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Everything posted by Mahiigaan

  1. why did he saught assylum in Mogadishu and not Garowe?. Naftu orod bay kugu aammintaa!.
  2. Markab aadan lahayn wax lagu faano maaha. Waxay ahayd inaan innagu samaysanno maanta, sida Korea, Singapore, Indonesia etc. Waan saaqdnay nimanyahow ee ceebta haynoo soo sawirinina.
  3. Energy Intelligence has gathered some of Somali commentators in oil exploration and drilling by Western companies. The commentators seem leaning to the Eastern blocks like China and even Iran. Their views are probably shaped by the corruption and environmental pollutions caused by those big corporations.
  4. Thanks Ditore. I didn't understand what the guy is talking about.
  5. YoniZ, Geel la kala dhaco waa jirijirtey 100 yrs ago, lkn we are in 2014. Waa inaan dadka ka waanino wixii khaldan, si aanu qofku u moodin inay tahay wax caadi ah. Somalia ma ka caadibaa in qofku guri aanu lahayn iska dego ama xoolo aanu lahayn iska dhaco?. If this is the case, then we are in big trouble.
  6. ditore, For me Mogadishu is a no go zone for sure. I don't want to be a looma ooyaan khaldaan. If i go for summer holiday, i can go anywhere in Somaliland without looking at my back. Ditoore, why theses people left their land and raiding those sedentary farmers. Maybe Galgaduud is barren, but even if that is the case so is Somaliland and Puntland, right?. But non of those entities - Somaliland and Puntland - loot other properties and land of their Somali brethren. Is it a matter of culture and what makes HG to differer culturally from other Somalis?. Did Islam come of late to their territories?. Excuse me for bombarding you with these questions. I really need to know more about the brothers.
  7. ^^ Osmanow, I am not familiar with Koofur and my knowledge of it is vague. My knowlegdge of it is based on what I read from the Internet and what I hear from people who have been there recently. To me, it is a very spooky place to be.
  8. How can someone occupy other farms/houses without the consent of the owner?. I thought Somalis are 100% Muslims. What an irony!, This is the law of the jungke, where Tarzan is the King of the forest ( not the Mayor ).
  9. Always on each others throat. They may soon head to Addisababa.
  10. YoniZ, I agree with you and that is how I understood it. Somalia has been a no go zone for China due to the Americans. The Pirate phenomena was a pretext for the Us and Europeans to guard the most bussiest shipping commercial lane and its strategic location which connects the other strategic red sea and the Indian ocean. The other reason could probably be the trmemendous estimated quantity of oil off the coast of Somalia. The question is whether Somalis could seize this opportunity. I could be pessimistic but history tells us that we have missed many opportunities before. Nomads can't grasp the sophisticated Western politics. Prof. Samatar always emphasized that Somalia needs people who understand and know how to communicate with the West. How right he is!!.
  11. Waxaan la yaabaa labada Oday ee Xaad iyo Axmed Diiriye. Maxaa loo yidhaahdaa Xamar dawlad baa ka jirta?. Dekedaha miyaanu Wasiir ku shaqalahayn?. Dadkan Xamar deggan waa inay aammusiyaan lbadan Oday. Waxay meeshu la degi la'dahay habkii dawladnimada maba garanayaan!. Xasan Shiikh buu wakiil ka yahay oo soo dira horta?. Xamar kuwan bay Somaliland u soo direen, cajiib.
  12. 'qaraxyo' occurs always in Mogadishu and no body talks 'bout them. Qorax xoogan baa ka dhacay Hargeisa.. When did shaani become huge blast.darn, I didn't get it why Somalis luv mayhem!. Waar Hargeisa and all Somaliland waa nabad ee belaayo ha noo saadinina. We care about maintaining our peace and it will be sustainable insha Allah.
  13. This mshruuc will be fruitless and complete failure as those 15 or so reconciliation conferences before this one. The participants will be warlords and self appointed (read fake) clan leaders like Xaad & Diriye who represent no body!. Yaa yidhi Somalidu waa miyir qabaan horta?. Repeation of the same thing again and again....
  14. Who is risking his life in this never ending mashruuc?. Mogadishu is not save in hosting a bunch of skinnies.
  15. ^^ Cosign 100%. Africans are very poor in basing their political actions on laws and regulations. The power is always in the hands of the authority, there is no way you can argue with them logically. "Waa anaa idhi iyo budh ku saaran" if you utter a word.
  16. Aren't Culusow and his cohorts Dam Jadid Al shabab?. I don't see any difference between them except one of them is an undercover agent.
  17. How on earth can a terrorist be allowed to have a tv and a phone?. I don't get it wallaahi. And how can he have the freedom of meeting journalists. Haddaan hadallana waa noo af sallax ku dheg, haddaan aammusnana.....
  18. I wonder if the rest of Somalia ( without Somaliland) can live together. Ask anybody from Kil5 or NFD if they would join Somalia if they cecede from Ethiopia & Kenya respectively. Their answer would definitely be a big NO!. Can anybody tell me why they better stay away from Somalia?.
  19. Gurguurte sent a message from South Africa saying there will be something all Somalis will rejoice of. Is that what he meant?. Mooge, It ain't gonna make a freaking change whether Qoslaaye stays or leaves. The next President will not be selected on merit but by clan. This is the fact on the ground.
  20. They should change the lighting, those fixtures are obsolete.
  21. Mooge, Can you show us your airport in your neck of the wood. I hope my post will not be deleted as usual.
  22. koonfurta nin raacsanaa iyo nin kaleba waxba kama soo naasa cadda.waxaa isku haysta dhawr group oo hal ujeeddo leh iyo hal group oo shisheeye u shaqeeya. Waxaa laga yaabaa in talada dalka lagu wareejiyo UN-ka 2016. Reer Europe iyo Maraykanku farahay kala bixi lahaayeen Somalia lkn Alshabaab bay ka baqayaan inay ku fiddo Geeska Afrika. Waa la ogyahay inaan Somalidu waxba isxukumi karin, shaqada keliya ay barteenna tahay qarax, dil iyo boobka hantida qaranka. Anigu ma rumaysni in UN-ku hadduu talada la wareego wax soo kordhinayaan, sababtoo ah haddaanu qofku rabin nidaam laguma khasbi karo. Sidee baa loola dhaqmayaa Somaliland iyo Puntland hadday arrintaasu dhacdo?. Waxaan u daynayaa taa forum members-ka.
  23. Is he Saudi or Emirati?. This is news to me, Somali's 34th King inaugrated!. Is Puntland learning something from the South, I mean grand bliliqo of the century?.
  24. In Somalia, the survival of the fittest is realized if you have a strong clan, if not, you will perish. Those who don't make it are called 'looma-ooyaan' in new Somali lingo. Those who are convicted in the kangaroo courts of Somalia are those 'looma-ooyaan', the rest are always innocent. Welcome to Boga Boga jungles.
  25. Correction .. Has done his share of the damage. ... And no hope at end of the tunnel.