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Everything posted by The_Siren

  1. Here are the reviews for the book I am going to recommend and send. ... rockway/dp/0440223725/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top I was so enamored with it that I actually wrote a review for it on amazon uk. Try to guess which one my review is. Its by Connie Brock-way and is called all through the night. Its not what you think...its about a thief and a cop/assassin. A game of dangerous cat and mouse like tactics. Now I have said enough, I'm off to make a very scandalous topic.
  2. Oh and ladies and gentlemen if any of you are interested in reading a very excellent amusing book which isn't in the least bit sissy or dull then please feel free to PM me and I shall send you a PDF version of the whole book. You don't even have to buy it on Amazon, not unless you wish to of course. So far I have Ibti and Scorpion down. If any of others wish to express an idle interest then please have no fear for I am more than happy to share. Such is my generosity
  3. ^- LOL hey you may laugh but it would be even funnier had you read the book at known that what I say is actually rather accurate hehe. Also I've read the Da vinci code also, its so commercial and over done. Have you read the Elizabeth Costovos the Historian? Guaranteed to make you salivate over libraries it did me. Then again for me? paradise would be a kind of library. (stole that quote from somewhere cant recall where just yet. Hayam- Thank you very much I'd appreciate that along with if you could get some tips from her as to how to begin such a lucrative career in romance writing. LOL purely for idle interest of course Scorpion-I have finally made it home and over a slice of cold pizza and a hot cup of tea I have managed to send you that PM...once I get your email or I'll send mine you will have within your possession a rollicking masterpiece of a book. I must warn you however that its extremely dark and tortuously beautiful not to mention very hot blooded. The tension more than anything is just breath stealing. Thank you for link as well insha'allah I'll check them out.
  4. LOL@watch me-Shaydaamad, as for the book I'm sending? I can't send it to you now as I'm at work and I dont have access to my home computer but I promise to send you the PDF version of it as soon as get home. I hope you can attach files in the pm thing. I have 5 more minutes in this place and then I'm gone! Horay! As for all those books that were turned into movies? Were they made for TV MOVIEs or something because I am yet to come across them...
  5. I hope for you and your friends sake that you don't fall ill, me? I have a sensitive stomach which gets corrupted almost everytime I eat outside so I try to only eat home cooked food. Meaning my mother cooks and I eat I'm so very spoiled.
  6. LOL No problem AAliyah I didn't take offense hell I felt a little "manly" for all but 3 seconds. Still, I'm surprised to find other Somaliladies who've read some of the books I have. I thought I was alone in this fixation.
  7. LOL Subxanallah Ibti it looks like your going to be spending your evening in the toilet my dear. Can't say I envy you
  8. Ibti thank you I shall (Flops her self down on the leater sofa and starts scoffing all the chocolates down)
  9. Did you toast the bread Ibti? Surely you did not try to yam it down frozen? For shame what would your mother say ..tisk tisk LOL Huunguriyad comes to mind LOL I kid I kid (ducks before she's smacked with a shoe)
  10. Fahiima is right frozen toast just put into the toaster some how also tastes better than if it were of normal temperature. I know I'm a little strange but hell freezing bread is the Somali thing to do. So this is a male free zone eh? Sounds relaxing so what are ladies to do here? Drink tea eat salool and xalwad?
  11. Really? Is she Somali? Living the dream I say! LOL
  12. lol@ untill they got too racy, my dear Mills and Boon have probably got to be the most chaste of of the romance genre. The sauciest thing that ever happens in those books is that the herion breaks an ankle and the hero has to rub it for "medicinal" purposes.
  13. (Waves her hands in the air) People, people can I have your attention please? It seems to me that there happens to be a bit of confusion about the legitimacy of the titles of these books. Therefore, I would like to stress that though these actual book covers exist, the titles and the little snippets of dialogues detailed here are all made up, it's supposed to make fun of the covers by producing a silly title. It's all a bit of tongue in cheek humour and if you've ever glanced up a romance book then you'll get the jest. Note: they are not real titles people LOL Aaliyah- LOL – Me a man and a romantic one at that? (looks down at herself) thankfully I've woken up this morning free from any masculine appendage that maybe causing me some discomfort so I'm sorry to put a downer on things but I have and will always be a woman. Also I once read Virgin Henleys the pirate and the pagan, pure anti-female propaganda, the lead female was spoiled, selfish and utterly silly. I wouldm't have minded her arrogance and her childish behaviour had she at the very least been cunning with it. But alas she wasn't and don’t even get me started on the hero. UGH! Scorpion Sister- LOL I do apologise for making you feel the need to defend your reading material but come, come lady…Stephanie Laurens is a ninny and her romantic heroes do leave much to the imagination don't they? (Grins I'm purposefully trying to annoy you ignore me my darling) also…btw- don't you find her "rama-jama bish-bosh" aka sex scenes obscenely lengthy and not at all satisfactory? The woman sure knows how to milk a love scene and its never even any good. The Rake/hero is always speaking to the herione like this "look in the mirror and watch me while I touch you, watching me touching you, I shall bring you to a heightened state of arousal so powerful its near pain, I shall spank you and scream "whose the daddy now eh my fiesty wench whose the daddy now!" ……(Silence) okay, so I added the last bit in but blooming hell my exaggeration isn't far off and you well know it. LOL I know, I know I'm shameless you'll get used to it. Oh and which ones where made into movies? The Nora roberts books I mean Ngonge- I'd like to thank you graciously for the welcome and the amusing somewhat oddily phrased compliments. I'd also hate to let you down but I have no idea who A-T is and can only assure you that I am "so fresh and so clean, clean" Meaning I'm honestly quite new to this place. I got my password and acceptance letter around christmas when I was bored but I didn’t have time to harass you all until now. So Fahiima that means nope, I'm sorry I am new my dear. Ibti- LOL Thank you very much for the warning my sister I shall watch this Ngone at a distance and hell if he's offering his very brother to me then you can tell him from me to bring the boy forth. I should at the very least inspect the man before turning him away Cara- LOL@Babara Cartland that woman was considered riske for her time you know. She wrote some very suacy tales to which I have now become desensitized too thanks to my lecherous obsession with saucy books. lol
  14. Still, if he lost the earrings I'd be sold.
  15. Ibti- Your absolutely right! Nor more self pity and even contemplating leading off with losers LOL Ladies I must leave for this evening but both you and scorpion my ladies will insha'allah have a copy of a wonderful book at your disposal, if you so wish. Just let me know when you ladies are ready and I'll PM you ASAP...we can even start a book club. I can see this is going to be the start of a very beautiful friendship. Oh and I have an idea for a risky yet very funny topic for discussion tomorrow to watch this space people.
  16. LOL You leave scorpion sister alone she's made some very excellent points not least forgetting the idea that Clive Owen is a sex on legs. LOL I agree with SS here, he is very tasty. Ps Dodgy noses add character to a mans visage LOL
  17. LOL Scorpion Sister- Holy sh*t…I see now that I will be the one imparting you with what I like to call truly top notch “keeper shelf” romances. I am fairly brimming with excitement! You and I can see are going to get along like a house on fire! LOL But before I send both you and Ibti a pdf copy of the greatest arguably the best historical romance novel of all time (The lord of Scoundrels) I shall have to address a few issues. Stephanie Laurens? LMAO! All her Cynister family stories are complete and utter rubbish dee! They’re always about silly naive little 19 yearold nitwits being molested by butch and barbarically beatific men of age 35. Don’t even get me started on “The devils Bride” I could’nt even read that book I nearly chocked on my own vomit! Why are these alpha men so bloody abusive and abrasive and the weirdest thing is-These blood idiotic females think they’re possessive "I’ll shag you to death" tactics are god forbid romantic? Give me break I like real heriones with both the intellect and wherwithall to withstand the overseeing horny tactsics of foolish "fake and hell" devil "rakes". Judith Mcnaugh? OMG Holy heaven and all that is above do not tell me dearest sister that you have been brain washed to into thinking such book as these are healthy? JUDITH MCNAUGHT!...That woman gives me the heebiejeebies its as if womens liberation never existed with her, lord she thinks having the lead male characters repeatedly "rape" and humiliate the heroine's in her stories is "romantic". What are even more disturbing is the positive reviews I see for her books from other WOMEN! *SHOCK*...I guess her books are like 20 years old and romance back then was very different, thank god! *Shivers in disgust* The worst book of hers I read was "Whitney my love" I actually howled with rage and indignation for women kind. It doesn't get any worse than that pathetic excuse for a woman and writer I apologise if my passion has vexed you..but surely you have read her books and found her to be bloody…strange. LOL Julie Garwood I have qualms with and I like her heroines and heros LOL They’re both sweet and simple not in the least bit sexually oppressive and not a dull witted twat faced caveman or silly pock face girl insight insight. Nora Roberts though is nothing special I have read a couple of her modern contemporary romance novels some of which are good. The one with the Archaeologist who was stolen at birth. Great read I liked the mystery very intriguing. Sandra brown- writes hot sexual tension but her characters and men are far too bloody butch and in your face for my liking. The heroines aren’t always strong enough to keep up with those cave men. I like romance balanced or at the very least biased (ie sadistic in the lady rules sense lol) Jude Devereaux- Is simple andlight some times enjoyable twattle depending upon the book. The Velvet series for example was kind of cute I have to admit but once again the ladies sometimes showed to be feisty and flighty to the point of idiocy while the men remain balanced, cool and composed all the time. I don’t like the subliminally anti-feminist connotations these books exhibit its very dangerous LOL
  18. Ibti you are correct he is a great athlete and he has done well that I cannot deny him but wouldn't you (for once)like to see a Somali brother/sister and thus a somali role model within the public eye that can compete on an international level in whatever their field of interest without compromising their roots and heritage? I personally think seeing a Somali brother wearing earrings is just a major cop-out. Real Somali role models for real Somali people not these generic cadaanatized folk who have lost sense with their sense of identity. Its not the earrings I have a problem with perse its what they represent and what they say about the person and how far removed they've become from their roots, their heritage and thus their people.
  19. LOL Ibti now thats what I call a woman! Way to go kick me in the self pitiful ****! LOL I completely agree with you (starts butching up again) what was I thinking weeping so ridiculously? I am woman hear me roar!... Also if your open to reading any good books I'd me more than happy to send you a few PDF files. LOL- I shall turn you into a romance reader yet Scorpian Sister- LOL- The titles in this books are made up, some dude wrote them in jest to take the micky out of them. Hell if you have books to recommend then by all means please do impart on me some of your generous wisdom! Ps I have a few recommendations for you if you haven't already beaten me to it. Do the words, Judith Ivory, Loretta Chase and my personal favourite Connie Brockway mean anything to you? Ps 2...thank you very much for the welcome I feel very much at home already.
  20. Wrestling? I'm afraid that sounds far too energetic for my liking. I may look like I'm of the simian race but I'd prefer not to couple wildly as if I were one. Leave me some semblance of dignity man (pretends to be hurt) Ibti- you advice about paragon has been well noted but you needn't fear for me my dear. I am strong enough to handle all (bangs her chest like a gorilla and then weeps with pain) I really shouldn't have done that..
  21. LOL@Che very ungentlemanly of you to point out Paragons nightly festivities in such a manner. Ibti- LOL I fear that I've already become old and decrepit just by waiting for my true love to come galloping into my life upon a white unicorn holding King Arthur's very Excalibur in one hand while the wind flirts with my darlings lusciously long dark locks. Its realistic scenarios such as these which have no doubt helped to keep real prospects of marriage away and me upon the spinster shelf.
  22. LOL Cara I'm sorry my dear, I believe I got over excitable with the prospect of paragons well over due rape that I couldn't help but speak out. Next time I shall keep it on the stealth side of things. Che- Already put off by my hairy back eh? Such a shame and I would have allowed you to lovingly stroke it with Dove soap as well as shave it off completely. But damn! Thwarted again by my congenital defeats! Woe is me...
  23. Foolxumo- maybe paranoid or not but the laws of sexually frustrated goody-goody fear thy lord physics dictates that a soft vessel of womanly exuberance will always be a potential target for any male (friend or otherwise to sow his wild oats). Ps Ibti- lol a cruel woman you are to treat the poor dears who lurk around you in such a way...(smiles) it pleases me greatly to hear of your abuse LOL I kid, I kid or am I? Paragon, hmmm (scratches her head in deep thought) philosophical as well as horny eh? A more dangerous mixture in a man I could never have imagined- us ladies will surely have to keep our wits about us with such as you in the vicinity. Also good god man! must you delve so deep into the human psyche when you and I both know the answer to be as simple as "me horny, you warm and available lets boom boom till its early noon?" Humanity couldn't been more simpler, now rest that excited mind of yours and come have a cup of tea. I shall have to warn you however in advance that any attempt to impinge on my kindly offer of a simple cup of tea into something depraved-will obviously not be met with kindness (depending upon my ovulation cycle). And just to prove to you just how much I'm convinced of your men and women cant be friends theory I have invested in the purchase of a base ball bat lest you tire of this pretentious notion of "befriending me" and go all out naked cave man trapped in a cold a Appalachian mountain on me. Oh and if you hadn't guessed already I'm teasing you. LOL Plus come must admit it dee, there are always exceptions to the generalized rule, if humanity has taught us anything is to never underestimate its power to surprise. If platonic friendships were impossible then there would be no use for the terms existence
  24. LOL@Mills and boon. Those books are probably the worst kind of books, god they're so predictable and lack any originality whatsoever. Still there are a couple of really good authors with wonderful stories I only ever read the best (grins) and believe me Mills and Boon are right down at the top of the food chain but your on the right lines ibti LOL As for sex novels involving steaming hot black dudes? LOL I'm sure they exist and let me see what I can find for you (rummages around in her book closet) I cater to all taste.... pst I'm running low on hunky black dudes but will a blind mermaid being courted by a 6th century viking lord do?
  25. ^- LOL Ibti- why did you cut off their hands? Don't tell me they dared to steal a grope of your highly valued (and rightly so) merchandise? (wiggles her brows suggestively) Some ladies have all the luck...*sighs* LOL Ps Thank you for the heart warming welcome, I am very much honored. Oh and you know what I think? I think this is just another excuse for Cara to lure old paragon into a false sense of security so that she may prove his theory that men and women can't be friends correct- by pouncing on him the second his back is turned. A very clever woman indeed... Cara I see your intent woman, and I'm proud of you, you go and fly the flag of us perverted women out there! LOL