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Everything posted by hodman

  1. hodman


    Sad to say that I haven't done much reading except on weekends. Soo ducee sheikh Nuurow!
  2. the only time I want to see snow is from my window on the days am off from work! But Minnesotta snow doesn't agree. Heartbreaking when I think of global warming but I can't complain when I see such a mild winter like this one. Ibtisam I can't believe you love snow that much :confused:
  3. Thank you for reminding us fo the greatness of Allah. Sure puts things into perspective when you consider how vast the universe is and the power of its creator. May Allah have mercy on our little souls. I am humbled indeed. Thank you JZK
  4. Originally posted by Castro: ^ I admire Northerner for the good cause he's running for but something tells me he's not gonna make it past mile 5. I've this image in my head of a tall black guy passing out on the concrete. It's better to have tried and failed, atheer, than not to have tried at all. Well, sometimes it's better not to have tried at all. lol don't jinx the guy we're rooting for him . And still no word of the other account :confused:
  5. hodman


    ^^ Ibtisam let the girl be, she's venting
  6. Ciid wanaagsan dhamaan. May Allah make it and the coming year a blessed one
  7. Originally posted by Haneefah: [As it looks, I will most likely miss the actual conference, just because I've been through a car accident a while ago and I'm just not in the best shape to be able to withstand such an exhausting schedule. But alhamdulilah, I will focus on the Retreat this Year Insha'Allah. Insha'Allah. [/QB] May Allah restore your good health sister
  8. unless Soamli ppl get over such discrimination there is no hope for any of us
  9. hodman

    Prayer Vigil

    Khayr I like your idea. If you guys r up to it we can split the Quran among those who volunteer and finish it on Friday
  10. MashaAllah that is wonderful. I’m sure most public schools have a program for gifted and talented students, where they pull out students for some lessons but keep them in class for others. If you can afford private school that’s great. Whatever you do though don’t isolate the child by putting too many expectations on him. Gifted kids are the most vulnerable ones most often.
  11. hodman

    Prayer Vigil

    30 minutes from me too may Allah accept it
  12. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: Ibtisam,I hear ya.Wow I thought you were gonna slap the day light out of 'em when you walked up to them,but I gues I was wrong. Anyways,my solution would be dont' take the train or bus,buy your own car,you are your own boss then....oops,I am sorry I forgot this was London,yeah call me ****** American. Ok "****** American!"
  13. hey Red Sea where is that new mall at? Hmmmmmmmmm Batalale beach..the most beautiful place in the world. Sweet memories walahi. Thank You
  14. Originally posted by Devilangle: quote:So the bad sides exceed the good sides? Or is there another reason why you are not telling of them? Im having senior moment dear, what other reasons did I forget 2 mention?? Anything in mind lol your hilarious Fartun best thing you can do is have a child of your own. It's awesome...until they grow up to be teenagers I guess
  15. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: The warmest december day so far, and Iam stuck in cubicle. Outside is gorgeous, could actually walk around in T-shirt. There might be something to this global warming thing. I am so jealous our temp is the coldest in the year so far with windchills of -31...hate Mpls this time of year
  16. hodman


    Forget it I wouldn't name my daughter after you...(she'd have me executed)...when I have her
  17. hodman


    Originally posted by Devilangle: Weirdness sheikh abdul.. must be her last name.. right irony? I quite like the sound of that name miss irony brave sheikh abdul
  18. hodman


    good to have u here mr. irony brave!