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Everything posted by Mastermind

  1. SSC is part of Puntland and they will be no different from other regions of Puntland. Waxaan waa kuwa Farmaajo ku adeegto warkoodu kasoo qaad maleh.
  2. Waxaan oo kale intay Soomaali kijiraan walle nabad lama helo. **** ****. No wonder your towns are Al shabab infested because all you care is qabiil and shit.
  3. Lol. You obsession with Puntland is blinding you to lie miyaa??? How do you know he is talking about the five guys? This is totally unrelated to these guys and Mr Abgaalooe is sarcastically referring to those journalists that oppose his government and he is saying they are doing this because they want bribe from them. The boys are confirmed that they are from Eritria. Even before they came to Puntland they came through Anfar region and they were reported then by Caasimada Online and others.
  4. How does the current method work? Isn't it by constituency and every political party designate one person from that constituency as candidate?
  5. SSC clan for all their SL support got 5 MPs kkkkk while Duriyadda boys got 7 MPs from a region that they only share Caynaba district kkk. How you wonder????
  6. Iskama imaane maad u mahadnaqdid Madaxwaynahaaga barakaysan Al Haaji Said Dani oo shaqo fiican ka qabtay Sanaag.
  7. Just wonder what would happen to Saalax if Cirro ever becomes president? Kkkk I am sure he will switch 360 degree to be a hardcore pro Somaliland secessionist kkkkk. But will that day ever come.
  8. Good explanation there. I can imagine Somalis do not have the patience needed to stand in long queues for hours. Especially men back home are difficult and full of false pride.
  9. Are they going to forego the speaker position is the answer Shariff Hassan want to know ? Impossible there always be a nutter that would not resist to be on the limelight.
  10. What do you mean? Are you allergic to Puntland name? Address my point rather than making assumptions.
  11. Lol disgruntled N&N are turning into Secession for inspiration kkkk. Once crazy always crazy. Mid kale Somaliland that claims to have a population of 4 million could only manage to register about 1 million?? I am sure Puntland could register more than two million people, let us see what they got
  12. Jaahilnimo wataas!! Can not tell the difference between voter registration and actual voting. More than two weeks prominent politicians and famous individuals were registering to encourage others to do the same and he just doing the same. The Maskiin from Baydhabo is still bitter the Puntland hero slashed his hopes of stealing the election kkkk. Tuug kawabtay talo maleh.
  13. Farmajo has no chance of winning anything. It is foregone conclusion. He is damaged goods.
  14. What did he say that irked you widaayoow? I can not see in the video anything that warrant your disgust? Maxaad ka ogtahay inuu horay usalaamay, Do you have insider information?
  15. All permanent residents will vote regardless of clan affiliation. The registrations are taking place in IDP camps too.
  16. Lol Baraawe Indhcade subclan lay claim on it so expect another intifada if you move the capital there
  17. Blaming foreign agents on everything and anything is tired argument and does not wash. Time to come up with something plausible.
  18. Horta wax taariikh ah oo wax layiraahdo Digil Mirifle oo ay Gumaystihii ama cidkale qortay majiraa? Ha ila yaabin I have not seen any. Waa genuine question.
  19. Marka Bay iyo Bakool geel iyo xoolo lagama dhaqdo miyaa? Shabellaha Hoose Communities fit the description and analysis of Arafaat and not Bay& Bakool folks who are fundamentally different species. If we are being honest what is holding back Reer Koonfur Galbeed is poverty and lack of education. And these are the reasons why the likes of Al Shabaab and Farmaajo take advantage of them.
  20. Not really unless it is for specialist area for high ranking officers. You are not telling me thousand soldiers are doing specialist training that would take years.
  21. Traning sanado socda xagee lagu arkay?
  22. How is it debunked? Have the kids been returned?