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Everything posted by The_Siren

  1. Originally posted by chubacka: ^hahaha, great read Siren, but am serioulsy would you pursue a guy so earnestly? And bearing in mind one of the conditions for the "campaign" is that it has to be successful do you tink suffocating him would be the right approach. I agree with you if a guy seems amazingly right for you in everyway (and no, not the one every other girl in the neighbourhood has a crush on) then it would be a shame not to somehow show you are interested but in a more subtle way I would say, although this will have to be imaginative and might take as much military planning as the full onslaught you outlined. Either way is v. brave and the guy has to be completely worth your time and effort. Happy (tactful) pursuing! LOL-Chubaka- honesty now why not? In truth I haven’t found or met anyone I would shamelessly pursue as I have stated but I’m sure not ruling out a military campaign just yet. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing yourself and worth doing well. Why should a lady be silly enough to just wait for her prince charming to fall into her lap when she has eyes, ears and hands of her own? I’m not disabled nor am I ruled by illogical notions of a false sense of pride. If I see something I like I’ll seduce whoever I need to get it. If however, my take no prisoners campaign is met with a suffocating sense of resistant then I shall up the tempo so that the husband to be in question is so disorientated that he’d do just about anything just to get me to stop howling at the bottom of his window every night, that includes marrying me. (Tries not to laugh) -Hell I'd do it just for the fun of it. Plus I'd like to see if I can pull it off. I'm not very subtle and I'm not an emotional individual and I'm cold harsh and bitter as ice-but-I take pride in a challenge. This one would be one
  2. Why would it be inappropriate? Simply because society is silly is by no means a reason to conform to its stringently illogical ideals. Hell if I found a man I was truly obsessed with and thought that he'd make the perfect (well almost perfect) husband- then why should I wait for him to pop the question? Though after a successful husband hunting campaign I'm sure that he'll free fall into my lap like a excited little puppy himself-begging for us to wed as soon as possible. If however he happens to be of the stubborn persuasion then I shall daze and overwhelm him with my undying promises of the greatest devotion possible (be it true or not), shower him with unearthly praise, recite the most touching of poetry, win his family and especially his mother over with my dazzling Somali cooking, sweet smile and moderately falsified pious air. A woman should always appear to be greater than the man she is marrying-that way your husband will always be a step or two behind of you and you can rely on your mother in law to always take your side in any foreseeable arguments. I would have no qualms in beginning a love conquering campaign whereby I shall visit him at work if needs be and bring him parcels of delicious food, bat my eyelashes, always look gorgeous be charismatic-sharp and most of all charming(trick him into believing I'm some cookie baking marry sue-far from the truth but he need not know my secrets before we wed and start living together-I'll save any surprises till after the wedding) In conclusion-there is nothing wrong in pursuing that which you desire. So long as you do it successfully and do with out compromising your sharaf. By that I mean don't allow any future would be hubbies to sample any bodily treats before the wedding. Pamper him, stuff him with food, woo him, make him feel as if he is more important that he actually is and then when when you do marry? You really get to the business of laying down your actual rules. (grins) Shows over when the curtain his pulled up? He'd probably wish he never married me in the first place. (Cackles evilly) Truly though any persons who care what others shall think or say about them is just silly. Get a backbone and don't live a life full of regrets. Having said all of that, I'm yet to meet a man who is worthy of such an excellent military campaign, if any of you do know of one? Then please feel free to bring this unearthly wonder forth.
  3. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: ''Phenomena'' ''On the rise'' ''epidemic'' Are not the same as ''i saw one or two in my neighbourhood''(plea se don't lie and tell me you saw hundreds because that's b.s) I'm a studies/statistics man and you have given me nothing to work with other than ''hearsay''. A google search with the words 'Single Somali mothers'' and i'm re-directed to other ''Hearsay'' topics on SOL. These rubbish topics probably were taken as actual evidence in the following book: Somali Single Parent headed households, including male headed ones, are becoming more common, particulary in the Diaspora - International Perspectives on Family Violence and Abuse: A Cognitive Ecological Approach by Kathleen Malley-Morrison pg 231 Why do Somalis enjoy generalizing and blowing things out of proportion? and never with actual facts to back these statements. No offense to you Sir Q.A but this is beginning to tire me. Oh my, (grins from ear to ear and jumps about excited)bravo-bravo- bravo. At last a man who is charismatically logical and likable all at once. No mean feat I tell you. Now this is the type of thing I like to hear. Facts, figures and actual statistical evidence. If its anecdotal for example then it should be stressed as being as such right at the every beginning of the topic otherwise it can get very confusing leading to assumptions. As for the topic? I personally have no reply to contribute because I quite frankly find it quite vexing and can just taste the subliminally negative "single mothers are bad mothers" syndrome that will no doubt predictably and bitterly ensue. Society is bad, evil and corrupt-then who shall we blame? I know single mothers! Oh the joy! (Sarcasm/off) I'm off again....peace
  4. Originally posted by Sir-Qalbi-Adeyg: quote:Originally posted by The_Siren: No offence but what the hell is an article about the obviously immoral and tasteless ideas of an accepted western ideology doing in an all Somali thread for women? Since when did the idiotic ideas of Galools have any significance or impact on our own beliefs and cultural boundaries? Only a man could ask such a silly question with a straight face (stomps off) In conclusion stop being so silly. Look who has morals all of a sudden, miss vaginal monologues and erotic novels. Er excuse me but the vagina monologue thread wasn't mine either way if your familiar with the vaginal monologue theme you'd realise that its actually not even that riske. Oh and its romantic novels not erotica there is a clear difference. Leaving that all a side stop being an @ss reading saucy-chick lit and famously applauding the idea of a Somali-version of a vagina monologue (all in jest mind) is hardly a reason to question ones morality. Not that I care either way- but why not behave and accept this thread for what it is irrelevant silliness. That said I shall depart
  5. Originally posted by Nephissa: If a girl has a disability that's not noticable in plain view, do you think she should disclose it to her potential suitor right away, Or do you think she should cover it up? Depends if the condition is one of great importance or significance to the suitor. Being unable to have children for example or carrying a life threatening disease like AIDS is pretty much a must tell. If its not of real importance to share then you can reveal it all along the way with discretion, of course. No need to rock the boat if its not neccessary, my motto is- treat people on a need to know basis.
  6. No offence but what the hell is an article about the obviously immoral and tasteless ideas of an accepted western ideology doing in an all Somali thread for women? Since when did the idiotic ideas of Galools have any significance or impact on our own beliefs and cultural boundaries? Only a man could ask such a silly question with a straight face (stomps off) In conclusion stop being so silly.
  7. I think quite a few excellent and heart felt advice has been give and in truth I was warmed by the numerous and intricate responses of everyone- your all good people deep inside. Its good to know And the irony is that I agree with elements of everyone’s replies. Malika and Cynical Lady’s initial response mostly. But what I'd like to you is that, why are people saying it’s pathetic to seek marriage and desperate to wish for a husband and a family? I might be a cold hearted dead on the inside b*tch but I completely understand man and woman’s natural desires to settle down and lay roots. It’s embedded within humanity and it’s just as a part of all of us as breathing the very air so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. After all we’re human and we are programmed in such a manner as to seek companion, love, understand and to relieve our most base physically infused sexually desires. Pride or arrogance in the matter as naught to do with it. What is desperation or the notion of saving face in front of others or indeed internally battling with your pride when you’re swimming against the tides of every human’s conscious or subconscious evolutionary instinct? To judge a person for seeking that which comes second nature to us isn’t fair or wise. Whether you accept it on a conscious or unconscious level its mere existence (yearning for a family) can not be swatted away completely with pre-occupying ones minds in any number of (no doubt enjoyable in their own way) activities, sure it helps but lets not get too hasty. Mankind is a pack animal and thus desire to form their own units so to speak is normal, desire to be a mother for example is strong in some but not all, and as a result we must program ourselves to still to be patient with those who do not easily fall into our lines of thought or personal strengths and disciplines. Having said that, if life placed before your feet all that we pined and desired for would it truly be a reflection of life? I doubt it. Sometimes to live is to suffer- to strive for and have patience for those things which come easily to some and yet not to others. We must all endure, try our best in this world and accept those things Allah has placed in our care. Be it a medical condition, orphans, extreme poverty, harsh weather conditions, death, or the destruction. For Allah knows that which each soul can handle and thus never burdens us with anything which we are unable to manage. Take solace in that and know that Allah has given you this life and thrown particular tests your way because you capable of handling them. Listen to Ibti- take your mind off of marriage if you are able and get out there so to speak, join clubs, societies be, social be with others, try out new things and while you do this, listen to Malika. Be aware of your surroundings and make the use of meeting new people, new prospects of marriage. Smile, be happy, and confident. The more you begin to understand and love yourself the more you shall draw others near you. Be active in your search, go to your local mosque, ask your Imaan for advice and help in this great husband search of yours, explain your situation and perhaps he or someone close to him will know of someone suited for you. Do not be embarrassed they are human much like you and are likely to wish to help a fellow sister need, leave your false sense of pride at the door and enter with an open heart and open mind-be optimistic. Besides you woke up breathing today and that is in itself a cause for celebration. But ultimately take your life into your hands, you’ve dealt with the spiritual through prayers now its time you initiated the foot work, and smile and praise Allah while doing so. But while you do this, listen to Cynical Lady. Do not hinder yourself emotionally if things don’t pan out as you’d like, steely yourself to the realities of life’s cruelty but embrace that uncertainty of life and where you find bitter salt- do not rub them into your already open sores by indulging in that most common of human of contrivances, self pity. Instead rub that sour piece of indictment ( ie salt) into a very juicy piece of Helib Geel, sprinkle a bit of xaawash and then consume it for what it is, a life improved. Somali-style. To conclude- be active, be patient but most of all… be good to yourself and your psychological well-being. All this thinking and wishing and pressuring yourself with this time frame thing can’t be doing your self-esteem much good. So find out what you’re good at keeping doing it, gain ajar where you can and in time things will fall into place. And when you get those certain times when you feel that you’re falling into depression because of this pre-occupation? Sprinkle cold water on your face, seek guidance in Allah, read the quran, pray a few rakkaca’s and speak with your family, your mother and sisters and those who are close to you. No man is an island and sometimes we all just need a helping hand. You’d be surprised by the power just one kind word from even a stranger has upon ones outlook. So I’d like to ask that we all remember that before we get embroidered within passionate albeit interestingly amusing debates. I’d also like to commend Indhahoos- who out of everyone has managed to stay true to all of humanities best qualities, patience, kindness and most of all compassion. Who the f*ck needs tough love when it’s true compassion which has the ability to shake the very earth we stand upon. Bravo my lady, bravo… And yes I was feeling very philosophical and love-dovey LOL-Don’t hate me for it, love me (Grabs each and every one of their hands and starts singing) Koombayaa my lord, koombayaa!
  8. ^- lmao- What the hell has been going on here then? IBTI! (Staggers with shock) How very dare you insult such a magnificent book as the one I PM'ed to you. Rape indeed- ITS A LIE DAMN IT! LOL I shall return to defend the honor of my BOOK! But first I am late for work. See what happens when I skip off for a bit? Ibti- what this space (pokes her in the belly) lol
  9. Originally posted by ANTARA: ^^aa ka guurso meesha, hadaad nin weydeyna anaga noos sheeg waanu kaa wasdeyn doonaa dadkee. Must every topic you post be about sex, rape or s/thing related? Correction NONE of my topics have even discussed sex directly or intended otherwise believe it or not. 1. Was a wicked tongue in cheek humour taking the piss of out the "what men what" thread 2. Was a giggle at the Romance genre- Now turned book thread LOL 3. Bolly wood songs 4. Leering men. 5. An amusing joke involving a passenger and a ticket lady. I think that stands for itself. Get your facts straight at the very least man. Oh and As to the rest of your message? (Grabs the back of his head and knees him in the face)...there are more tasteful ways to insult I suggest you practice them Ducaysane- LOL I'm afraid that waan qooqdaafay, it’s been many a season since I was accused of such a thing. I'm no spring chicken on heat. Just a twisted, perverted old fuddy duddy. Still, what has that got to do with anything? Goodir- and co let us not divert too much. Farancab- LOL- Why thank you (gives a humble curtsy), never you worry I shall continue to be an obnoxious sociopath. Who needs conformity? LOL So don't worry about me I'm a big girl I can handle myself-though the thoughtful knight in shining amour routine is much appreciated. (Gives him/her an innocent peck on the cheek) Faraax Brown- LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL- God I should be allergic to you but strangely I'm not. Hell if you’re just as funny as were here when you’re issuing your licking lips and seedy one-liners I'd at the very least smack you across the face with a begrudging smile twisting my mouth Paragon- LOL (Continues to chuckle deeply) you think you’re a funny one don’t you? (Never the less, I love how you managed to express an earnest considerate apology so artfully threaded with oodles of pretentiously coy-bitter-sweet back handed humor. I scarcely know whether to swoon in maidenly delight or grin begrudgingly at your very clever attempt to get back at my earlier and many attempts to ruffle your feathers. Thus I am left with nothing but to say...touche mon aime touche. LOL Ps- You honestly need not have apologized for anything ma calool humi- and never take anything to heart so fret not my dearest you haven’t been crossed from my potential internet suitors list for its obvious that’s what truly prompted you into spilling forth this fumbling, yet warming issue of gentlemanly act of contrition. One Point to the Siren (Swaggers off into the distance laughing her heart out) ...God I enjoy making men weep. Not suggesting that you will of course so don't go getting your nickers in a twist.
  10. This new invention of Google's every healthy paranoid wretches nightmare. We are not amused.
  11. ^- LOL I wouldn't go that far. Why fantasize about men ogling me? What would that achieve save deluding myself? Nah I'm far too conceited to resort to such pitiful measures, what I speak is but truth. Besides one can still be crude, lewd yet still a prude. I know I'm a walking oxymoron and LOL@the holy description. Hell I don't blame that woman one little bit, had I seen a man whose form behold half of the worlds beauty I doubt I could have resisted such temptation. I am mortal nothing more (Humbly bows at the waist)
  12. ^-LOL -You seemd to be shocked by that fact my dear. I've never professed to be anything less than crude and lewd (giggles) But shall tone down my crudity. Paragon? HUH! *shock* Now your just being blatantly rude. *Smacks him* A simple, leave me lone you perverted witch would have sufficed. Manners
  13. Wising cracking come backs. You’ve got to love them I was sent this email from a colleague of mine and I found it quite hilarious. I hope you enjoy it. I was bored and thought you may appreciate it. An award should go to the Virgin Airlines desk attendant in Sydney some months ago for being smart and funny, while making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo. A crowded Virgin flight was cancelled after Virgin's 767s had been withdrawn from service. A single attendant was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travellers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, 'I HAVE to be on this flight and it HAS to be FIRST CLASS'. The attendant replied, 'I'm sorry, sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help these people first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out.' The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, 'DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?' Without hesitating, the attendant smiled and grabbed her public address microphone: 'May I have your attention please, may I have your attention please,' she began - her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal. 'We have a passenger here at Desk 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to Desk 14.' With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the Virgin attendant, gritted his teeth and said, 'F... You!' Without flinching, she smiled and said, (I love this bit) 'I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to get in line for that too.
  14. Paragon- That depends on what preparations you expect of us Moral beings. Will tassels do? Or are you a whips and chains kind of feller? We being in possession of the SNM equipment of course. Zayla- LOL I was taking the piss and obviously have a strange sense of humor.
  15. LMAO! Classic saqajaanimo-god they were entertaining.
  16. ^- Twilight- you mean that book based on that horny teenage vampire movie that was a total waste of energy and time? LOL-Ignore me I'm just bitter...
  17. Paragon- Philosophy indeed, come back to us when you’ve had enough of lovingly caressing your telescope and looking up at the sky to note the burning hot balls of gases and magnificently sized asteroid being sucked into otherworldly worm holes. I dare say you’ll don’t go blind in this hedonistic journey to the edge of the world. Hell I can see you now, alone in your basement juggling with that mightiest of philosophical questions, if a Vaseline covered hand slips your personalized telescope and no one but you is there to hear it “squish”? Does it truly make a sound? Fascinating… Oh and are you always this sensitive and buttoned up or do you enjoy being such a big girls blouse? Your taciturn response is more reminiscent of an aging spinster protecting what semblance of virtue she deems important enough to guard with a viperous tongue. Loosen up fair maiden and weep no more (wipes a gently repressed tear of frustration from his eye)…you shall be shagged upon your death bed, at least, of that you can be rest assured. So when you’ve finished gazing at the stars oh exhaled one whom is impervious to all of man-kinds fundamental instinctual rights, return to us. Mr Zayla- LOL You made a few good points. Indeed perhaps a used tampon being stuck on my face and the men kindly pointing this out is the real issue and NOT, dare I repeat NOT the fact that Some men, Somali men included just haven’t a clue as to how to behave properly. (Grins and giggles smugly) Che- LOL-Well then friend you’d be wrong. Hell I’m looking forward to my wedding night with much gusto and you can bet that I only will not be lying around like a fish. I presume that’s what men fantasy about.. but moi? I’d like to take my deflowering into my own hands as it were (LOL-Holy shit I didn’t mean it in that manner I assure you-self molestation is not my thing). What I meant to say was that…I’d prefer to be the one to take a mans virginity. It would do wonders for my already inflated ego- therefore I would insist that I ride gun-shot the first time (and every time-till death I do part). I don’t like the idea of being pressed down by some hot and sweaty beast unable to breath or do naught else but grit my teeth and bare it. I’d very much like to begin and end my sex life feeling on top of the world with my lungs hanging free. (Winks lewdly) ChocolateHoney- LOL-The old man sounds like a delight- did he happen to grab anything on his embracing? God did he really say your clothes fit “well” subxanallah from a man I’d have been revolted! Billah eedab bastaar! G-unit- LOOOOOOOOL! Loved it! So very realistic, the resemblance of the me and my Nigerian security guard is quite uncanny. Psst- LMAO! What the hell he HIT the door? LOOOOOOL Lord in heaven the poor dear must have been truly enamored awww. I mean….filthy beast! How could he!
  18. LOL^- I don't think I like what your trying to insinuate...(Pokes foolxumo in the eye) Ps it would take more than a stop sign to deter me had my mind be on ravishment G-unit- Bars or no bars the fact that your in prison and thus those infamous shower scenes might give you ideas, I am afraid for more than my life...(slaps him with her cookies)
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Hold your horses there. Ma ba arkin, never mind having a lazy eye. The Siren, If they send me to a cyber jail, will you bring me sweets and biscuits? Foolxumo-Note exhibit A. Don't deny it, even without setting eyes upon me your besotted
  20. ^LOL-His responses alone are filled with sexually charged rage I need no more than these
  21. There is, and its delt with the S.H.C.P (sexual harrassment cyber police) Now stop this or I'll file a Sexual harassment cyber law suit against you
  22. ^- Che LOL-Holy moly-how well you know me forehead and all, should I be disturbed by the fact that your description of what I can only presume would be my wedding night was actually a bit of a turn on? Quite amazing, how ever did you know? (Grins) in any case ugly or nay does it even matter to you either way? This is the internet and lord knows I’m not going to reveal my secret identity so you can picture what you wish In response to your earlier comment- correction I didn’t say I wanted them to look at me- it’s just that if they wish to stare they may do so without vexing me. They should do it politely, is that a lot to ask for? Ibti- Actually Hijaab- like you know is comprised of many things and it’s a requirement of both men and women, behaviour for one and second modesty inn heart, mind and body. Ps give me some credit sister- I believe the draw a veil over your bosoms package to be quite clear, I was being sarcastic and trying to highlight the fact that head scarf or body scarf-dudes will drool. Ps you disappoint me (referring to you know what hehe)! Oh and LOL@Battle the winds so your body is always hidden - I don’t know where you work but tantalising wind machines to seduce the sex-obsessed aren’t usually an occurrence in buildings. One would think I was filming a hindi movie. Ngonge- LOL –Fortunately I left my liquid PVS suit at home so my body wasn’t actually that enticing. Its more my face- It’s adorable and you’ll have to take my word for it. In any case this is the internet so to what purpose would my “I’m too sexy for my shirt” routine accomplish? Not very much I think you’d find. Oh and will you stop this sexually harassment of yours its getting out of hand.
  23. Okay now I am ready to answer your question I apologies profusely my saucy sister for taking too bloody long! I now have the time and energy to respond and keep coming back-I've rested in enough..* Gallantly kiss the top of her in apology* I have read many a memorable book which captured my imagination and emotions. But the most emotionally charge one I read was about India infamous Bandit Queen Phoolan Devi. An extraordinary tale but a remarkably strong and self-aware woman. Real life, real interesting And you?
  24. LMAO=Are you people kidding me? Seriously did I just hear that wearing the hijab aka a simple head scarf “protects” you from the leering eyes of sexualized “raga-nimo?” LOL-Sweet lord, I’ve had men eye rape the sh*t outta men WHILE I was leaving salatuul jimca wearing full jilaabiib let alone walk into a building with full office attire on. Hell they’d ask you for directions or be in conversation with out and they suddenly feel the urge to rake their eyes across you from head to tipsy toe. Clothes don’t deter men of anything so I think it’s better to lay that flimsy little argument aside. If it were full proof leering *******s wouldn’t exist. Besides I wearing a gorgeous bootleg wide leg trouser suit from Dorthy Perkins and wearing a beautiful silky long white shirt-tunac style just in time for spring. So there was no blatantly juicy ****-ala g-string on show or cleavage to be gawping at. Not that I wear G-string or tooth floss between my buttcheeks of course blooming uncomfortable it’d be. No I was adequately, modestly, and professionally dressed so there were no excuses for such revolting behavior. Hell even if I was dipped in chocolate and had sugar glazed red cherries on my nipples I’d still be pissed, granted I’d understand why in that case But I’d still be pissed. LOL (An oxymoron I know) I find it very amusing however- that it’s the woman who’s instantly at fault being accused of “tempting” the nature of the “beast” as it were. Speaks volumes I tell you, and I'm very much disappointed tisk tisk. Psst- LOOL- At last a sister who “understands” (embraces her) What about the ****** Paragon- I take that to mean you’re a leering fiend. In which I’d like to ask why is it that you feel the need to behave so? Valanteenah- Word Pucca- LOL-Totally know where you’re coming from. I especially detest the ones who hang around internet shops and Somali coffee shops and just eye rape you as you walk by. God its like they have no shame. I like the gentlemanly ones who can handy keep eye contact with you but have an open and honest smile. Keep it polite and keep it gentlemanly I say. Rudy-Diiriye- What did you say? Somali women are “stingy”? In what manner are you speaking Mr America? Lengend of Zulu- I won’t even bother dignifying you with a response (not including this one) FaranCab- The top picture is rubbish- looks like a silly emo kid. So their sense of fashion doesn’t intrigue me but the Second picture? GORGEOUS HIPPY DRESS! I have one just like that lying around somewhere. Love it. Send us more of whence these pictures came. Cara- LOOOL- Brilliant response and it’s actually made me smile and put a spring in my step this morning. Usually I’d agree with you and I often ignore stare from total strangers –not unless I feel like a confrontation which is about ½ of the time, but come on... I mean lets say your actually talking to them face to face and while in conversation they eye rape the sh*t out of you wouldn’t it bother you in the least? Would you not find it rude? Ps What can I say? Though I’m no fashion guru by any stretch of the imagination I like looking good sometimes and the feeling to just dash on a few accessories like a nice hippy chained necklace or bangles or rings and a bag or a new shirt just comes upon me every few days. Perhaps it’s when I’m ovulating? I haven’t a clue but still whats wrong in feeling like you’re walking on sunshine? (Starts singing Katrina and the waves I’m walking on sunshine) Ps Ibti- I know this is like a total diversion but did you read that “you know what” LOL
  25. Its not "rape" its "eye rape" There's a clear distinction woman LOL Ps- your correct about raga maadow but usually it doesn't bother me and often some of them funny jokers by leering fools? Really do tick me off. Don't even get me Somali dudes who do it...boy on boy do I got off on a tangent then.