland iyo Somaliland together waxey leeyihiin dakado iyo airports kor u dhaafaya 15 airport together, maxey dowlada iyo IGAD uga hadli la'yihiin, this is looking fom entirely different angle!! Dee SL & PL set up their places way back when a pass to the goalkeeper was allowed, duqa. Jubbaland came after the "new rules" were introduced.
  9. Zack, iska adkeesyo, saaxib. Carafaat and Gabaal are right on this one (though they're spinning it a bit). It seems that Hassan Sheikh has won this battle. However, the political war is not over and Madoobe & Co still have a number of areas and opportunities where they can cause much disruption.
  10. If this is true and Madoobe is humbled, how long before he tries to run to Al Shabab again?
  11. lol@counselling sessions. Maaddeey, I do disagree with all he says. That some passing cadaan agreed with it makes no difference to my moral position on this. Wax fahan.
  12. ^^ It does not matter what the reasons for his actions were, HIS ACTIONS were wrong. As for cadaan nod gareynaaya..err..that's not even an argument, saaxib. (Morning Juxa. I saw your face on the right hand of my screen earlier and decided to regard it as a sign of some sort. So, today, I am going to be extra nice to you).
  13. ^^ I know, I am just teasing A&T about the "reading between the lines" comment of his. His quote mentions an interim adminstration, which is what the Hassan Sheikh government have been calling for all this time.
  14. ^^ I fully disagree with every single point he made and, more importantly, his actions. War hurdada ka kac ninyaho.
  15. ^^ A good khutbah. Ciyaalka waalan waa in wax loo sheega. Salaam all.
  16. Abtigiis;954102 wrote: The report also says "the process (jubbaland) has been useful in fighting Alshabab". Those are not the exact words. Perhaps the most important recommendation is this (I quote it as it is): " recognizing the fragility of the situation in Kismaayo, the Federal Government should timely convene and lead a reconciliation conference with support of IGAD while consulting key stakeholders in Kismaayo. meanwhile, the mission calls upon the stakeholders in Kismaayo to go to Mogadishu and dialogue with the Federal Government regarding the interim regional administration ". Those last five words don't sound too good for Jubbaland, Abtigiis!
  17. ^^ This place has not been cleaned for three years dee.
  18. Apophis;953962 wrote: I hope to plant Papaya in my farm in Garissa. I'll send you some Raula You and your fancy Papaya's trying to hijack the Dr's Onion thread.
  19. Tallaabo;953918 wrote: I am not an extremist nuune but British Muslims clearly blame the host society for all our problems. I am just sick and tired of that attitude. I have never met anyone named Tallaabo who I found to be a nice person.
  20. Heh@ayeeyo I think it's a tad on the defensive.
  21. This guy must be the most famous Somali for practically no reason whatsoever. I understand why Xiglatoosiye putting down arms and joining Somaliland would be wrothy news. I understand why Fowziya, dumping Somaliland and choosing to become the Somali FM is interesting news. But, a professor in America hinting at a change of preference is neither here nor there. He might have been a scalp for Somalia (along the lines of another northerner joining the union) but, for Somaliland, he's just another Dr/Professor/Eng...nothing to see here really.
  22. ^^ Nothing calms racists and crazy terrorists. But the Muslim Council of Britain was correct in issuing their statement. The rest of society needs to be reminded that such terrorists do not represent Islam or Muslims in Britain.