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Everything posted by Indhoos

  1. ^^^*Gasp* *Re-reads first post* and *Blush*
  2. Marrying A Minnesota Girl Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties. The first man had married a woman from Alabama and bragged he had told his wife she was going to do all the dishes and house cleaning. He said it took a couple days but on the third day he came home to a clean house and the dishes were done. The second man had married a woman from Florida. He bragged he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. On the first day he didn't see any results, but the next day it was better. By the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done and he had a huge dinner on the table. The third man married a girl from Minnesota. He told her that her duties were to keep the house clean, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything. But by the third day most of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye; enough to fix himself a bite to eat, load the dishwasher and telephone a landscaper.
  3. Indhoos

    Satan's Agenda.

    Maasha allah, Jizaakallah for sharing this. Ilaahay qayr ha kuugu bedelo.
  4. Many a time it is the system than anything else and with the way thigs are progressing these days, I would not be surprised if the refferals increased trifold. I mean they are increasing class sizes, cutting teachers, and reducing available resources. When a teacher has a full class and a child is acting up, they question it. "What is wrong with this child." Would you be surprised if this was followed by the teacher's attempt to Id what is wrong with the child, a diagnosis, and then "Whew, finally a some peace!" Let us just see how this unfolds, especially with what is happening these days.
  5. Oh, Abu-J Thank you for your input as well.
  6. Blessed, Thank you for your wonderful reply, you have provided a very valuable information. What are the higher edcuation institutions like? What do they look for in an instructor? What is the best way to get info form them? Would love to contact you about this, let me know if it is alright. Thank you
  7. ^^^You do have a valid point, but when you are armed with knowledge of the situation at hand, they are less likely to rush you or get you to sign things that you did not understand... Autism is different from ADHD. Most of our children are misdiagnosed for ADHD. I believe, if the parents knew to find ways to channel a child's high energy to other areas; sports, etc, and informed the educators of such, may be the schools would not rush to put kids up for evaluations. Laakiin, caruurteena inta guriga lagu soo xiro markuu iskuulka ka yimaado, oo tv hor fadhiya maantoo dhan, laguna oranayo, "waryaada iga amusa, oo car guriga ku ciyaara!" Energygii xaguu geenayaa? Where is the child gonna go to try out all the cool moves and actions he saw on the tv, but the school and with the classmates. The teacher on the other hand, will do whatever it takes to have a managable class, even if that means nominating most of the kids for testing, so that they can be on medication and behaves as Zombies. Sadly, this is wide spread and it is effecting other races. How can these be fixed? Again, I believe, we can start by educating the community about what is out there and what their options are. The parents who do not speak the language or who have limited knowlegde of the system should be protected and taken care of by those who are translating for them or those who are working at the center as well as the community centers. Later
  8. Wow, very good list. Very useful, good looking out? Does it work though?
  9. Wow sue, you have raised a very interesting topic. I believe many of the mistrust is due to, like you said, clinging to outdated ideologies. There are also, miscommunication, misunderstanding, misrepresentaion, and mistrust. As well as the idea that each and every civil servant has a hidden agenda when it comes to our people. One of the things that I saw was that the somalis have one of the most powerful communication devices, word-of-mouth, and for some unknown reasons, if it is bad, it has tendency to spread faster. Combine that with few negative experiences and voilla... How can we improve this? By educating the people about the sesrvices that are provided to them and those who provide the services. For those who are educated, point out all the ways that they can find information on the issue that they are dealing with on their own, and this does not include asking around in the community, but may include reading the literature that is out there. More importantly, to educate those who provide servies about the culture, religion, and the people in a positive way. I guess I am rambling. Later.
  10. There are ton of advice out there of what to eat and what not to eat, what to do and what not to do. It all comes down to discipline, control, and dedication. What do you think some of the culprits are? What are some of your guilty pleasures as far as food goes? Somethings that work for me include... I sit on an stability ball at my desk to work and at home to watch tv, use the computer, etc. I try to satifsy my sweet tooth with dates instead of candy and I try to crunch on raw vegies like carrots and celery instead of potato chips. Good luck on your endeavor.
  11. ^^^At the direction that Cara is going with this, LOZ, I am saying forget I asked; let alone telling the reason. Now let me see, R-i-b-o-f-l-a...OH FORGET IT.
  12. Thanks for sharing this, it is a very good topic. Going to the bar to find a companion may not apply to Somalis yet, but Think of Bars as the parties of today, in our society and what happens there.... Thanks again sis.
  13. ^^^^Wow, now I know NG uses cow as an endearment and not derogatory way...What a relieve.Welcome to the world of princesses and appearances. What are some fave names for SOLers, especially for girls? *sigh* Don't ask why I am asking.
  14. KK, Maashaa allah, congrats baayo, qayr allaha kaaga dhigo.
  15. Originally posted by Sir-Qalbi-Adeyg: Indhoos We are muslim people, of course a man should be concerned with the purity of his future wife and mother of his kids. Pure women give birth and raise pure kids as the adage goes. ^^^Again double standard, the way people go about things, one would think that the diin and ceeb apply to women differently, but you already said it is part of life. LOL@Nephisa, Maxaa lugta ka helay baa tiri, spellingkaa iga yara hoos baxay meeshaas.
  16. Originally posted by Sir-Qalbi-Adeyg: *shakes head* Ms DD waa lugugu qasaaray, xishood baro eedo. You want to inspect men? ceeb, waxaas somali dhaqan ma'aha. Inspecting a woman makes sense, you have to make sure she's virgin, and has no disability of any kind. At the end of the day, remember it's a mans world. Double Standard? Don't even start the topic about men's concern w/ purity of females.... :mad: :mad: Castro, yaa kuu sheegaayo hee
  17. Definitely wait till things are serious.
  18. Thank you Adnaan, this looks like a wonderful place to start.
  19. KK, Thanks for wonderful tips...Good luck to all in finding jobs.
  20. Maashaa allah, Awguuriyo JB.
  21. While you are on this topic of jobs, What is the market like for female educators, in UAE? I am very interested in this... Thanks
  22. Originally posted by Nur: Indhoos We appear too quick to force others to experience our faith, which is also normal under the circumstances. But like Shabeel said, faith is a calling, it is dormant within us, it can be triggered from outside when favorable conditions exist, when a person is ready to adopt a faith, all roads will lead to satisfy that faith. But, like a plant, it takes time, or it may never see the light, either way, we need to engage our non Muslim guests in this forum without proselytizing to respect their choice of faith and lifestyle. Nur Oh I had no intention of forcing someone into our faith or any other faith in that matter... May be my comment came out that way. Sherban, apologies if that is what you read as well.
  23. ^^^Nur walaahi you are right on, because there is the hadith of our prophet PBUH, Ad diinu Nasiixah.... Sherban I applaude you once again for your open-mind, and honest answeres... Here is a proposal, since you have read the religion and know about it, w/out converting why don't you try practicing it. Example, give going to the mosque a try, give giving up certain things a try and see how it pans out.(Totally up to you.) Ashkiro, you are absolutely right, it is their loss as well as their personal choice. I believe that they have made conscious, cabable choice as to where they want to go...