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Everything posted by miles-militis

  1. Nice reading and a brilliant reflection of some historical moments for the challenged I thought. Cali-Dhuux iyo Cabdullaahi Yuusuf! W/Q:Ali Shire Jamac Kolkii ciwaankaan kor ku xusan ishaadu milicsato waxaa laga yaabaa in durbaba maskaxdaado kugu soo celiso turjun ah in laga faaloonayo taariikh−nololeedyadii labadii hogaamiye, ee Puntland Cali-Dhuux Aaden iyo Cabdullahi Yuusuf. Laakiin haddii wax laga qorayo qof noloshii uu soo maray waxaa lama huraan in isaga lala kulmo ama la helo raad raaca sida qoraallo amase qalabka wax lagu kaydiyo sida cajiladaha. Haddaba waxaan jirin qoraallo naga haqab tiri kara taariikhdii Cali-Dhuux iyo Cabdullahi, waxaa kale oo aan rajo laga qabin in helo cajilado iyo waxii la mid ah, waayo raadiyaasha Soomaaliya siduu ula wareegey Maxamed Siyaad Barre lama ogoleyn in laga sheego wax aan ka ahayn amaaniisa. Ka dib kolkii uu meesha ka baxay Barrena waxaa Soomaaliya idaacad u noqtay BBC:da iyaduna waxaad moodaa in loo furey aamaanta Carta iyo Somaliland. BBC:du haddii ay heli karaan waxay u gawrici lahaayeen Cali-Dhuux iyo Cabdullahi sidii Pol Pot kaaboojiyiinta u xasuuqay taariikh ay ka duubaan ha joogtee. Idaacadaa meelaha gaarkaa laga buunbuubiyo waxaa soo raaca raadiyayaal yar yar oo aan tayo la hayn iyo dhalinyaro la wareega kaamarado oo kolkii ay la kulmaan Cabdullahina aan awoodi karin in ay su’aalo laga faa’iideysan karo waydiiyaan. Taariikhdii Cali-Dhuuxna waxay moodeen in ay xaq tahay in la qariyo, iyaga oo ka shidaal qaadanya BBC iyo raadiyaashii Siyaad Barre hogaanka u hayay. Dhalintaas oo ku mashquusha aragtida ay Cabdullahi la kulmeen, Cali-Dhuuxna uusan kuba soo dhicin maskaxdooda. La yaab ma leh in ay Cali-Dhuux halmaanaan waayo soomaalidu waxay la fil yihiin waxii ay markaas arkaan, waana ka aradan yihiin in ay dib u jaleecaan taariikhihii hore ama saadaalin waxa soo socdo. Kolka ay la kulmaan labadaan nin kan hadda nool oo ah Cabdullahi Yuusuf ayaa waxaa meesha baxa taariikhdii ay ka soo dhirdhirin lahaayeen ee Barre iyo BBC qariyeen, iyaga oo niyada iska leh: ”Waxaad la kulanteen ninkaan caankaa, ee idinkuna ku soo caanbaxa” Kama masuugneen haddii ay Cadbdullahi aragiisu ula weyn tahay dhalintaas in uu yahay ninkii meesha ka saaray Siyaad Barre iyo kooxdii hunguriga badneyd ee Carta, Cali-Dhuuxna ay ku xasuusan la haayeen in uu yahay hogaamiyihii docwareenka ku dhuftay kooxdii Sayidka. Maqaalku kuma saabsana in aan ka faaloodo nacaybka BBC:du u qabto Cali-Dhuux, Cabdullahi iyo Puntland iyo tayo la’aanta saxaafada kale ee Soomaaliya, ee waxuu ka saabsan yahay madaxda Cabdullahi ka shaqaaleeyo wasaaradaha Puntland, kuwaas oo ah wasiirada Puntland. Kolka la rabo in dawladi wax ka qabato horumarka mushtamaca waa in helaa hogaamiye karti u leh shaqada hortaal oo ah in uu dal dhan masuul ka yahay ka dibna uu hogaamiyuhu xushaa wasiiro wasaaradeedyo fulin kara barnaamijka dawlada. Haddii aan wasiiradaas doorkaa la helana waxaa hubaal ah in adeegii dawlado u haysey shacabka gabi ahaanba is taagayo ilaa laga helayo kuwa lagu diirsado, oo horumarka dadka u horseeda. Dadka Cabdullahi hormuudka uga dhigay wasaaradihii Puntland waa kuwa aad moodid haraadi oo kolkii ay hagi la haayeen ummada iyagu u baahan in usha loo qabto. Haddaba su’aashu waxay tahay maxuu Cabdullahi madaxda ugu dhigay kuwa aan masuulayadooda gudan karin? Waxaan shaki ku jirin in Cabdullahi aan lagu xaman tuugnimo, iyo shaqo looga baahnaa oo uu ka soo bixi waayey sida kooxdii bililiqada ee Carta iyo Siyaad Barre oo lagu xanto arinkaas, laakiin waxaa meesha ka cad in kuwa ku gadaaman ay yihiin kuwii safka danbe gali lahaa. Waxaa kale oo is waydiin mudan maxuu Cabdullahi ugu dindaabyeynayaa shacabka Puntland wasiiro la mid ah shaqsiyaadkii Maxamed Siyaad reerka xaabada ugu soo guri jirey?. Horumar la’aanta ay dhigeen wasiiradu waaba laga soo kaban karaa, haddii la helo kuwa badala mustaqbalka, laakiin waxaa daran in wadankaba lacag iyo naago la siisto, oo jiilasha soo socdaa ay ku gaarsadaan iga oo sida reer kurdistan ah. Halkaan kuma tixi doono dhamaan wasiiradu hagardaamada iyo ceebta ay Puntland u soo jiideen, ee waxaan tusaale u soo qaadaneynaa labo mudane. Kolkii Daahir Riyaale oo burcad wataa wareerarka cad maalin ku soo qaaday Puntland waxuu wasiirka gudaha ee Puntland Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade BBC ka yiri: ”Maxuu noo soo weeraray Daahir Riyaale anaguba Boorame ma wareerarneene” Waa yaabe maxaa wasiirka shakasha doodii ka galiyey? Booramada uu sheegayaa waxuu Riyaale ka yahay sida Xassan Abshir ka yahay Puntland. Xaabsade isaga oo dadkiisa lugooyo ku siiwada ayuu waxuu dirin cas ama gaduudan u dhigay kooxdii danbiga ka soo gashay koonfurta Soomaaliya ee uu Hadraawi madaxda u ahaa. Wasiirada Puntland oo sii wada ku xadgubka qadiyada dalka iyo sharciga ayaa waxaa fajac iyo amankaag badneyd kolkii ”Seeftabaanku” oo meeshii uu ka garbixi lahaa eedeynta Somaliland u soo jeedisey Puntland waxuu BBC ka yiri: ”Gabdhaa la kala qabaa” Lakiin maadaama aan ka sharqaminey dhaliisha labada wasiir waxaa danbi ah in aan la sheegin sida cadaaladu ku jirtu wanaagooda, haddaba waxay Xaabsade iyo ”Seeftabaanku” Puntland ka galeen taariikh dahab ah, taas oo ah sifayntii kooxdii burcada ahayd ee Carta, laakiin maxay ku badaleen? Hadii hablo la kala qabo ama hadal laqwi ah oo aan laga fiirnsan kolka lagu tiraabayo Puntland qadiyadeeda lagu dayacayo waxaa u hadimeyn lahaa Cali Aaden (Cali-Dhuux). Wasiiradu waxay moog yihiin in Puntland ay soo martay taariikho aan marnaba jiritaankeeda lacag iyo haween lagu badalan. Haddaan taarikhdaa soo gaabino waxaa horseed ka ahaa Cali Aaden (Cali-Dhuux) oo qawleysato wareerar ku soo qaaday Puntland afka cagta ka saaray. Waxaa kale oo Cali-Dhuux ahaa ninkii Calaamadiyey xuduuda Somaliland iyo Ogaadeenya, xariiqdaas oo dadka waxmagartadaa ay ku tilmaamaan isku dir. Halgankii Cali-Dhuux waxaa hagradey dhamaan boqortooyinkii Puntland, oo ka baqay in uu xukunka kala wareego, sida ay dhamaan wadadama carabtuba Usama Binu Laden uga baqaan in uu ka baabi’iyo saldanadooda. Boqoradii Puntland waxay dhaheen: ”Sayidku marabo in uu baabi’iyo astaamaha boqortooyinka Puntland, waayo haddii uu isku dayo waxaa ku dhici kara kala jabab awoodiisa ciidan ku timaada, taas oo ay ugu wacan tahay in wali laga urinayo ajnabinimo, laakiin Cali-Dhuux barqo ayuu innaga xayuubinayaa taajajka marka aan ka hortagno” Waxaa la hubaa in boqortooyadii Bargaal ee Soomaaliya ugu awooda badnayd aysan marna saad u soo dirin ciidamadii Puntland ee Cali-Dhuux madaxda ka ahaa oo jahaadka kula jirey Sayidka. Waxaa kala oo aan isna jirkiisu u dubaaxin boqorkii awooda labaad lahaa ee fadhiyey Laasqorey, kuwa kalana iskaba daa, laakiin waxaa gacan u fidiyey boqorkii Hobyo Suldaan Cali Yuusuf Keenadiid. Intii ay boqortooyinka Puntland xasdayeen Cali-Dhuux ayaa burcadii waxay haddiiba ka takhaluseen garaadkii waqooyiga Puntland, walina waxaa laga garan karaa Puntland dulduleelkii ka soo baxay booskii uu baneeyey. In awoodihii boqortooyinku aamini waayaan Cali-Dhuux waxay ka dhigantay qisadii ka dhacday dagaalkii Ethopia iyo Soomaaliya oo ahayd in Siyaad Barre uusan rabin in dagaalka lagu guuleysto isaga oo ka cabsi qabey in Cabdullahi Yuusuf soo caanbaxo. Maxamed Siyaad Barre oo ka hadlayey mishin dagaalka Soomaaliya dan u ahaa kaas oo ahaa in Cabdullahi Yuusuf qabsado Addis-Abbaba si loo soo afjaro dagaalka, waxuuna Siyaad Barre shiraas ka yiri: ”Maxaad rabtaan in la maqlo magac aan ka ahayn kayga” Mar labaad ayaa taariikhdii mid la mid ah ku habsatey Puntland,waana kolkii shacabkii Puntland oo intii Siyaad Barre xasuuqay maahane intii kale ee Khaliif shiikh Maxamuud intuusan dhiman firxadkoodii meel isugu keenay, uu Maxmed Faarax Caydiid oo bililiqo doon ahi u soo dhacay. Kolkaas ayaa Cabdullahi Yuusuf oo dagaal kula jira ********taas, waxaa dhabar jabin ku dhuftay, wadaado iyo siyaasiyiin is bahaystay. Gaashaanbuurtaas oo tixraacaya qaabkii hogaamihii hore ee Puntland Cali-Dhuux Aaden loo mijaxaabiyey ayaa yiri: ”Intii Cabdullahi Yuusuf na xukumi lahaa Caydiid ha na bililiqaysto.” Haddii Cabdullahi iyo Cali-Dhuux xukunkooda shacabka Puntland ka doorteen in cadowgoodo xasuuqo ama bililqaysto, waxaa laga yaabaa in kuwa garaadka yari dhahaan: ”Ha la iska dhaafo shacabku meeshii uu rabo ha aadee.” Kuwa sidaas maskaxdoodu iftootay waxaa lagu wara celin karaa, haddii geelaagu dugaaga ooda u jabiyo ma waxaad oran: ”Nagadaaya dugaagu ha warjeefee” Shacabka iyo boqorada reer puntland waxaa ka hoos baxday tixdii Qamaan Bulxan lahaa: “…..Nin walaalki doorsaday Ilaah darajo siin waa, meeshaad ina adeerkaa dhigtay baad ka hawiseysaa…….” Haddaba aan ku soo laabano dulucda mawduuca oo ah wax qabad la’aanta wasiirada Puntland. Waxaa adduunka looga yaqaan maamulka Puntland “madax ka nool” oo malaha loola jeedo in aan qof wax qaban karaa uusan ku jirin maamulka aan ka hayn Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, haddaba far kaliya fool ma dhaqdaa?. Madaxweyne kuxigeenka iyo gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Yuusuf Xaaji Saciid ayaa ahaa niman hufan oo cadowga gaashaan uga ahaa Puntland, laakiin reer puntland wali waxay sugayaan in uu war shaafiya ka siiyo madaxweyne kuxigeenku Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi waxuu Ameerika uga dagey kolkii tuugtii Carta dadka iyo dalka dhibayeen, laakiin Yuusuf Xaaji wali wax ceebaal ah laguma hayo. Waxaa in la casilo mudan dhamaan wasiirda Puntland aan ka ahayn wasiir-kuxigeenka warfaafinta Cabdishakuur Mire Aaden oo aad moodid in uu la jaan qaadi karo siyaasada Puntlland. Cabdishakuur waxuu u dhigmi karaa afayeenada adduunka kuwa ugu caansan, dhanka soomaalidana waxaa soo ha weysan kara Maxamed Aaden Qalinle oo ka tirsanaa RRA (********* Resistance Army) intii ay caafimaadka qabtay, laakiin ka dib ku daba faylay kooxdii Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle u abuuray in ay soomaalida ka macsiyeystaan ee Carta. Waxaan rajeyneynaa in aan Cabdishakuur amaantayada amar ka qaadin, ee uu shaqada sida ay tahay u sii wado inta laga helayo kuwa uu garabsado. Hadda Cabdullahi Yuusuf waxuu ku socdaa in uu noqdo madaxweynaha dawlada federaalkaa ee Soomaaliya, kolkaas waa in uu ka digtoonaa shaqaaleynta kuwa la midkaa shaqsiyaadkii inta Cabdiqaasim jaadka u qaado u ku tuugsan jirey intuu hoteel ku xirto. ”Hindiya ayaa waxaa ka jira dhaqamo u eg kuwa Cabdiqaasim sameeyo waana inta ilmuhu waalidkood indhaha ka ridaan ay ka dibna ku tuugsadaan” Waxaana la mid ah waxii Cabdiqaasim ka sameeyey Xamar oo ahayd in uu wasiiro ku sheegyo indha la’ uu carabta ku dawarsado. Taariikhdu isma qorto ee dadkaa qora, haddaba waa in Cabdullahi cal dheer ka fulaa in aysan ku dhicin mid la mid ah taariikh xumadadii ay ka tageen kacaankii iyo kooxihii bililiqado sida Carta. Waxaa looga badbaadi karaa taariikh xumada kolka aad tahay madaxwenye dal in aad adigu kolka hore la timaadid karti dheerad ah, ka diba aad maamulkaaga ka dheereysid kuwa aan xulka ahayn. Cali-Dhuux waxuu soo qabtay waa la soo dhaafay in kasta oo taariikhdu dib u xusi doonto, laakiin maadaama bartamaha laga jiro xilligii Cabdullahi waa in uu dib ugu laabto qoristii wasiirada Puntland. Kuwa mustaqbalka uu Soomaaliya u dhisi doonana uu ka beeraandagaa inta uusan ku dhawaaqin. Dhamaan wasiirada Puntland iyo Soomaaliya loo magacaabi doonaa waa in ay ummada u horseedaan horumar. Qadiyada dalkana mid gaar ah iyo guudba aan lagu galadin hadal aan maskaxada ka soo dhalaalin, oo cadowgu daldalool ka hel karo iyo gabdho jacayl awgiis. Ali Shire Jamac
  2. Hold your horses there people. Flying off the handle a tad early, are we not? Fundamental Guiding Principles - The principal notion of self-determination, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency by the people of a nation, of various genre, or cliques forming a nationalistic homeland inclusive in principal are the primary and chief basis for any sustainable entity, it be a nation or an administration that overrides over other concepts, accepted wisdoms or philosophies including that of nationalism, for such principles operate as prerequisites for a nation tenable only after the realisation of identifiable symbol of nationalism representational, thus ingrained in all segments of the assumed communities. Fallacies - This being the thrust of the argument, the impetus driving the misconception on the part of the individuals speaking of “laba-wajiilayn”, and the nucleus of the matter under discussion, it is paramount to understand the principal difference between the two entities (S/L advocating for a total separation, & P/L seeking new Somalia comprising of autonomous states under federal governmental structure); therefore no right-thinking person on the Puntland camp would oppose to the will and desire of the peoples in the present day Somaliland or Puntland not at least on the basis of a grand premise of the desired object that is of a nation. However, what many on the Puntland camp oppose to is not the notion per se and in itself, but the potent, hastily misguided political miscalculation of Arte style (representing the whole of Somalia) claim by the Hargeysa administration of representing people of S S & Cayn. “ … A lot of folks in this thread are a bit laba-wajiiliyaal. While simultaneously undermining the sovereign aspiration of Soomaaliland, they can even entertain the "independent" movement where their respective clans live, not defending the Soomaali integrity and unity” MMA The mire of the matter is this: could the 3 regions that make up the present day Somaliland decide the fate of the people in other regions outside the Hargeysa realm? The simple answer is a big NO. And this is where we seem to differ in opinion. Mind you the same dilemma would be confronted by the Garowe administration had they put forth a proposal of this nature, and region(s) were to adopt a “ney” vote with their feet. “ …looooooool. I was waiting months and months for some one to say that. I suppose to some people the integrity of Somaliweyn is only an issue when it involves Somaliland. Either respect the wishs of Sland to be an independent state - or kala hadalka joojiya!” Ameenah. Puntland State not Republic - As for the case of Puntland, first and for most, neither the Puntland government nor people have the intention or desire to separate from the rest of Somalia as such effort is viewed impractical for obvious reasons. This does not mean there not to be internal voices, though nominal and minority in number and in principal, advocating for such bold, injurious move. It is my belief that such voices shall gain momentum, thus shall become more prevalent and alluring so long as the condition in other regions (southern) continues to remain as is. For those of you who seem to be under that impression, may I advise you to please review this academic study of the state’s constitution - , or better yet re-visit state constitutions (1998 and 2001). However, as and when the people of Puntland reach that point, though it will be a very hard sell by the leadership to the people, I reckon it shall remain up to the people to determine their destiny, and what they consider to be in their best interest. Having said that, the leadership is very much adamant and shall not accept anything short of new Somalia bringing together the once 18 regions but under a federal governmental structure – please read this press release to understand the position and political motives of the administration -;f=9;t=000540 It ought to be noted that it took over 5 years from the moment the conceptual framework of creating an autonomous region in Northeast had been proposed by the leadership in 1993 to when it actually gained momentum in 1998 birthing the inception of the Puntland regional administration in acceptance by the populace in the regions concerned. As drastic events tend to lead to more radical decision making and thinking, who is to say the public will not have reached at the end of its tether should the present peace process, though highly unlikely, was to fall on its face in manner of speaking. Puntland and Somaliland – As for the issue concerning the unity of Somaliland and Puntland which is not a new initiative as some might have suggested has been put on the table as far back as in late 1999 under the auspices of the UN – please refer to this articles which simply touches the initiative under which both administrations were prepared at one time to consider the option - . The creation of the Arte TNG had not only dwarfed this and other positive reconciliatory endeavours, but threw the whole country into dismal array which deteriorated to a political crisis in Puntland, precipitation of the isolation of the Somaliland administration to the outskirts of Hargeysa, and the total disruption and the eradication of the Southwest institution building endeavour to oblivion. What has not been discussed openly but proposed sometime in the past was the possibility of joining Southwest (RRA Riviera) to the amalgamation of the northern states in a due process sort of manner, a prerequisite of which was the formation of a shared political leadership in the northern states. The intent here was to implement an indigenous federalist system of government without the involvement of external influence and to also bring an order to Banadir region and its environs in a slow, an un-intimidating fashion. I trust we shall never know what that would have been the outcome as the plan never saw the light of day thanks to the inept multi-billion dysfunctional organisation sponsoring the Arte TNG - that is of the UN and its agencies. And if one wishes to explore the conditions and how far the parliamentarians committees assigned to study the initiative had gone between the two administrations (Egal & Yussuf), reach for the pencil as I shall be receptive to a discussion. Nation or Clique - MMA – the suggestion of people favouring “clique” in lieu of “nation” is simply not as unfortunate as you might reckon. An observation of any society, socially advanced or otherwise, would present you with similar paradoxes in terms that societies had always favoured the existence of local identifiable mechanism in lieu of distant rather obscure machinery of governance. Pick any society of your choice and I shall point out contradictions in terms and of sorts. Somalis are no different in that regard though rather complex due to the present conditions. What is worrying to me though is an observation of mine which I am certain will meet with a disagreement: the ensued tribal and civil was that resulted from the collapse of the Somali state and the reason that close to 1/3 of Somalis are in dismal state of refugeedom in foreign lands is because of the tribal war that had gone wrong. Now, that being the case, why is it that the majority of Somalis (reading) to this day could not bring themselves to accept the role of tribalism, clan identity, and clan politics which had been proven to suit and work in the case of S/L & P/L instead of entertaining grandiose ideologies not in their training? I am as always seeking someone who could address that question in its simplistic format. A culture of denial and identity calamity precipitated by failure to understand the root cause and nature of the predicament on sight is noticed amongst the learnt Somalis. One would have thought that after a decade of social evolution a more realistic, and not romantic, rationale would have brought about a change in mode of approaching issues of concern. Or could I be mistaken? One must not overlook the simple fact that “nations” are made up of “cliques” in harmony, and without the existence of harmony amongst cliques, never shall there be a nation of which peoples or communities are in harmony. Unsavoury Arte factor – I sure would like to address the issue with the pseudo-nationalists (formerly henchmen of the Barre regime – presently Arte TNG) which seem to bewilder the pro-secessionist camp on the Somaliland corner who seem unable to distinguish the motives of a true nationalist from Puntland as opposed to a dubious Arte fan - perhaps another day. I shall leave there for the day, Cheers.
  3. Dear sister African - I truly DO apologise should you found my postings offensive or below the belt to your person or intellect for such was never the intent. I truly would not want to be the one to hurt the feelings of our princesses though the culture of metaphorically docile and sensitivity in the ring which seems to have become quite the norm for the online generation is truly disconcerting at least from the outset. Provoking the mind by way of unhinging the soft pillars surrounding one’s heavily guarded morals and ethics yet to be tested for flair so as to tap into the finer yet to be explored psyche of our young which is a required symbol of the harshness for political discourse was the intent. Nonetheless, best of luck my dear, and I could only hope you will accept my apologies! Cheers.
  5. Dear O dear and a big one at that. Rather sensitive, aren’t you dear? All right then. Since the light-hearted humour was personalised perhaps to perfect your repertoire, thus your lippy rather clever retort, let us try a line of variant string which perhaps might unhinge potentially fertile hitherto barrenish vicinity for possibly afresh produce. It matters not as to whom and what the names of your uncles (not parental mind you) are, at least not to me. It is the young emotive suddish outburst in circulation that neither dissects the nature of the quandary so as to form informed opinions with regards to the issues (crucial), nor comprehends accounts of historical importance so as to make sense of the present as well as the future: roaming in the dark aimlessly and lacking discerning radar to home into the abject being of the licentious disquieting lesions on scene. Digging deeper the flimsy outer layer if one wishes to engage in discussions of complex issues would be a wise incentive on one’s part. Surely, pre-packaged one-liners spinned by persons with neither the character not the integrity to speak on the behalf of the peoples whilst speaking ill of others does not quite bring the rooster home. As tragic as it might seem, the good old culture of assuming everyone else outside one’s family being a “rogue”, “villain”, “tribalist”, “warlord” etc., whilst exonerating oneself, and absolving of any liability, vicarious or otherwise, and releasing of any accountability by any stretch of one’s uncles though disruptive and niggling trend found in the Somali culture, the young in particular, appears to be at work in your case. And your classifying yourself as an idealist – whatever that might mean to you – is a testimony to that. How benevolent and innocently convenient for you! Nonetheless, best of luck, and I hope your rather idyllic perspective shall remain intact in the years to come. Cheers.
  6. Ms African – And you do not? How old do you reckon we are? Perhaps you reckon we were born yesterday. Try another line, or better yet pull someone else’s. Or better yet, why do not we start the condemnation with your uncles?
  7. I am amazed as to how dense and oblivious you seem with regards to the root cause of the predicament symbolic of what you represent at least in your writing. You see civic dialogue would be a wasted art on the likes of you; therefore I shall shift gears and lower the standard of civility for the sake of sanity, and I shall give it to you in a plain, brute argot. Forgive me as I wish to touch a raw nerve overlooked, though not forgotten, for so long and by so many not because of the injured party’s short memory span, but by choice of convenience and short-termism if you will. It always astonishes me as to why the hoodwinkers (Siyad’s henchmen) and their wicked and iniquitous cronies (regime remnants – the Arte TNG) feel to have the right to represent Somalis and speak on their behalf. Perhaps one day one of you could have the decency to be honest enough at least with yourselves to shed a light on the matter for the benefit of others. “ ….you of all people claiming to be viewing things from the broader sense”, I doubt it. Allow me to shed a light on your forgetful being and the repulsive motivation to pass yourself off as a nationalist though the truth is far from that. Your approach of tarnishing the local administrations and the image of the hardworking peoples in Puntland, and that of Somaliland to some extent, thus opposition to the proposed federalist ideological, political governance and self determination; therefore only two observations with compelling conclusions could be derived from that: that you are either a buff and a groupie of the late Barre dictatorial regime which in your mind equated THE perfect government, or more closely a product of the mayhem, anarchic and antediluvian culture of statelessness in Mogadishu. Either way, you represent anything and everything hideous and vile of the present day Somalia. Here, one is very convinced that you vow allegiance to the former, and as such your speaking of nationalism, governance, and portrayal in negative of anything different, simply demonstrates your abysmal and unfortunate equation of what constitutes true governance. Your obsession of the term “we” though not once defined in your post but perhaps only understood by yours truly illustrates only one thing: that the Barre regime and its generals obsessively feel to this day in their minds to represent the Somali peoples though hardly represent a limp, lost sheep: check A/Qassim and his Arte TNG – remnants of the Barre regime. How convenient for you. In your line of reasoning and ludicrously naiveté rationale, it would be a waste of time and space to even discuss matters any further. How could one allow oneself to entertain such below par ideas presented by the god forsaken remnants of the Barre regime? Clearly mayhem and daily destruction is what motivates you. And anything other than that, or perhaps anything that resembles a sense of tranquillity and stability is loathsome, thus your fascination with the decisive and strong determination adopted by peoples in the regions so ill-spoken that progress in the regions concerned simply sucks the bloodless corpse that is of yours the life as it brings about your destruction, hence ought to be targeted in bad light. One thing is for sure though. Irrespective of your evil desires, the tide has turned and so it shall remain. And whether Somaliland of the present day succeeds in its wish to break away, or if Puntland, though not in the plan, embarks on a similar course of action in some future time, no one like you could stand in their way, not in a million years. ********Edited********
  8. Is this gentleman for real? Not only does you daft rhetoric and canopic misuse of language indicate a tragic failure in line with that of the failed Arte TNG and its leadership - unrealistic and preposterously off target in all aspects. Where do you live man – in a cuckoo land? Your use of words such as “cannot” and “must” are not only balderdash but also ludicrously narrow in principal and in thinking. Your natural dependence, cultural tendency to blame others for your downfall, puerile in dictating to others, and ultimate looking towards third party entities for your failure in determining your future exhibits how clueless you are in the complex social and political issues of the land of Somalis. In case it had not dawned on you thus far, the will and desire to determine the density, future, and wellbeing of the people solely and ultimately rests with the people, it be those in Somaliland or Puntland. I suppose that is not a term with which you are acquainted as indicative of your idiotically worded post. Reading perhaps of the intent and principal policies embedded in the underlying political guidelines serving as a cornerstone for the entity you wish to speak of might teach one or two things prior to your making an a'rse of yourself.
  9. The groundless notion fallacious in nature widely spread by the political machinery in Hargeysa that SS&Cayn as well as Togdheer are not secure for UN agencies and personnel to operate is a testimonial attestation as to how the ill-fated one-city styled administration cares very little, if any about the future of the regions they so fervently claimed to have come under their governance. This is all done simply to strengthen their grip of reign over the locals and line up their deep pockets while diminishing any possible role for the opposition to exercise influence in regions outside their reach. But not for so long! Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool ayaa sheegay in Hay'adaha QM ay gobolka ka hawlgalaan iyagoo hoos yimaada Puntland - Saturday, August 30, 2003 at 20:48 Shir jaraa`id oo lagu qabtay xarunta maamulka gobolka Sool Laascaanood, (Radio Laascaanood)- "Hawlaha degaanka Sool waxay marayaan halkii ugu xaasaasisanayd maadaama ay waqtigani dadku ay u bislaadeen inay la qabsadaan hawlaha maamulka" sidaana waxa yidhi gudoomiyaha gobolka Sool Ibraahin Jaamac Daad oo ka hadlayey shir jaraa`id oo uu ku qabtay xarunta maamulka gobolka Sool ee Laascaanood. Gudoomiyuhu waxa uu ku dheeraaday maamulkiisa iyo waxyaabihii u qabsoomay, isagoo xusay inay wax badan ka fuliyeen dhinacyo badan sida xasilinta iyo ilaalintsa xuduudaha gobolka oo marar badan ay ka dhici jireen xadgudubyo soo noqnoqda. Waxa kale oo uu sheegay inay jiraan waqtigani hawlo aad u xaasaasi ah oo ka socda magaalada Laascaanood kuwaasi oo lagu kicinayo maamulka gobolka si loola jaan qaado habab maamuleedka casriga ah. Mar wax laga wediiyey wax qabad la`aanta dhinaca arimaha bulshada ayuu sheegay inay taasi tahay mid dhaba waxana loo baahday ayuu yidhi hawli in sida ay u kala sarayso loo fuliyo, iyadoo banaanku dayacan yahay buu yidhi guduhu wuu adkaanayaa sidii wax looga qaban lahaa. Ibraahin waxa uu sheegay in dhowaan la bilaabay nadiifinta degaanka taasina waa ka kow wax qabadka arimaha bulshada, hadana waxaa la bilaabayaa in wax laga qabto dhinacyada kale ee dayaacada loo filaayo. Mar wax laga weydiiyey waxa ay ku wada hadleen isga iyo qaar ka mid ah hay`addaha deeqda bixiya oo dhowaan dhinaca Hargeysa kaga yimi magaaladda Laascaanood ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay ka codsadeen iyaqoo wata magaca QM ay imaan karaan gobolka Kana madax banana sida uu sheegay kuwa isugu yeedha Somaliland . Waxa ay noo balan qaadeen ayuu yidhi in ay wax qabad dhab ah u hayaan dadka degaankan maadaama ay ka bexeen labadii maamul iyo labadii ciidan ee iska soo horjeedey waxana uu cadeeyey buu yidhi in uu la shaqayn doono maamulka Puntland. Hay`addaha caalamiga ayaa waxay horey uga cudurdaarteen inay yimaadaan gobolka Sool iyagoo taasi ku macneeyey dhul aan xasiloonayn waxaase taasi daahfur ku sameeyey hay`adda Hallo Trust oo mudo sadex bilooda hawlo miino saara ka wadey degaanka Laascaanood. Madaxa bariga Afrika ee Hallo Trust Mr.Hou ayaa waxa uu dhowaan sheegay in gobolkani uu ka mid yahay dhulka ugu amaanka badan Soomaaliya, waxana uu xusay inaanu garanayn waxa dhabta ah ee hay`addaha ka hortaagan gobolka. Gobolka waxa taniyo 1993dii ku sugnaa gobolka hayad laga leeyehey dalka Norwey oo lagu magcaabo NPA taasi oo iayadu mudo dheer ka shaqaynaysey gobolka. Hay`addani waxay hawlo badan ka soo qabatay dhul aad u badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Sool,Sanaag iyo gobolka Cayn in kasta oo ay dad badani ku dhaliilaan inay ka gaabisay hawlo badan oo ay fulin lahayd. Radio Laascaanood Laascaanood, Sool, Puntland, Somaliya.
  10. Minister of Finance – “ … no region of Somaliland are being occupied. Eastern regions are governed by their own people under a different administration”. One must truly admire it when people of authority can separate reality from fiction for the benefit of the ill-informed. The truth of the matter and really both of which hurt so badly is laid out as it is only to be seen by the bamboozled. The Minister here says it as it is in his response with respect to the Hargeysa local media’s fatal obsession with the issue of S S & Cayn. His response “ Ma jiro dal la inaga haystaa, Gobollada Barina [s s & cayn] waxa ka jira nin u dhashay [this is the operative term here] oo maamul kale sheeganaya [Puntland]”. Siilaanyo in his rather subdued ploy tries to sound diplomatic in his defiant response on the matter “Waxa jirtay waqtiyada qaarkood in gobolladaas iyo degmooyinkaas ay dawladda Somaliland awood fara badan ku lahayd, oo cid kasta ay kaga awood badnayd, maantana waxa aad moodaa markii laga soo qaaday ciidankii iyo dadkii dawladda u joogay, arrintaas waxa aan is leeyahay dhaawac badan ayey u geysatay. Anigu waxa aan aaminsanaa in berigaana aanu dawladda kula talin jirnay. Waxa weeye wixii dadka maslaxadiisa soo dhaweynaya ee dadkaasi ku imanayo in lagu dhaqaaqo” However, the ill-advised few rather challenged in their perspective so troubled by the will and determination of the locals in the concerned Somali regions yet so wired up to their teeth see matters through rather blurred binoculars as indicative of the laughably if desperate articles enticing hatred and calling for war.
  11. Ameenah - Sporting a rather feisty temper this morning, are you not my dear? Not your old mellow rather philosophical élan. Or is it the heat waves? Or perhaps just me? Quite the contrary, recent trends indicate that Somali women have been inducted rather congenially to the political sphere and participation of discussions, political or otherwise in unprecedented rates relative to other deprived, developing countries. Somali women had been vigorous, vocal and valued, surely underrepresented considering their makeup in the population and role in the survival of the family unit after the collapse of the domestic structure (primarily that of the males) with the nation, in all aspects of the political (nominal) and social (dominant) settings. Their participation in support and influence in manner, though not as conspicuous, could have been noticed as far back as when Somali nationalistic movements of SYL and others in the north had been at their summit being – rather morphemic but hugely undervalued. Does not quite equate women being prevented from entering the arena, does it? Sure we want more informed and educated women in all aspects of the Somali realm – when (prerequisite) the time is ripe and right with conditions permitting – as the present rather muddy moment is not quite receptive to our ladies. She, by that I mean Ms Yussuf attested that she was a “Boqorad” with a capital “B”, and not a “sultaanat” which therefore makes her the very first femme fatale in recent history to make a claim for the post. I am hoping you are acquainted with the traditional Somali social hierarchical status and linear correlation with respect to the practices in some parts of the old country and applications of such terms as Boqor, Islaam, Garaad, Suldaan, BeelDaajiye, Caaqil etc? Did not the HJeclo a few months ago crown a “Boqor” (BuurMadow) for the first time? This in itself exhibits a rather cultural dilution of sorts: nothing short of the repercussion and unpleasant resultants of the Barre regime’s deliberate communal subjugation to dilute the conventional cultural/social structure in eradicating “qabiil” in the Somali context with the concoction of unprecedented clique heads to forge representational bodies receptive to his theological rationale, in line with his governmental framework, and supportive of manipulative tribal disintegration of the traditional culture. Here, you had an absolute disintegration of the very fabric that binds communities with view of not only thrusting social strangulation whilst furthering wretched political cause, but also planting seeds of rancour acrimonious in nature and segregate in principal amongst closely knit cliques solely to weaken their resolute, thereby strengthening his rather asphyxiate grip. Change for the sake of change – rather detrimental, would you reckon? Ameenah – on one side it seems you are advocating for supporting Ms Yussuf in her endeavours, and in another you seem to be promoting the abolition of “Isims” altogether. Did I misread your views? And if the latter theme was to be adopted, what would you replace it with, and how would you abolish it? And why would you wish to do away with something that had worked better than any other proposed systems or forms of governance for the Somalis. Case in point – Puntland and Somaliland systems of governments both had been formulated around the customary mechanism – shaped and sanctioned by the “Isims/Guurti” respectively. The reason southern region failed in their countless efforts had been the lack, and not the otherwise, of it. Do you see the predicament here? Besides, the trouble is not with the traditional Isims/Guurti, rather with the creation of pseudo-Sultaans (Jr Sultaaans) - ala Barre regime – who tend to wily nily their ways in and out of situations without much finesse and ulterior motives, political or otherwise. Besides, traditional Isims hardly participate in the political matches with exception of few who had been known to have fallen prey to the manipulative Jr Sultaans’ games of playing for both teams, and handing cards at the same table. Rather disastrous if you ask me! Humble reading of the points raised, Cheers.
  13. Puntland Chamber of Commerce – and Dhollowaa’s visit to the famous GAACA near Bosaso Ciise maxamud Dhollowaa Puntland Chamber of Commerce waa hay'ad aad u weyn hawsheeduna tahay hurumarinta iyo kobcinta arimaha baayacmushtarka ee Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland, xaruntooduna waxaa ay ku taal magaalada marsada ah ee Bosaaso. Waxaana aad uga helay sida Gudoomiyaha Xarunta, Maxamed Curcuro iyo Xoog-hayihiisa guud, Cali Maxamed Ciise ay isugu howlayaan horumarinta hawsha ay qabtaan oo ah sidii ay Xarunta uga dhigi lahaayeen meel wax-ku-ool ah, oo u hawl-gasha sidii loogu talagaly. Waxaa aniga iyo Cabdirisaaq Shoole oo ah diiwaan-hayaha [Registara-ga] Jaamacada Jaamacada East Africa University aanu fursad u helay in aan raacno safar at Gudoomiyaha Puntland Chamber of Commerce iyo Xoog-hayihiisa Guud ay ku kala bixinayeen "Gaaca" oo caan ku ah meel biyuhu ka dhacaan Gu' iyo Jiilaalba, iyaga oo ku soo urura meel kale oo ay gadaal ugu noqdaan dhulka gudihiisa. Gaaca waxaa ay ku taal 31Km Koonfur Bari ee magaalada Bosaaso, waxaana tagta wado aan laami ahayn. Waana afka togga loo yaqaan Baalade oo magaalada Bosaaso ka mara dhinaca galbeedka magaalada oo ah meesha u dhexaysa Airporka iyo magaalada Bosaaso. Safarkaas oo nalaku casumey, wuxuu ku saabsanaa sidii loogu kuur geli lahaa, loona soo baari lahaa biyaha Gaaca ee had iyo jeer iska socda iyo sidii looga faa'iidaysan lahaa. Waxaan aragnay in meeshaas biyuhu had iyo jeer ka socdaan ay tahay arin u baahan in dadka dhaqalaha haysata ay ka faa'iidaysan karaan. Khaasatan kuwa biyaha ka baayac mushtara. Biyahaas waxaa lagu shubi karaa qoraaradaha amaba caagaga, waxaana filayaa in arintaasi tahay mid suurta gal ah. Biyahaas marka aan dhadhamiyey waxaa aad ugu dhow yihiin, kase yare macan yihiin, kuwa dhulka Puntland looga yaqaan "Wiyeerka" amaba biyahay ceelasha Biri Qodayga ah. Gaaca waa meel aad iyo aad u qurux badan oo ay ka baxaan dhirta loo yaqaano Baxrsaafka amaba Dhamaska, kuwaas oo leh har qabow oo kusoo jiidanaya. Waxaad agagaarka ceelkaas ku arkaysaa Ugaar iyo xoolo baadiye oo u soo biya doontay. Gaaca waxaa ay ku taal meel labo qar ay isugu yimaadaan ee tog-ga Baalade kasoo bilowdo. Waana meel soo oodan oo sida keliya oo lagu tagaa tahay iyada oo toggaas kor loo "xulo", marka laga soo noqdana waa in togaas hoos loo "togaa". [kelmedahaan si aad u garto waa in aad Somali reer Bari ah amaba qof Af-Somaliga si fiican u yaqaan aad weydiisaa macnohooda.] Waxaa Gaaca agagaarkeeda iyo qararka labadeeda daan saaran ku yaala geedaha Maydiga laga gurto oo runtii aad iyo aad iiga fajiciyey. Geedka Maydiga ahi waa ka duwan yahay kan geedka "Beeyada". Horay uma aanan aqoon sida, meesha iyo qaabka geedkaas Maydiga laga gurtaa u baxo. Waxaanse safarkan ku ogaadey arimo badan oo keedkaan Maydiga u gaar ah. Geedka Maydiga ahi waxaa uu ka baxaa Buuraha Calmadow iyo Cal cad oo isugu yimaada Karin Bosaaso. Waxaana buurahaasi ka mid yihiin buuraha Golis ee ku yaala Waqooyi Bari iyo Wayi Galbeedka Somaliya. Geedka Maydiga ahi waxaa uu ka baxaa, intiisa badan, meel dhadhaab ah oo adag. Waxana cajaa'ib ah geedkaasi xidido maleh oo jiridiisu waxaa ay isku balaarisaa dhagaxa ay ka dul baxdo. Waxaana uu ugu fidaa dhadhaabtaas isaga oo u hasyta sidii calaacal kubad haysa oo kale. Waxaa aad iiga cajabiyey sida uu biyo u helo maadaama uu dhadhaab ka baxayo. ragii aan la socdeynaa waxaa ay ii sheegeen in arinkani yahay mid Mucjiso ah una baahan in dadka dhirta ku xeel dheeri u baahan yihiin in ay baaraan. Arinkaasna waxaa aad u xisaynayey Cabdirisaaq Shoole oo ka socdey jaamacada East Africa University. Geedkaas waxaa uu ka laad laadaa gebiyada qararkaas aan agtooda maray, waxaana cajaa'ib ah in qararkaas aan wax kale oo dhir ahi ka muuqan isaga mooyaane. waxaadna qarka salkiisa ku arkaysaa geedo Maydi ah oo qarka ka soo fuqay. Markaas ayaadna arki kartaa in aanu xidodo lahayn ee uu sidii kooladii oo kale ugu dhegsanaa qarka gebiyadiisa. Socdaalkan ay nagu casumeen Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Ganacsiga iyo Xoog-Hayihiisu nooma suurta galeen hadii aanu na caawiyin Wasiirka Ganacsiga ee Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland, Mr. Faarax Maxamud "Dooxa-Joog" oo gaarigiisa iyo dareewalkiis khaaska ah na siiyey. Runtiina lama mari kareen hadii aanan baabuurkaas 4-Wheel Drive-ka ah aanan ka xaysan. Waxaan talo ahaan ugu soo jeedinayaa dadka iyagu ka baayac mushatara biyaha lagu shubo caaga amaba quraaradaha in ay Gaaca ka war hayaan ogaadaan in ay tahay meel dhaqaale laga samayn karo hadii loo helo dhaqaale lagu maal hesho. Cidii danayneysa arinkaas waxaa ay la xiriiri karaan Ciise Dhollowaa. Dhamaad Ciise maxamud Dhollowaa
  14. The first Somali Queen (ala Burco) – So why all the fuss? Miss Aamina Yuusuf (Ina Caaqil Yare) recently crowned herself as the first ever Somali traditional leaders, in other words Queen in the Somali context, in Burco. A Londoner, who wishes to spread the good old royal oats in old territory, created rather a stir not only amongst close family but also amongst traditional Somalis of male gender who denounced her crowning as an orthodox, sacrilegious, and unacceptable. How so? And why old the fuss? A cultural transformation worthy to be noted, or a mere news making ploy to be ignored, yet interpretative of the Somali social structure. .... Beesha Maxamed Sheekh Isaxaaq (Cimraan) Oo Bayaan Ka Soo Saartay Gabadh Isu Sharaxday Boqornimo. Burco, Somaliland (Togdheer Online) - Waxaan bayaan na soo gaadhsiiyay qaar ka mid ah cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka Beesh Cimraan, bayaankaas oo ay ka soo saareen gabadh ka tirsan Beeshooda oo isu sharaxday Boqornimo. Bayaankaas oo ay ku saxeexnaayeen 55 Qof oo isugu jira Cuqaal iyo waxgarad ka tirsan Beesha. Bayaankaasi waxa magaalada Burco nooga soo diray weriyaha Shebekedda Togdheer Online ee magaalada Burco wuxuuna u qornaa sidan: KU: Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Togdheer - Burco Og: Gudida Nabad gelyada Gobolka - Burco Og: Wakiilada saxaafada Gobolka - Burco Og: Dhamaan Beelaha deegaanka Degmada Burco - Burco UJ: Bayaan Beesha Maxamed Sheekh Isaxaaq (Cimraan) Hadii aanu nahay Beesha Maxamed Sheekh Isaxaaq (Cmraan) waxa aanu u sheegaynaa dhamaan beelaha Somaliland iyo xukuumdda in ay jirto gabadh beesha ah oo isku sheegtay in ay isu sharaxayso (Boqorad) taas oo ah arrin aanay ogolayn diinta islaamku ceebna ku ah dhaqanka soomaalida loona jeedo in wax loogu dhiomo karaamada, sumcada iyo midnida beesha, isla markaana khalkhal lagu galiyo degenaanshaha iyo amaanka gobolka. Beeshu markay iska aragtay kana shirtay arrintan iyada oo loo dhanyahay suldaan, cuqaal, waxgarad, culima awdiin, iyo guurti. Waxaa shirkaa ka soo baxay go’aamadan. 1. in ay beeshu ka midaysan tahay arrinka gabadhaas isku magacaabaysa boqorada in aan waxba ka jirin ismagacawgaas, sababahan awgood. a) Diinta Islaamka oo aan ogolayn. b) Dhaqanka Soomaalida oo ay ceeb ku tahay horena aan loogu arag c) In ay arrintan keeneen dad beesha cadaw u ah kana dibada. 2. In ay beeshu go’aansatay in arrintan gacan buuxda wax laga Qabto cidii wada. 3. Inay beeshu ka midaysan tahay cidii munkarkaa iyo fawaaxishkaa baabi’inaysa ee difaacaysa sharafta beesha wax alaale wixii wax yeelo ah ee ka soo gaadha in ay bixinayso dhimasha iyo dhaawacba. 4. In cidii taageeraysa munkarkaas oo ah mid aan hore loogu arag looguna maqal Islaamka dhexdiisa ee wax ku noqota in aanay lahayn wax mag ah ee ay Hadur Tahay cidaasi ha ahaato Beesh gudeheeda ama haka baxsanaato ee. Baaankaas waxaa ku saxeexnaa 55 qof oo isugu jira Cuqaal iyo waxgarad ayna ka mid yihiin. 1. Cali Cadaani Cali - Caaqil 2. Xuseen Cabdi Ciise - Caaqil Axmed Aadan Yuusuf Togdheer Online Correspondent Burco, Somaliland ..... “Haweenay Boqorad isu-caleemo saartaa waxay meel-ka-dhac ku tahay diinta islaamka iyo dhaqanka Saldannada” Suldaan Maxamuud Guuleed. Burco (Jam)- Suldaan Maxamuud Guuleed Mire, oo ka mid ah madax-dhaqameedyada sare ee Gobolka Togdheer, gaar ahaan beelaha Bariga Burco, ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyey hindise ku saabsan haweenay la sheegay in ay isu diyaarinayso in loo caleemo saaro Boqorad, beel ka mid ah Bariga Burco. Shir jaraa’id oo Suldaanku shalay uu ku qabtay magaalada Burco, waxa uu si adag uga soo horjeestay qorshaha haweenayda la sheegay in ay isu-diyaarinayso Boqoradda Beesha Cimraan. Amuurtan waxa ay muran xoog leh iyo xiisad culus ka dhex oogtay beesha gabadhu ka soo jeeddo iyo guud ahaan magaalada Burco iyo degaanada la xidhiidha. Suldaan Maxamuud Guuleed, hindisaha ah in haweenay isu-caleemo saarto Boqorad beeleed, waxa uu ku tilmaamay arrin meel-ka-dhac ku ah diinta Islaamka, dhaqanka suubban ee bulshada Somaliland iyo hiddo samida Saldanadda iyo madax-dhaqameednimada. “Waa arrin aad iyo aad u fool xun, oo meel-ka-dhac ku ah diin ahaan iyo dhaqan ahaan ba, isla markaana khalkhal ku ah hannaanka hiddo samida Saldanadda, oo macno tiraysa milgaha madax-dhaqameedka,” ayuu yidhi Suldaan Maxamuud. Wuxuu Suldaanku intaa ku daray, “Waxaanu u sheegaynaa bulshada reer Somaliland, xukuumadda, madaxda dalka, Salaadiinta in aanu ka soo horjeedno qorshahaa ay gabadha dumarka ahi ku dhawaaqday, oggolaana doonin, isla markaana shacbiga Somaliland, Salaadiinta iyo madaxda dalkuna aanay iyaguna oggolaan. Isla markaana mowqifkayagu qudh iyo qabiilo guud ahaan iyo gaar ahaan in aanu ka soo horjeedno oo aanan arrintan oggolaan doonin.” Waxa kale oo Sudlaanku sheegay in ujeeddada arrintan laga leeyahay ay tahay in la macno tiro Saldanadda reer Somaliland oo qaarkood la sheegay in ay soo jirtay 28 sannadood, tallaabadanina ay tahay tijaabo, taas oo uu xusay haddii ay fusho in ay ku xigi doonto in nin kasta oo madax-dhaqameed ah laga barbar sameeyo haweenay reerkooda ah, oo la dhinac fadhiisin doono. “Tallaabadani waxay ahayd mid tijaabo ah waxaana xigi doonta in nin kasta oo Sudlaan ama Caaqil ah laga barbar sameeyo habar reerkooda ah, lana barbar fadhiisin doono. Marka ay halkaa gaadhana arrimahan oo aan la saadaalin Karin, wax badana ay soo bixi doonaan, wax walbana ay qabasho leeyihiin, marka hore waxa habboon in la ishortaago,” ayuu yidhi Sudlaan Maxamuud Guuleed. Suldaanku, waxa kale oo uu tilmaamay in wararka soo baxaya arrintan ee ka imanaya gabadha qaraabadooda ay sheegayaan in tallaabadan haweenaydu ku doonayso Boqornimada ay ka dambeeyaan dad aynu kala diin nahay, “Balse,” ayuu yidhi; “arrintaasi ma aha mid aan anigu caddayn karayo.” Ugu dambayn Suldaan Maxamuud Guuleed Mire, waxa uu hadalkiisii ku koobay oo xukuumadda Somaliland u soo jeediyey in ay ilaaliso wixii nabadgelyo-darro keenaya, isla markaana ay masuul ka tahay ilaalinta dhaqanka, diinta iyo qiyamka ummadda, si aan khalkhal u gelin. Intaas kadib suxufiyiintii ka qaybgalay shirka jaraa’id waxa ay Suldaan Maxamuud Guuleed Mire weydiiyeen dhawr su’aalood oo la xidhiidha arrinta uu ka hadlay. Su’aalahaas iyo jawaabihii uu ka bixiyeyna waxay u dhaceen sidan: Su’aal: Sudlaan, arrintan aad ka hadashay ee gabadha Boqoradda doonaysa ma arrin dhacday baa, mise waa mid sharraxan oo aan weli dhicin? Jawaab: Inta wararka aan hayaa sheegayaan waxay isu diyaarinaysaa in is-caleemo saarto. S/ Waxa jira warar sheegaya in gabadhu tilmaantay in aanay qabiil qudha u noqonayn Boqorad, ee ay u noqonayso dhammaan haweenka gobolka Togdheer, taas maxaad ka odhan lahayd? J/ Sidaas way odhan kartaa, laakiin marka la eego magaca [boqor] waxa uu u taliyaa shacbi, balse ma arag, mana jirin jinsiga bani’aadamka ee ka kooban lab iyo dhedig oo qayb ka mid ah qof Boqor u noqdo ama madax u noqdo, waxayna iila egtahay in ay isleedahay dadka indhihiisa iska jeedi. S/ Ma jirtaa xog dhab ah oo aad haysaan oo caddaynaysa in gabadha laga dambeeyo? J/ Wax walba waxa innaga filan tallaabadan ay qaaday, oo dhaqan burburin ah, meel-ka-dhacna ku ah diinta. S/ Ugu dambayn Suldaan, ma laga yaaba in adiga ujeeddaadu tahay difaacidda Saldanadda? J/ Dabcan, taas lafteedu meesha waa ku jirtaa, maanta aniga ayaa haya, berrina cid kale ayaa qaban karta, waana wax ummaddu leedahay oo dhaqan ahaan ay waajib nagu tahay in aanu ilaalino.
  15. Other than Galcom and PunTel which dominate the southern regions of Puntland such as Nugaal and Mudug, and SomTel which recently began its business operations in Lascanod, it would seem Golis, a rather young Telecom company relative to its competitors has managed in such a short period of time to attain a considerable market share within the Telecom industry, and not only concentrating in Bosaso but also reaching out to places like Badhan & Carmo. Brilliant economic strategy and shrewd business acumen on the part of the shareholders to diversify into other utilities and electric sector providing duly needed services whilst expanding its core business lines of providing phone services, mobile as well landlines. However, I do not quite understand as to the exclusivity as to the suggested employee selection criterion of ONLY retaining men for employment on the basis of gender discriminating against women. This might be an incorrect observation on the part of the author who is known to be an ideological antagonist, or might even be an actual fact which ought to be addressed, and amended accordingly. Could a company in a competitive private sector afford to alienate almost more than half of its potential workforce on such flimsy gender basis? How long could it sustain its market share, client base, or maintain business and economic growth with the implementation of such policies? More research into the nature of the matter is required so as to suss out the motives behind such twisted company policies? Or am I in the wrong here? Cheers. Read the whole article. Maxaad ka taqaan Shirkada Isgaarsiinta Golis? Bosaaso, [MOL] 21 August 2003-Waa shirkad isgaarsiineed oo xarunteeda u wayni ku taalo magaalada ganacsiga Puntland ee Boosaaso Waana shirkadii u horaysay ee keenta qalabka mopilka casiraga ah ee GSM qiimo jabana ay ku qateen dadwaynaha reer Puntland. shirkadu waxay ka mid ahayd shirkadihii ugu horeeyay ee u fududaysay macaamiisheeda helitaanka akhbaaraha isku dirsashada iyadoo la maraayo habka adeegsaga Interneetka oo isna ah mid wax wayn taray dadka ehelkoodu ku kala firiqsanyahay dunida daafaheeda, waxaa kaloo interneetka laga helay faa'iidooyin badan sida waxbarashada, helitaanka akhbaarta caalamka iyo dalka, xog baris kasta ama tijaabooyinka teknoolajida aduunka u danbeeyey. Shirkadu waxay ay ku guulaysatay in ay Puntland oo dhan ka dhigto hal xaafad oo la iska maqlo waayo waxay xarumo isgaarsiineed ka furatay magaloyinta iyo tuuloyinka Puntland, waxaa laga furay oo la geliyey landline iyo mopilka Qardho, Garoowe, Gaalakacayo, Baran, Carmo, laascaano, Sheerbi iyo Waaciye oo hada si toos ah laysagala hadlo iyadoo si khad "Local" ah la maraayo waxaana taasi u sahashay dadkii u soo safri jiray telfoonada awgood in ay ku helaan si sahala ah iyagoo meeshoodii jooga. dhinaca kale waxaa u fududaaday gancsatada iyo danyartaba inay si joogtaa ugu xirnadaan qiimaha ascaarta halka wax marayaan magaalooyinka Puntland oo dhan. Mopilka aad ka qaadataa Boosaaso deegaank kasta oo shirkadu joogto waad kaga hadli kartaa. guusha horumarkaas ayaa dadka reer Puntland iyo raga ka miro dhaliyey hawshaasi waxay u tahay farxad iyo horumar aayatiin fiican oo ku dayasho mudan. Magaalada Boosaaso waxay maanta kahor marsantahay xaga isgaarsiinta magaalooyin ama caasumado dawlado ay ka jiraan oo dunida ka mid ah bil mataal Kenya, jabuuti iyo Itoobiya waaxaana xaga isgaarsiinta kaga jaban Puntland. Shirkada Golis waxaa kaloo ay ka hirgelisya Boosaso Matoor dabdhaliye ah oo shaqeeya 24 saac si joogta kasoo ay ka faa'iidaystaan dadka leh meherdaha ganacsiga iyo xaafadaha degaanku oo ay kaga haqab baleen helitaanka korantadii marna la waayi jiray marna imaan jirtay. Shirkadini waxay ka duwantahay shirkadaha kale ee ka jira dalka Soomaaliya waayo waa shirkada keliya ee aan qaadan qof dumar ah oo shaqaale ah qorshana aaneyba ugu jirin, dhanka shaqaalaha waxaa kashaqeeya rag dhalinyaro ah oo reer Puntland ah oo aan lagu qaadan qabiil eex iwm balse ku tegay imtixaan iyo aqoontooda eebe siiyey waxaana ka hawl gala warbixinahii ugu danbeeyey ee aan helay in ka badan 250 rag ah oo midkiiba gacanta ku hayo qoysas uu saameeyey burburkii somaaliya. dhanka macaamilka shirkadu waxay caan ku noqotay soo dhowayn iyo xushmad ay siiso dadka ay u adeegayaan waxaa shirkadu u qaybsantaa qaybo kala duwan mid kastaana ay gaar u leedahay mamulkeeda iyadoo misna ay korka leedahay maamul guud oo kantroola shaqada habsami u socdkeeda. Shirkada hal mar ayaa hakad galay hawsheeda shaqo tasoo ahayd intaan shirkadu ka soo go'in shirkadii Barakaat oo Dawlada Maraykanku ku soo rogtay Xayiraad lagalana wareegay waxii hanti u tiil shirkadaas Dawladaha reer Galbeedka iyo Wadamada Carabaha. khasaaraha intaasi le'eg oo haleelay hantiilayaashii shirkada intii ay ka mid ahaayeen Shirkadii Albarakaat ma dhaxalsiin inay siidaayaan shaqaalihii u shaqayn jiray ee waxay u sabreen una dhabar adaygeen sidii mar kale loo furi lahaa shirkada waana ku guulaysteen ka dib markii ay gooni isu taageen lana baxeen Golis iyadoo markii hore la oran jiray al Barkaat. mar xaflad loo sameeyey furitaankii Xarunta Qardho oo ay igu casumeen masuuliyiinta shirkadu ayaan waydiiyey maamulaha guud Axmed food Cade qorshayaasha mustaqbalka ay higsanayaan waxuuna sheegay in ay ku talo jiraan in ay isku xiraan soomaaliya oo dhan. foodcade waxuu sheegay in shirkado kale oo ay bah yihiib iyana hawshaan oo kale soo wadaan koonfurta iyo waqooyiga somaliya waxaana mar hore laascaano soo gaaray qaybtii waqooyiga oo aan arkay mar aan halkaasi booqday bishii hore. magaalo kasta oo xarun laga furo waxaa shirkadu siisaa ganacsatada xarumo yar yar oo qofku gaar u leeyahay lagana siinaayo lacagta uu soo xereeyo shirkada jentawaale ama khidmad. Haweenay fac ah oo aan wax ka waydiiyey faa'iidda ay ka heshay talefoonka gurigeeda ugu jiray oo shirkadaasi u gelisay wax ay ii sheegtay oo ugu sahalsanaa; goor habeenimo ah ayaa waxaa soo weeraray kox burcad ah oo rabay in ay dhacaan hantida xaafada taal, xiligaasi keligay baan ahaa markii aan dareemay sharqanta iyo qoryaha muuqaalkooda ayaan si yare ah u wacay booliska oo halkaasi gurmad ii soo fidiyey oo lagu qabqabtay tuugaddii, dhanka kale ahelkayga meelkasta oo ay joogaan waan la xiriiraa xataa kuwa aan gaari waayo oo magalada igula nool. Shirkadaani waxay markii u horeeysay ku hantiday macaamiisha tiradaasi leh si bilaasha ah oo qofku kirada keliya isaga bixinaayo halka shirkadaha kale ay gelitaanka keliya yiraahdeen 50$ doolar maanta magaalada Boosaaso keliya waxaa laga sitaa 3000 kun oo mopil ah halka magaaloyinka kale laga filaayo tiro intaasi u dhiganta. Taleefoonada caadiga ah ee gurayaha ku jira ayaa iyana dhaafay illaa 6000 oo Line magaalooyinka kalena si la mid ah ama tiro u dhow ayaa ku jira. telafoonada shirkadu waa kuwa xiligaan dadka laga soo waco qurbaha ay inta badan ku kalsoonyihiin dhinaca soo gelitaanka hawada iyo maqalkaba. Nin ka mid ah shaqaalaha shirkadaasi oo aan wax ka waydiiyey inuu xog kooban iga siiyo mustqabilka fog iyo kan dhow ee shirkadu tiigsanayso ayaa yiri; waxaa qorshaysan in ay mar dhow isku xirto Xamar hargysa ilaa raasi casayr (Networka). Maamulaha shirkadaasi Axmed Food cade oo ka hadlaayay warsaxaafadeed ay ku qabteen huteel Huruuse Boosaso ayaa sheegay in aaney lugu ku lahayn waxyaalihii lagu edeeyey, waxuu saxafada goobtaasi ugu sheegay in shirkadan Golis ay leeyihiin Ganacsato reer Puntland ah shirkadii Albarkaatna ay kala baxeen garyaqaana loo qabtay sidii lokala saari lahaa. Waxuu kaloo sheegay in sheerka(share) shirkada ku soo biiristu ay u furantahay shaqsi kasta oo reer putland ah isagoo sheegay inta sheerka lagu noqon karo. Shirkadu waxaaney weli isku dayin in ay u kacdo dhanka degmooyinka gobolka Bari marka laga reebo Qardho waayo Qandala iyo Caluula oo ay ku noolyihiin shacab aad u tiro badan ayaan weli la gaarsiin adeega shirkada. Mar sii horaysay Mar aan wax ka waydiiyey mamaulaha shirkada sanadkii 2000 kun inay gayndoonaan taleefonada degmooyinkaa ayuu yiri Sanadka soo socda Qorshaha ayeey noogu jiraan balse weli fari kama qodno. Shirkadaani waxaan xasuustaa markii ay wadanka timid in ay isticmaali jireen taleefoonadeeda dadka danyartaa oo u raacay gelintii bilaashka ahayd xiligaasi lakiin waxay akhirkii isu bedeshay siyaasad ganacsi oo ay shirkadu dheeraatay shirkadihii tar ranka kula jiray sidoo kale waxaan xasuutaa magaalada Boosaso oo daqiiqdii talefoonka ahayd lagu dirsan jiray 17 doolar halka ay maanta daqiiqadii tahay 70cen$ doolar oo u dhiganta 18 kun oo shilin soomali ah. Qiimaha interneetka saacadii ayaa markii hore shirkadu ku bilowday 4$ doolar halka uu maanta maraayo 2$ doolar oo weliba iminika ay socto shirkad kale oo wada hawsha interneetka oo laga yaabo inay kan sii jebiso qiimaha si ay u gasho tartanka gancsi oo hadda sii kululaaday. Dhanka korantada waxaa bishii xaafadaha iyo meherdaha sida joogtada u siticmaal ay ka qadaa shirkadu $0.40 oo dhiginta shilin soomaali 7000kun oo keliya magaalada Baran ayaa sidoo kale shirkadu ay ka hirgelisay mashruuc koranto ah layr ah oo shaqeeya 24 saac oo dhan xaafadaha oo dhana la geliyey lagana qadaa qiimo isticmaalkoodu yar yahay iyadoo shirkadu ay siisay qof walba saacad soo saaraysa isticmaalkiisa, Sidoo kale magaalooyinka ay ku jirto oo dhan ayaa si joogtaa looga helaa dab joogto ah oo ay shirkadu siinayso qofkii raba inuu helo koronto joogta ah. Shirkadaani ma laha gaadiid ay ku rawaxaan shaqaalaha u shaqeeya halka shirkadaha kale ay leeyihiin gawaari qaasa sidoo kale maamulkeedu ma wataan gawaari, waa rag lugta jecel wallow ay dadka qaar ku tiriyaan dad dabada ku haya diinta oo lacagta jecel sidoo kale shaqaalaheedu ma laha dirays looga garto dadka caadiga ah. marka aad dhex joogto xafiisyadooda saacadaha tukashada oo kale waa xirantahay halka shirkadaha kale ay joogan shaqaale aan saacadna xirin oo midkasta markuu soo tukado kan kale salaada aado lakiin Golis waa shirakad iyadu wadata habraaceeda shaqo waxaana dadka dhaliila ay ku xantaan in raga badankiisa ka shaqeeyaa ama dhamaantood ay yihiin asxaab diimeed rag isku bahaystay lakiin ma aha wax cad oo dadka shacabku qabaan, aniga qormadaan qorayaana aanan ku arag wax cadeeynaya eedaymahaas. Dhanka dawlada waxaa xiliyadii hore laga dareemi jiray qaar ka mid ah masuuliyinta dawlada in ay kuunyaan horumarka baahsan ee shirkada balse iminka waxaa muuqda daah fur iyo xiriir wada shaqayn oo ka dhex socda laamaha dawlada iyo shirkada waxaana jira in shirkadu ay u samayso dawlada khidmad iyo tanaasulaad badan oo dhanka isgaarsiinta ah tasoo ah waxqabad wayn dhanka socodsiinta hawlaha shaqada Dawlada. Waxaa intaasi dheer shirkadu waxay samaysay nambaro kala gaar ah oo ay qaar leeyihiin shacabka qaarna dawlada qaarna shaqaalaheeda si lagu kala garto oo aan la usugu khaldin, waxaa intaasi dheer shirkadu meelaha lagu hayo ama u shaqeeya danaha shacabka sida saldhigyada boliiska, Cusbataalada iyo Iskoolada waxay siisaa igaarsiin bilaash ah oo deeq ah. Weriye c/risaaq Sheekhaduun
  16. May I? I seem to have found myself in the ladies corner. I see no trouble with racial intermarriages even though as one gets older, one finds oneself reverting back to one’s roots. When one is an impressionable young and adventurous growing up in a multicultural society, it is very likely one would interact and befriend people of others races in order to fit the mainstream culture. Girls like boys make friends with other girls, and their friends’ friends or relatives also become a part of the friendship, which therefore widens the scope, thereby increasing the possibilities of being wooed or fall for one of other race(s). For instance, my first experience with Scott’s ladies was with Ms Bernard’s daughter, Sharon who was not only the sister of my best friend (Jeff – with his approval of course), but also a classmate. Here is the dilemma though - what do you reckon would have been the case had I had a sister and Jeff saw her in his radar? No doubt I would have had my objections, but then you see the predicament? Indeed, it did so happen that he fell for a gorgeous Somali lady, who, to my relief could not see herself with a goora (white man in Urdu - her words). I suppose we are more protective of our ladies than we are given credit for though trend of late seems to have taken a different course. The same I suppose could apply to others. However, I have a question for the ladies? Why is it that, [forgive me as I am going to generalise it here], when the Somali ladies cross the floor, as it were, attract or settle for men of other races who are [the operative word] below their standard? Let me explain? I have seen sisters with Arab, Asian (Indians&Pakistans), black, or white men, and one thing I have observed is that sisters DO tend to lower their standards, thus values when it comes to fellows of other races. Why the change of the criteria? Could I be mistaken, or is there a trend here? Whatever one’s views might o might not be intermarriage relationships are a fact of life for many Somalis, thus part of our culture. And whilst perhaps the proportions at which the change is taking place could be rather alarming to some, it has always been part of our culture. The only difference being ladies are now joining what had traditionally been a men’s only exclusive club. Rather awkward and troubling for us as we do not quite know to handle it, but an inherently cultural transforming and/or social change of sort. Additionally if a Somali man/women finds the pleasures of life in someone other than Somali, I reckon one ought to first be acquainted with the Somali (muslim) culture, as that would enrich the relationship adding not only cultural and societal value, but also a personal one. Cheers.
  17. Sure, Barwaaqo - Not were as in the past, rather still am. Simply travelling for work at the moment, but still watch Newsnight, listen to RadioFiveLive and LBC and read the Guardian.
  18. London, eh?. I must admit the city has its share of sights and scenes, but most of all one would miss more than anything else the rich social lifestyle, the civic culture, the nightlife and the institutions of the city. I’ll give you the nightlife scenes I used favour in my days - There is no match for a weekend spent in the West End relative to any taken up in the cities of the US perhaps with the exception of the Big Apple or San Fran. Both cities are decent but no match for the weltering and captivating revellers in local haunts in London. Whether one is interested in the R&B regulars (incl. the good old (rather stingy) Old Nations in Hackney, a few I could not remember their names in Brixton and Streatham (wonder if these are still around) and the best of all the Spider Web (members only);dance club scene (vague, coliseum, hippodrome, premier – more of tourist scene); or late night jazz clubs (Black Horn, St Giles, Lion Head or even what used to be my favourite haunt the Jazz Corner in Walthamstow and many more); or even continental and Latin houses (bar Madrid, French club in Soho etc). There is a real nice spot in Watford city centre, a bit of drive I know, but real nice (lads would love this spot) – could not recall the name. Hastings, Bristol and Brighton sport real nice places but touristy in the summer and dead quite in the winter. If one wishes to head up north on M1 places like Sheffield, Leads, Hull, Dunstable, Anglia, Edinburgh (some real nice spots if you could master the local linguo and avoid crazed, drunken Scots wielding pocket knives if you ever chat up their lasses), you should have a good time. I am afraid could not say the same about any of the cities I have been to in the US – nothing impressive – other than massive motorways, ludicrously large motors and skyscrapers only in downtown areas. Love Atlanta though – gorgeous city as I would put it on the same scale as Glasgow! Perhaps out friends from the US could enlighten us as to why someone would want to visit the country? DC has some nice places to go to – George Mason town, Potomac River and the Pentagon – have you ever visited the white house before 9/11 when it was open to the public? The place is highly overrated as it is just a poorly decorated old house. Speaking of culture and institutions could take days – but we will not go into that today. Enjoy your get together, Best of luck!
  19. NO worries. Did you patch up your PC for the DCOM RPC port 135 vulnerability which precipitated the w32.blaster worm(s) - latest version SoBig.f circulated through email? You do not need to purchase drivers. If you do not have the original software, which I suspect you do not, then simply go one of the following site, or better yet to the site of the manufacturer i.e. S3 Nvidia ATI Technologies Trident 3DFX Diamond Multimedia Matrox Cirrus Logic Creative Labs. For antivirus software, you could buy Norton or McAfee (homeEdition) for no more than 29.99 usd. Be sure to download the latest virus definitions on a weekly if not twice a week basis. While you are at it, you might also want to invest in firewall software i.e. Black ICE (preferred) or Zone Alarm both of which work on all platforms. n/b: Better yet, you could take one step further, and join us in the world of free viruses and worms – Unix/Linux world. If you do not have any of these, let me know perhaps I could point you to a ftp server downloadable provided you have got a fast Internet connection. Best of luck!
  20. NO worries. Did you patch up your PC for the DCOM RPC port 135 vulnerability which precipitated the w32.blaster worm(s) - latest version SoBig.f circulated through email? You do not need to purchase drivers. If you do not have the original software, which I suspect you do not, then simply go one of the following site, or better yet to the site of the manufacturer i.e. S3 Nvidia ATI Technologies Trident 3DFX Diamond Multimedia Matrox Cirrus Logic Creative Labs. For antivirus software, you could buy Norton or McAfee (homeEdition) for no more than 29.99 usd. Be sure to download the latest virus definitions on a weekly if not twice a week basis. While you are at it, you might also want to invest in firewall software i.e. Black ICE (preferred) or Zone Alarm both of which work on all platforms. n/b: Better yet, you could take one step further, and join us in the world of free viruses and worms – Unix/Linux world. If you do not have any of these, let me know perhaps I could point you to a ftp server downloadable provided you have got a fast Internet connection. Best of luck!
  21. This sounds like a case of loading the OS kernel with the incorrect videoCard drivers. What OS platform are you operating? See if you could give as much info as possible for meaningful responses. Windows Legacy OS are known for such behaviour. You might what to check the advanced setting of the displayProperties, check you have installed the right drivers specific to the OS for the videoCard by looking at the adapterType, and in the monitorType make sure the monitor settings are set to either 70mhz or 75mhz which determines the refershFrequenc. If none of that works, drop as a line. Best of luck!
  22. This sounds like a case of loading the OS kernel with the incorrect videoCard drivers. What OS platform are you operating? See if you could give as much info as possible for meaningful responses. Windows Legacy OS are known for such behaviour. You might what to check the advanced setting of the displayProperties, check you have installed the right drivers specific to the OS for the videoCard by looking at the adapterType, and in the monitorType make sure the monitor settings are set to either 70mhz or 75mhz which determines the refershFrequenc. If none of that works, drop as a line. Best of luck!