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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. You don't need to dig graves, you test the members , and see if they are related/share father. I don't know if you saw the data posted by Salaah, a DNA test sample of like 20 men, from two Major HABRO (Habar A and Habar Y) don't share same father, and not related. I would test 4.5 Mps as well.
  2. Harun seem stuck with "Ana WAYKAN"., try to seek attention from everything that is not even newsworthy.
  3. 61% still very HIGH. Transition from radio to TV, not easy, but good attempt.
  4. Tigray comeback, Rogaal celis, and they are well armed.
  5. There is some truth to this article, and Biihi smart to make look he is not aware till it comes to fruitation.
  6. The culture and practise you detailed above will not change, almost impossible, seriously unlike a nut guy/group takes over the country. Rwanda, Eritrea style.
  7. Doodu and public discussion comes before law is passed.
  8. So sixir, and khurafaa justifies killing of the innocent, There is criminal enterprise in Mogadishu who kill impunity, and must be brought to justice.
  9. Fiqqi tolkii kama jano tago miyaa? Adna ma uraacdey? Si khastoo laguu aflagaadeeyo, caayo, High respect for MMA, for being fearless.
  10. intetesting, agree, head of States, is diff ball game. But, Dual citizen Americans can travel to States with non American passport. not prefered but Ok.
  11. It is confirmed, this Clan is coming to Hargaisa/SL in numbers!!!!!! it is fascinating! So what happens to Morgan?,
  12. waa loo hoos geliyey, Odayada pass gareeyeyna waa bilaa danbi, aqoon daro,
  13. It is taken out of context, and edited to make it look bad, he is definitely talking about the shabaab boys in Galgala , and many of them came from the region. Video: This is the speech by the leader of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas that created the
  14. what is the actual wording of the article, and where is it posted. Read the article as it is, then comment.