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Everything posted by Shirwac

  1. " Within a year you can make $150,000, partime" I was like what...I mean how can I...are you joking. He wouldn't get me the details in person, but if I attended a seminar I can learn how to "generate residual income" and became RICH. I walked off. Are there any Somalis that have succeeded at this "thing"?
  2. Originally posted by Raxmah: My personal sense of ethics has been very malleable and for good reason. Throughout the years I have come into contact with people from many diverse backgrounds, many of them having different ideas of what is ethical or unethical behavior. Vey nice, good luck with that. Let me know how that is working out for you.
  3. I hope you never find a club to go to, but incase you do have fun!
  4. Congrats... Who do you think will benefit Somalia the best A doctor, a politicians, an engineer, .... taxi driver?
  5. Companies pay millions of money to seduce consumers into buying whatever they are selling. Good commercial is all it takes and products are sold. The supply of good men maybe low in your area, and the number of available females maybe greater and there you go adverstising the good qualities of your man,What did you expect? When you are dating someone you suppose to keap your private/intimate moments private, so DO THAT. If ask about him say not so great things about him, that way those females will not compete with you.
  6. I still can't find "...else face consequences.." Loosing credibility
  7. Beauty is relative. We'll elaborate this further from different angles insha-allah
  8. Post here members that you think lost credibility and why, nothing personal. For example if a memeber claims that someone threatened him/her and have no to back up the claim
  9. "Madaxweynaha oo sheegay in Deeq bixiyaasha Caalamka ay ka gaabinayaan taageero ay u fidiyaan Dowladdiisa oo dib dalkeeda ugu noqotay"[/b ']note the highlighted text where the president admits lack of financial aid.... '" He is saying they'll lower/reduce(Gaabis) support when teh TGF government settles down, which is what we all expected the donor countries to do, since the government never wished to get support forever it has to be stop sometime, and so far it hasn't and he didn't admit LACK of anything. I read the whole article twice, didn't see any one from TGF saying "...else face consequences". If I had my way, I would make Mogadishu no man's land and let it be as it is and work on rebuilding the rest of the country.
  10. Good article, making you wonder doesn't it. This guy will give you more details about the genesis and purpose of the virus. he would be believable if he didn't sell the information too bad.
  11. I hate to single out a specific group, but why are Muslim orginizations recognized by the governments in the west are headed by Indo-Pakistanis? Who elected to represent all muslims, and reintroduce Islamic concepts that you only find in the west?
  12. I think when two people care about each other than automatically they became emotionally attached. If one of them feals down the other tries to uplift, so they are attached. Good question is are/have they been intimate?
  13. I was never called stingy...this is the first. I do give to charities - Zakat, qaaraan and qaraabo, the 65% I spend covers all of that. Saving 35% of your income is being modest. I work very hard for, and I hate when I spend my hard earned on BS. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy life, I shop, I hang out, go on vacation...but always on a budget. I never spend more than I plan. I shop for cloth twice a year, I buy the summer cloth in the winter, and the winter cloth in the summer and they are always on sell. Maybe after I graduate I'll buy cloth like the normal people do. As far as the dates. Most of the people I date are the intellectual type, so I cook for them, take them to the zoo and the museam. I know some Faarx's at the movies so getting in is always free, and most entertainments we get there before 10PM no cover. Let's say I'm very careful with my money, that is better than stingy
  14. Lets shae ways we make our account bigger... 1)I pay myself 35% of my monthly income and never use it. 2) I don't eat out at all. (I cook for my dates how romantic) ....let's hear yours
  15. Olol -- Protect your credibilty respond to this;f=9;t=004433 before you post anything...kinda hard to believe you now
  16. Maybe I need an upgrade for my PC 'cause I didn't clearly see "techniques" that worth praises.Or maybe what is on the video is relative to our eyes. By the way, nice pic... is that snake?
  17. Maxkamadda Islaamiga Furqaan oo xalay howlgallo ka dhan ah Anshax xumida ka fulisay magaalada Muqdisho Jimco, August 12, 2005(HOL): Maxkamadda Islaamiga ah ee Furqaan oo ka mid ah Maxkamado dhowr ah oo magaalada Muqdisho ka howlgala ayaa xalay howlgallo ay ka fulisay magaalada Muqdisho waxay cagta ku marisay goobo ay ka socdeen falal anshax xumo ah oo Diinta Islaamka iyo dhaqanka suuban ee Soomaalida ee ka soo horjeeda. Guddoomiyaha Maxkamaddaas Shiikh Axmed Macallin Yuusuf ayaa sheegay in Xaafadda Buur Hindi ee degmada Wardhiigley ay ku weerareen goob Shineemo ahayd oo lagu daawanayay Aflaanta anshax xumada ah, iyagoo markii ay hareereen shineemadaas dadkii kala ceyriyay qalabkii wax lagu daawanayayna ka qaatay. Sidoo kalena Xaafad ku taala Degmada Xamarweyne ayuu sheegay Guddoomiyaha in ay iyadana ku weerareen, kuna qab qabteen koox kale oo dhalinyaro ah, kuwaasi oo qabay xaflad ay ku xusayeen Fannaan Gaal ah oo magaciisa loogu sheegay Bob Marley, iyadoo xog wareysi kadibna ay ******** in dhalinyaradaas ay mar walba sameyn jireen xafladaha ceynkan oo kale ah. Shiikh Axmed Macallin Yuusuf, Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Furqaan wuxuu intaas ku daray in ay sii wadi doonaan howlgallada ay kula dagaalamayaan falalka anshax xumida ah, isla markaana ay gudan doonaan waajibka saaran oo ah mid Diini ah, iyagoo aan cidna uga heybeysaneynin. Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ku sugan dhalinyaro fara baxday oo marka aad muuqaalkooda eegto aadan maleysaneynin in ay dalkaba ku noolaayeen, kuwaasi oo labiska iyo dhaqankooda kaleba ka soo min guursaday Reer Galbeedka aan wanaagsaneyn, iyagoo ka cabir qaadanaya Aflaanta ay daawadaan. Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir qaarkood ayaa waxaa ka jira kooxo dhalinyaro ah oo sameystay magacyo ay isku yaqaanaan, waxayna mararka qaarkood isku casuumaan xaflado qoob ka ciyaar ah oo lagu tartamayo, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in kooxahaasi qaarkood ay leeyihiin hoggaan ay ugu yeeraan Imaam, kaasi oo marka ay dooranayaan ay u sameeyaan xaflad lagu caano shubayo. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee Maxkamaddan oo dhowaan la furay ayaa waxay ka mid tahay maxkamado dhowr ah oo ka jira magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasi oo xiligan dadka u qabta in badan oo ka mid ah adeegyadii ay u heyn jirtay dowladdii hore, haddii ay ahaan lahayd in dadka dhaqanceliso, tuugada baacsato, gacan ku dhiiglayaasha ay soo qabato, haddii ay suurtagal tahayna ay qisaasto kadib marka ay ku heshiiyaan labada reerood ee dilalka isu geystay iyo in ay qaado dacwooyinka madaniga ah ee mar kasta ka dhex dhaca Dadweynaha. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia
  18. ****** C/Qaasim waxba isuguma kaaya jiraan, sharcigana waa dhawri waayey, heshiis aan wada galnayna waa iiga baxay. **Aniga reer Koonfur wakiil kama ahi, wixii nafteyda ah waad I weydiin kartaa. **maxaaba nala soo gaaraa, ninkii waday aaway dowladaan, wuxu ma dib u heshiisiinay ahayd mise dawlad ayey ahayd, C/Qaasim inta Guri afar dariishad leh inta galay ayuu yiri waa Madaxtooyadii, isaga ayaa wax socodsiin la' mooyee cid hortaagan ma jirto, lacagtii soo gashay meel lagu bixiyey lama yaqaan meelay taalana lama oga.
  19. Wher are the techniques? Just bunch of guys walking in the bushes with outdated/poor gear.
  20. Originally posted by shyhem: As long as the screwing is halal you shouldn't worry about who got screwed by who.
  21. You can't stop nature...there are always ways
  22. Good intentions are always good and I'm glad to see how you guys reacted to this thread, but we have to be realistic before our emotions get the best of us. What guarentees are there that the collected money will go to the little girl and her family? And how much will that cost, and what is going to happen to the left over money? Aren't there aid orginazations, and hospitals that operate on donated funds? My suggestion is, unless you are sure your money will go to where intended to go, to pray for and all people that are in similar conditions, and don't let your good heart cloud your judgement.
  24. Shirwac


    I'm a frying pan!