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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. Nothing new, something could have been sorted in half hour ZOOM session Good news and hopefully everyone stick to the plan
  2. And many of the misfortunes for Somalia were.influenced by Arabs and Egyptians, was partly proxy war against Ethiopia by Egypt Not anymore
  3. Egypt must make a deal with Ethiopia, else in the long run, they will lose. They are parking at wrong tree
  4. Regardless of how Tigray led regime did to Somalis, and infact believe this is 100% outcome of them creating enemies every where, there is a clear genocide going on in Ethiopia and dumb Abiy and dictator from Eritrea must be taken to Hague for war crimes.
  5. Everyone is trying to engineer to their way. Sad situations. No wonder too much disagreements
  6. Wait for him to start gerrymandering like Faroole, and the whole thing FAIL, and go back to OLD current system. SOMALI iyo Corruption ,ma kala marmaami karaan, So don't celebrate too early,
  7. Yep politically motivated, he should have body guards, Kenya is becoming wild wild west.
  8. ^^ it was well organised assassination, who killed he young bright successful engineer?
  9. Pro-normalisation 'Bahraini, Emirati influencers' praise Israel's army as 'heroic' ENGLISH.ALARABY.CO.UK An interview between a popular Israeli blogger and two influential Emirati and Bahraini figures prompted fierce criticism online, after the Arabs...
  10. Kenya economy is one of the best in Africa, have been reading research, if they just reduce corruption, and bit more industry, can easily join developed nations. We have to be objective and tell as it is, Well done Kenya. Somalia baa asageed bay ka hadhey, wax la isku barbar dhigi karo maaha.
  11. Shabaab is symptoms, very small part, just look area free from shabaab, still very dysfunctional
  12. Arab neighbours, they will sleeping in next 100 years. Isreal may even annext more parts from Syria
  13. Finally the world is waking up and seeing the truth. NETANYAHU was doing ads on YouTube videos about Palestinians, and genocide going on there, they really desperate and losing the message. In the past , always and anywhere they were the victim, not any more. EUROPE, parts of America are waking uo, why do they support apartheid system, soon hopefully like happened to South Africa, they will be boycotted and isolated.
  14. I think bigger issues have taken oxygen, Federal gov canot not sort their basic things, how can they negotiate something outside Mogadishu bubble
  15. When you look how things look for Palestinians now, Oslo was very good opportunity and missed.
  16. Leadership failure, that able to vision the future. Stops here. Nothing else matters
  17. or this place, does it look like future DUBAI, SINGAPORE,
  18. Guys Sayidka moved firrst SOMALI state from Taleeh to Midhisho, google/youtube up that place, It would suit! Somalidu dhulkeeda ha barteen marka hore, then decide, wadanka lamaba yaqaan!
  19. Farmaajo had a job, and had it for 4 years, to deliver one man one vote, why it was not done , bucket stops with him. I 100% blame him, all these excuse, he is being very disingenuous, he can blame the weather, regional government, external forces, , at the end he failed big time. Then it is where we go from here, we have to save the state, there are too many enemies, idiots , M0ryaans, anarchists, separatist, retards, opportunities, trying to dismantle, and destroy SOMALIA, from within. for this reason, election now must be held, and who ever wins, must learn the lesson of about Farmaajo did last 4 years. And then comes the question, of capital, Somalis can not be hostage to M0ryaan, if they want to move forward, with clear head, and implement , real change, government and MPs, must be free from interferences, be at secure, peaceful, and able to design, work path forward. How can Mps, Ministers, President, scared to death ,,ever help SOMALIA and dare to come with best game changing formula that is good for SOMALIA?? This will not ever happen in Mogadishu