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Everything posted by Indhoos

  1. Originally posted by GlassEyeGirl: And also in general, wouldn't it be difficult to marry someone who's been divorced 3 or 4 times and not think wuxuu loosoo furay buu qabaa, marka alahey ka alle. I think more than 3 times is bit much whatever the reason might be. True, True.Yet I heard of a story of women who had the habbit of once walac knocks on the door, they want the husband out the window ASAP, given that he leaves the Warqad behind. I wonder what the stories behind these 7&5 Timers are?
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: One Hundred Years of Solitude;One of the all time great stories, highly recomended A quick review please?
  3. Ashkiro Castro haku maqlo bakoorad buu kaa soo daba qaadan doonaa for talking about those who left b/c they found the faith restrictive..... Don't you want to know what was the motivation for them? Sherban, instead of saying I am going to worship what my family worshipped, read and learn about both faiths, compare them, then make a decision for yourself. Much respect to ya for stayiing open-minded. PS. Castro please warn me before throwing the bakoor after me, atheer, I had that happen once and ended up with a broken wrist.
  4. Wow BOB that is a beauty. Shoes and cars and Migs... Oh Aaliyah where do I began...I am crazy about both. Heels, I walk by the store it is like they are calling my name, beckoning to me...It is about speed, power, danger, defiance. It must be due to my obsession with speed.
  5. ^^^What on earth? *slaps CL on the face with the canjeero then remembers* Darn it that was the last canjeero!!! *Goes on to the cambuulo line to fight for a scoop*
  6. Alaa Ilaahay Qaadirsanaa... I think we are all failing to see that the lady has mentioned the existence of a condition. What is the condition? We have no idea and glad that she did not elaborate on it b/c now I am starting to shudder at thought of what would have happened has she exposed herself further. Many of us are analyzing the situation at hand while using their personal status as a guide...May be you are not ready to settle down, may be you would not have consorted to this particular venue for support and dua, and may be you feel marriage is over rated and there is no need for one to stress over it, but what do you know of someone else's situation.... You are telling her to go to the Masjid, to ask her elders for aid, but what if none of those are available to her? If you cannot give your dua unconditionally due to curiosity, simply ask questions and explore without judging...and get past this mentality of "well I am not in this situation and none of my friends are; therefore I cannot imagine anyone who could be." And start imagining that people are going through things that we have never heard of before these days.. Wabilahi Towfiiq PS Naden, in order for one to get your dua, the tumor has to be gigantic, malignant, and on the face? LOL...
  7. ^^^^No golden five...Why I oughta... Kool Kat, you need to find out the number of your 26 votes that were casted from Florida...then insist on a re-count....I bet fifty percent is from there and the remainder from Minnesota.
  8. Subhanallah.. I see many of the sisters in SOL are so into tough love, (i.e, Slap, slap, a quick shake, snap-out-of-it) I don't see anything wrong with the sister who came into a forum full of Muslims (hopefully)and asked inay usoo duceeyaan b/c of some difficulties in her life... Imisaa inagu jirta ayaa laga yaabaa inay ehlu khayr yihiin oo ducadooda loo ajiibo abaayadaan... All it takes is, simply, abaayo muraadkaaga allaha kuu sahlo, xitaa hadaadan soo xusuusan inaad markaad tukato intii islaama u ducayso, wakhtigaas aa qorayso ereyada on SOL u niyeeso.... Wabilaahi Towfiiq
  9. CL, hopefully that reply up there is your attempt at tough love and you don't really mean that... There are those who fear spinsterhood and would rather not meet it and may be Amna happens to be one who would rather not hit that point. I don't remember seeing any comment where she was blaming allah... Amna darling, my first advice would be for you to think of your condition not as a "condition" but think of it as a part of the unique, amazing, blessed package that you are able to offer any lucky fella oo ilaahay calaf ugu daro. Focus on the wonderful assets that you have, namely, your diin, imaan, sabr, and haya...Hana walwalin maxaa yeelay, ilaahay ayaa kula jiri doona insha allah... You are now in my prayer and have been since I first read your post...
  10. Hello all... Ibti what is the name of the book that sounds like it is boring you to tears? Riyole...No more jardinadi donna mentality.. check out the chests on the first post of this thread....and work for one of them.
  11. War ileen tanaayo kale....@Faarax Br
  12. You will be in my prayers. Mind elaborating on this a bit more, may be we can try to analyze the root cause of the issue... completely up to you.
  13. Very interesting topic indeed.. Val here has a very good point. You can be covered in rags and come out looking very attractive/sexy/hot etc etc. or you can be wearing the richest and fanciest of silks and appear dull/unattractive/ etc. It all boils down to self confiendence, pride, and how you carry yourself. You can be wearing the biggest of jalbaabs, be covered from head to toe and still have the ability to have your presence felt in every room and by everyone, while adhering to quran and hadith...No need for vulgarity, baring of flesh or diminishing your deen and dignity. Bottom line, have self confidence, don't feel opressed b/c you are wearing the Hijab, feel entitled, empowered, own up to it and carry yourself like a princess, enjoy that element of mystery that you possess thanks to the hijab...belief me you will be treated like a princess by all...
  14. Oh Puhlease Marx, aren't you the one who was saying it about QUALITY and not QUANTITY... *grins smugly*
  15. I am a Nomad!!! Whooooo hoooo yeay... Oh wait, you guys are celebrating SENIOR Nomadhood.. Who cares, I am a NOMAAAAD....
  16. C&H, do post a quick review once you finish reading the Twilight, I was thinking about picking it up, but did not get to it yet... As for the Q, I will answer it some other time...I have to study for a final. A FINAL!!!!! God! I thought I left such nonsense in undergrat, but what do you know...*Tries hard to supress dark thoughts to the subconcsious*
  17. ^^^I am interested in more information about this. Which schools in MN?
  18. ^^^^ LOL@one busy shankaroon...Waa iga qoslisay walaahi KK/
  19. ^^^Tree hugging eh??? Reminds me of a story. We were monitoring the students at recess, when suddenly a little fourth grader came over crying, because someone told him he was impregnating the tree that he was innocently leaning against with his arms around it to watch the other children play football... One of the other teachers moves away from the tree and exclaimed, "Really, well I have no intention of becoming pregnant by a tree I have just sent the youngest to college, thank you very much." So LOZ, careful please... Cara it is appreciated... Don't apologize for it makes you Cara wonky sense of humor, multiple personalities, and all.....
  20. ^^^^Holy. Prison scenes eh??? As for the "eye-rape." What if it was a female that was ogling you ladies? whether ajanabi or not. Ibti, I wear them as stiff and hard as the weather and profession will allow, but getting out of the car at a shopping mall, or walking into a building or walking down the street, it is how men will shamelessly reposition their bodies to get a better view. Funniest scenario, I was at the Somali mall standing in front of a shop waiting for the owner, a guy started staring when he rounded the corner and kept staring till he missed the door he was entering and hit his forehead on the door jam. To my awe he grinned about it!!!! I thought things like that happened just on the screen...
  21. LOL Ibti, rub it in my face.... Okey, Okey, E-mail me a dozen will you... C&H, maashaa allah, ilaahay hakuu siyaadiyo walaalo. and all of us. Have fun ladies.