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Everything posted by dhulQarnayn

  1. ^^ "decent"?...Excuse me while I laugh! Farc---> <---DQ dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  2. ^^^Ha ha ha ha...Ruug-Cadaagee soo rogaal celi saaxiib!...LOL Mo'oryaan gardheertii maalmahaan laga seexan waayey soo afkoodi juuq ma gabin? Nimankaan meeshaan ka nacnacleeya siyaasadoodu waa waxaan labo todobaadba dhaafin-- taasna waxaa tusaale noo ah, maan gaab nimadooda sida ay ugu fikireen in soomaaliya oo aan dhaqaalo heysan in ey yeelato 550 xildhibaan. Taas waxaa ka sii daran iyagoo ku dhawaaqaya ethiopia ayaa na caawinaysa si aan odaygaan inkaarta qabo aan u af-gambinoh(wishful thinking)-- bal somaali baan nu nahayee-- mo'oryaan gardheertu 17 sano ayee Xamar taagnaayeen haday maamul iyo kala dambeen ay sameenayaan...sameenmahayaanoo taasi horay bay ugu guul daraysteen, lagana fili mahayo wanaag iyo kala dambeen inay keenaan. Lagamana rajo qabo shaydhaan shabaabkooda iyo maxaakiimtooda munaafiqiinta ah inay guul gaaraan. Halyey Cabdulahi-nah waa hore ayuu dhabaha qaadsiin lahaayee wuxuu oga turayaa inay cirib go'aan, hase ahaatee, ileen doqoni dambas kama qacdee, daamankee meermeerisaa... Alla yaa usheega, siyaasada odaygaan Cabdulahi uu ciyaarayo-- 20 sano ayee ka weentahay mo'oryaan gardheerta waxay wadaan iyo sheekooyinka raqiiska ah ey kusoo qortaan internet-ka iyagoo naf kadhiganaya. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  3. Somalia: Islamist groups clash in central region GURI EL, Somalia Dec 2 (Garowe Online) - Islamist groups fought against each other in central Somalia Tuesday afternoon in a fierce battle that killed two fighters and wounded six other people including civilians, Radio Garowe reported. The violence sparked around 5pm local time between fighters loyal to al Shabaab and another Islamic group, called Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee'a, a government official said. Ali Sheikh Mohamud, the mayor of Guri El town in Galgadud region, told reporters that the two groups are fighting over court-related issues but he did not elaborate. It was the first round of violence among Islamist groups in Galgadud in history, according to local officials and residents. The situation in Guri El town was calm but tense Tuesday evening, with locals worried about renewed violence. Since 2006, Somalia's Islamic groups have fractured into rival camps and engaged in direct attacks against each other in at least three separate incidents. ************************************************** **** dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  4. War wixii munaafiqiintaan taageeri jiray mey dad masaakiinta tuuloonyinkood u daayaan? Mise dad aan rabin munaafiqnimadiina baad xoog rabtaan inaad ugu qasabtaan? ************************************************** *** Dagaal Wahaabiyadu ku qaadday Culumada Ahlusunna Waljamaaca ee Guriceel Gelinkii dambe ee galabta ayaa waxaa dagaal wayni uu ka dhacay magaalada Guriceel kaasoo dad badani ay ku waxyeeloobeen. Dagaalkan ayaa waxaa uu dhexmaray xer cilmi ka tirsan culamada Ahlusunna Waljamaaca oo xarun ku lahayd halka la isku farasaaray iyo koox dablay ah oo ka soo jeeda dhaqdhaqaaqa Wahaabiyada Somaliya. Goor casirliiq ah ayuu dagaalku ka billowday degmada Guriceel, Galguduud. Sida goobjoogayaal badani noo xajiijiyeen, niman hubaysan oo ka mid ah dhaqdhaqaaqa Wahaabiyada ayaa xarunta culumada ku soo duulay iyagoo ku hubaysan baabuurta gaashaaman walibana u sheegay in xerta meesha wax ku barataa ay diinka islaamka ka baxeen sidaa darteed ay rabaan inay awaamir ku fuliyaan isna dhiibaan. Sh. Cabdallah Cali Jimcaale “Ibn Casaakir” oo nooga soo warramaya Xarunta Guriceel ayaa sheegay in Culumadii halkaa ku sugnay ay ka gilgisheen jarriimooyinka iyo qadafka halkaa ka dhacay ayna si fiican isaga difaaceen weliba iyagoo garab fiicanna ka helaya shacabka muslimiinta ah ee reer Guriceel. Dagaalku markuu billowdayba waxaa si kedis ah isaga cararay meeshii ciidankii duullaanka ahaa oo filanwaa kala kulmay culumadii iyo dadweynihii isgarabsanayay. Muddo gaaban ka dib ayaa waxaa soo rogaal celiyay Wahaabiyadii oo wadata baaburta dagaalka sida: 1 baabur oo 37 ah, 1 baabuur Suug, 1Shilke iyo 1 Dhashiike saaranyahay oo ay wehliyaan ciidan badan. Markii aasku madoobaaday aya xabbadii qabowday lana kala rogmaday. Culumadii iyo Shacabka waxaa ka shahiiday hal wadaad iyo mid dhaawac ah. Wadaadka Shahiiday Allaha u naxariistee waxaa lagu magacaabi jiray Sh. C/Wali Sh. C/Qaadir. Dhanka kale ayaa la xaqiiyay inay goobta uga tageen meydka 6 dagaalahan lamana oga wixii intaas dheer.. Maalmihii na dhaafay ayaa dhowr ruux oo xerta degaanka ah la afduubtay. Culumadii la afduubtana waxaa lagu hubsaday xeryahan Wahaabiyada deggen duleedka magaalada Guriceel. Sidoo kale, Warar lagu kalsoonyahay ayaa sheegaya in masjika Abuu Hureyra ee Bakaaraha amar laga soo bixiyay usbuucaan horraantii uu farayo in lala dagaalamo Culimada Ahlusunna Waljamaaca si bey yiraahdeen loo badbaadsho midnimada Wahaabiyada Somaliya. Arrintaan ayay sabab uga dhigeen sida la sheegay in haddii Itoobiyaanku baxaan ay isku dhici karaan iyaga naftoodu amase uusan sii durkin khilaafka dhexdooda ah. waxaa maqaalkaan ina soo gaarsiiyey Sayid Cali Guriceel, G/Guduud. ************************************************** *** dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  5. Whatever happened to fighting the TFG and the foreign occupiers? Mise, they've got a bigger appetite for one another...LOL KEEP THE GOOD JOB UP BOYS! ************************************************** *** Dagaal qaraar oo u dhexeeya ururada Al-shabaab & Maxkamado oo iminka ka socda Guriceel Dagaal qaraar oo la isku adeegsanayo hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa waxa uu mar qura galabta ka qarxay duleedka magaalada Guriceel, dagaalkaasoo la sheegay in ey isaga hor yimaadeen labo urur diimeed. Mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo aan khadka taleefanka kula xiriirnay ayaa inoo xaqiijiyay in dagaalkani ey isaga soo horjeedaan kooxaha Al-Shabaab iyo Maxkamadaha kuwaasoo indhawaalaba ka wada howl gali jiray gobolada dhexe ee Somaliya. Wali ma cadda waxa dagaalkan qaraar sababay, waxaana la xaqiijiyay in uu geystay khasaare naf iyo maalba leh. Sidoo kale dagaalkan ayaa waxaa xaqiijiyay masuuliyiin ka tirsan degmada Guriceel oo ka mid yahay gudoomiyaha degmadaasi Cali Sheekh Maxamuud ************************************************** ** dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  6. ^^^NUne, walaale, sidaasu haday tahay ka wareeji af carabi ah, saas baan yeelayaa--Laakin anigu tala hadii laiga qaadan lahaa, waxaan dhihi lahaa-- nimakaan dalka raba iney kala gooyaan-- xooga caana boore ah marfashyada ha loo dhigo...jaqjaqdooda waa naga yaraan laheyd ee! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  7. ^^^ Silly rejoinder, JB. Thanks! And who cares about "sida la i mooday" anyway. Think for yourself waryaa. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: Today he has lost nothing, still head of state, gaining the support of the existing parliament maybe 90% or more, his super base Puntland is intact and thriving. Only the Ethiopians are a threat to Yey, no other group in Somalia can do a thing. Ethiopia is indeed a threat to his plans, but Ethiopia is ALSO a threat to each and every other Somali out there in the political arena, because they never EVER want to see a viable government to rise-up in Somali. But atleast, el presdiente is macho enough to stand upto them and show them that he will not be pushed around that easily. Infact, did he not tell them they could withdraw their troops a while ago? But now you got Shiekh Madoobe and sheikh Shariif all asking for them to stay on...whatever happened to the, "ALL FOREIGN TROOPS MUST LEAVE" nonsense, huh?...LOL Baydhabo: Aaden Madoobe oo ka digey bixitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya. Sh. Shafiif oo Dalbaday Ciidamo Dheeri ah dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  9. Found this article, which basically sums up the nonsense that has become the fruits of Xiin's peace caravan and if I might add-- a total joke! ************************************************** ** So did the UN give Sheikh Sharif and the ARS-Djibouti faction 275 seats on account of enjoying some support in Jowhar and Beletwein? Somalia: An unrealistic and embarrassing power-sharing agreement More than five months of United Nations-sponsored Somali peace talks ended last week with the signing of a "power-sharing agreement" between the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the opposition Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS). Unfortunately, to say the least, key leaders within the TFG and the ARS have already rejected the power-sharing agreement, which calls for the dissolution of the TFG and the establishment of a two-year 'Unity Government.' Naturally, 'unity' comes at a very high price: 275 seats will go the ARS and smaller interest groups, undoubtedly with links to the ARS machinery. Alas, we can say with firm conviction that all the violence and destruction was a struggle for political power. All the ill-equipped young boys who were sent to face off against the Ethiopian military machine and massacred in towns between Baidoa and Mogadishu, between Galkayo and Beletwein, and on Mogadishu's gritty streets for two years, and all the mothers' tears – it was all for power. It was about staying at fancy hotels in Djibouti City, Khartoum and Nairobi, and demanding from Somalia and the international community impossible things or threatening war. And without warning, it was a dramatic shift from 'only Islamic law' to '275 parliament seats.' But who will give the ARS-Djibouti 275 parliament seats? Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf has rejected the power-sharing deal, further dividing the TFG into rival camps with Prime Minister Nur Adde endorsing the agreement. ARS-Eritrea group, which includes prominent Islamic Courts Union (ICU) officials, much like ARS-Djibouti – has stuck to its principle of not negotiating until Ethiopian troops withdraw. Al Shabaab guerrillas, who control key towns in southern Somalia, have vowed to continue fighting regardless of Ethiopian pullout until the ultimate goal of Islamic rule is attained. It took two years (2002-2004) to establish the current 275-seat TFG Parliament, with parliamentary seats divided delicately along clan lines (4.5 Formula). With the stroke of a pen, TFG and ARS factions in Djibouti hope to create an entire new government, with a new 550-seat parliament, a new Speaker and a new President by January 2009. There is no mention of workable such a huge parliament is; aside from the obvious logistical problems, the undeniable fact remains that ARS leaders will appoint the 275 additional seats allocated to the group. In Somalia, there is also the undeniable fact that the ARS leaders – and the ICU leadership, generally – are dominated by members of a particular clan-group (Ha'wiye). Not surprising, both the TFG and the ARS delegations were led by Ha'wiye politicians, who signed the deal before smiling for the cameras. Yesterday's enemies, today's dear and beloved. In geographic terms, where is the ARS constituency in Somalia? Well, the separatist republic of Somaliland and the Puntland regional autonomy are excluded – so that effectively eliminates half the country. In the south (south of Galkayo), the ARS-Djibouti enjoys tentative support as demonstrated by ARS Chairman Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed's brief trip in October to Jowhar and Beletwein – two towns under ICU control. Because Sheikh Sharif did not visit Kismayo, under the control of al Shabaab, the ARS-Djibouti has no constituency in the Jubba regions to bring to the bargaining table. The TFG has a strong presence in Baidoa and is counter-force to Islamist influences in Bay and Bakool regions. So did the UN give Sheikh Sharif and the ARS-Djibouti faction 275 seats on account of enjoying some support in Jowhar and Beletwein? It is a diplomatic embarrassment for the world body to be associated with an unreasonable, unrealistic and unworkable power-sharing agreement that is not recognized by anyone outside the circle who signed it. ************************************************** ** dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  10. ^^^ I know I'm very good at it, laakin that's besides the point. And "arguements" are clearly not my cup of shaah. Marka sidii gabar yara ha iga caroon ee suaasha aan ku weediyey iiga jawaab... Cabdulahi muxuu kuu dhimay? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s Nuune, muqadasnimadeeda ma anaa u diiday...LOL, Ninyahow anigu waxaan is iri, show bahashaan somaliaonline kaliyah ayee kabiibtay...
  11. To Nuune: LOL@Weger! Ninyahow bahasha xoogaa hadii laga cabo ayee nafaqo tahay, laakin marka aad badsatid ayee sun naqotaa oo barralaato ayee maskaxda ka dhigtaa. Markaan arkay sheekooyinka raqiiska ah aad meeshaan ka dhex wadid ayaan is iri, "show ninkii bahashii baa madax tirtay". On a serious note-- these pirates are getting out of control. At first we all supported(atleast I did) them when we thought they were out to get illegal vessels who over-fished our water and also dumbed waste into our sea. But obviously, sheekadii waxay noqotay " Futoo xaar baratay" and almost every bandit in Somalia has decided to become a pirate. Now they are a threat to not only Puntland but the whole of Somalia because what they are doing has resulted in food shortages throughout the country. I hope whoever wins this upcoming election in Puntland, really comes down hard on these sea brigands who have become a threat to the survival of our peoples. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  12. I had to saaxiib, clearly you thought being silly is cay-- so I chose to call you ignorant instead, which I feel is more befitting a secessionist such as yourself, isn't that so? Laakin JB, ma ii sheegi kartaa, what is your beef with AY? Muxuu adiga iyo kuwaad isla biibaysaan ku sameeyay? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  13. Wixii cay ah iyo waxa runta ah kala saar walaal. Cabdulahi hadii lagu yiraahdo-- waad ku khafiiftay-- ma xanaaqaysaa? Meeshana wax laga debate gareenkaro kuma aana arkin ee beer jileeca yaree ninyahow anigu caydaada waxba kuma falayo, daarna kuma dhisanayee. Anyway waxaan kuugu macsalaameenayaa, WEY BIIBTAY! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  14. LOL...Walahi, the depth and breadth of your ignorance is very impressive--Halyey Cabdulahi cuqdad aad u qabtid badanaa? :rolleyes: dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  15. ^^^Marka haday saasu runtahay, maxaad wali odaygaan uga daba qalaadaysaa oo aad uga cabsanaysaa? Sida aad tiri, odayga haduu madaxweyne nimadii ka dhacay oo u labtay inuu noqdo kaabe qabiil, maxaad ka walwalsantahay? Since he's nobody, he shouldn't be a threat to you iyo shimbirahaaga duulayo, right? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  16. ^^^Mucaarad mabda xalaal ah adoo kusocda ayaa lanoqdaa ee habar buu waa hore Cabdulahi kajajabiyey luguma noqdo. Fasaladaanah aad ku faanaysidna maxee yihiin--waagaad caana booraha xeroonyinka qaxootiga laguugu walaaqi jiray waa ka war qabaa ee? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  17. Walahi mucaarad shaqa la'aan ah baad wada tihiin...LOL Horta la garayey Abyan meesha ey ka gubanayso, laakin Nuune adiga waxa ku daaray ayaa fahmi la'ahay. In any case, I didn't mean to interrupt your hate-ON-Cabdulahi mental musturbation, so go right ahead and return to your conspiracy lunacy and enjoy! Am sure el presidente knows the fantasies that go through your minds and does not care at all. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  18. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: He had no choice but to call his former rival aka Geedi to join him there ..... I hope he will not assassinate him ,, Nin daad qaaday xumbo cuskay ,,,, loooooool Geedi, asagaa xagaaga qiimoh kaleh oo aad ka dhigaysaa inuu wax xalin karo. Laakin runta waxay tahay, Geedi markuu maqlay in dawladii la casilay oo dawlad cusub uu dhisayo Cabdulahi, ayuu wuxuu is yiri, "bal ka qalqaasho Cabdulahi, bal unuu boos wasiirnimo ah inuu ku siiyo". Cabdulahi, Geedi gurigiisa ma tagin oo caawimaad muuna weydiisan-- haduu Geedi rabana asagoo Prime Minister ah jagadiisa kama eryeen. Marka Ruug-Cadaagu(AY), tala iyo tabarba uugama baahna Geedi iyo mo'oryaanta yaaceesa Xamar iyo Baidoa. Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa,"caws jiilaal waa lama huraan": sidaa daraadeed Ruug-Cadaagu siyaasata Soomaaliya kama maaranto, sidaas daraadeed ayee tashi iyo talo ula tagayaan Garowe. Arintaasu waa taasee, ma ii sheegi karta JB, haday somaliland aad malin walba leedahay cirka bey gashay oo dayaxa bey taabatay: maxaa afaaraha Geedi iyo Garowe kadhaxeeya aad iskugu mashquulisaa? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  19. To the Iron-Duke: Saaxiib, this so-called agreement signed by Nur Cade and his co-hearts is nothing but a miserable travesty. How in the world can Somalia ever have the need for 500+ MPs. This is total rubbish in my opinion. This is only meant as an attempt to have a solid veto-proof majority in the TFG parliament? How foolish of them to think, they will get away with such nonsense and who in the world do they think they are fooling. Am sure, this was indeed the final straw that broke the camel's back, and even though Nur Cade does not know it yet, the president has finally found the perfect reason to rid the TFG of its useless prime minister. This foolish move by the prime minister has literally ensured that those MPs who were on the sidelines support the president when he calls for the removal of this guy. Am sure they do not trust the ARS MPs to wanna share the parliament with them. Ha ha ha --these guys were hoping to outsmart the President with make-believe peace agreement amongst themselves, but they just gave him the leverage he's been looking for soo long. The President's position has been strengthened. He has always had the backing of his home state, Puntland. He's got the support of Libya, Sudan, Uganda, Yemen and Kenya. Am sure that when Barack moves into the white house, he will also side with his Kenyan cousins who ALL support AY. Even Zenawi isn't too sure wether to distance himself from the president, which explains his beef with his own corrupt foreign minister. I just hope this time around, when this Nur Cade guy is sacked, the president appoints a hardworking prime minister who works for the interest of the nation, instead of a looser who works with the folks who've been destroying the country for the last 20 years. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  20. Yaabka, xishoodka waa waxaan raadinayo oo waa wixii gabdhaha somaliyeed oo xalaasha ah lagu yaqaaney. Anigu ma waalnahay, markaan qof xishood laga dhowray aan wax ku darsanayo. Pucca,if you aint 33, please tell me that you're atleast 21. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  21. ^^^Macbuutka...ma 33? she very too old ina-adeer. Yaabka, Ina-adeerow-- qoor iyo xero hadaad leedahay--ii tilmaam gabar 20 jirta oo SOL aan ka dhex qaban karo. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  22. ^^^Walaahi waa cajiib...inta dadka maagtid baad leedahay waxaaan rabaa inaan tuso "wax in lala qasan karo". Farancab, ina-adeer, anigu meeshaad iigala qaaday wali waan garan la'ahay ee hadaad anigu wax kuu dhimay iga raali ahow. Anigoo dad kale aan is heesano ayaa inta laguu soo diray baad adoo geeso laqabto leheyn baad madax-madax iigu soo gashay. Hadana markii moderatorku ku waaniyey ayaad cabsatay. Anyway, let that be a lesson to you. Don't let others to tell you to do their dirty work for them...okay! Wibilahi Tawfiiq. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  23. ^^^Maxaa dhacay? Ma igu daashay? LOL dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  24. ^^^So how old are you? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  25. ^^^Is there a hogwash translator in the house? Me-No-Speak gibberish, so get that through your tiny head! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California