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Everything posted by Khayr

  1. A trolley is running out of control down a track. In its path are five people who have been tied to the track by a mad man. Fortunately, you could flip a switch, which will lead the trolley down a different track to safety. Unfortunately, there is a single person tied to that track. Should you flip the switch or do nothing?
  2. This is sooo rigged! Alpha, still has another 42 days to campaign for himself.
  3. Saff and Apo are good to debate with.
  4. Did you know that that Islam is and continues to be the only religion whose adherents still stand up for حق. All others have sold their souls but their are still bits and pockets of this Ummah that give Islam its strength and glory الله اكبر.
  5. ^You are definitely delusional in your disassociation from your religious and ethnic orgins.
  6. When did the debate turn into who knows better about American History. Ironically enough, the Canadian girl defended American Political Party history like a true Patriot. Liberals have certain shared traits: 1. Self- righteousness 2. An intolerance for anything that does not support their liberal claims. 3. A smuggness mentality that has them holding their heads and noses high. 4. Generational wealth - This gives them access to higher education and time to do documentaries. 5. The ability to distance themselves from any problem. 6. A thinking that Liberals are the only ones that can find solutions to problems. Their solutions are always right. 7. An implicit rejection of religion and God because God's thinking is limited and theirs is unlimited. عجىب One perfect example is Race. Today's liberals are mostly of the view that racism no longer exists and especially in liberal societies.
  7. Khayr

    Not Yet Kenyan

    I don't get the mentatilty of people who are oppressed in another land and still call themselves as equals to their oppressors. You are not Kenyan and will never be. You are a Somali that has for generations lived in Kenya. This goes for any Somali that has lived in Ethiopia for generations or in the States. This Stockholm syndrome must stop! That documentary was emotional. I felt like the former minister and the faat aszz policeman were real goons.
  8. "Those dark ages were so called because it was thr dark-er man who was making progress." Indeed! An Enlightment age was named so because : a) Led by Europeans (whites) b) It was freedom from the shackles of God aka Religion. By the way, Tallabo and others - what is your obsession with jews? They were always displaced people until they were given Palestenian land due to the holy-cost. As if the massacres were committed by the Palestianens and not the Nazis. They have always argued with God and have been a people that have betrayed many. The modern world feels a sense of guilt for them and hence, they always use the jew card. As they say - the jew card never runs out of use. They are are the main financers in Hollywood and the media and are deeply entranched in American politics. It does not make them smarter but rather more cunning and cut throat. After all, most lawyers are jewish. They can manipulate anything for their own cause.
  9. "Ph.D students are only allowed to singe the tune that doesn't disrupt the chorus". An excellent point. Yasir Qadhi's Thesis on Ibn Tymiyas work comes to mind. After he finished his thesis, he proclaimed enlightment and stated that he was no longer a Salafi. Doctrate earned
  10. Saff, You just want us to validate any pseudo intellectual whose ideas you espouse to and whose values you share with more than the orthodox muslim.
  11. I said to them - Since you colonized our lands and don't let us run our own countries, that you have no say. So move over and take my bags chumps! By the way, what do they call a bow tied, asss kissing negro? Still a niggerr! Which is what you still are to them, no matter how hard you fight for them!
  12. Raam, You are being hypocritical by saying that the Hijab (a muslim value) can be questioned and attacked while muslim migrants can't question any demo-liberal, drone loving - values! Cut the B/S!
  13. We are not equals and will not be until we thin our blood lines and start looking and thinking like them. They did that to the Japanese immigrants in WWII. As a muslim, the earth belongs to Allah (as was mentioned to Musa when his people were being displaced by Pharoah).
  14. Safferz;985736 wrote: TIL that due to the way light travels and reaches us, the stars are actually images of the past and if you are 50 lightyears away from Earth, what you see is Earth from 50 years ago. You see it, but you can't travel there because we travel slower than light. And if you go far enough (from the perspective of other planets, solar systems, etc), you can see the pyramids still being constructed, dinosaurs roaming the Earth, etc. *mind explodes* Have you been chewing chaad lately or smoking a spliff for medicinal proposes (but ofcourse!). They say writers write their best work when under the influence. That was some serious knowledge thou. Whoa!
  15. Apophis;984281 wrote: You are deluded but good luck with it (the delusion that is). I agree with you because the looters will keep looting. Mr. Sharif sold out his people and in return got himself protection and into Boston University (all paid - a calculated assumption). You know what this world class looters do, they drum up public support to invade somewhere, invade it and then divide up the loot. They do so by having all the government personnel become consultants. So you end up having "private" companies doing the looting (e.g. Shulman Rogers) that have ties to and have former government officials heading them. Remember, most of you supported for this looting (E.g. A/S the boogiemen in Somalia).
  16. Safferz;985016 wrote: No date yet, just a strong possibility we'll elope when I'm in Hargeisa again next summer I'm surprised no one is trying to discourage me dee, does this mean we have SOL's blessings? He has been fighting for you on here. He has been blind sided by you. He is a dreamer and a hopeless romantic. Just what you need to finish your thesis. Hell, he should be your new Thesis!
  17. Safferz;984966 wrote: Agreed, I did full body weights this morning and I'm doing an Insanity DVD later this afternoon. I deserve that piece of cake, dammit. Working out twice a day and sipping lattes and working on a 10 yr Thesis. That is a great life. I am so jealous.
  18. Mahiigaan;984816 wrote: We Somalis never initiate anything of our own, we just follow like sheep while others lead us. We never use our ratiionality, we act instead like monkeys. ^ You are comments are asnine. Stop trolling and go kick rocks.
  19. Safferz;984800 wrote: I'm at Panera, and my right contact lens felt weird so I blinked my eye a few times to fix it. I think the guy at the table facing mine thought I winkwd at him because he just winked at me. Um now I need to leave lol I think that something was in his eyes too. Didn't you see him telling you to move to the right
  20. SomaliPhilosopher;984799 wrote: Just restocked on some ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-caano geel!!! Waar kuub noo shoob!
  21. State lead terrorism and assassinations is approved by the State Terrorists themselves. This news will be swept under the rug quickly because after all they yahuds control the majority of the media - google included.
  22. Safferz;984794 wrote: Awwwww Alpha. More qarxis: when I told him SOL sucks recently, he said "no it doesn't, we met" Shuukansi class 202....Alpha has some lines So when is the big day? Alpha is the only single man with white teeth in Sland.
  23. Saff, You need to make a public apology to Alpha on here. He was publicly flogged by you and he has been injured. You have caused him Mental Anguish!