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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. One of the reason it failed, ghost soldiers, 80% of soldiers and police were ghost
  2. Very desperate, the end is coming for them Very much looks like Somalia 1989/1990
  3. Second District official in three months killed in car bomb in Mogadishu HIIRAAN.COM MOGADISHU (HOL) - A District official in the outskirts of Mogadishu was killed today in a bomb attack becoming the second official in...
  4. SSIYAAD left over 30 years ago, who is holding you back now? SIYAD really messed up secessionist psychology, move on
  5. Seems like Afghanistan, Ethiopian army not putting much resistant
  6. The similarities is absolutely shocking. Corruption, law moral as soldiers salaries stollen, lack of loyalty to nation, week institutions, clan ideology and no regard for rule of law, anarchism and list goes on I agree with Khadafi, if funding and Amisom leaves, whole Somalia will fall within months.
  7. There is no doubt in mind, this evil group will do the same, the minute AU leaves. Somalia must be strong central country. We have so much similarities , but I think we are bit better . Extremely HIGH corruption, No loyalty to the nation
  8. There were many who bravely stood against the dictator from all clans. Check the Somali's last chance to save government and manifesto group who extremely brave and told the truth to Siyad, who were these people? How many from this group? Prof. Ibraahim Mahamuud Abyan, one of the best intellectuals of the country, and was later butchered by cruel and headless USC, Garad Abdiqani were some of them I can remember, How many singers stood against Siyaad? Do you know Saado Ali Warsame, AUN Read abt manifesto here Zooming into the Past WWW.BIYOKULULE.COM
  9. The speed is amazing, there is no will from Afghan forces, who had more numbers and better weapons
  10. You are free to express your opinion, and tell us how you feel, I don't think you should be censored, , it may help you, how do you think SOMALIA's calamity is caused by just one clan? Explain yourself, and your background, what traumas have you and your family been through? were you were an eye-witness, if not , who were your sources? This place has healed a lot of people.
  11. Kenyans are f@ckig smart, I guess Rooble never heard of Blue economy, this is 100% related to case at ICJ. Blue economy - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  12. Inan gumeedka hala ga qaado xilka, waa xoolo caadiya.
  13. It is mind boggling why Rooble would entertain Kenya,even if nothing serious or harmful discussied is not good for optics. Kenya is 4th or 5th biggest economy in Africa, and is far more influential than Somalia KENYA HAS the power to take Rooble to Kenya. How much they paid him?
  14. It seems everything is going wrong for Ethiopia
  15. Ahmed of got silver in 5k Elusive Soomalinimo is shown how Nageeye helped Bashir. Go
  16. Ragga iyo dhaqanka ka sokoow, dumarka dumar baa ku fadhiya . They had more voters laakin dhaqanka iyo qabyaalada ka xoog badatey.
  17. Here is the new speaker, eloquent but will definitely face massive issues.
  18. I am surprised how Biixi hellbent to sabotage opposition and almost succeeded stealing their win. How loyalty to party is non-existence and clan is everything
  19. ^^KOONFUR GALBEED, mustaqbalkii dadkii DALKA, ALLA hanoo dhowro. Sirqooyinka kale, age care ha lageeye